Peggy Pays the Rent - Cover

Peggy Pays the Rent

by Shakes Peer2B

Copyright© 2004 by Shakes Peer2B

BDSM Sex Story: Fourteen year-old Peggy's mom is a crack addict. Their rent is three months behind and they're about to be evicted. What will Peggy have to do to keep the super from tossing them out on the street? Probably not what you think!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   DomSub   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Bestiality   .

Copyright© 2004

This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt.

If you think you know somebody who resembles any of the characters here, congratulations, but you're wrong - any similarity between the characters in this story and any real person is purely coincidental, since all of these characters are figments of my dirty little imagination.

This is my story, not yours. Don't sell it or put it on a pay site. You can keep it and/or give it away with all of this information intact, but if you make money off of it without my permission, you're breaking the law and pissing me off.

"Please Mr. Foster!" the little blonde teen was almost in tears, "It's just that Mom's been sick and hasn't been able to work!"

Actually, her mom was hooked on crack, and everyone in the building knew it. It broke my heart, because I had enjoyed having little Peggy running around the apartment building ever since she was four. Now, ten years later, I had no choice but to evict her and her mother. They were three months behind in the rent, and I wasn't going to keep my job much longer if I didn't do something.

"I've done all I can, Peggy," I said, raising my hands in a shrug, "but my hands are tied!"

"Please!" she cried, the prospect of homelessness looming before her, "I'll do anything!"

Suddenly the pitch of her voice dropped as she grasped that last concept and committed to it.

"... Anything!" her eyes burned into mine and my cock lurched inside my pants.

"Anything, Peggy?" I asked.

She nodded and said evenly, toying with a budding breast, "Anything!"

"You'd suck my old dick and let me fuck you?" I asked, "You'd bend over and take it up the ass?"

She swallowed hard, but I had to hand it to the little fourteen-year-old, she had guts.

"Yes," she said, "If that's what you want!"

"You'll do anything I tell you to?" I had something in mind, but probably not what she thought.

"Yes, Mr. Foster."

"Okay, come with me." I took her by the hand, and Max, my mastiff, my best friend, and my bodyguard trotted along behind as I led Peggy up the stairs to her Mom's apartment.

"Open it!" I told her. I could have used my master key, but I wanted her to do it.

Peggy produced a key from the pocket of her jeans and unlocked the door. Her mother was still in bed. I marched Peggy in and dragged her Mom out of bed by one foot, thumping her naked ass on the worn carpet in the process.

Mandy wasn't bad looking, yet, but a few more years on the crack and she'd look like all the other wasted shells that hung around this neighborhood.

"Hey!" she cried, "What the fuck are you doing Frank! Get the hell out of here!"

"Shut up, bitch!" I said, "Keep your trap shut and listen!"

Surprisingly, or perhaps out of shock, she did. I'm usually an easy-going guy and try to get along with my tenants. Hell, I been known to handle evictions so sensitively that the evictees shake my hand on the way out! This time, though, I was mad, and I wasn't pulling any punches.

"Do you love your daughter, Mandy?" I asked harshly, "Do you love Peggy?"

"You know I do, Frank!" she replied, still sitting there bare-assed on the rug. Not a bad body either, though the skin wasn't as firm as it used to be.

"Then how the hell did you let things get this bad?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" she was still sleep-drugged, but didn't seem to be high.

I turned to Peggy. "You said you'd do anything I wanted, right?"

Peggy nodded, not too sure of herself now, in her mother's presence.

"Strip!" I ordered, "Right here, right now, no back talk!"

She looked shocked, but sucked it up and started pulling off her top. Moisture welled up in her eyes and almost broke my heart.

Mandy, however, was finally catching up. "What the hell are you doing! Peggy! Stop that!"

"Shut up, Mandy!" I said, "This deal is between me and your daughter!"

To Peggy, I said, "Get 'em all off! NOW!"

A solitary tear rolled down her face as she complied, and I felt like the asshole I was acting, but didn't relent.

When Peggy stood in front of us naked, I turned back to Mandy.

"Your sorry assed excuse for motherhood has brought your daughter to this!" I said, "She's willing to become my whore to pay your goddamn rent! Do you know what a miserable mother that makes you?!"

I turned back to Peggy and the sight of her young body, shivering in the chill air of the apartment almost changed my mind.

"Get dressed, Peggy." I said gently, "Kids shouldn't have to pay to for their parent's mistakes. Go on, get your clothes on."

"YOU on the other hand," I turned back to Mandy, "have two choices! You can agree to do exactly as I say until your rent is paid in full, or you and Peggy can get the hell out by noon tomorrow!"

Mandy looked stunned.

"You - you can't do that!" she cried, "We'll be homeless! We have nowhere else to go!"

"That's not my problem!" I retorted, "You're three months behind in the rent, and I need paying tenants! So what's it going to be?"

"W-what would I have to do?" Mandy's lower lip trembled and I knew she was about to bawl.

"Any goddamn thing I tell you to, that's what!" I said, "For starters, get up on your hands and knees, and be quick about it!"

She scrambled to do what I commanded.

"Peggy," I said, "get your mother's vibrator and get her warmed up!"

"W-what do you mean?" Peggy stammered.

"Come on, girl!" I said, "This is a studio! I know you've pretended to sleep at night while your mom got off on that thing! Now get it and do what I told you!"

Blushing, Peggy sheepishly reached under the bed to pull out the vibrator. Kneeling behind her mom, she whispered, "Sorry, Mom!", then switched on the vibrator and started running it around her mother's clit.

Mandy, blushing to the tips of her toes, nonetheless started moaning under her daughter's ministrations. I gave her only a couple of minutes of that. This wasn't for her pleasure.

"That's enough, Peggy!" I commanded.

Peggy looked relieved that she didn't have to embarrass her mom any more. She wouldn't have had she known what was coming next.

"Okay, Peggy," I said firmly but as gently as I could, "Take Max's leash and lead him to your mom. You know how dogs do it, so get him to mount his bitch!"

"Mr. Foster!" Peggy cried in shock, "You can't mean it! Max is a dog!"

"I mean every word of it, Peggy." I said, "Your mom has been a crack-smoking bitch and now she's going to get her reward!"

Mandy looked dumbfounded. "Don't do this Frank! I'll find a way to pay your rent! I promise!"

"You've BEEN promising for over three months now." I snarled at her, "Now accept my way or get the fuck out!"

Mandy shut up, but began sobbing silently as her daughter fulfilled her end of the bargain, tears flowing from her own eyes.

Max wasted no time getting mounted and socketed. Other tenants had paid their rent this way before, and Max knew and relished his part.

I waited for him to tie with her, then took Peggy's hand and returned to my apartment.

"Sit down, Peggy." I said, rummaging through the drawers, "We need to talk."

I found what I was looking for, then sat opposite the sobbing teen.

"Here's the deal, Peggy." I said, not too harshly, "Your mom is hooked on crack. It's taken over her life, and as long as she's on it, nothing else matters as much as the dope - not you, not the rent, nothing! You can't make her quit. I can't make her quit. Nobody but Mandy can make her quit. What you and I CAN do is try to make it so painful for her to stay addicted that she'll give it up on her own. We could do that by letting you be my whore and letting her watch. That might snap her out of it and it might not. I'm not going to do that, because, like I said, kids shouldn't have to pay for their parents' mistakes. What we ARE going to do, you and I, is make your mother our sex slave, and let everyone know it. Are you with me so far?"

Peggy's tears had stopped but her eyes were still red as she nodded.

"Okay, here's my plan." I said, "Now remember, I'm holding you to your deal - I still need you to do what I tell you, even though I'm not going to be screwing you, okay?"

"I'll do what you say, Mr. Foster." Peggy said, putting on a brave face, "But won't you lose your job?"

"I've got a little money put away that I'll use to keep your rent from getting any further behind, and if this works," I replied, "your mom will pay me back, one way or another."

Peggy, trusting soul that she was, nodded gravely.

"Okay. I'm going to depend on you to do most of this - I'm still the building super and I've got other things to do." I told her. "First, when we get back to your apartment, I want you to put this collar and leash on your mom. From now on, she doesn't go anywhere without them, and wherever she goes, you lead her by the leash. Can you do that?"

"I-I don't know, Mr. Foster!" Peggy wailed, "That's my mother you're talking about!"

"No, Peggy, it's not!" I said harshly, "Your mother is lost inside the crack-head that's taken over her body! If you want her back, you need to shame the crack-head into giving her up! You have to be strong on this, because it's the only chance she's got, hear me?"

Peggy sniffled and nodded.

"Okay, starting tomorrow," I continued, "I'm going to get a pee sample from your mom every day and have my buddy down at the clinic test it until you guys are paid in full. For every day the test comes back positive, you're going to administer one of two punishments. The first will be like today - Max will fuck the daylights out of her. Every other day, instead of Max, you'll fuck her ass with this..."

I showed her the enormous strapon dildo. That thing would make a mare scream, but if it got Mandy off the crack, it would be worth it, for Peggy's sake if nothing else. Peggy's eyes went wide with alarm at the sight of it.

"That will kill her!" she cried.

"No it won't, Peggy." I said, "But it might make her wish she were dead! That's the whole idea! All the time you're raping her butt with this you'll be telling her what a worthless mother she is. You'll remind her that it was her use of crack that got her into this mess, and generally make her feel like shit! Then, when the tests start coming back negative, I'll get my payback by making love to her - man to woman. I'll say things to make her feel good about herself, and let her enjoy a gentle fucking for a change, making sure she cums several times. If she goes back to the crack, we go back to the dog and the dildo. Do you see the pattern?"

She nodded, "Yeah, carrot and stick, right?"

"That's right!" I said, pleased with her, "Now on drug-free days, you'll help out by letting her off the leash. She wears the collar as a reminder until you're paid up, but you let her free of the leash when she does well, and you tell her how much you love her. Tell her she's doing well and that you hope you don't have to put the leash back on, okay?"

"You know, Mr. Foster," Peggy replied, "I was really beginning to hate you, but the more I hear of this plan, the more I think it might work. I'll do whatever it takes. I gave you my word, and now that I believe in your plan, I won't have any trouble keeping it."

"Okay, Max ought to be finishing up pretty soon," I said, "so we should get back up there."

We walked in silence up the stairs to her apartment, but as we approached the door, Peggy turned to me and said, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Mr. Foster. Thanks!"

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