Their New Mother - Cover

Their New Mother

Copyright© 2004 by Olda Jardinier

Part 2

Incest Sex Story: Part 2 - Twelve year old twins discover sexual love and family secrets with a new mother. A Village Story

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Ma/mt   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   First  

There followed a time of complete confusion. Betty shook Billy awake and climbed over him and ran from the room. Her ears roared and she could barely breathe. She found a dress to pull on and quickly brushed her hair but collapsed on her bed. She was too afraid to move. Eventually the roaring went away and in the quietness she could hear almost normal things around her. There was no yelling or angry voices. Just quiet conversation and people moving about. After what seemed like hours there was a soft knocking on her door and her father's voice.

"Betty, are you alright? Would you come out please, I need speak with you." He said in a quiet voice. "I want you and Billy to come to the sitting room."

It took all of the young girl's courage to open the door. Billy was just coming out of his room and she rushed to him and embraced him.

"I love you," she whispered "and I'm sorry that I've gotten us in trouble. But I'm not sorry for the wonderful things we've done!"

"I love you too. Come on then, let's get it over with." Billy replied with a quick kiss on his sister's cheek.

When the twins came into the room Father and the woman were sitting on the settee together holding hands. Betty looked at the woman with some resentment. Betty took Billy's hand as they stood before their father. She was expecting the worst and prepared to take responsiblitly.

"Well, first," Father said, "I want both of you to meet Victoria. Victoria is your mother's sister, your aunt. I have been looking for her since the day your mother died and now I've found her."

The children were taken aback and thrown off by this announcement. It was not at all what they had expected. Now it came to Betty there was a familiarity in the woman's face. She felt relief come over her as she had been expecting Father to come home with a new bride.

"It's very nice to meet you, Aunt Victoria." Betty said with a little curtsey, "But I thought Father was going to find someone to marry."

"Oh I am!" Father said proudly. "I fully intend to marry Victoria and live in her village. All of us. That is if you two will consent. I had hoped to be able to explain to you about some things and give you time to get to know Victoria but she has convinced me now that it may not be necessary. That is considering what you two seem to have done."

"Please don't be upset," Victoria put in, "I think I can understand how you feel. I have no intention of taking your father away from you. Indeed I was hoping to add to your family not subtract. Don't you think that we can share your father?"

Aunt Victoria turned to Father and patted his hand and some signal or unspoken message passed between them.

"Your father and I had hoped to go about this somewhat more slowly but I think we can begin sooner. Do you mind if I ask how long you have been loving each other? That is what you were doing was it not? Both of you were naked in bed. What were you doing?" Aunt Victoria asked as if she were inquiring about the weather. "Please don't be afraid. I assure you it's quite alright."

The twins were too stunned the answer.

"What you were doing is a very normal thing. Everyone eventually discovers that there are parts of their bodies that can give one intense pleasure. It is only natural that you have found this and even more exciting that you have found someone to share these feelings with." she continued. "That you are brother and sister makes it even more special, you are naturally very close as all families should be."

"When did you two begin this?" Father asked, "What gave you the idea or brought you to this?"

Billy started to answer but Betty interrupted quickly, "It was all my fault. I did it after I saw the pictures. I'll show you." She said and rushed from the room. Billy was aghast at what his sister was going to do.

Betty came back with the still broken frame and the pictures saying, "I'm sorry I broke the frame. I was just cleaning your room and I knocked the picture off by accident, I didn't mean to. And then I found these other pictures and there was Mother naked and you and I felt so funny and Billy came and it we looked at them and it just happened." she ran on. "Oh, it was you!" Betty gasped out to Aunt Victoria, "It's you in the other picture!"

Father took the photographs shaking his head slightly and looked at Aunt Victoria with a helpless look on his face. He handed her the pictures and she looked slowly through them. Aunt Victoria looked up with a smile and handed the pictures back to Father. She reached out to take Betty's hands in hers and pulled the young girl to stand close in front of her. She looked up into Betty's face still smiling.

"Yes, that's me in the picture with your mother, my sister, and your father. Do you understand what we were doing?" she asked in a calm low voice.

Betty nodded her head and with a side glance at Billy and her father she said, "You were fucking."

Father gasped and Billy stifled a laugh but Aunt Victoria laughed out loud. She looked at Father's red face and at Billy trying to be innocent. She squeezed Betty's hands and looked up into her eyes.

"Yes we were, but more than that we were making love. There is a very important difference. I hope to be able to help you and Billy know the difference. Can you tell me how looking at the pictures made you feel funny?" she asked.

Betty struggled to put into words what she had felt and it was made more awkward by her father and brother listening. As she stumbled over her words Aunt Victoria released her hands and placed them on Betty's bottom and pulled her between her own opened legs.

"Did it make you feel funny here?" she asked as she put her hand up under Betty's dress. "Oh, you aren't wearing any knickers! How very delightful. Did looking at your father fucking your mother make you wet here? What did you think when you saw your father's hard cock, did you imagine touching it? Did you see the way I was touching your mother's cunt? Just as I'm touching yours now."

Betty could only nod at the questions as she tried not to fall into a swoon from the wonderful things the woman was doing to her pussy. She couldn't help herself when she put her hands on Aunt Victoria's shoulders to hold herself up. Her aunt continued to push her fingers into the girl's wet pussy while kneading the hard nub of her clitoris with her thumb.

Aunt Victoria used her free hand to reach over to Father and began to release the buttons of his trousers. She burrowed into them and brought out his hard cock and began to frig him in front of his family.

"Look Betty. There is your father's hard cock, it's real not a picture. Wouldn't you like to touch it? I know your father would like for you to touch it. He has told me how long he has dreamed of having you touch him, how much he would like to touch you and show you how much he loves you. Would you let him touch you, would you like for him to put his hand on your little pussy?" she spoke in a low soothing voice, all the time stroking both the cock in one hand and the wet pussy in the other. She never stopped looking into Betty's eyes as she spoke. The young girl only nodded to her questions but was now moving her hips in such a way as to fuck herself on the probing fingers.

Aunt Victoria slowly took her fingers from Betty's pussy and taking one of the girl's hands from her shoulders guided it to her father's cock. She used her own hand to start Betty's in the rhythm of frigging strokes and then urged the girl to move over in front of Father.

Billy stood motionless watching what this strange woman was doing to his sister unable to take his eyes from the sight of Betty's little hand stroking up and down on his own father's dripping cock. He was brought out of his trance when he felt hands on his belt. Aunt Victoria pulled Billy to the same position in front of her. As she asked many of the same questions of him that she had asked of his sister, she unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them down. She was rewarded with the youngster's hard cock jumping up in freedom. She grasped it and began to pull and stroke it as she looked up into his eyes. She spoke softly telling him what a fine cock he had and how much she was sure his mother would have enjoyed holding it just as she was. She told him that she was certain that his mother would have wanted him to touch her also. They looked to see that now Father had his hand under Betty's dress and she was leaning over to kiss him as she pumped her wet hand on his cock.

Billy could take no more and with a gasp tried to pull his erupting cock from Aunt Victoria's hand. She held on and continued to bring more strings of white cream up from his balls. Aunt Victoria laughed as Billy sent cum shooting over her dress. They heard Father beside them grunt out as he also discharged. His man juice shot over his daughter's hand and her dress as well as his own clothing. He caught Betty as she fell having her own orgasm on his hand. The father and daughter embraced and kissed and tried to recover their breath. Aunt Victoria pulled Billy down beside her and kissed his face over as she surveyed the results of what she had done and smiled.

Presently everyone had regained composure but was unsure what was happening and were even embarrassed at having lost control. But soon Aunt Victoria was congratulating them on having gotten off to such a fine start. She allowed that she had hugely enjoyed helping Billy and complimented him on how much cream he had given her but laughed that she usually preferred it to be put to better use. Asking his leave, she got up from the settee and showed them the wetness over the front of her dress. She then suggested that perhaps it might be best if she were to remove it to prevent further soiling.

Aunt Victoria stood before the father and his children and began to unbutton the front of her dress. The dress was tossed over a chair and was followed by her chemise. She stepped close to the twin brother and sister as they sat side by side. Betty was pleased to see that her aunt wore no undergarments. She was naked under her dress and chemise. They looked up at the woman's naked body as Aunt Victoria displayed her breasts to them. She pointed out how hard her nipples were because they were looking at her. She told them of how wonderful it felt to be naked and both of the youngsters knew they agreed.

Dressed only in her stockings, they were given a guided tour of Aunt Victoria's cunt. Betty found it strange and wonderful that Victoria had a tiny patch of hair just above the pouting lips of her cunt that looked very like a perfect little heart. She stepped as close as she could to them and put one foot on the cushions straddling them both. They looked up directly into her cunt as she held it open and showed them the inner lips and her clitoris and the wet opening. She had each put a finger into her and showed them how to stroke her clitoris, encouraging them to fuck her. When each had taken turns fingering her she put her own fingers into the open cunt and gathering her own juices brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked them clean. She was pleased and overjoyed when both Betty and Billy wetted their fingers and tasted her juices. At her question they confessed to having discovered for themselves the pleasure of tasting each other. Both the brother and sister freely licked her open cunt as she held the lips open for them. Aunt Victoria laughed and kneeled down to kiss their cunt wet lips and hold them to her naked breasts as they each sucked a hard nipple.

Having noted Father's interest in his children's education by the hard again cock visible through his open trousers, Victoria pulled him to his feet. She kissed him passionately and the youngsters could see the interchange of tongues. Aunt Victoria then went behind Father and pushed him to stand before his children. They watched raptly as Father's clothing was opened and removed until he too stood before them completely naked. Standing behind Father, she reached around him and held his hard cock as she explained its parts to the twins. The smooth shiny head dripping clear oil at the end of the long shaft, his full sack of balls hanging down were handled and were explained. Both Betty and Billy were invited to touch and handle their father's cock, they both tasted the clear oil from the purple head.

When her aunt discovered that Betty had sucked Billy's cock she begged to see her suck her father. After a few strokes of her mouth Betty was asked to stop. Aunt Victoria asked Billy if he would like to try. The young man had not considered it but quickly admitted that he and Betty had tasted his juice so he opened his mouth and took as much of his father's cock as he could. Aunt Victoria then had each of them take a turn of a few sucks then exchange. As his children sucked his cock his future wife played with his balls showing them how. When Betty sucked Billy rolled his balls then they both began to administer to him together. Aunt Victoria watched from his side as both youngsters sucked and licked and squeezed their father's balls. Seeing that Father was close she searched for his bottom hole and quickly pushed her finger in. Betty had just taken her father's cock as deeply into her mouth as she could when Father fired volley after volley of hot cream into her throat. She swallowed and swallowed and still white cream escaped her lips to be gathered up by Billy as he licked the shaft of Father's cock.

Father was allowed to rest while he watched Victoria undress Billy and Betty. She stood them naked before her and studied their young smooth bodies turning them about. She then decided that Billy had done such a fine job on his father's cock that he should be rewarded. Billy was placed on the settee with his legs spread wide and Aunt Victoria knelt on the floor and swallowed his hard cock. As Father watched he gathered Betty to him and soon laid her back and began to tongue her little pussy. It took little time for the twins to reward their suckers with mouthfuls of loves sweet juices.

The new family rested in each other's arms often kissing and caressing and exploring smooth young bodies and more mature developed bodies. Billy was as fascinated by Aunt Victoria's woman size breasts as Betty was with her father's large cock. Father was at last free to touch his daughter's pussy and her small tits and tight bottom as well as the occasional stoke of his son's hard cock. They ate a cold meal and put luggage away and washed themselves but remained always naked enjoying the view of bouncing cocks and swaying breasts and flexing bottoms. Betty was reminded of the pictures she had found and how happy she thought her parents had looked being naked. She watched her brother and her father walk around with cocks wiggling and often reached out to touch them. Often she would find Father studying her, looking up and down her body and hoped that he was pleased with the way she looked. Aunt Victoria seemed to be just as interested in both she and Billy passing a hand over Billy's cock or bottom and gently caressing Betty's little tits or cupping her pink pussy. Betty decided that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Father married Aunt Victoria especially if they could all be naked together. Presently Victoria announced that the lessons would resume and led Father by his hard cock handle into the bedroom and invited Billy and Betty to join them.

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