Police Girl - Cover

Police Girl

by JAX

Copyright© 2005 by JAX

Incest Sex Story: At first they were happy enough just to take turns mauling me about but later they would push their hard cocks between them and wank off.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Masturbation   Petting   .

I sat on my small bed, my hands shaking so much I was almost spilling my hot sweet tea. I had thought that joining the Police force might have given me back some power, but it looks like I was wrong. I had been my first day out on my own and what happened, the same as always happens, I was dragged off the street and assaulted. Well no quite this time, but the end result was the same. I look down my front and I can see the problem, even my blue surge uniform can't hide my thrusting bosom.

It had all being going so well, two weeks out of the academy and not once had any guy made a bad move on me, true I got some stares but I'm used to that. When you've got a pair of 34D's you're likely to get some lustful stares, but a few stares I can live with. I suppose it was my own fault, I shouldn't have chased after those guys, but then that's my job now. The trouble started when I caught them.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked sternly struggling to get my breath back.

At first they didn't answer but were content to watch my chest rise and fall as I caught my breath.

"Nothing," said the ringleader after a short while.

"Why did you run then?" I asked.

"We wanted to get you here all alone," said the same guy.

"What," I said, my brain only just getting a handle on the situation.

I was all alone in some dark alley with four young, rough looking guys and somehow my only way out was now blocked.

"Been seeing you around the last few weeks," their spokesman said, "with that big Copper, so when we saw you all on your ownsome we thought it only neighbourly to got to know each other better."

This had gone far enough so I reached for my lapel radio mike to ask for back up.

"We'll have none of that," said a new voice directly behind me.

The mike was snatched from my hand and the connection severed from the radio on my belt.

"Don't touch that," I said much too late. "That's Police property," I added lamely.

"So my pretty WPC," said the ringleader.

"Let me go," I stared at each lustful face in turn. "You harm me and you'll really be in for it."

"Harm, harm," laughed the ringleader, "we're not going to harm you, are we guys. Grab her."

At his last words I felt my arms grabbed from each side and they were pulled back painfully.

"Gently guys," he laughed, "we don't want to harm the little dear."

"Let me go," I shouted struggling against their iron grip.

"Shout all you want," he laughed, "no one is going to come to your aid. Now lets see what we have?"

"Get off me," I shouted and struggled even harder. "Don't you dare touch me."

This wasn't the first time I had been in a situation like this, but I was hoping that I would never be in one again; looked like I was wrong.

"We love a girl in uniform," laughed the ringleader. "Does something for her, doesn't it guys."

"Let me go," I tried one more time but in my heart I knew it was a waste of my breath.

"Hold her tight," he said, "and lets see what she's got."

"Don't you dare," I screamed.

But his hands never flinched as he started on my top uniform button. One by one he unbuttoned me to expose my regulation white blouse beneath. Again he unbuttoned that until my white bra was in sight.

"Not very sexy," he commented. "You should always wear something sexy for us boys."

"Fuck you," I spat.

"Knife," he held out a hand.

One of his friends handed over a wicked looking knife. I couldn't help but flinch as he pressed the naked blade up against my skin. It must have been very sharp for my bra fell into two pieces.

"Now well you look at those beauties," he said, his eyes only for my breasts. "I'll bet they've seen some action."

His three buddies thought that very funny for they all laughed. He grabbed me now causing a sharp pain to travel through my body.

"Please," I begged.

"Fucking lovely," he sighed as his hands mauled my breasts brutally.

"Don't hog them all to yourself," said the fourth guy, the one not holding my arms.

"Sure, sorry," he said and he moved out of the way.

He just stared at me for a few seconds them he too made a grab for me.

"Are we going to fuck 'er," he said.

"What do you think guys?" said the ringleader to the two behind me holding my arms.

"Yeah, why not?" said one.

"Well it may cause some heat, you know raping a copper," said the other.

"Now if the young lady was to offer herself to us," said the ringleader, "well that's a different thing altogether."

"Go fuck yourself," I spat.

"I'll take that as a no shall I," he laughed.

"Camera," he said and held out his hand again.

My breasts were let go and suddenly I was blinded by a series of bright flashes.

"Now my pretty," he said his hands back on my warm flesh. "Do you want us to fuck you or do you want us to e-mail pictures of your lovely titties to the Police station? I'll bet the guys down there would all love to see them."

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