Not A White Boy - Cover

Not A White Boy

Copyright© 2004 by DaMoot

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A girl entering High School learns about music and love.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Interracial   Slow  

Lara came inside. Gertrude had heard the car start up, and looked at her mother, disappointment obvious. "He's some kind of con man. Whatever he's selling, I don't want it and you're not getting near him."

"Mother! You didn't even give him a chance."

"I gave him two chances. He got out of a wreck worse than ours, wearing a suit and jewelry worth more than my salary. He gives me a song and dance about why. When I wasn't buying, he tried to smooth talk his way past me. That's why I sent him packing. He thinks he's something special. When you're an adult, you can let him snow, you, but until then I'm not letting scum like that near you. I've met used car salesmen that sounded better than him. Forget it."

"Hello Gertrude!"

Today she expected the chorus. "Hello guys."

Class went better, at least for her. Swinging was becoming a habit. That morning she had to concentrate in orchestra to play "straight". Mr. A seemed pleased with the rhythm section; they spent time with the other sections, getting them used to playing in unison, and to Swing. He stopped them a couple of minutes early, and talked privately with Gertrude again.

"I'm sorry about that. What happened?"

"Mom didn't like him."

"So I gathered. Why not?"

Gertrude shrugged. "A bunch of things. She met him outside, and says he tried to snow her. She called him a con man, said he was the worst used car salesman she'd met. She wouldn't even let him come inside and meet me."

"He was upset. She's the first woman to shoot him down in a long long time."

"Is there anyone else?"

"Sure, but my credit is shot. I sent him to you, so I'm guilty by association. I'll give it some time before I try to find someone else. Besides, you still have things to learn in class."

G sighed. "All right."

"I made you a copy of the play list, in order. All this music is in your folder. Learning these on your own will be good practice, but you should listen to a recording before you try them."

"All right!" This time she was excited.

Mr. A was determined to keep her interested, and figured challenging her skills should work for a while. The hard part would come when they started improv. He had no idea how she would deal with it.

The final bell had rung, and Gertrude left his office to find Gary alone out there. Her heart skipped a little, remembering their accidental kiss.

"Hello G." He smiled at the abbreviation.

"Very good. I suppose that's the best I can expect from a boy."

"Ooooh." Gary staggered back theatrically. "And here I was worried 'cause I didn't know why Mr. A wanted to see you. Sometimes, with someone who doesn't get Jazz, he'll talk to them ASAP to get them to transfer."

"I think he likes me. He was trying to get me to take lessons."

"Really? Wow. He doesn't do that for everyone. Last year I took lessons, and it really helped."

"Yeah, well, my mother didn't like the tutor, so I'm stuck for now. He'll probably help me find a classical teacher though. That's better than nothing."

"That's too bad. The teacher I had was really good. He taught me the basics of blues and improv."

"Just the basics? Aren't you still taking lessons?"

"Once you have the basics, there isn't really any way to teach improv. You have to practice. I have a tape that I play and practice by playing along with it."

"What's improv?"

"Improvisation. That's how you solo. You don't have written notes. You make it up as you go along."

"No notes? How can you play?"

"The score has chords so you know what the rhythm section is playing and you try to fit your notes into that."

Gertrude shook her head. "That doesn't make sense."

He looked at her. "It will. We'll get serious about improv next quarter. You'll see then."

Gertrude looked at the clock. "Ohmigosh. I have to catch the bus. See ya tomorrow!"

Gary watched her running, and cursed himself. He'd wanted to ask her out but had been distracted talking jazz.

His friends stampeded around the corner and surrounded him.


"Tell us, man."

"What did she say?"

"I never asked."

"What? You chickened out?"

Gary glared. "We talked about jazz, and I ran out of time. She pretty cool for a white chick. I'll call her tonight."

"She gave you her number? Whoa!"

"Now that's more like it."

Gary didn't admit that he would have to look it up. After all, there can't be too many Jensens, right?

Gary stared with dismay at two columns in the phone book. Some of them had to be wrong cities, so he started marking them with a pencil. Finally he was down to a dozen. "Dad? Do you know where Manassas is?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"I'm trying to figure out which Jensen to call. I don't know where some of these places are."

"Jensen? Does she have a first name?"


"Don't try to jive me. Wouldn't she give you her number?"

"I ran out of time to ask."

"So ask tomorrow."

"I said, err, I mean, I want to call tonight."

Gary's father looked at his son, and smiled slightly. "Let me see your list."

With help, Gary was left with 3 names close to his school. The second one was her mother. "May I ask who is calling?"

"Uh, Gary is, I mean, I'm Gary. From the Jazz Band."

"Gertrude! There's..." The noise stopped as she obviously covered the receiver.

"Hello Gary."

"Hello Gertrude."

She smiled. "How did you get my number?"

"I looked you up."

Gertrude knew there were a lot of Jensens, and she realized he must have made a lot of calls, or gotten lucky. She was delighted; maybe he did like her!

There was an awkward silence, then Gary cleared his throat. "I ah, I was wondering if you'd like to go see a movie with me?"

Gertrude felt her heart skip. He wanted a date! With her! "I dunno. I mean, I'd like to, but I don't know if my Mother will let me. Just a sec."

"Mother? Can I go see a movie?"

"Certainly. When would you like me to take you?"

"Just a sec." Very quietly, she hissed to Gary. "Gary, Mom's asking when I want her to take me. Do you have a car?"

"No. I mean yes, my brother does. He said we can double date. Friday night okay?"

"That's great. What time?"

"The movies start about 7. Pick you up at 6:30?"

"All right. Now let me check."

"Mom, Gary's brother is driving. We're double dating. He says they can pick me up at 6:30. Is that okay?"

Lara smiled to herself. She had not wanted to spend the evening sitting next to two horny teenagers. Her question had prompted her daughter to get all the information at once, instead of dragging it out. "Tell him 6:15. I want to meet him first."

"Mom. It's just a movie."

"Uh huh. 6:15. Your curfew is 10:00."

"Mother! My bedtime's been 11:00 for years! What if we want to get an ice cream after the movie?"

"Then you'll have to eat it fast. Besides, I said curfew is 10:00, not bedtime. Now tell him so we can talk."

"Gary, she says she wants to meet you first. So be here by 6:15, and I have to be home by 10:00."

"Uh huh. Okay. Umm, your Dad doesn't want to meet me, just your Mom?"

"My parents are divorced."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"That's okay. It happened before I was old enough to remember. So 6:15 on Friday?"

"Yeah! See you tomorrow?"

"Sure. Bye."


Gertrude hung up the phone and turned to go upstairs.

"Come here dear. You're not getting away from me."

"Oh Mom."

Lara looked at her. "Remember the first day of school, when you told me about Gary?"

Gertrude nodded.

"I never told Mark he couldn't date. I'm not telling you. I am telling you that if you break my rules, you'll be grounded longer than you think you can survive."

Gertrude nodded again.

"When I say curfew is 10:00, that's not 10:15. Make sure his watch is on time, because if it's his fault you're late, I'm grounding you. If his car breaks down and you cannot call me until after 10:00, I'm grounding you. Do you understand my point?"

Gertrude nodded.

"All right. I hope you have fun."

Lara knocked on G's door and announced. "It's me." When she opened it, Gertrude was in her underwear staring in her closet. She smiled. "Want some help?"

"I don't know what to wear?" She wailed.

"Then tell me: How do you want to dress?"


"If you don't know what to wear, try asking how you want him to see you."


"Well then, go like this."

"Mother!" Gertrude was close to tears.

Lara said, "Dear, a teenage boy thinks a paper bag is sexy." Lara shut her mouth, and was pleased to see the anguish fade as Gertrude started thinking.

"Umm. You think I can wear anything and he'll think I'm sexy?"

"Well, not quite, but almost."

"I wanted to wear this dress, but it's just not right." Gertrude pulled the sleeve on one of her square dance dresses.

"Do you know why not?"


"Because that's a nice dress. You're not going to a nice restaurant. You're not going to a dance. You're going to a movie."

"Hmm." Gertrude looked at her blouses. "How about this?" It was a too-short blouse that hung straight down from her lack-of-chest, as Gertrude thought of it.

"Now ask yourself, 'how' you want to dress. That's a shirt for easy access to your chest."


"Well, on a date, that's what it is. There's nothing to stop him from putting his hand straight up it. If that's what you want, it's perfect."

Gertrude knew that's what she wanted, but she couldn't admit it in front of her mother. "So what's this one for? It's my orchestra performance shirt." Gertrude held out a frilly white-buttoned blouse.

"On a date, that one slows him down. Or, if you unbutton a few buttons, it tells him to go ahead. Or, you can let him unbutton it, and if you change your mind, you can refasten it. It's a nice shirt, but wear it with jeans, and it's semi-casual. Remember this is your first date. He's probably going to look nice." He will if he wants to see you again, her mother thought.

"Okay Mom. Thanks for the help." Gertrude hugged her mother and went back to thinking. She heard her mother go downstairs. "So." Gertrude looked at her pants. She only had two pairs of nice pants, black and brown. She thought about her brother. He had some square dance shirts he had outgrown. She walked into his room and sorted through Mark's hanging shirts. "Hey bro. Does this still fit?" She held up a beige shirt she had not seen him wear for a while.

"Nope. Keep meaning to put it in the giveaway box."

"Can I have it?"

"Does it fit you?"

Gertrude tried it on. It was a little big. She went back, and pulled on her brown slacks. "What do you think, Mark?"

"Put your hair up."

Gertrude got a ribbon and made a ponytail. "Oh yeah. You look very nice now."

Gertrude smiled at him. "Do I look too forward?"


"Mark! You know what I mean." She slugged him, but not the way he'd shown her.

"Ouch! Okay! Umm. Nah. Now if you tied the shirt under your tits, that would be slutty." Mark rubbed his arm in mock pain.

"I don't have any tits." Gertrude looked downcast.

"Yes you do. They're not huge, but you have them. Try it."

Gertrude shrugged and pulled up the shirt. Unbuttoning the bottom 3 buttons, she tied the tails together.

"Look in the mirror."

Gertrude went to the bathroom. His shirt gaped at the top, displaying her bra and swelling breasts. She gasped. "Ohmigosh. You can see it all." She buttoned two more, and now the shirt did not billow out as much. You could not see her L.o.C. All that was obvious was that she was not hugely endowed.

"Gertrude! You are not going out like that!" Lara was frowning over her daughter's shoulder.

"Mother. I know that. Mark was just showing me something."

She undid her styling, opened her pants, and tucked it in neatly. She reached for the buttons, but her mother stopped her. "That's plenty showing for a first date, dear."

Gertrude started to protest, then saw the look in her Mother's eyes. "All right Mom."

Gary grabbed G's hand and ran to the car. "I think she doesn't like me."

"Nah. She can be a lot worse. She just wanted you to take her rules seriously."

Gary opened the back door for them. "Hello Gertrude. I'm Sappy's brother."

"Hello Dippy. Nice to meet you."


"Well, if he's sappy you must be dippy."

The girl in the front seat giggled. "Serves ya right Fred. Hello Gertrude. I'm Dotty."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What's your name?"

Now the boys laughed. "Her name's Dorothy, but we call her Dotty."

"So what's playing?"

They talked about the movies, but Fred and Dotty didn't say much. Gertrude asked, "What are you two seeing?"

Gary answered, "I promised them if they'd give us a ride, we'd cover for them. They're going to go parking."

Gertrude blushed, and was mad at herself. She did not want Gary to think she was a little girl. "Umm. Fred? I have to be back by 10:00."

"No problem. We'll be back at the theater by 9:30."


Gertrude did not really care what movie as long as it was not scary, so it was easy for them to agree. After getting popcorn and drinks, they sat down in the back row, of course. Gary was on her left, and she sat on the left side of her seat and put her hand on the armrest. This cramped him quite a bit, leaving him no room for his right arm. Gertrude started leaning closer, hoping he would get the hint. Gray sat hunched up for a minute, then, very slowly, lifted his arm and with some contortions, got it behind her without appearing to be holding her. Even more slowly, his arm slid toward her shoulders. It stopped short, and after a minute she had had enough. More precisely, not enough. Gertrude leaned close to him, and he turned to face her. She whispered, "If you want to hold me, it's all right."

Not looking away, his arm closed onto her shoulders. Gertrude smiled at him, and he leaned in closer. She snuggled into his chest, and they watched the screen together. Gertrude was very aware of his closeness.

At a slow point, Gertrude looked over to see him looking back. He squeezed her and she put a hand on his cheek. Gertrude was surprised to find it soft. Gary leaned back, thinking she was telling him to stop. She left her hand there, and caressed his face. That caused him to smile, this time with confidence. He leaned back to her, and she felt his hand on the back of her head, pulling her gently. She breathed faster, and when he was real close, she closed her eyes. Gertrude could feel his breath, almost as fast as hers. Nothing else, and after waiting a long time, she opened her eyes. He closed the short distance immediately, his lips touching hers while they stared into each other's eyes from only two inches. It was electric; her lips tingled and shivers ran down her spine. Her nipples ached, and she knew they were hard just like the first accidental kiss. She was mesmerized, unaware of anything else.

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