Shy Wife Has Her First Threesome - Cover

Shy Wife Has Her First Threesome

by Elliot

Copyright© 2004 by Elliot

Erotica Sex Story: Weekend away leads to a wife's first threesome with a blackman

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   .

I always seem to be working hard these days, probably like most men it is hard to run a family on one wage, especially with 3 kids, all young, 6, 3 and 4 months.

My wife, who is 33 and a bloody good mum wanted to stay at home bringing up the kids until they were all at school, and then she would find a job to help out, I look forward to that day.

I was due a long weekend in the next few weeks and decided to book us a weekend away in a nice country hotel, without the kids, all I had to do was ask the mother-in law to look after the kids for us.

I finally caught up with my mother-in law and she agreed to look after the kids for us, now we could both look forward to our break.

The time had finally come for the both of us to take our weekend away, so I loaded our car with a small case and of we went to our hotel.

We finally arrived at 'The Countryman Inn' a small and quiet hotel in the middle of some really nice countryside, and only a village nearby.

We were shown to our room, (No.8) not bad nothing special, a double bed, bathroom with a shower, TV and the usual tea making facilities, and a view overlooking the Stream nearby.

My wife was unpacking our clothes while I took a look around the hotel, I found the restaurant, and the keep fit area, and finally the bar.

I decided to have a quick pint of beer, when a black man came up to the bar and also ordered a drink, ' Hi' he said to me, in what seemed like an American accent.

'Alright mate' I replied. 'You seem a long way from home' I asked him.

He looked to me to be about 32-36 years old and was quite a big fellow, and he was what I would say quite dark in colour, I mean really black.

'Yes I' am my name is Flynn and yours' he asked me. ' I'm Steve nice to meet you, so what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere' I asked Flynn.

'Well I'm here to see an old family friend of mine but he's not around anymore so I booked into this place and I will be getting my flight back tomorrow afternoon' he told me.

I finished my pint and told Flynn that we might see him later tonight, if we had nothing planned for that evening and went back up to my room.

'Hi where have you been' shouted my wife Claire from the bathroom. 'Just had a wander around the hotel that's all' I said to Claire.

'What's it like any good' came the reply. 'Not too bad I saw the gym, not that I'm going to use it and I had a quick pint in the bar, and the restaurant is ok' I told my wife.

Like I said earlier, Claire is 33 and very shy, she has short blonde hair and carry's a few extra pounds after having the kids, her boobs are the best part. 42f, rather more than and handful, and our sex life is very good she only recently started to shave her pussy hair, she loves anal and I only just bought her a dildo which she loves, especially with my cock up her ass, she then starts to use her dildo on her pussy, I often wondered if she would ever thought of having a threesome with another man, but I already knew the answer to that and there was no way she would ever do anything like that.

The only thing I had to get Claire to agree to do and that was to let me cum in her mouth and for her to swallow it all, but I'm slowly working on it.

Claire finally got out of the bath and came into the room with a towel wrapped around her.

'So what are we going to do this afternoon darling' Claire asked me. 'Not sure really we could go for a long walk, it does look nice around here, and it would get us an appetite for a good meal and drink for tonight' I said to Claire.

Claire finally got dressed and we made our way out of the hotel to go for a long walk in the country.

After a few hours walking around we made our way back to the hotel for our evening meal.

We both took a shower and got dressed for the evening, me well I was wearing a nice shirt and trousers and Claire was wearing a white low cut top which revealed plenty of her large tits and a smart skirt down to her knees, Claire would never wear anything too revealing so to see her in her white top took me by surprise.

' You look great Claire and that top you got sure shows your tits' I told Claire.

' Well I bought it especially for our weekend away, nobody here will know us so I don't mind showing a bit of boob' Claire told me.

We made our way to the bar for our meal, found a nice table in the corner, we were just about to order our meal when Flynn approached our table, ' Hi Steve how you doing? He asked me. ' Fine Flynn, this is my wife Claire' I replied.

Claire offered her hand to Flynn to shake, when Flynn took Claire's hand and put it to his lips and kissed it and also took a good look down Claire's low cut top. ' Lovely to meet you Claire' Flynn told my wife. Claire being rather shy went bright red when Flynn kissed her hand.

' Why don't you join us if you like' I asked Flynn.' That ok with you Claire? ' Sure I don't mind' Claire replied.

So Flynn got a chair and joined us for our evening meal, so during our meal we drank a couple of bottles of wine between the three of us and Flynn told us about his life in the States, how he was happily married with 2 kids and that his age was 35.

Also Flynn would pay Claire some really nice comments to which Claire would simply blush and say thanks.

Some of his comments were like this, ' Claire I have to say you are a very pretty woman and I know this is a bit rude but you have a fantastic chest.'

Now when he said this to Claire I was a bit annoyed that he said that to my wife even though it must have been good for Claire to be flattered like that.

Amazing really that I was annoyed when sometimes during our sex sessions I often thought of seeing Claire with another man, but I suppose like most men the thought of their wives with another man would drive them mad and angry.

Claire got up to go to the toilet and I also went with to go to the toilet as well. ' Claire, so what do you think of Flynn? I asked her. ' Well I think he's really nice, and I'm enjoying his company' Claire replied. ' So what did you think when he said you had a great pair of tits? I asked her. ' Well I was taken aback but I rather enjoyed it' Claire told me with a smile on her face.

We both joined Flynn back at the table, who had also ordered another bottle of wine.

It was now getting late and the waiter told us that the bar was about to close and did we want anymore drinks, so both Flynn and I bought a bottle each for the evening.

Clair and I were making our way to our room when Flynn asked us if we would like to go to his room for a few more drinks, we both looked at each other and told him sure we would love to.

Flynn opened his bottle of wine and poured both of us a drink.

' Thanks Flynn' said Claire. ' My pleasure Claire' Flynn replied.

There was only one chair in the room so I sat on the chair and Claire sat on the bed, so after pouring himself a glass of wine Flynn sat down on the bed next to Claire.

So here we were my wife and I in a total strangers hotel room having a drink and also Claire sitting on a bed with the man himself.

I notice Flynn looking at Claire tits again, he did this really alnight so I got used to it by now and I rather found it a turn on that another man staring at my wife's tits.

'Claire I just have to ask you this, but all night I have been looking at your tits and my god they are fucking great you must tell me how big they are, please, said Flynn.

'Flynn I know you have been looking at my tits and I find it flattering so just for you they are 42f' Claire told Flynn.

' 42f, Fantastic Claire, I bet their an handful Steve? Replied Flynn. ' They sure are Flynn' I told him.

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