Tea Time - Cover

Tea Time

by Caesar

Copyright© 2004 by Caesar

Incest Sex Story: Daughter discovers mother submitting to an older woman - and her life can never be the same.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   FemaleDom   Voyeurism   .

Copyright© 2004

There was a young woman called Pearl
Who quite resembled a churl;
When she asked a young man named Tex
Whether he would like to have sex,
"Certainly," quoth he, "Who's the girl?"

Our lives really changed when dad left for another woman - 'to regain that spark' he called it. Bastard.

Mom cried for weeks - I was distraught and guilt ridden for months. The friends of my parents seemed to have abandoned my mother for dads 'side' so that she was more alone than ever before. I, well I lashed out at anyone around me so that my friends before the separation became only distant acquaintances afterwards. The two of us we were alone - burdened with shame of failure and almost broke.

Thats right - the eventual divorce would not let mother keep our home, but ordered dad to support us. Mom never received a cheque and we moved across town into a two bedroom apartment - a dump!

After we moved, after the divorce was final, things appeared to settle down. Mother stopped sobbing herself to sleep every night and did her best by me.

When she found a job as a secretary in a law firm in town she became more distant from me. Oh sure there was now a monthly budget that we could work with toward food and clothing. But she just did not seek me out for talks or just the emotional support we had both craved up to that point in our lives.

She changed physically after the new job as well - her long hair was cut short and highlight it with blond streaks. She started to go to a tanning salon twice a week. The gym, three times a week. She wore skirts almost exclusively, the hem usually half ways to her knees. She rarely wore nylons - having great legs only made better by her working out and tanning - but I could hear her every morning in the bathroom, primping and pampering herself, so that her long shapely legs were smooth and very sexy looking and she looked like a restored younger woman.

This all left me feeling left out - as if mother had found another life, just as dad had, which excluded me. I became bitter around our apartment - which had been my sanctuary up to that time.

Mother did not even seem to notice.

I was a sixteen year old that dressed in loose baggy clothing and verbally lashed anyone that tried to start a conversation with me. I ate to forget and of course my weight ballooned so that I was a short round girl that no one wanted to be near.

That brings us up to the present - the day that I finally understood how cruel life can be while also bringing me closer to my mother.

It was a sunny hot spring day - the kind of day that drove everyone to be outside and enjoying the weather after our long cold winter. Where mom and I lived was rather a scary neighbourhood, after dark especially, but normally loud and chaotic at the best of times. With the warm weather, it seemed that everyone was playing, talking and partaking outside the grimy buildings of our block.

With the heat - our apartments windows had been left open - the fresh spring air recycling the stale climate within.

Perhaps this was why I was not heard when I entered our apartment - the noise from the street through the open window hid my entrance.

As soon as I shut the door, entering the sanity of my home (even if it was a dump), I knew I was not alone. Perhaps it was the sharp scent in the air from cigarette smoke - or the abundant smell of some foreign exotic perfume. Regardless, I stood before the closed door for almost a minute as I evaluated my surroundings.

Mother was not due home from work for nearly two hours - and she rarely came home on time as it was. Could she have had some kind of trouble - someone having to bring her home?

I kicked off my dirty old runners, removed my jacket and dropped it on the floor before throwing my school back on the hard-backed chair by the door.

Then I strode the few steps down the short hallway to mother's bedroom and just as I was about to knock, I heard two voices that stopped the movement of my knuckles.

"... it is beautiful today Ms. Tommelson." My mother.

"How long until your daughter returns home Jayne?" A female, raspy, mature voice.

"Probably less than an hour Ms. Tommelson."

A short laugh from the other woman, "Then we should not be wasting any more time should we?"

"No Mame." Mother sounded reluctant and I wondered what was going on? Why was she home so early? Who was the other woman?

My curiosity was nearly distinguished, so that I actually stood away from the door before I heard the older woman ask, "When was the last time you had a cock inside you Jayne?"

"Before my husband left me." Mother's voice sounded shaky - as if she were containing her emotions.

Now that I was listening to two adults talk about sex - I could not leave - my natural teenage hormones would not let me! The fact that it was my mother speaking this way was a little striking.

"Was he a good lover Jayne?"

"Sometimes." I barely heard that - mother was practically whispering.

Another sharp bark of a laugh, "I will take that as a 'no'. You probably needed to masturbate frequently didn't you Jayne?" The old woman sounded amused.

"Yes Mame."

A longer malicious sounding laugh escaped through the closed door this time and I wondered what the hell was going on. "You should have found a nice lesbian to keep you satisfied Jayne." A sucking sound that I took for inhaling of a cigarette.


"Is that your daughter there?" I froze instantly, thinking I had been 'made'.

"Yes. A school picture from last year." I exhaled slowly, mother had several pictures of me, us, upon her dresser.

"Cute face. Perhaps she could be trained to be a good little cunt-licker like her mom?"

A gasp and then mothers pleading, "No, please Ms. Tommelson... !"


The harsh laugh of the older woman overrode my mothers startled cry. My heart seemed to be beating three times its normal pace as I was witnessing something sordid... something adult. And then there was the suggestion that I be 'trained' like my mother to... well, to be a lesbian?

"Calm yourself Jayne! I only have the patience to train one cunt at a time." More deep inhales and the sharp offencive smell of smoke from beneath the crack at the base of the door.

I ran upon my sock feet to my room, with the adjoining wall to mothers room. There I knelt before the old wooden doorway and stuck my eye to the key hole - the old fashioned kind. I could just make out mother seated on the edge of her bed with a matronly older woman next to her. Both were dressed as if they had come from the office (which is where they had probably come from) and even still had their heels on. The white-haired woman, probably in her late fifties or early sixties, was holding a smoking cigarette in one hand while the other was fondling my mothers bare flesh below the hem of her skirt.

My teenage inquisitive nature was being suppressed by anger. Had my father left us because mother was a lesbian? Had that story about re-finding his 'spark' just made up to hide the truth from their confused teenage daughter? Parents did that sort of shit!

As I watched through that keyhole I saw the brown-spotted mature hand slip under mothers short stylish skirt as mom's knees spread. The old lady barked another laugh, "Thats what I like about you best Jayne, your cunt is always wet! Now come here and kiss me like the good little slut you are."

I watched my mother lean forward, tilt her head and place a dainty kiss upon the attractive, well manicured, older woman's lips.

Ms. Tommelson pulled her head back and away from mother and crackled angrily, "Not like that slut - how I taught you!" She leaned back in and the two sets of lipstick covered-lips merged.

Even through the tiny keyhole I could tell that it was a hot kiss. If that was not enough - I heard the old lady moan with pleasure.

I saw back onto my heels and starred down at the old stained carpet before the doorway, wondering what I was doing - why I was sitting here watching this disgusting display. Mother was a much more warped deranged a parent than I had ever imagined. Here I had thought, these last few months while feeling sorry for myself, that she was selfish and uncaring toward me. I had only considered the tip of the iceberg!

A lesbian to some old broad! Not only that but seemed perfectly willing to submit to her humiliating banter and demands.

I should feel sick at what I had just witnessed - but I didn't. Why was that?

Placing my eye back to the keyhole I saw that things had progressed rapidly in my contemplation - the old lady had lost her pearl silk blouse and one of her breasts were pulled out of her chemise - as my mother was bent over aggressively licking at the dark brown hard nipple. "Thats it my little cunt... you know just how I like my tittie licked!"

I yanked my eye away and again questioned both my sanity and sexuality. Did peaking on two old broads going at it turn me on? As if in answer I looked at my denim covered crotch, as if that held all the answers. Of course it didn't.

My eye returned to the keyhole.

Mom was standing facing the still-seated old woman, her back to me, as she removed her clothing. I saw that my mother had a very nice body - I thought with only a touch of jealousy. Tall and thin, her work at the gym these last months had done much to trim away the excess about her hips, stomach and thighs. Her legs, always long and sexy, now looked sculptured by a perfectionist. The hours tanning each week were not in vain either, as it appeared mother did it naked.

Mother's white brassiere slipped from her shoulder and Ms. Tommelson licked her lips at the sight that I could not see but I could see her clench her old knees together. Mother hooked her thumbs into the elastic of her white French-cut panty and shoved them down before stepping out of them. She stood straight up, still in her heels. From the rear she looked exquisite - years younger than her 38 years.

Again I sat back, realizing my hands were trembling uncontrollably. For the first time since arriving at my home I thought about getting out of there - leaving mom and her female-lover to their own ends. Hell, I even contemplated calling dad - begging for his forgiveness and asking to move back in with him!

Back in the other room I saw that the old woman, several centimetres shorter than mother, was now standing so that she may be disrobed by my parent. When mother was behind the old woman, her face toward me, I saw her blank expression quickly turn to distaste that she hid when Ms. Tommelson looked over her shoulder suddenly. "Unless you want your daughter to catch us - I suggest you hurry Jayne!" Another cackle of a laugh.

As it seemed mother was indeed a lesbian, it was a surprise in her choice of mates. The woman was offencive, abusive and vile.

But if she were a lesbian why the disgusted face I had just seen?

Ms. Tommelson had a respectable, if not attractive, body for a woman old enough to be my grandmother. It was round and soft looking but from two meters away, where I knelt, her skin looked smooth and unblemished.

When the old woman stood in only stockings, garters and heels - all black, did she turn suddenly about so that her dark brown bush was a breath away from mother's face. "See anything you want to eat my little slut?" She cackled yet again.

Mother turned her face away from the exposed womanhood before her and I saw her barely continued disgust.

Ms. Tommelson saw it as well and barked loudly, "I asked you a question slut!"

Mom turned back toward the old lady, her face now somber and unemotional as ever I had seen it, staring directly at the kinky hair-covered loins before her. "Yes Mame."

"Tell me slut! Tell me what you want to eat?"

"You Ms. Tommelson... I want to eat your sexy cunt?" The words were forced and almost robotic.

The old lady broke into a wide smile and seemed strangely pleased with the moment. "Indeed you do don't you Jayne? In fact I do not have to remind you that you have no choice in the matter?" She laughed to herself for half a moment as I starred without blinking, as if looking at an accident.

Was that a tear in the corner of mother's eye?

What the hell was going on?

Ms. Tommelson grabbed the back of mom's head of short straight hair and yanked mom's face up and into her own loins roughly and aggressively.

What had happened to the cigarette?

I could hear the old lady moan with pleasure as the back of mother's head moved ever so slightly. Of course I understood what I was seeing - amazed at what I was witnessing.

Mother was eating out this old woman - my mother was giving oral sex to another woman!

My guts tightened, like a contraction, and I realized that I had both of my hands cupping and groping my covered loins. I sat back and looked down at myself - amazed. My mind thought inward, away from the sights from the room next door and I realized that I was very excited. I unbuttoned the top of my jeans, unzipped and then slipped my small soft hand beneath my white cotton pink-heart decorated panty. What I found was my own sex, filled with moisture and practically electric to the touch.

Did that mean I was a lesbian too? Like mother?

A moan escaped my lips and I bit my bottom lip in surprise - praying that I had not been overheard.

Oh god - what was going on?

Through the keyhole things had progressed further. The old lady was kneeling, on elbow and knees, in the middle of mom's bed, perpendicular to my line of sight. Mother was kneeling behind her, facing her big white ass, hands grasping the old ladies wide soft hips as she drove herself back and forth behind her. I saw a long think pink object move between them and realized mother was clenching her ass tightly as she humped the old woman.

With Ms. Tommelson's eyes tightly closed in pleasure, her face red and sweaty upon a pillow, mother did not hide her disgust or humiliation at the acts she was doing.

The action between them was interesting, if only because it was more than my teenage imagination had ever conceived - with male or female. But it was mother's face looking up at the ceiling that draw my gaze the most. Mother was not enjoying this - or rather, remembering the comments about mother being 'wet', she wished she was not doing this with Ms. Tommelson.

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