Samantha Fairy - Cover

Samantha Fairy

by sam177

Copyright© 2004 by sam177

Erotica Sex Story: A shy woman's journey into love, lesbianism, slavery, magic, death, transformation, and life. Some parts may not be for everyone. Fixed spelling errors and made some small changes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Magic   Lesbian   Fiction   Horror   FemaleDom   Sadistic   Torture   Snuff   First   Transformation   .

Hello. My name is Samantha. I am a fairy. Well, I'm not a real fairy. There are real fairies. There is even a fairy in the garden named Samantha but I'm not her. I'm a statue of a fairy. I wasn't always a statue though. I was once a living woman. I only became a fairy after my spirit was placed in the statue while my body was cooked. Yes my body was cooked and eaten by my lover Jenny but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning.

Like I said I wasn't always a statue. I was once human. At the time I was 28 and I like to think that I was attractive even if I didn't have any dates. I guess it's because I was so shy. I still am even though I've gotten used to being nude. I pretty much had to get used to being nude since I am nude statue but it's still embarrassing having strangers looking at me. As for my looks, I had long brown hair that I didn't do anything with other than tie it back and because I wore glasses no one could see my green eyes. And my 5'10", 130lb body was hidden under baggy loose clothes. I like to think and I have come to know that my 34-24-34 figure was quite nice. I never really new it though until I met Jenny. Like I said I was shy. I wanted someone to notice me but I was afraid of the attention.

One day a woman came into the shop I worked at. she introduced herself as Jenny and asked me for help. She was so beautiful I couldn't stop looking at her. Of course I was all the more embarrassed when she asked me to show her to the erotic book section and asked me my opinions on several titles. Nobody knew I read those kinds of novels much less that the lesbian ones were my favorites. I could feel the heat rising in my face until I thought I would die blushing right there!

After selecting a few titles, including one I told her I liked, she asked to be shown to the photography section. Once there she had me help her chose a couple of nude photography books. Then she selected some nude painting and sculpture books. Then we went to the health section where she picked out some books on erotic massage and a book about lesbian sex. They were all very graphic with beautiful nude women in them. I was so I wanted to die! It was bad enough that this beautiful woman was talking to me but I was starting to feel the effects of being near her and talking about sex. I was having trouble breathing and I was praying she couldn't tell my nipples were hard or that my pussy was getting wet. When she asked if I'd ever thought about modeling all I could say was "ME!" as I tried to cover myself with my hands. She laughed a beautiful laugh and said that she thought I would be good at it.

Finally she had everything she wanted and went to the check out. I was so relieved that my embarressing situation was over but I was also a bit sad that this beautiful woman who payed attention to me had gone. I was also terribly aroused! I went to the restroom to splash water on my face in an attempt to cool off but I ended up masturbating there. I had never done that before and I was as mortified as I was relieved when my orgasm finally came. I prayed that no one had heard me. I quickly dried my pussy and flushed the toilet so no one would guess at what I'd really been doing and then washed my hands.

When I came out I thought I would be alright when I saw no one around. Then I turned around the corner and walked straight into her. As I apologized and knelt to pick up her bags she said "Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you all over.". I was stunned. She'd been looking for me? Did she know what I had been doing? I stood up, blushed hard, and holding her bags to my chest, as if they'd protect me from her. "You were?" I asked wondering why she'd been looking for me. "Did you need help finding something else?"

"No dear. I just wanted to thank you for all your help. I hope that the next time I need help finding a book that you'll be around to help me". I blushed harder and whispered that she was welcome and that I would be happy to serve her. I don't know why I said serve and not help but I meant it.

She came by about once a week after that. I was always happy to see her and serve her. If I was busy when she arrived she would patiently wait until I was free. Then she would playfully scold me while I apologized. During that time we became friends and we even started to exchange emails as well as see each other occasionally outside of work. I learned that she was an art teacher at a small college in a nearby town and she learned about me. I was surprised but pleased that she wanted to know about me. And when she did stop by the shop she always bought a book I recommended and she even recommended a few to me. I'd never thought to read about bondage but lesbian bondage soon became my favorite. She even recommended a few websites that specialized in that and had many stories and pictures I would use in my fantasies at night. Of course she was the mistress and I was the slave. I didn't know when it happened but I had fallen in love with her.

I never thought of our outings as dates however. It was to much for me to hope that she loved me too. I'd thought it was just friends going out together. Little did I know that she was going slowly with me but now that I do know, I am grateful. Had I known then that they were dates I'd have panicked and left and I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. She finally did ask me out on an "official" date when she knew I was ready and I accepted happily.

I was so nervous getting ready. I was afraid I wouldn't look good enough but when she arrived to pick me up she told me I looked wonderful. It felt so good to hear that from her. She of course was breathtaking and I felt pale compared to her but she made me feel special at every moment. Dinner and dancing was wonderful! She didn't laugh when I said I didn't know French or how to dance. She just ordered for me and gave me my first dancing lesson. I think some of the other customers were amused by my clumsiness but they didn't matter to me. I only had eyes for Jenny.

It was a wonderful evening and I loved every second of it. It only got better though when we got home. It was the first time I'd allowed anyone into my home much less my bed. She slowly and gently led me to the bedroom however and became the first person to see me naked since I was in diapers. And she thought I was beautiful.

When she had removed her clothes and laid me on the bed I knew I was going to die happy right then. She didn't laugh at my inexperience or that I wasn't shaved. She just took me slowly, gently, and so lovingly. It was the most wonderful experience of my whole life. After she held me as I cried and kissed away my tears. I'd never been so happy.

We became lovers after that with her staying occasionally with me during the week and me spending weekends with her. We would go on dates and she would introduce me to new things. It was during this time I learned to love the feel of a bald pussy and kept mine that way always. She introduced me to bondage. I was scared at first but she went slowly with me as always and I learned to enjoy being tied up and teased. And when I was ready she even taught me how pain became pleasure.

Several months after we first met I lost my job when the economy went bad. She didn't hesitate. She had me move in with her. I would clean the house and prepare her meals while she was working. Sometimes she had me help her with work. When she wasn't teaching classes she was in her studio painting and sculpting. Occasionally she would have me show students or a model she'd hired in to her studio but mostly she used me. I was so flattered that she would want to use me that I never questioned how she wanted me to pose. Sometimes they were just "regular" nudes but occasionally they would be more erotic. Some poses were embarrassing but it always made me feel good that she wanted to keep me like that.

During that time she began to take a more dominant role with me until she finally collared me and made me her slave. It felt so good to kneel naked in front of her as she locked the collar on me. After that she burned all my clothes. From then on the only things I would wear were my collar and my chastity belt. As she locked the belt on me she told me that my clit and pussy now belonged to her and that only she could touch them. I never touched them again. Mistress Jenny was kind enough to grant me an orgasm occasionally when I'd been very good but mostly I was locked away. After a while I didn't even miss cumming anymore. I just looked forward to pleasing her.

When the weather became warmer she began to sculpt a life size model of me. She said it was her grand project for the winter festival. She was starting it in the summer as it takes time to do a sculpture that big. First she had me pose until she found the position she wanted me in. Then she began to take pictures and drawings of me. Then she began to take molds of my body. The plaster felt cold and slimy but I did my best not to move. It took a while to get all the molds done as she did them in sections. The best part of it was when I got to spend several hours out of that belt. I never even tried to masturbate though as I feared being punished. Finally she had all the molds done and began the process of making a sculpture of me. The first one she did was plaster so she had a design to work off of. Occasionally she would recast parts of my body with me in slightly different poses but mostly she was satisfied with it. When she had it the way she finally wanted it she would begin to make a bronze version of it.

I was amazed by it all. The statue looked exactly like me. Every detail and perceived flaw was there. The statue was so life like that Mistress would say "Good morning Samantha" to the statue when she came in to work in the morning and "Goodnight Samantha" when she'd leave at night. It always made me smile when she did that.

During one of these recasts of my lower torso Mistress said that she was tired of unlocking and locking my chastity belt every time. It made me sad that I was such a burden to her. When I asked if there was anything I could do she smiled and said "Yes dear. There is one thing. Will you do it?" I told her I'd do anything for her. She said "Good girl" and after the mold had dried gave me my first orgasm in months. Little did I know it would be my last.

The next night was Halloween and not only was Mistress an artist and teacher but she was a witch and she had a special ritual waiting for me. In her studio was a stone altar that she had sculpted. I'd assumed it was a work bench as it was always covered by a cloth and covered in supplies. This night however it was completely cleared off and ready for me. I was bound to it with my arms and legs spread. Mistress painted some weird designs on my body while chanting. I thought it was paint and that she was just playing up Halloween. I found out later it was blood and that she was very serious.

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