Bacon for a Lick - Cover

Bacon for a Lick

by dharmabumme

Copyright© 2025 by dharmabumme

Erotica Sex Story: A bored single mom learns the finer points of heating up her weekdays by cruising for sex with neighborhood strays. When her daughter catches her in a compromising position with the neighbor's friendly black lab, the teen wants in on the canine action. The natural competitive instincts of a redheaded mother and daughter soon kick in as they perfect the art of bribing stray dogs to follow them home from the park for unbridled bestial fun.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Zoophilia   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Analingus   Bestiality   Oral Sex   Public Sex   .

A story jointly written by dharmabumme and aadirtyoldmaninphx1


“Mom, what are you doing?” her teenage daughter called out from the kitchen door with her knapsack still slung over one shoulder.

Collette’s eyes sprung open in surprise, and her heart seemed to momentarily stop. Before she even tried to respond, she pushed the black Lab’s muzzle away from her dripping pussy and clamped her knees together in surprise.

“Still hooked on the way Bo licks you down there too, Mom?” the seventeen-year-old continued as she dropped her knapsack and started petting the dog’s head as his muzzle pushed back between her mother’s spread thighs. The wet sounds of his rough supple tongue dragging through dog slobber and cunt honey, so familiar to Cathy’s ears, were still an exciting siren song to the teenager.

“You shouldn’t startle me like that,” Collette finally managed to gasp as her daughter’s wavy auburn hair, piercing green eyes, and mischievous smile came into focus, “and why are you home from school so early?”

“They sent us home because of a water leak,” the teen replied as she continued petting the big dog, her hand moving inexorably toward the red and purple cock that poked halfway out of the animal’s furry sheath. “You know love the way he’s been licking my pussy too since almost the first day the neighbors brought him home, right after that first time I saw him with his muzzle between your legs a few months ago.”

“Have you done more than let him lick lately?” Collette asked with an evil smile, watching her daughter’s fingers expertly wrap around the dog’s increasingly stiff cock.

“What do you think, Mom?” Her daughter grinned wickedly as she dropped to her knees, leaned forward and took the tip of the dog’s throbbing dick into her mouth. Collette’s clit trilled as she saw the delicate ivory curve of the teen’s throat gulp down the dog’s pungent precum.

“What I think is you need to get out of your skirt and panties, baby,” Collette giggled in response, even as her own pussy twitched and dripped as she focused on more and more of the animal’s thick cock vanishing down her daughter’s throat. The youngster’s occasional soft gags now punctuated the ongoing leitmotif of the animal’s long tongue lewdly working Cathy’s increasingly sloppy cunt. “Let’s see can see if Bo here can manage to fuck us both before the neighbors get home.”

She stood in her kitchen window wistfully watching her next-door neighbors pull away in the large box truck filled with their possessions. They were nice enough people and had been decent neighbors, if a bit standoffish, but that’s not why Collette was saddened by their departure. Rather, she really was going to miss her morning trysts with their almost six-year-old Labrador Retriever, Bo. The hunky, friendly black Labrador Retriever had not only become her first animal lover, he was also her daughter’s. Young Cathy had taken up sexual activity with the dog almost immediately after finding out her mother had been secretly sucking and fucking him for weeks, always while Cathy was out of the house on school days.

Over the next few weeks of Bo’s absence, the redheaded mother’s unsatisfied needs grew beyond the temporary relief provided by her fingers, her daughter’s talented tongue, or their shared collection of toys. She’d always told herself the activities with Bo were an exciting experiment, nothing more. Yet, as deep feelings grew in her canine lover’s absence, she was forced to admit she craved more. She’d taken her time giving in to Bo exactly because a voice in her head warned that giving in would mean more than exciting play. Even as a young girl, she’d always loved dogs and dogs had seemed inordinately attracted to her. As a preschooler, random dogs on the street would sniff between her legs, embarrassing her mother but eliciting little more than a chuckle and a mild, almost pleasant rebuke of the animal from her father. Her mom didn’t like dogs at all, but her dad seemed to have a natural way with them.

As Collette grew into her preteen and teen years, among any group of people, dogs always seemed to sniff her first, last, and longest. Over time, her school friends noticed this, of course. Her leggy physical appearance, tall for a girl, with flaming red hair and nicely developing breasts for her age, set her apart from most of her peers. Her seeming disinterest in boys, coupled with her propensity for getting excellent grades in school, provoked jealousy among both boys and girls. By the time she was a sophomore in high school, peers could often be heard referring to her as “the bitch,” “dog queen,” or “the Irish setter.” The name-calling stung but she reacted by ignoring the offenders and hiding her feelings. Secretly, though, she felt confused by the fact that in some way, she didn’t seem to mind. Something deep inside her wanted to own those words.

It might have had something to do with the fact she’d taken to snooping after school in the considerable stash of pornography that was hidden away less than securely in her father’s study at home. There were adult novels and magazines rife with glossy photographs, often with foreign language text, whose meaning she could only partly make out. Much of the material was rather plain straight sex, with men and women together. The more she snooped, the more she found her father clearly had a penchant for two unconventional themes: incest between parents and children, particularly mothers with daughters and ... even more startling to her ... girls and women enjoying sex with dogs. She’d spent hours poring over the kinkiest of her Daddy’s collection, masturbating to orgasm after orgasm, before hurriedly packing the material away just as she’d found it, as best she could, before her parents arrived home from their workdays. She couldn’t help wondering if her daddy ever thought of her when he looked at that porn. Maybe he imagined her being in those scenes, watching as his own daughter parted her lanky teen legs to openly offer some mutt on the street a smell and taste of her excited young pussy.

With Bo’s departure, Collette had found herself taking more and more solitary walks through the large, forested park along the lake-front beach a short few blocks from the home where she and Cathy lived. The city had long ago developed a play area, dog park and parking lot near the street. That left an additional eleven or so acres more of forested area, mostly overgrown with large trees and tangled shrubs. The seemingly wild forest area was threaded with old paths and a few scattered benches left over from the 1920s or ‘30s when the park was initially built. A couple of the trails near the waterfront were maintained and beaten clear with use but the remainder of the forested acreage further from the water was now only occasionally used by stray dogs from the surrounding neighborhoods or a few kids who explored the overgrown paths on weekends and summer evenings.

She first met the big chocolate Labrador Retriever while resting on an old, moss-covered cement bench located at the junction of three abandoned trails in a small grassy clearing in the forest. It turned out to be an ideal locale to potentially intercept stray dogs wandering through, peeing their marks along the way. She and Cathy had stumbled on the spot on a previous walk and during good weather it had become Colette’s favorite spot to sit and read, with at least a small chance of encountering a passing dog or two or, on a good day, three. A lot of days, nothing more happened than making progress in a good book. But one day that chocolate lab showed up. He was padding along with a buddy, a small brown nondescript mutt who instinctively shied away from her. The skittish mutt looked startled to see her there. He, she assumed the mutt was a he, barked once and, with his tail held low, immediately hightailed it down the farthest path.

The chocolate Lab, though, after calmly watching his buddy take off, stood there and turned his gaze to her, obviously curious, staring with confident, deep brown eyes. He was stout, tall, strong-legged, wide, built like a bus. His face seemed to her somehow regal. It took her breath away when his inquiring eyes locked with her deep blues.

The big dog seemed to be thinking, working out what she wanted and whether it might in some way involve him. Dogs can gather so much more information than people with their noses, she knew. She felt sure he could easily smell the heat and pungent aroma of her cunt. By then she had thought to expose that cunt, putting it on display for him. Wearing no panties, she tugged the hem of her short leather skirt up around her hips and parted her knees less than demurely in a wide vee in his direction. He most likely detected the increase in her heart rate, the catch in her breathing and her body’s strong animal interest in him. He surely also sensed the faint natural edge of fear that tinged her heady swirl of feelings including growing lust.

No doubt he also smelled the fact she had squatted fifteen minutes earlier to pee at a spot near the junction of the paths. This wasn’t the first time she’d done so when visiting that site. She knew for dogs that served as a signpost of interest and suspected most dogs who traveled there had smelled her advertisement more than once. This big dog just stared unblinkingly into her wide blue eyes with his deep browns, his head slightly tilted. Working up her courage, she breathlessly uttered the first two words that came into her head.

“Hi baby.”

The lab stared back. He was really big ... so broad in the shoulders, so muscled, his head blocky and strong. When he stood square in front of her, his wet black nose was level with her boobs. She was tall and not slightly built, but she was sure he came close to her own weight and could easily out-muscle her. The glimpse of his balls as he loped into the clearing, big and swinging in a tan-brown velveteen sac, had given her a full-body shiver. His cock would surely be the biggest she would have ever wrapped her hands around or taken inside of her mouth or cunt should she be so lucky.

When he stepped close, sniffing first toward her face and then between her wide-open legs, she reached out tentatively, gently touching the ruff of his shoulder and neck. He had a collar and rabies tag, but no name tag. Big Motherfucker was what she should call him, giggling out loud at the thought. She felt a full-body shudder of anticipation when his cold nose moved to press against her bare mound and slightly gaping cunt. She moaned out loud, her body surrendering in heart, mind and body to the animal as his snout pressed to her mound, his breath hot and humid on her sensitive clit and pink pussy slit.

She never knew him by any other name.

Big Motherfucker was the first of a dozen or so dogs she would successfully “meet” at that overgrown park bench over the next few years. By the time Big Motherfucker came along, she already had learned that with most strays, she would be lucky to get a bare touch of inquiring nose, even less often a few licks of her pussy, and even more rarely a chance to cop a feel of their firming cock in its furry sheath before they lost confidence and skittered away. Big Motherfucker was one of the special few and the first who seemed to know just what a redheaded cock, cum and dog-loving slut wanted and yes, needed. Big Motherfucker breathed, pissed, and shit confidence.

Right there in the park, he confidently lapped her from her knees to her cunt to her belly and muscled her legs wider to clean between her ass cheeks. He then licked her cunt hole deeply as she bucked and gasped in an intense orgasm, her pelvic muscles firmly milking that long, marvelous, buried tongue while pulling him closer by his ears. Some dogs shy away when a woman cums so hard, shaking and shrieking growling or grunting her pleasure but not Big Motherfucker. He woofed, lightly sneezed a little of her cum out of his nostrils, licked his chops, and dove in to clean up the remaining spoils as she gasped out loud and another spray of her pussy juices erupted on his muzzle.

After her quaking orgasm, the big lab stood there patiently between her spread knees and let her hands stroke him, eagerly feeling him up. She cupped and weighed his lovely balls, then the huge hard missile packed into his furry sheath with just a cherry-red tip barely poking into sight. Her mouth watered but by then Collette knew that few dogs will let a stranger lick or suck their cock without a little trust-building.

She had learned well that a trust builder for any dog is the important gesture of sniffing ass. It’s kind of a doggy handshake but if it goes on a few seconds, with maybe two or three tries to signal persistent interest, it quickly becomes something more like the equivalent of an exploratory groping hug. So looking around just to be sure no prying eyes were nearby, she slid to her knees on the cool grass as he calmly stood there with his tail politely lifted. Setting any sense of dignity aside, she moved in close for a sniff of his anal pucker.

He smelled clean ... earthy ... of dog and testosterone. His tail lightly brushed over her forehead. She inhaled again more deeply, her eyes lidded, surrendering herself to the intoxication of her growing lust for him. Big Motherfucker took a single step forward, then turned and looked back at her, tail lifted helpfully again. She followed, nosed in again and inhaled. This time the very tip of her nose touched his anal pucker. His tail began to wag faster, brushing her forehead. She felt a sudden head rush, nearly fainting when she realized they were quickly bonding, accepting each other as potential lovers.

Suddenly the lab turned, his huge hot, rough-slick tongue taking a wide, washing lick across her face. That warm, impossibly supple-smooth-but-rough tongue dragged wetly from her right cheek, crossed her lips and mouth and curled to a finish at her left cheek, leaving a sheen of drool behind. She knelt there in the dirt and grass on her hands and knees, trembling as she offered her face to him. He took another lick and another, one washing across her nose, the next covering her mouth and chin. On the fourth lick, her lips parted and she let her own tongue out to nestle with his. His much larger pink slab curled around hers before slipping between her parted lips. His tongue curled inside her open mouth to lick the inside of her cheeks. She moaned around it, smelling cunt on his snout.

He had her. She knew she was his bitch right then and there.

Unfortunately, for an unescorted woman, fucking in the park wasn’t safe. Obviously, getting knotted to a cock Big Motherfucker’s size was a non-trivial and not-easily-ended proposition. Moreover, this dog was big enough that she was pretty sure she wasn’t going to be the one who decided whether they knotted, or when they were finished. She knew she had to get him home where it would be safe to get naked and open to him, her body totally available to his throbbing cock, enormous knot and pungent, hot watery cum.

From previous walks in the park, she learned to keep fried bacon bits in a Ziploc bag in her pocket, handy for just such an opportunity. When she was fully prepared, as she was that day, the bag also included a thumb-sized dab of bacon grease to help with the bribery of leading a dog from the park the several blocks to her home. As a rule, strays are loathe to be leashed, and simply won’t cooperate if they see a leash in your hand.

But if there’s one thing all dogs love, it’s bacon.

A little square for a snack, a second bit when he nosed your ass. A little dab of grease on the backs of her thighs just below the hem kept his nose close while she ambled toward her goal. If he seemed to lose his focus, threatened to wander aside or stopped too long to sniff and pee on a fire hydrant, another bite of bacon usually did the trick. Just like men, dogs have certain priorities and she was convinced bacon must be at the top of both of their lists.

“Head is great, pussy is better, but give me more of that heavenly bacon, bitch!”

She knew that many people driving by or looking out their front windows on her street had seen her striding on the sidewalk with some strange dog or other following very closely, always just behind her while she occasionally turned to bend low and offer him something from her fingers. If they watched long enough, they surely saw her jump with a slight blush when a cold nose bumped the top of her bare thigh or ass cheek or pushed under her skirt. If so, they had no doubt seen her turn to lightly scold the animal, but mitigating the words with another little bite of bacon. Although she’d never been approached, she was sure that many of those people wondered about what they saw and some might even have accurately suspected.

She was an unapologetic dog-cock-and-cum-loving slut.

Big Motherfucker patiently followed her those few blocks to her home. She stripped quickly for him and they made out in her living room. He let her suck his cock while he lapped her cunt. When he mounted and fucked her from behind, the knot split her entry hole and filled her cunt canal to its limit of stretch and to her limit of cumming multiple times in a row. When he pulled out of her cunt, she licked his cock and balls clean. She cooed her adoration and nearly came again when he returned her post-coital attention, lapping up his watery cum oozing from her still gaping pussy slit.

He flopped down for a rest while she took the chance to recover with a glass of chilled wine. After a few minutes, she scooted closer to him on the living room rug and fed him some slices of leftover steak from dinner the night before with her fingers. Full-body tremors shook her every time his tongue slipped into the sensitive places between her fingers. By the time the last steak was gone and her fingers licked clean, her sticky cunt was clutching, clit swollen and vibrating with need.

She gasped when he moved closer and curled his tongue across her erect sensitive nipples, sending electric jolts of desire through her body. She took his chin in her hand, bent her mouth close, and kissed him full on the mouth. In no time their tongues were tangling, their bodies in close contact and curling passionately against each other. Both of them now openly panted with heated need to please the other.

Getting on all fours, she presented her ass, tail if she had one, held high in invitation. He didn’t need to see a tail to recognize her need or her gaping dripping cunt and quickly mounted. They fucked again and cleaned each other once more. This time when done, he immediately whined to be let out. She kissed him, asking him to promise to come back for her. He licked her neck and face in answer. When she let him out the kitchen door, he turned, gave one happy bark and bounded off the way they had come.

After that, she saw him four more times over the next three months. Each time, he showed up at that back door, announcing himself with a happy “Let’s fuck!” bark that made her clit instantly snap to turgid attention. The one time her teenage daughter was home at the same time, they happily shared Big Motherfucker’s cock, balls, and cum. After two hours of intense fucking, blow jobs and cunt licking and the dog’s big brown balls visibly lighter, Big Motherfucker licked their sex-slick faces, let out a satisfied bark and strode to the door, asking to leave again. Collette and Cathy regretfully complied.

Neither of them felt spent. For the next two hours, they consoled each other in bed, guzzling the big dog’s cum, as well as their own, from each other’s dripping pussies. Both climaxed repeatedly until at last they were completely exhausted.

“We need a dog of our own,” young Cathy groused while idly fingering her pussy on a kitchen chair while her mother made dinner. “I miss Bo and Big Motherfucker hasn’t been back in weeks.”

“Maybe we can try taking another walk in the park where I found him, and see if he’s around,” her mother smiled in response without looking up, smiling when she heard her daughter gasp in a short, quick orgasm. “I’ve almost always run into strays there and we could get lucky. You never know.”

“When can we go?”

“Well, how strong does your happy little cunt smell after you finger-fuck yourself before getting out of bed in the morning?” her mother laughed. “The stronger the scent, the more likely to get a stray to come close for a better whiff and even a lick.”

“Mom, jeez, like I don’t know that by now. So I’ll cum at least twice then,” the redhead giggled as she licked off some of the pussy juices that glistened on her index finger, “and again when we get to your bench.”

“We both will, then,” her mother grinned, as she felt the natural competitive sexual instinct she always felt with her young daughter kicking in. “Before getting out of bed, and when we get there.”

By mid-morning of the next day, the late spring air was warm enough for both of them to wear short skirts and light, cropped t-shirts, with just a light jacket. Neither bothered with a bra or panties. Cathy wanted to wear heels but Collette scoffed, telling her daughter heels were meant for impressing men, dogs didn’t give a shit and besides were impractical on the rough trails.

“I’m wearing my sneakers, and you should too unless you want to be the one that falls behind if some creep tries to grab us.”

Cathy reluctantly agreed even though sandals with heels made her feel sexy and she deeply wanted to feel that way that today. She tugged on a pair of bright pink high-top tennis shoes but made a point of not bothering to snug or tie the laces. She ignored Collette when her mother rolled her eyes and they stepped out into the sunny day, locking the door behind them.

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