Sis - Cover


Copyright© 2004 by falcon29

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Told to me as true by a friend, this is another first time story. I've known this guy a long time, but only recently met his sister. Having met her, I believe him.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Incest   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation  

I remember my junior high school years with a lot of mixed emotions. First of all, I was younger than most of the guys in my class. I think to this day that my parents didn't do me a favor by letting the school skip my third grade year. They said I would only be bored since I could already write in cursive. They said that was the most important thing taught in third grade. It kind of made me wonder why kids had to sit through nine months of all the other stuff.

Just like in elementary school, most of the kids were two years older than me, while a few were only one year older. So, going into seventh grade, I was the only eleven year old there. Anyway, being younger made me a kind of freak with the other guys in seventh grade. At twelve and thirteen years old, they were almost all bigger than me, and in the showers after gym class I saw they mostly had bigger dicks, too. They were dumber than me, too, though. At least they acted stupid most of the time. A few of them picked on me but most of them just ignored me.

The girls were a different story. The school wasn't that big -- maybe five hundred kids in all three grades. The seventh grade was the largest. Along with the girls I'd known in elementary school, there were girls from three other schools in the district. One of the girls I'd pretty much grown up with was named Cindy Fuller. She was one of the twelve year olds in my class. She had long brown hair and, like me, she was short. She was cute and smart, so I got along better with her than with most of the other girls. She had also grown boobs over the summer. She had always been kind to me and I sometimes helped her with her homework. I was glad to find that she was in my study hall and my U.S. History class.

I don't know if they still have "study halls" in schools these days. What it was I guess was that they didn't have a broad enough curriculum to fill the whole day for everybody for the whole semester. So for an hour a day for three days of the week fifteen of us sat in an empty classroom and worked on our homework. If we were working on a paper or something, we could get a pass to the library and work there.

About a week before Halloween our history teacher assigned us a paper to do. My topic was the events leading up to the American Revolution. Cindy had been assigned to write about the drafting of the Constitution. Since we were working on some of the same stuff, we got a pass and went to the library together to do our research.

Naturally my sex-filled summer made me look at girls in a different light. As I sat there across from Cindy at one of the long library tables my eyes kept drifting up to study her face. I wondered if she had pubic hair (mine had grown back in heavier than it had been -- I was glad of that when I learned we had to shower after gym!). I wondered what she looked like naked. I wondered if she masturbated like Steph and Darlene did.

I was sitting there with a hard cock one afternoon just looking at her while she flipped pages and took notes. Without looking at me she said, "If you don't get to work, Danny, you'll never get five pages done." Then she raised her eyes to mine and smiled at me. One of the things I always had liked about her was her smile. She had these cute little dimples that showed up on either side of her mouth when she smiled.

Well, of course I turned beet red and quickly averted my eyes. She surprised me by saying, "What? Do I have mustard on my face or something?"

"Uh... no, I was just... well, I like looking at you," I whispered. Then I took a big chance. "I mean you're really pretty." It was her turn to blush and I felt better. I was glad my chair was scooted under the table, though, because saying it made me get even harder.

We had only been whispering, and there wasn't anybody close to us, but she looked around us anyway. Her blush faded and she looked at me as if she hadn't known me for the last six years. Finally she just said, "Thank you." She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something else but gave a little shake of her head and frowned, her eyes going back to her books.

That had been on Monday. On Wednesday we got another library pass and went together again. I got the volumes of encyclopedias that I'd used before. Cindy set her notebook on the table and went off in search of some other books. I was sitting at the table and writing out something about Paul Revere when she came back. Instead of sitting across from me, she sat next to me. Our chairs weren't that close because I had spread two encyclopedias open in front of me. I slid them over to my left and she scooted her chair under the table -- and closer to mine!

It was still warm outside, even though it was almost Halloween. As we sat there silently working away I caught a kind of flowery scent. I leaned a little closer to Cindy and realized it was coming from her. We kept our conversation to a minimum that day but I felt different with her sitting so close to me. When the bell rang, we got up and I let her get ahead of me. I managed to lean close to her and smelled her hair. The perfume I'd smelled must have been from her shampoo. It made me dizzy.

I moved up beside her. Cindy had checked out three books about the Constitution. Along with those, she also had her other books. She was having a hard time carrying them. I only carried my notebook. I stopped her and took most of the books from her. Neither of us said anything. We just walked down the hall to the lockers. I went with her to hers and she unloaded most of the books. I gave her books back to her and she closed the locker. I figured she would just say good bye then but she surprised me. When I turned away to go to my locker she came along.

"That was really nice to carry my books, Danny," she said. She seemed to be having a hard time saying it, though.

"Well, I wasn't carrying anything. You needed help."

"I know, but most of the guys would just have laughed and let me go on with all of them," she said.

"I guess," I said. I didn't know what else to say. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I said. I was nervous. I didn't want to just walk away but school was out. I had to go home. The buses were standing outside waiting.

"Um... you ride a bus home?" she asked me. I told her I did.

"I could walk, but it's kind of far. If I walked to school, some mornings I'd be late."

"I live closer than you do. I have to walk." We were nearing the front doors. I pushed one open and stood back to let her through. "There you go again! I knew you were nice, but I didn't know you were such a gentleman." I looked at her. She was looking at me. Then she grinned. "Unless you are trying to tell me something... ?" My face got hot again.

I decided I had to say something. I realized right then that I really liked Cindy. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth. It was suddenly very dry. My voice cracked and all that came out was a kind of squeak. My face got hotter and I coughed and cleared my throat. "I guess I am," I said. There! Her grin got bigger and I was afraid she was going to laugh at me. Instead, she shifted her books to her other arm and looped her arm through mine.

"Well, you can walk me home then. Maybe my mom will give you a ride later. Or maybe you can stay for dinner." I never felt the sidewalk under my feet that afternoon. My nose was full of the scent of her shampoo and her hand was warm on my forearm. Our shoulders bumped as we walked but I didn't mind it at all. I don't think Cindy did either.

I know we talked all the way to her house but I don't remember what we talked about. I was having a hard enough time just walking with my stiff cock in my pants. I kept hoping it didn't show. A couple of times I glanced down casually and I couldn't see it.

We got to her house and her big brother was there. He was seventeen and a senior in high school. When Cindy introduced me to Tom he frowned. "Do you have a sister?" he asked. I told him about Steph. He nodded and kind of smiled. "I know her! She's a sophomore this year isn't she?" I nodded and he grabbed a soda from the refrigerator and walked out of the kitchen. As he went down the hall he called back, "Tell her hello for me."

I called home and told Stephanie where I was. She was a little upset that I'd gone without permission, but she wasn't really mad. Cindy and I worked a little on our papers until her mother came in from work. Cindy left me in the family room while she went to ask her mom about me staying for dinner. She had a disappointed look when she came back. "We're going out to some friends' house for dinner. My mom says maybe this weekend you could come though." I was just as glad. I didn't know her mother, though I remember seeing her at some parent's nights back in elementary school.

We put our books away and Cindy took me out to her back yard. On the way through the kitchen she introduced me to her mother. Cindy's parents were divorced. Mrs. Fuller was probably close to forty back then, but I still thought she was pretty. She had the same kind of figure as Darlene -- kind of chubby with big tits. She had the same brown hair as Cindy but wore it cut short. Cindy told me her mom was a secretary in an office somewhere.

In the yard we sat at the picnic table under an apple tree. There were lots of windfall apples lying around in the grass. Cindy stood up on the table, though, and reached up to pick two nice ones for us. From where I was sitting I could see up her skirt. She had pink panties on. My hard on had never really gone away, but that made it harder than ever. Cindy looked back over her shoulder and caught me looking up her skirt. She got those dimples again and sat down next to me on the bench.

She handed me an apple and took a big bite out of her own. She didn't say anything; she just kept watching me as she chewed. I took a bite of my apple. She took another bite. That time some juice escaped and ran down her chin. She stuck her tongue out to lick it up but her eyes never left mine.

She glanced over her shoulder at the house. As she was turning back around she kissed my cheek. I blushed crimson again. My cock ached. She was sitting there looking at me. I leaned forward and kissed her. When my tongue slipped out her lips stayed closed for a second. Then they opened and she let my tongue invade her mouth. I tasted lots of apple.

We broke the kiss off and I saw something different in her eyes. I suppose she saw something had changed in my eyes, too. She smiled and kissed me again. This time it was her tongue that found its way into my mouth. I put my arm around her and hugged her. Our apples sat on the cracked boards of the table and turned brown as we explored the joys of kissing.

Cindy hugged me and her mouth was next to my ear. "You looked up my skirt. That was a naughty thing to do." I felt my face go hotter again but said nothing. She whispered, "I knew you would. I wanted you to." Then she bit my ear! Nobody had ever done that before, but it gave me a funny feeling. A chill ran down my spine but then I was all hot again. I wanted her to do it again.

I took a bold step then. I put my hand on her left boob. She gasped but she didn't pull away. We kissed some more and she let me feel her through her clothes. Her hand went down to my leg but she didn't reach for my hard cock. It was probably good, because I'd have exploded on the spot. We stayed like that for a long time, our mouths joined, my hand on her tit and hers squeezing my leg. When she moaned, I moaned back.

I started to unbutton her blouse but she stopped me. "I think it's time to go. My mom said we can give you a ride home on the way to her friend's house." She looked at me and smiled. "I really like you, Danny. I have for a long time." She looked down then and ran a fingertip over my obvious hard on. "I guess that means you like me too." I shuddered but didn't fill my underwear with cum. I nodded.

"I didn't know you liked me... that way," I said.

"Well, I wasn't sure either, but I do. I've never let anybody feel my titties before." She blushed again.

"Well I only felt one of them, and it was through your clothes," I said, all full of myself then. I reached for the "virgin" tit, but she jumped off the bench and spun out of reach.

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