Chad Johnson: Year One - Cover

Chad Johnson: Year One

Copyright© 2004 by Hawklu

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Chad Johnson, a former assassin for the Clandestine Youth Agency, has chosen to leave the only home he has known for his entire life. However, adapting to and living a normal life is not as easy as it would seem as he discovers real friendships and, more importantly, love. Note: Appendices have mild spoilers, so please read up to their associated chapters before accessing them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Humor   Incest   DomSub   Harem   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Slow  

I woke up a couple minutes before my alarm would go off. I practically jump out of bed and quickly made my way over to my computer desk. I pulled out a Camel and lit up without due haste. After I had taken a long drag, I realized that according to the promise that I had made myself, I could have been smoking when I was watching sumo since it would have been technically Saturday. Since I would be eating lunch in a couple of hours, I decided that I would skip breakfast. Even though it was September, it was still rather warm so I decided to wear a pair of denim shorts and a tank top. I pretty much chained smoked while I went through my bank accounts. I knew I was going to take a hit with all of the extra goodies that was dispersed throughout the house. Only an idiot would think that the government would pay for the items that I required maintaining my upper class cover. I was surprised to find that all of my bank accounts, including the off shore ones, were untouched. It was when I checked my credit card accounts that I discovered how I ended up paying for all of it. I was unaware that the Visa had as high of credit limit as it did. I had enough in my checking account to pay off the bill, which I quickly did. There was no way that I wanted to pay interest on that much balance. It had taken me close to an hour to accomplish this so I then went to the kitchen and started preparing lunch.

The doorbell rang while I was dicing an apple for the fruit salad I was making. After I rinsed my hands off, I answered the door. It was a little surprising when I opened the door to see Rose, Pollyanna, and Michelle standing around a blushing Traci.

"Please come in," I said.

As the three unexpected girls entered the foyer, Traci moved close to me and said, "I'm sorry Chad. I told the girls at lunch on Thursday that you were going to have a makeup lunch for me on Saturday. They just showed up at my house a half hour ago insisting that you also had to makeup the missed lunch with them as well."

Traci was visibly relived when I said, "No worries." I then turned to address everyone and said, "Everybody should make herself at home. It would only take me a few more minutes to be done with lunch."

I was lucky that I had planned to make extras for leftovers so I just used up everything instead. We ate tuna sandwiches, fruit salad, chips, and drank soda. When we were done with lunch, I suggested we could go swimming since it was a sunny day.

"Yeah, but I didn't bring a bathing suit," said Pollyanna.

"Me neither," added Michelle. Rose nodded, signaling that she did not have one as well.

"You don't need suits for skinny-dipping."

"Fat chance. I have plenty of suits at my house," Traci announced and the four girls ran next door to fetch them.

I went to my bedroom and decided to wear a pair of swim trunks instead of my Speedos. I also grabbed a bunch of large towels and took them out to the pool. When the girls got back, I could have sworn a look of disappointment on their faces when they saw me wearing the trunks instead. I wondered if Traci had described what I looked like wearing my Speedos.

When we went into the backyard, they began to strip. I had seen Traci plenty of times at practice in a swimsuit, but it was the first time I saw her wearing a two-piece one. Pollyanna and Michelle were about the same size as Traci so they were wearing one of Traci's single piece suits. Rose was slightly shorter than the rest of the girls, but had a bigger bust so I figured she was wearing one of Lori's two-piece suits. I stripped off my tank top and we all dove in.

We swam around for a while and had fun splashing each other. I got out, dried myself off, and after stopping by the garage to pull grab an ice chest, went to the kitchen to stock it up with some sodas. As I was dumping ice cubes over the sodas, Traci came into the kitchen. She had a towel wrapped around her torso and another one wrapped around the top of her head.

"Chad, I am so sorry that they came by and I did not warn you. I had wanted to call you, but I didn't even have your number."

I walked over to her and placed my hands lightly on her hips. Looking deep into her eyes, I saw that she was worried that she had messed things up. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her that it was perfectly all right.

"After all, I get to see four sexy young girls in swimsuits. What kinda guy would I be if I got angry over that," I said.

I had to take a step back to avoid a playful punch that she threw at me, but she had a smile on her face and seemed more relaxed now that she knew she did not make a mistake. After I had put enough ice in the ice chest, she helped me carry it out to the pool.

The rest of the girls got out and grabbed something to drink. They then decided to lie out and soak up some rays. Traci had grabbed a bottle of sun block when they had gone back to her house and asked me if I would rub it on her back. As I did, I decided to give her a massage as well. As I was working on her upper back, she asked if I could untie her bikini top so that it would not cause a tan line. She had her head down so I could not see her face, but I swore I saw her ears blush. I did as I instructed to and I felt her tense up a little when my hands ran down the side of her body, but relaxed as I did not get to close to her breasts. I also used the sun block to massage her arms and legs as well. When I was finished, I looked over to see the other three girls were laying face down and wanted me to do the same thing. Rose had already untied her top and Michelle and Pollyanna had rolled their suits down to their waist.

I spent close to an hour massaging the three girls. Rose had a couple of knots in her back and actually groaned when I worked them out. Pollyanna was ticklish so I played with her a couple of times. By the time I had finished, I was tired and I feel asleep in less than a minute after I had lain out.

It was during a very nice dream about Traci when I awoke to some inaudible whispers. Keeping my eyes closed I pretend to still be asleep. I was sure the physical result of the dream I had was to topic that was being whispered about. Deciding to have some fun and while I was not fully erect, I did focus and flexed my cock. I actually heard a couple of gasps and fought hard not to let a grin spread across my face. It was time to kick it up a notch.

"Oh Traci, you sure you want to do this?" I moaned softly and flexed my cock again.

Traci gasp and the other girls giggle as they heard what they thought me talking in my sleep.

"Your breasts are just perfect Michelle. I could spend days licking them," was the second thing I moaned, this time flexing my cock twice.

Michelle let out a small shriek when she heard this. I don't think I heard Traci giggling.

"You taste so wonderful Pollyanna. You too Rose," I moaned.

This time I did not hear any giggling, just silence. Thinking that I might have gone too far, I then felt the waistband of my trunks lifted and a handful of ice tossed in. My eyes popped open to see Traci glaring down at me.

"Maybe that might cool you down," she declared, but I could see a slight twinkle in her eye that signaled that she had figured that I was just playing a trick on them.

She screamed and jumped back laughing as I threw the ice cubes that I had retrieved from my trunks. When I stood up, the other three girls bum rushed me and pushed me into the pool. When I got out of the pool, I could tell that I had embarrassed all four of them so I apologized for playing such a dirty trick. They said that they were sorry that they had gathered around me when they saw the state I was in.

"Well, you try being a guy being surrounded by four of the sexiest freshmen at Central City High and see if you're not affected."

I was prepared for them this time when they rushed me and was able to toss each of them into the pool before I dove in. A wrestling match ensued for a little while in the water and more than one "accidentally" grabbing the wrong part of me. We pulled ourselves out of the water, dried off, and went into the house. Traci showed the girls where the bathrooms were and they all decided to take showers. Traci blushed something fierce when I asked her if she wanted me to help her. I went to the kitchen and cooked up a batch of microwave popcorn while they were taking their showers. I transferred the popcorn into a large bowel and started up a second batch. I went to my bedroom to change into a pair of slacks and tee shirt. I had just removed my swim trunks when the bathroom door opened.

I had thought I had seen Traci blush before, but this time she turned crimson. Her eyes bugged out and mouth opened when she saw me naked. She stared at me for a second before rushing back into the bathroom. After I completed changing, I went over to the door and told her I was finished changing.

Traci opened the door, and she came out, but stared at the floor. I apologized to her and said that I should have waited until nobody was in the bathroom before I changed. She mumbled something about it not being a problem. I stepped up to her and tilted her head up to look me in the eyes. I then kissed her tenderly, my eyes never leaving hers. When I stepped back, I saw her smiling softly, no longer looking away. After informing her that I had made some popcorn, I suggested we could all watch a movie. She agreed and we went back to the living room.

Michelle was already in the living room and Pollyanna and Rose were still upstairs taking their shower. I would not have been surprised if they were gone for a while, but they showed up by the time Traci found a movie to watch.

Pollyanna asked me, "Do you have any booze in the house?"

I said, "I do, but if any parents found out that I gave alcohol to minors, I would be in a load of trouble."

"My parents don't mind," Pollyanna promised.

I asked, "Would like to have a Zima or wine?"

She said, "Zima please," so I got one for her, diet sodas for Traci, Rose, and I, and a regular soda for Michelle.

Before the movie was over, I asked the girls if they wanted pizza. They all agreed and that led into a conversation on who made the best pizza and what toppings should we get. I asked Traci if her mother was working tonight and she was. I suggested that we could invite Lori over so after I called in the delivery and found out when it would arrive, Traci called Lori's cell phone. Lori was at the mall with her friends and was going to be eating there.

When the pizza arrived, the girls all insisted on paying their share for it. I told them that they were guests in my house and I would not accept money as payment. Now kisses on the other hand were perfect tender. They each gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, except Traci. She was the last one to kiss me and she gave me a quick peck on the lips. We all dove into the pizza and stuffed ourselves pretty well.

"I need to get going. I told my folks that I would be home by 7:00," Michelle informed us.

I walked her to the door and thanked her for stopping by. I added, "I'll not be having lunch with you gals every Thursday so I guess I should expect ya'll to be coming over every Saturday for a makeup."

She chuckled and said, "Next time I'll call you first before crashing your lunch date with Traci."

When I returned to the dining room, Traci was cleaning off the table. She told me, "I want to watch some more Sailor Moon." While she was in the kitchen washing the plates and utensils we had used, I told Rose and Pollyanna that they might not find it interesting since it was already a few episodes into the series, but they were welcome to use the hot tub.

I said, "It would be at least an hour before Traci and I would be joining them so they should feel free to enjoy it fully."

I winked after I said that and the look on their faces was a cross of embarrassment and shock of being discovered. I smiled at them as I went to the kitchen to help Traci dry and put away the dishes.

Rose and Pollyanna changed back into their swimsuits and went out to the hot tub while Traci and I settled down on the coach. After I got the episode playing, I sat back and wrapped my arm around Traci's shoulders. I pulled her close to me and she rested her head on my shoulder. While we were watching it, I would slowly caress her arm. When the show ended, I guided her head to my lap. I ran left hand through her hair as I gazed down into her eyes. With my right hand, I lightly and slowly caressed my fingertips across her face. She closed her eyes when I drew my fingertips across her lips. I traced the outline of her jawbone. She felt me shift my weight as I leaned down to kiss her so she lifted her head, my hand moving behind it to support her. I started to kiss her softly and she hesitated for the briefest of moments when my tongue parted her lips. She accepted it in her mouth, our tongues dueling with each other. We broke our kiss after a few minutes, her head returning to my lap, her breathing heavy. She asked me if I could kiss her again.

I whispered softly, "As you wish."

When our lips met for the second time, she was the one to force her tongue into my mouth, her left hand clenching my head. We kissed passionately for about five minutes, but I felt her tense up as my right hand moved from her shoulder down towards her breast. I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. I could see excitement in her eyes, but I could also see a little fear. I had her sit up and I turned to face her.

"Traci, I want you to know that I have never felt this way about another person before. I am truly grateful that I was able to meet you. I care about you deeply and if you ever feel scared, you need to let me know and I will stop. We can go as slow as you need me to and I will not leave you because we are not going fast enough."

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