Britney Spears - Parental Dis-consent - Cover

Britney Spears - Parental Dis-consent

Copyright© 2004 by David Oberman

Part Nine

Erotica Sex Story: Part Nine - Britney Spears is a role model to young girls everywhere, but read what happens when a father takes revenge for her bad influence on his daughter.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   NonConsensual   Lesbian   Celebrity   BDSM   Humiliation   Sadistic   Bestiality  

For the next three hours, Britney Spears was being processed for internment until her attorney could get here. Needless to say, officer Cecile Noble didn't have to question her prisoner or get a confession from the prisoner, as she was the active witness to the offense the diva was being charged under.

As she wrote out her report of the events, Cecile couldn't help but think back at the sight of Clint's huge cock as it sliced through Britney Spears firm young tit-valley. Or how strange it was to see that blood-red cock disappear into the young singer's sucking mouth.

Though she had been partnered with the dog for close to three years, she had never taken much notice of his penis, or his sexual prowess. Seeing it in such a depraved fashion made her wonder for herself what the young celebrity saw in such behavior.

She had to look up the code for bestiality in the criminal books. Sure she knew that this short of thing was in the books, but until tonight she always believed that is was just an old wives tale. She reread line by line her report before she turned it over to her Sergeant. She had no idea how he would take to reading such a thing, but a crime is a crime, regardless of who or what was involved.

Meanwhile, in the holding cells, Britney Spears was given an orange prison jumpsuit to put on, which was a great relief after a day being naked most of the time. She gave much thought to what she would have to say to her attorney when he showed up for her. She realized that she'll have to give him every detail of the events that lead her to this arrest if she hoped to have any chance to be released.

That was a scary thought, because even she found it hard to believe what had happened to her in the last eighteen hours. Never mind the embarrassment of describing it all to a man, her lawyer.

"Are you sure you want to turn in this report Cecile?" The Sergeant asked.

"What can I say, Sarge," she told him. "It's what happened."

"Damn! In my twenty-five years at this job, this is the weirdest thing I've ever read," he quipped. "We're pressing charge against miss Britney Spears for gross indecency, bestiality and filing a false rape report. Are you sure about this? Did you get the right criminal code number for it?"

"I double checked it, Sarge. First she claimed to be raped, and as I was taking her to the hospital to be checked out she had oral sex with my partner," Cecile reiterated. "Doesn't do much for her credibility as a rape victim, don't you think."

"Did she really suck off old Clint?" The Sergeant asked in disbelief.

"With me right there in the front seat," she repeated her previous statement. "If I hadn't had to keep close attention to the logging road I might have stopped it before it got that far, but those were the circumstances, Sarge."

"Damn! Wish I had been there," the Sergeant quipped.

"C'mon Sarge, have some decency," she squinted at the man's obvious curiosity.

"Uh!? Oh, sorry," he said apologetically. "Guess it got the better of me. Okay then, if you're sure. Sign off and we'll process it."

Cecile leaned forward and signed off on her report, making it official. The Sergeant couldn't help but notice his black officer's large breast in the tight shirt, nor could he miss her hardened nipples. In the four years he has been here, he's never seen Cecile show any sign of arousal while on duty and this intrigued him.

"It kinda got to you too, uh?" He asked.

"SARGE!" Cecile reprimanded him.

"Sorry," he apologized again. "Your shift is over, isn't it?"

"Yeah, me and Clint will be heading home now," she smiled as she turned and walked towards the door.

'Damn! She's got a nice ass, ' her Sergeant thought as his eyes followed her out.

Being well trained, Clint was waiting for his mistress outside the Sergeant's office and got up when he saw her exit.

"The day's done boy," she said as she snapped on his leash and headed for her car in the parking lot. "This was one for the books, uh boy?"

"WRUFFF!" Clint barked in response.

As was the normal practice with K9 partnerships, Clint lived with Cecile Noble in her house. Their relationship could be considered as strong as a marriage, as some wives had mentioned with their husband's canine partner.

Officer Cecile Noble lived alone in a two-floor home, which had a number of empty guest rooms. She got the house when she and her deadbeat husband divorced after she joined the Police department. The court gave it to her when it was determined that he had emptied their saving account to pay off his gambling debts. It ruled then that he had already had his share of what should have been equal shares of their property.

On the way home, Cecile Noble couldn't shake the sight of Clint's cock out of her head. He was so big. How could she not have noticed that before this night. And how could he let a woman suck him like that. Isn't it against a dog's nature to fuck anything else but other dogs? Or can dogs really have intercourse with a woman?

'I'll have to look that up when we get home?' She decided unconsciously.

She stopped by the market to pick up supplies, including a bottle of Vodka. She didn't usually drink alcohol, but tonight she felt as if she might need a shot to steady her own nerves. She'd faced down criminals shooting at her, but that didn't faze her as much as what she had witnessed on this tour of duty.

As soon as she walked into her place, Clint went straight to his water-food bowl and waited impatiently to be served his meal.

"Ok! Ok! I'm coming, you big lug," she laughed at Clint's playful demeanor.

Whenever he acted like this, he looked more like a puppy than a full-grown Police dog. Not that she minded his change of attitude when they went off duty, it was refreshing to her.

She leaned over with his food bag and filled his bowl, which he dug into almost as fast as she poured it out. She then filled his water bowl with fresh water and headed to her bedroom to change.

She could hear Clint's tongue lapping at the water and that made her wonder how that would feel on a girl's pussy.

"What are you thinking girl," she chided herself for even thinking that.

With her curiosity getting the better of her, she walked over to her computer and googled for bestiality information. What popped up shocked her even more. Not only did woman have sex with dogs, but even teenage girls have been know to experiment in this. She also found pictures of women, and girls, fornicating with goats, pigs, snakes, and even full-grown horses. On a few sites she downloaded video clips showing actual bestiality acts, proving to her that those pictures weren't likely to be fakes. The sight of those cocks in female genitalia was causing her to hold her breath with each new clip.

"Good God!" She gasped. "How can they take something like that?"

Then she found a detailed site that explained all she might want to know about dogs and women, and more. By then it didn't surprise her to find out that dogs weren't as finicky as she had first thought about what kind of pussy they fucked with. She quickly learned that they were simply reacting to the scent of an aroused female, regardless of species, and that once aroused, they would try to hump anything, including a human. She also read a poll report that stated that well over 66% of American women have fantasized about sex with animals, and over half of those have done it at least once in their life.

Reading this was making her feel a bit uncomfortable in her tight jeans. She could feel herself wetting her panties and she didn't like that feeling. Shutting down her computer, she headed for her bedroom to get out of her clothes.

She pulled out her shirt from her pant waistband and stripped it off. Then came off her tight fitting pants, followed right after with her underwear. After a hard days work she always enjoyed a hot relaxing bath, which she was getting ready for now.

Putting on her bathrobe, she cinched it around her waist and went back to the kitchen to fix herself a drink first. She poured a generous portion of Vodka in a tall glass, followed with some orange juice for a stiff screwdriver.

Looking down at Clint devouring his food, she took a sip and headed for her bathroom.

As soon as she walked in she set about getting a bath ready for herself. Hot steam was floating above the tub as she sipped on the drink in her hands. She then disrobed, hanging it on the door and stepped gingerly into the hot water with the drink in hand.

She settled down the glass on the tub rim and sank her aching body into the hot water, her nipples just poking above the surface.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-h! That feels good," she murmured in satisfaction.

As she relaxed in the tub, she unconsciously lowered her fingers between her legs and began rubbing her aroused clit. She kept seeing all of those animal penises floating in her mind, to finally focus on Clint's cock.

As she continued fingering herself her breathing became more labored and her chest rose and fell heavily in the water filled tub. All of this moving around was beginning to slosh water over the rim and on the bathroom floor.

"M-M-M-m-m-m-m-h! M-m-m-m-m-h!" Cecile moaned louder and louder with each passing second.

She could feel an orgasm reaching its peak inside her and buried a finger in her pussy crack, finger-fucking herself with much urgency. She didn't care what had gotten her to this point, all she cared for was to cum, and cum strongly.

"OH YES! YES! YES! YES-S-s-s-s-s!" She was shouting now.

Down in the kitchen, Clint lifted his head in alarm. He recognized his mistress' cry and his training was telling him that she might be in trouble. He scampered up the stairs and pushed the bedroom door open.

He scurried around the room, sniffing the floor as he tried to locate Cecile's whereabouts. As any good tracker, he quickly located her in the bathroom and tried to get the door open to come to her rescue.

Back in the tub, Cecile heard the whimpering and scratching of Clint trying to gain entry. She quickly pulled her fingers out of her cunt and regained her composure.

"It's okay, Clint," she called out to him. "Damn! What was I thinking?"

She looked around and saw all the water on the floor.

"Shit! Now I have to clean that up," she chided herself.

Pulling herself out of the tub, and pulled the plug from the drain so it would empty the tub. She then grabbed some towels from the hamper and got on her knees to start soaking the water up.

All the while, Clint kept trying to get the door open to save his mistress from a presumed threat.

Cecile started near the door and then turned herself around and worked her way back towards the tub, wringing the damp towels in the tub whenever they got soaked too much. For the next few minutes she labored to clean up the mess that she had caused in her masturbating.

Finally Clint managed to turn the door handle to the bathroom and shoved the door open with his nose, he then bolted inside and slipped on the wet floor right into Cecile's exposed butt crack.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" The startled Policewoman cried out. "CLINT! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??"

The large dog didn't think he did anything wrong, so he begrudgingly backed away from Cecile's rear. But then his nose picked up a distinguished scent. Something he had smelled earlier that same evening.

"HA-HA-HA-HA!" Cecile started to laugh when she realized that her canine partner had slid accidentally into her ass. "It's okay, big fella. I'm not angry with you."

Sensing that she really wasn't angry with him, the big Labrador approached her again. This time so that he could investigate that delectable scent his nose had picked up.

Ignorant of her vulnerable position, Cecile resumed her clean up job on the floor, her back to the large dog.

Unfortunately for her, Clint recognized a good opportunity when he saw one. He quickly dove his snout under her crotch and began sniffing at her exposed pussylips. Then his thick tongue came slithering out and lapped at Cecile's pussylips.

"Oooooh!" Cecile moaned involuntarily.

The large dog kept on with his licking and officer Noble was too disoriented to stop him. His tongue would stiffen and then drive itself past her pussylips so that it almost acted like a live dildo inside her now overly aroused vagina.

"Noooo Clint," she moaned again weakly. "You... can't... you mustn't do... this."

Clint didn't sense any authority in her command, so he continued lapping at the horny cunt hole offered to him. And with each hard lick, his cock began to show itself. Slowly at first, but then it literally shot out of his furry sheath to telescope to a hard seven inches of canine cock.

Cecile was as yet unaware of her canine partner's condition. She was too busy trying to worm herself out of the predicament she found herself in with him to worry about what might come later.

On all fours she scurried forward, trying to escape that delicious, but wrong tongue-lashing.

Unfortunately for her, the tight confinement of a bathroom didn't offer her much room to maneuver. Just two steps forward and she found herself stopped by the bathtub she had vacated just moments before

"Damn it! I got to get up," she said aloud as she grasped the rim of the tub to pull herself up and away from her overexcited dog.

Then the unexpected happened. Her wet hand slipped on the tub edge to fall inside, leaving her straddling on her belly across the porcelain rim.

At that exact moment, Clint mounted her and his heavy body pinned her against the tub's hard edge.

"OOOF!" She grunted as her dog's weight fell on her back. "Clint!?! What do you think you're doing?"

Instinct had overcome his years of training. Right now all that Clint wanted was to mount a bitch, and his mistress was the only one in sight as far as his sense of smell told him. He began hunching his ass as he tried to find purchase with his cock into Cecile's exposed cunt slit.

"NO CLINT! NO!" She commanded him, but he wouldn't obey.

She kept feeling the probing of his cock shaft as it poked or slid up her ass-crack. He still couldn't find what he was looking for, but he kept humping nonetheless.

"Damn you Clint, get off me!" She finally shouted at him. "GET OFF ME I SAID!"

But Clint just kept ignoring her commands. He kept hunching and humping at her rear, first jumping up high, thinking that her cunt was there, and then lowering his ass trying to find a tight fit there.

"NO-O-O-o-o-o-o!" Cecile cried out when it finally did happen.

That did it. In one hard swoosh his spear-shaped cockhead wormed its way past Cecile's pussylips and buried a good four inches inside her. And once he found the purchase he was looking for, that's when he really went to work. With bestial fervor, Clint was now fucking his mistress, his partner.

"OH-MY-GOD!" Cecile groaned. "It... it's happening. It's really happening to me. I'm... I'm being raped by Clint. Raped by a dog just as miss Spears claimed!"

Cecile couldn't believe that her dog, her partner had fitted his penis inside her, and yet she didn't find it all that uncomfortable. Luckily for her, what she noticed just prior to his jumping on her back showed a very slim cock, so she didn't expect it to hurt if he did manage to sink it in her.

As hard as it was to believe the young diva after what she had witnessed in the backseat of her Police cruiser, Cecile Noble now had to consider that maybe the poor girl did indeed get raped by man and beast. But right now there was nothing she could do about it. She had her own ordeal to deal with first. The one of getting fucked by her canine partner.

Clint kept up his thrusting, almost lifting her knees off the ground with each hard thrust. And with each pummel forward, more of his cock made its way in her now over aroused cunt. Already a good six inches had worked its way in, with more in the offering.

"Oh God! I... I don't believe how good this feels," the Policewoman moaned.

After months without sex, this was almost a godsend if it wasn't so depraved. She could feel her pussy soaking Clint's cockshaft as he kept on fucking her as fast a jackhammer.

"Oh fuck! I think... I think I'm going to cum!" She groaned again. "Cum on my dog's cock!"

And sure enough, Cecile Noble, Policewoman, came with such force that she nearly passed out from it. Her slit squirting her warm juices over Clint's slicing shaft, which only served to excite him even more.

What was unexpected to Cecile was feeling the once slender shaft of cock flesh suddenly begin to inflate inside her womb. What once felt like a pencil was now beginning to fill her like a thick banana, then a thicker dildo that she sometimes used on herself.

All the while, the virile Labrador increased his tempo and his force, driving another few inches into her. He now had nine inches in Cecile's cunt and still a few more remained, which included a growing knot of flesh that Cecile was yet unaware of.

"Yes Clint! Fuck mama! Make me cum again boy!" Cecile was now changing her mood to the even that overtook her.

She was now a willing partner in this bestial rape, or should we call it lovemaking now?

With her arms over the bathtub rim, Cecile had no control over Clint's fucking, nor could she reach back to protect her sore pussyhole when the hard knot of his cock began banging her painfully there.

"UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!" She moaned uncomfortably. "Wha... what are you doing to me Clint?"

But Clint knew just what he was doing. It was perfectly natural for him to bang his knot into his bitches. In fact, nature dictated to him that he HAD to fit that hard ball of flesh in her to improve his chances to impregnate the bitch.

Too bad for him that the chances of getting a litter of puppies out of Cecile wasn't feasible.

"UNGH! OW-W-W!" Cecile kept grunting as Clint tried to bury that knot into her tight cunthole. "God, Clint! What are you doing to me! I'm cumming again. Cumming! Cumming! OH GOD! I'M CUM-M-M-I-I-N-N-G-G-G-G!"

Once again Clint's thrusting cock was coated with Cecile's hot cum juice, lubricating her tight pussy even more. And that was all that he needed to allow his knot to punch its way past her clenching pussylips.


With a knuckle cracking sound, his orange sized knot broke past her pussy barrier.

"UNGH!" The policewoman grunted loudly at the painful penetration.

Never had Cecile felt so filled by anything before. Not a dildo, not a hand, and most especially not a cock. If she didn't know any better she could swear that Clint's cock was distending her tummy out as if she was pregnant, but that was just her imagination running away with her.

A few more hard thrust and suddenly Clint stopped moving, resting his big head on her shoulder next to her gasping face.

Turning her head around slightly, Cecile gave Clint a dreamy smile as she came to realize that he was giving her a very special gift. She puckered her lips in a kissy fashion and was pleasantly surprised when he returned it with a doggy lick across her mouth.

"O-O-O-o-o-o-o-h yes-s-s-s Clint," she moaned ecstatically now that the pain of his knot was subsiding. "Good boy!"

But when she parted her lips to say those words, Clint's tongue slithered past and began tonguing her in frenchkiss fashion. Cecile instinctively returned that frenching and sucked on the dog's tongue.

"Ou-m-m-m!" Cecile moaned in rapt pleasure.

Then she felt something scalding burning her insides. That's when she realized that Clint was filling her womb with his seed. Her canine partner was actually filling her womb with his doggy jism and that triggered yet another orgasm in the poor woman. Never in her sexual experience had she ever had three climaxes, much less orgasms so powerful in nature.

Clint was huffing and puffing as his heavy balls emptied its load in the dark-skinned beauty that was acting as his bitch this night. This was much better than that other woman's mouth that had first assaulted his loin earlier in the Police cruiser.

Over and over Cecile was being washed over by one orgasm after another, which was triggered by the knowledge that a dog was cumming in her wanton cunt. And yet she was surprised that none of the hot sperm seemed to be leaking from her pussy. From what she could gauge, Clint had already dumped more cum than any of the past lovers she had had, and their jism always leaked from her at this time.

She of course, failed to understand the purpose of that thick knot that had squeezed into her a moment before. Nature had manipulated dogs' genitals to act as a plug during intercourse for the precise purpose of keeping the canine seed inside a bitch's hole for impregnation.

"UNGH! M-M-m-m-m-m-h!" Cecile moaned as her orgasms into one long climax.

She couldn't even tell when one ended and the next started by this time. All she knew was that this was the best fuck she had ever received. She was still confused as to how she felt about Clint doing the fucking, but right now she didn't care.

Then Clint started pulling himself away from her, dragging the now distraught Policewoman back along with him. His knot still very much secure in her cunt.

"OWW! OWW! OWW!" Cecile was crying out in painful torment of feeling her pussylips being ripped apart by the locked dog-cock.

Clint just kept pulling and dragging her back until she slid off the edge of the tub and landed heavily on her stomach to the wet floor. Then in a final tug, his knot pulled free and a deluge of human and doggy jism came pouring out of her to mix in with the bath water still covering her bathroom floor.

The Nubian beauty couldn't get over the amount of jism that was pouring out of her, or dripping on her bare back from the tip of Clint's still hard cock.

Her eyes drooped in dreamy satisfaction as the orgasms of the last thirty minutes drifted through her soul.

"O-o-o-o-o-h! Clint," she moaned. "You were such a goo-o-o-o-d boy. You made Cecile cum like she never has before, boy!"

And with those words the nubile Policewoman rolled onto her back to stare at her four-legged partner's face. What she saw was him with his thick tongue hanging in exhausted satisfaction. He lowered he big head and began licking her all around her heaving breast.

Cecile could feel her nipples hardening beyond what she had ever experienced before, but she let him keep licking her as he wished. This whole evening was beyond her wildest imagining, or dreams.

She drew her hands down her body, along her cum stained belly and rubbed it into her dark skin. She then moved on to her stretched out pussylips and easily inserted three fingers after the workout that Clint had given her there. This was quickly followed by a fourth, and before she knew what she was doing, she shoved in her whole hand in her own pussy.

She could feel her fingers squishing inside her womb as the overflow of doggy jism allowed her to freely fist-fuck herself for the first time in her life. This too was something she could have never imagined happening to her before this night.

"U-M-M-m-m-m-m!" She moaned aloud as she came again, this time on her fist.

Clint didn't let that orgasmic moan go to waste either. He moved his large head up to Cecile's and began frenchkissing her again.

Cecile reciprocated and sucked in his tongue and swirled her own around his like a snake. But she need to breathe so pushed him away from her face for a moment.

But when she looked down along their bodies, her eyes widened in disbelief when she finally got to see what had fucked her so well. The shaft that greeted her sight was immense in length and girth. Much, much bigger than she could have ever imagined possible on a dog, much less her dog.

Seeing that tempting cock, all wet and dripping was too much for Cecile. And before she knew what she was doing, she slid her body along the wet floor until her head was a mere inches of Clint's still vibrating cock.

Lifting her face a touch, she parted her lips and swallowed his shaft as an expert sword-swallower would. Inch by inch, the dog's thick cock disappeared between her dark-skinned lips until he was hitting the back of her throat.

Cecile wasn't used to such a thick cock in her mouth, and even then, she never really got a hang of deepthroating her past lovers. But in this instance, she was willing to give it her best shot.

"M-M-m-m-m-m-h! M-m-m-m-m-h!" The black Policewoman moaned as she sucked in the dog's cock deeper into her mouth.

Cecile figured that the best way to deepthroat such a long cock would be to arch her head back so that the passage of her throat was more in line with her mouth. As soon as she assumed that position, Clint shoved forward and drove another four inches down her throat, causing it to bulge visibly on the outside.

The Policewomen nearly panicked as she gagged around the invading shaft, but she managed to get her fear under control and sucked back more.

This encouraged the large Police dog to begin humping his human partner's face as he had her cunt just moments before. Slowly, but progressively, his ten-inch dick disappeared past her clenching lips.

Only an inch remained visible on the outside along with his knot, which Cecile had no intention of allowing past her lips this time. Defensively, she got her hand around that frightening bulge and managed to control Clint's fuck motion that way.

Clint eagerly accepted that restriction and went merrily fucking her mouth with what he had in her already.

"M-m-m-m-m-h! Ungh! M-m-m-m-m-h!" Cecile continued to moan as yet more orgasms began to build in the pit of her stomach. 'How many times can I keep cumming like this?' She wondered in the deep recesses of her mind. "M-M-M-m-m-m-m-h!" And she came again.

Clint could feel his balls churning as his second climax was nearing. Any second now he would empty his balls for the third time that evening, twice with his female partner.

Cecile's tongue could feel Clint's cockshaft vibrate alarmingly and she suspected that he too must be near cumming. She reluctantly pulled her mouth back away from his thick cock until only the tip remained in her gullet.

Then suddenly her throat was ravaged by a deluge of hot, almost scalding jism as Clint came in her mouth.

"AR-R-O-O-O-O-O-O!" Clint howled into the depth of night.

Before she could decide to spit him out, Cecile began gulping and swallowing as much of the doggy jism as she could. Clint was cumming so fast and hard that his cum began squirting past her sucking lips and dribbling down her cheeks. She had already swallowed the first three spurts of his cumming before it hit her that this was dog spunk she was drinking down.

She spat out his still squirting cock from her mouth, gagging and choking as she did so. This in no way stopped Clint from shooting his hot jism all over her face, hitting her in the eyes, her nose, and in her long black hair.

All Cecile could do was close her eyes to the eye-stinging spray and try to clear her vision again. She could feel squirt after hot squirt of her dog's jism dribble over her lips and she had to fight for her self-control not to lick it all up. But her sexual instinct won over and she began licking the creamy jism from the corner of her mouth to swallow it in.

'How can I keep doing this?' She had to keep asking herself as her tongue acted as if on its own. 'This is so sick. Drinking dog sperm like a common whore.'

And drink she did. All she could.

By the time Clint was done, Cecile was covered with his jism. She had some in her eyes, her hair, even over her taught belly after he had fucked her moments before. And she was just too exhausted to get up and clean any of it off.

Cecile fell asleep in the cold puddle of water in her bathroom all night and didn't wake till late the next morning. She had to struggle to get to her feet and was shocked when she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Oh fucking shit!" She swore.

Her hair was matted with dried up cum, and she could clearly see the crusty jism on her dark skin. And when she looked over at her alarm clock she was shocked to see that she was already late for her tour of duty.

She rushed to the phone and called in to let them know that she was running late and came back to the bathroom and turned on the water for a shower. There was no way that she was going to work covered in her dog's cum, no matter how late she was.

She scrubbed as hard as she could to erase any sign of what had happened to her the night before, she even went as far as trying to wash out her mouth with a soapy washcloth. She could still recall Clint's thick cock filling her throat with his jism and was afraid that if she didn't wash it out, someone at work would smell it on her breath.

"DAMN-DAMN-DAMN!" She kept swearing as she shampooed her hair for the third time. "How could I have let this happen?!?"

When Cecile's heart started to stop pounding like a freight train she started to replay of yesterday's events in her mind. She thought of what Britney Spears had told her, of how a man and some animals had raped her. And then she thought back at how her faithful Clint had done exactly the same thing to him only a few hours later.

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