Shade of Grey
Copyright© 2005 by Oldbie
Appendix 3
Length and Distance Measurements
The basic unit of length is the thumb, measured from the 1st knuckle to the tip of the thumb or about 1-1/2 inches.
There are 10 thumbs to a Arm (ARM) = 15 inches
10 Arms to a Rod (ROD) = 12 1/2 feet
10 Rods to a Chain (CHN) = 125 feet
10 Chains to a stroll (STL) = 1250 foot
10 strolls to a walk (WLK) = 2.37 miles
10 walks to a march (MRH) = about 24 miles
The Pace is also commonly used, being 2 ARMs or 30 inches.
The Rod is also commonly divided into thirds called standards (STDs) of about 50 inches each.
Liquid Measurements
The standard measure of liquid is a Cup, which is roughly equal to an imperial cup
8 Spoons to a Cup (CUP) = 1 Cup
2 cups to a flagon (FGN) = 1 Pint
2 flagons to a Quarter (QTR) = 1 Quart
4 Quarters to a Pot (POT) = 1 Gallon
10 Pots to a Keg (KEG) = 10 Gallons
10 Kegs to a Barrel (BRL) = 100 Gallons
The Cup is commonly divided into 8 Spoons
Weight Measurements
The standard unit of weight is the stone, which is what a Pot of water weighs
16 coins to a Ren (REN) = 1 Pound
16 Ren to a Stone (STN) = 16 Pounds
2 Stone to a Hog (HOG) = 32 Pounds
4 Hogs to a Centuryweight (CWT) = 128 Pounds
20 Hundredweight to a Tun (TUN) = 2560 Pounds
1 coin is about 1 imperial ounce.