Hard Choices - Cover

Hard Choices

by Jessy19

Copyright© 2005 by Jessy19

Erotica Sex Story: Sometimes life is full of hard choices. Codes don't really go into description just to let you know.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Rape   True Story   First   Pregnancy   Caution   .

Rose Gallagher gathered the bibles and stacked them neatly on a bookstand. She had finished another long day at the church helping her Uncle, Daniel, who was a priest. Rose had just turned 15 at the time and had volunteered to help her uncle at the church. It was past eight at night and the sky was dark. The night was chilly forcing Rose to put on a soft cotton pink sweater.

"Uncle Dan, I already finished picking up the bibles and song books," Rose said poking her head in her uncle's office.

Dan looked up at his niece and smiled. "Thank you Rosie. I'm almost done here."

Rosie walked into his office. "You don't have to hurry because of me. Look, it's still early outside. I can walk home."

"It might not be safe. Are you sure you will not wait for me?"

Rose nodded. "I'll be fine. I've walked home before."

Dan took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "Gosh I'm so tired. Ok then, go ahead and walk home. I'll call and let your mother know you'll be home soon."

Rose's smile widened. "Thank you!"

She grabbed her purse and headed out.

Once out on the streets, Rose picked up her pace and passed a few homeless men sitting near the Salvation Army. The streets were dark, so Rose pulled out a tiny flashlight that was given to her by her uncle which she carried on her key chain.

The cold air was making her shiver. She wished she could have worn pants to church instead of her yellow flower dress. She kept walking. She finally came to an opened field, which was usually a short cut to her home.

Rose pointed the flashlight down to the grown making sure to walk safely in the high grass. As she walked she heard footsteps behind her. Rose's hear pounded but she continued to walk faster. The faster she walked, it seemed the footsteps got louder. She feared to even turn and see who was behind her. It was all too frightening. Feeling shivers going down her entire body, Rose began to run and that's when she felt a strong hand grab her skinny arm.

"Hey! Wait! Where you going little girl?" She heard a deep voice ask her.

Rose kept her head down not wanting to look at the stranger.

"Are you deaf or what?" The stranger went on.

Rose finally lifted her face and looked up at the dark shadow. He was a big man, large in size and with facial hair.

"L-Leave me alone," Rose whispered in a frightened voice.

The man laughed loudly. "Hey guys! Look what I found. A sweet princess here."

Rose's eyes widened when she saw three other men approach her. They were all very strong men in their 30's at least.

"Mmm what a sweet piece of ass you found! I want her first," One of the men called out.

Rose heard those dreadful words and struggled to get free from the man's release. The man laughed again and held her closer to him. "Where do you think you're going little girl?"

"Let me go, p-please!" Rose's voice was shaky. Tears streamed down her pretty young face.

"Oh we'll let you go little girl, but not after we have a little fun," One of the men said.

Rose sobbed and gasped as the large man threw her on the ground. Her purse fell off her shoulder and her dress flew up. She cried to crawl to escape, but one of the men grabbed her leg and flipped her on her back. Rose stared up at the evil men and trembled. The first man got down on the ground with her and soon enough Rose's nightmare began.

"Elaine? It's me Daniel."

Elaine raised her body up. She had fallen asleep again on the couch. "Oh yes, Daniel."

"Listen, Rosie wanted to walk home, so she should be home soon."

Elaine put on her glasses and looked at the clock. "Daniel it's already 8:43, what time did she leave?"

"About 8:15 or so. Hmm I think she probably stopped by a friends house."

"I hope so. I don't like it when she gets home late."

"Don't worry I'm heading home, so if I find her talking to one of her friends outside, I'll let her know to hurry along."

"Thank you. Dinner is ready for both you so hurry on home."

"I shall."

Father Daniel walked down the quiet and lonely streets. Since he had a car accident when he was younger, he feared driving so he always preferred to walk. He knew Rose took the short cut through the fields, which also lead her to her best friend Sara's house. As Daniel walked he heard crying in the fields. He slowed down trying to follow the sounds. As he walked his heart pounded. It sounded like Rose. His eyes widened and he dropped his briefcase as he saw his niece lying on the ground bleeding and naked.

"Rosie! Oh Rosie are you ok?" Father Daniel asked kneeling down to look at his niece.

Rosie sobbed and her entire body quivered. She wasn't able to respond. Her heart was racing with fear, anger and hurt. Daniel threw his coat over her naked body and carried her. He took her home.

"Rosie? Oh my god!" Elaine cried out when she saw her brother carrying Rose in his arms.

"Danny! W-what... is... is she ok?" Elaine cried.

Daniel laid Rose down on the couch and cried. "I don't know. She will not respond."

"I'm calling the police. It looks like she's been beaten and raped."

Elaine rushed to call the police. Her knees felt weak and her heart was broken.

A few minutes later, the police arrived asking Rose several questions. Rose could not speak. Her eyes were still and she was trembling. After the quick investigation, the police left and Rose lay still staring up at the ceiling. She could still feel the men raping her, beating her. She closed her eyes hoping it was all a bad dream but she opened her eyes and realized it was real.

"What did the doctor say?" Daniel asked Elaine that night. They had taken Rose to the emergency room.

Elaine sobbed. She fell into her brother's arms for comfort. "Oh Danny, my baby has been hurt so much. They found vaginal and anal tearing. She's going to have a hard time using the bathroom for a long time. I feel so awful Danny, I'm not a good mother!"

Daniel rubbed his sister's back. "No, it was my fault. I should have finished up what I was doing and headed home with her. I'm so sorry Elaine."

Elaine looked up at her brother. He wiped her tears and she saw he began to cry as well. "What is going to happen to her? Will she be ok?"

Danny shrugged. "I'm not sure. I have dealt with rape stories but having it happen to my own family, I wouldn't know what to day. Eventually as time goes by she will recover, but it will take a long time."

Just at that moment, the doctor walked out. "Hello. I'm Dr. Lewiston. Rose will have to stay just for tonight. She is very traumatized and still will not say much. We've given her a sedative so she can sleep."

"I understand," Elaine muttered.

"What time can we pick her up tomorrow?" Daniel asked.

"Noon would be fine. You can come earlier to visit her if you like."

"Can I stay with her tonight?" Elaine asked.

"No. She needs time alone. Right now she not only feels fear, but she probably feels shame too."

"Shame?" Elaine echoed.

"Yes. A lot of girls think if they get raped that it's their fault."

"But it's not her fault!" Elaine cried out.

Daniel held on to his sister's hand. "Elaine, let's just go home for tonight and we'll see Rosie tomorrow."

Elaine took a deep breath and agreed. Both headed back home unable to sleep a wink that night.

The next day Elaine and Daniel headed back to the hospital. It was only nine that morning. Elaine wanted to see her daughter and to comfort her. Once in her room, Elaine's heart broke. She saw Rose's eyes swollen from how she was beaten. Her mouth was swollen as well. She had bruises all over her arms and legs.

"Look at her Danny. Oh my god!" Elaine cried.

Daniel put his arm around Elaine. "I know. I know."

Rose slowly opened her eyes and a tear ran down her pretty face. Elaine rushed to get a Kleenex. "Oh Rosie, my sweetheart!" Elaine sobbed.

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