Linda and Son - Cover

Linda and Son

Copyright© 2004 by Dafafu

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Fourteen-year-old Linda's tryst with a fifteen year-old boy results in pregnancy but not marriage. Her baby son, after birth is taken away from her. However he returns fifteen years later and satisfies her cravings.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son  

Meanwhile, Linda had an eye on Cathy and her son. By the way Cathy behaved, Linda knew she was having an orgasm. Then Cathy knelt in front of the boy and started to unzip his pants and take out his cock. Obviously, she was going to suck him. Linda didn't want to allow this. She wanted her son's cock juice for herself. So she whispered to her mother for help.

While Bob and Linda talked, Julie quietly went and stopped Cathy from taking the boy's cock into her mouth. She told Bill, "Your mother wants to see you now." The boy ran to the sink, washed his face, fixed his pants and came into the living room, accompanied by Cathy who had already adjusted her clothes.

"Do you want to see me, mom?"

Linda asked angrily, "Do you want to go away with Cathy? Or do you want to stay here with me?"

"Of course I want to stay here with you, mom"

"Then why are you spending so much time with Cathy and not with me?"

"Cathy was just being nice to me..."

"Was that so? Or were you being nice to her?"

Realizing that he was the one who had been nice to Cathy by having sucked her tits and tongued her cunt to climax, the boy said, "I'm sorry, mom." He stood still, looking down at his feet and appeared dejected. Linda felt sorry for the boy. Cathy was to be blamed and not her son, she thought.

Julie said, "Bill, go to your mother... kiss and make up."

Bill came over and knelt in front of his mother between her thighs. Linda's thighs spread out. The skirt rode up, exposing her loins completely. Only the sheer tiny thong covered her cunt lips. Her son's eyes were on her chest, admiring her semi-visible nipples and the much exposed firm flesh of her tits.

Linda smiled lovingly at her son as he placed his hands on her thighs and kissed her wetly on the cheek. Linda caressed his handsome face and kissed him on the mouth, holding the kiss for a few seconds. Then she hugged his face to her chest. His mouth was buried against her blouse-covered tits.

Saying, "I love you, baby," Linda cuddled his face to her chest, making sure his mouth rubbed all over her breasts. Linda also made sure that her blouse covered nipples slipped into his mouth several times. Each time a nipple slipped into her son's mouth, Linda would bend down and whisper into his ear, "Suck baby, suck."

Cathy understood what was happening. But not Bob. He was a bit shocked. Linda shouldn't be that bold, he thought. Didn't she know that motherly love didn't require her to do what she was doing? She was not only exposing her loins but also kissing him on the mouth and rubbing his face all over her big tits! He thought he saw her nipples slip into the boy's mouth several times! He thought Linda was an innocent mother. She could let a baby suck her tits but not a 15 year-old son! Even if the nipples are covered by cloth. Obviously she didn't know that what she was doing with her son was sexual! She didn't know that a woman didn't breast feed a grown boy, he thought.

He said, "Linda, he is not a baby anymore. He's a young man."

"No Bob, he's my baby... he may be grown, but he is still a baby to me." She hugged her son's face more lovingly to her tits. She pushed more of her tits into her son's sucking mouth.

Cathy said, "Alright Bob, lets go. We will leave Linda and her baby to themselves."

As Cathy and Bob started to leave, Linda wanted to say goodbye to them properly. She wanted to be nice to Cathy so that she wouldn't tell Bob about her sexual desire for her son. Linda asked her son to get up Then she herself got up, adjusted her skirt and blouse. The nipples were more visible because the blouse was well wetted by her son's saliva. Everyone headed towards the door.

They said their good-byes. Cathy kissed Bill on the cheek, but Bob kissed Linda on the mouth.

Before leaving Cathy told Linda, "Please phone and tell me when you'll be sending Bill to me for a weekend."

"I will." The two women gave each other an understanding smile.

After Bob and Cathy had left, Linda asked her mother, "Mom, shall I take Bill to the bedroom and give him some mother's love."

"That can wait, Linda. We have to think of Bill's education. He has to join a school here. Why don't you take him to the school around the corner and register him for regular classes?"

"No mom, I like to love my son for a while... on his bed."

"You are better advised to take him to school first. The sooner he joins school, the sooner he'll make friends and the sooner you can get to know his friends."

The idea of getting to know some boys excited Linda. So, she agreed. She and Bill dressed up. Linda wore a one piece, U-necked clinging blue gown that showed off her curvaceous figure. Bill was dressed in schoolboy-like shirt and pants. Then they went to the Maxwell School. It was an all boys' school. Linda didn't want her son to join a co-ed school as she didn't want him to get involved with girls.

Linda and Bill were seated in front of the Headmaster. He was handsome, about 45 and well built.

Linda said, "Mr. Allrod, I'm here to admit Bill into your school."

"That shouldn't be a problem. How old is your brother?"

"No, he's not my brother. He's my son. He is 15 years old."

"Really? You are young to have such a grown son!"

"Well, I'm 30... not very young, I'm afraid."

"Really? I'm surprised. You have a beautiful face and figure... you look like a girl in her early 20s."

"Thank you for the compliment. You see, I'm an unwed mother. The boy has been with his father till now. Since he is going to marry someone soon, Bill has come to stay with me." Finally, the headmaster agreed to admit Bill into his school.

"Mr. Allrod, thank you."

"You are welcome."

"May I ask you for some help?"

"Yes, Linda. How can I help you?"

"My son is new here and has no friends. I wonder whether you could introduce a boy or two about his age to be his friends. Friends who could come over to our house, perhaps on weekends, to talk and play with my son."

Mr. Allrod thought for a while and said, "Yes, I can, but before that may I discuss something in private... without your son?"

"Yes, of course." Then she told her son, "Bill, will you wait outside? While I talk to the headmaster?" Bill then went out of the office.

"Yes, Mr. Allrod?"

"Before I make my suggestion, may I ask you something?"

"Yes, Sir," she smiled.

"If I discuss something very private can you keep it confidential, even if you don't agree?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Alright then. You see, I am a father with a 15-year-old son and a 16 year-old daughter. If you can agree to help me, I can help you."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, I can ask my son to befriend your son."

"Oh yes, that will be great!" exclaimed Linda, smiling.

" I need you to keep him for a couple of hours on Saturdays and Sundays."

"That's not a problem." Linda knew that she would be happy to have another 15 year-old boy with her on weekends. She might have opportunities with the boy, she thought.

"That's good... I'll be grateful."

Linda thought that Mr. Allrod wanted his son out of the way for a couple of hours on weekends so that he could bring women to the house. But, what about his daughter?

So, she asked, "What about your daughter? Would you like to send her over also? So that you could have free time for yourself?"

"No. In fact she's the reason why I want my son away on weekends."

"I don't understand, " said Linda with a puzzling expression on her face.

"Alright, Linda, I'll be honest with you if you agree to keep things confidential?"

"Yes, I promise."

"You see, on Saturdays and Sundays my wife visits her parents, who stay a few miles away. She'll be usually gone for about four hours each afternoon."

"Oh, I see." Linda didn't realize he had a wife.

"I hope I can send my son over to your house during this time."

"Of course," said Linda. "But why do you want your son away from the house?"

"So that I can be alone with my daughter."

Linda suspected what the headmaster was up to, but pretended to be innocent and probed him with more questions.

"Why do you want to be alone with your daughter?"

"You see, my daughter... her name is Jenny... she is 16... and very beautiful... I love her very much."

"Yes, I'm glad to know your daughter is young and beautiful. But, why do you want to be alone with her?" Linda pretended to be innocent.

"For two reasons... to see her... and... to give her my love. Do you understand what I mean?"

Linda understood. But Linda pretended that she didn't understand. "Not really. What do you mean by to see her and to give her your love."

"You see, besides being very beautiful, Jenny is a very well developed girl... with a very well endowed chest... gorgeous thighs... and so on... but I can't see her body because she doesn't wear revealing clothes at home. If my son is away at your place and her mother away at her parents' place, I can get Jenny to wear some nice dresses when she is alone with me... I can buy trendy clothes for her to wear... clothes that can help me to see her body. I hope you understand."

Linda understood that he wanted his daughter to wear sexy revealing clothes. "Yes, I understand. You want her to dress sexily for her loving father."


"You also said you want to give love... what do you mean?"


"How? How do you want to give your daughter your love?"

"By giving her happiness."

"But, how do you plan to give her happiness?"

"By giving her pleasure."


"By being nice to her body."

"How do you intend to do that?"

"By hugging her, cuddling her and kissing her."

"Oh, I see. But... but..."

"But what, Linda?"

"If you hug, cuddle and kiss your daughter, you will arouse her sexually!"

"Yes, but sexual arousal will give her pleasure, wouldn't it? And pleasure will give her happiness."

"Oh, I see. But your daughter will get frustrated if she is aroused sexually, and nothing happens after that."

"I won't let that happen... as her father, it will be my responsibility to make sure that she doesn't end up frustrated."

"What do you plan to do?"

" I will respond to her sexual arousal... and satisfy her."

Linda knew that Mr. Allrod was having the hots for his daughter! But who was she to judge? Wasn't she herself having the hots for her son?

"So, you want to send your son to my place so that you and your daughter can... ?" Linda gave Mr.Allrod an understanding smile.

"Yes, I hope you can help me. I'll be very grateful to you."

"What about your son? He too needs love."

"Unfortunately his mother is a very religious type. I feel sorry for the boy... he can't get mother's love... physically, I mean."

Linda said boldly, "In that case I will mother him... and take of your son's needs."

"Thank you."

"Yes, Mr. Allrod, I understand. Daughters are special to fathers... the way sons are to their mothers."

"Is that how you feel towards your son?"

"Yes, and I'll take of your son too, don't worry."

Then Bill was called in and Mr. Allrod phoned the office to send for his son who was in class in that school.

When the boy came in Linda was all a flutter again. He was a very handsome well-built boy. Much like her son. Mr. Allrod made the necessary introductions. And they all got to know each other. Linda liked the way Jason, the Headmaster's son, got on with her son and herself. Mr. Allrod also explained to his son the weekend arrangement he and Linda had discussed. The boy appeared happy about it.

"Jason, why don't you take your friend Bill to class now?"

Before they went to class, Linda kissed her son on the mouth and said, "Be a good boy, Bill. I'll come and fetch your after school."

"No need, mom. I'll walk home." They also found out that the two families lived close by.

"Okay. And... be good to Jason, your new friend... I mean, our new friend." Then the two boys went away.

"Jason is a very handsome boy... and very friendly too."

"Yes, hope you and your son will be good to him."

"Don't worry, Mr. Allrod. I'll be extra nice to him when he comes over to my place on weekends."

"Thank you, Linda. I think Jason will like you very much... you are young and lovely!"

"Hope so, Mr. Allrod."

"You are more than young and lovely," said Mr. Allrod looking all over her body.

"What do you mean, Sir?" smiled Linda.

"You have a great figure, Linda!"

"What are you trying to say, Sir?"

"Can I be frank?"

"Please do."

"You are very sexy, Linda. You have a voluptuous body. Jason will like you."

"You mean Jason will like my voluptuous body?" Linda asked teasingly.

"Yes... and I'm beginning to be jealous."

"Mr. Allrod! Are you saying that you are interested in my body?"

"Yes, to be frank. I wish we can marry and live as a happy family with our children."

"Is that a serious proposal, Sir?" Linda asked cheekily. "Whatever will your wife say?"

"Yes, that's the problem."

"And your daughter is another problem!"

"Yes, you are right. I need my daughter... I've been longing to love her for the last two years."

"I wish you all the best Mr.Allrod. You can send your son over to my place this Saturday afternoon."

"Yes, I will... as soon as my wife leaves... usually she leaves at 2 p.m. and returns after 6 p.m. Please try to keep Jason with you during that time. So that I can have as much time as possible with my daughter."

That agreed, Linda kissed Mr. Allrod on the mouth, holding the kiss for several seconds and spoke into his mouth, "May you enjoy loving your daughter thoroughly, Sir."

He spoke back, "I hope to... and thank you for your help..."

"If you need extra help... to get close to your daughter, please let me know. May be I can talk to her and persuade her to be nice to you."

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."

So the two parted and Linda went home.

At home, Julie was waiting to hear what happened at school."Yes, mom. Bill has already joined the school. And the Headmaster's 15 year-old son is already his friend."

"I'm glad to hear that. Have you met the boy. Is he good?"

"Yes, mom. He is well-built like Bill and equally handsome."

"Will you able to befriend him?"

"Yes... the Headmaster wants to send the boy over here for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday."

"What do you mean? He wants to send?"

"On Saturday and Sunday afternoons, his wife will go visiting her parents. So he wants to send the boy over here."


"So that he can be alone with his beautiful 16 year-old daughter."

"Oh, now I understand." Her mother smiled cheekily.

"Yes mom. I think he is hot for his daughter..."

"The way you are hot for your son," added Linda's mother.


"And I suppose you are also hot for the Headmaster's son now."

"Mommy!!" Linda merely smiled, blushing.

Late afternoon Bill returned from school. He was very excited. He and Jason had got on well together.

"Mom, Jason says you are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen."

"Isn't that nice of him?" said Linda, happy the boy admired her.

"He said that the school girls... even all the girls he had seen... don't have your beauty and sex appeal."

"That's very nice to hear. Tell him thank you for me... tell him also that I think that he is a very handsome lovable boy."

"More handsome and lovable than me?" asked her son quizzically.

"Of course not. You are my special love."

"What do you mean, mom."

"You are special... I love you and I also love your body. But, is mommy special to you?"

"Yes, mom, very, very special."

"So, do you love my body?"

"Oh yes, mom, please allow me."

"Of course, I will allow you to love my body, Bill. Anytime you want to, darling."

The talk had sexually aroused both mother and son. Linda gathered her son and kissed him sexily on the mouth, exchanging tongues and caressing his body. Julie allowed her daughter and grandson to kiss and cuddle for a while before stopping them.

"Linda, let the boy go and rest for a while. Tonight, after dinner, may be you can mother him." Linda knew what her mother had meant, and she let the boy run up to his room.

"Oh mom! I can't wait for tonight."

"I can understand your hunger, but be patient. Tonight, my dear."

After dinner, Julie went to Linda's room to help her dress up for the evening. Linda was naked, her loins clean-. Julie selected a very sexy bra for Linda to wear.

"No, mom. I've decided not to wear any bra."


"I want to show my son my beautiful body."

"But surely you are going to wear a blouse."

"Yes, this one."

Linda wore a semi-transparent blouse that wouldn't close up properly over her chest and knotted it lightly under her massive tits. The gap between the two halves of the blouse was very wide so that the upper and inner halves of her 38DD tits bulged out of the blouse into the open. The edges just about covered her nipples and made them semi-visible. She knew she had wonder tits.

"That's fabulous exposure... almost all of you tits are bare and bulge way out of the blouse."

"A bra would have spoilt the view, wouldn't it?"

"What panty are you going to wear?"

"This," Linda said.

"G-string! So skimpy!"

"Yes, for my son."

Linda got into her G-string. And it was practically all strings except for a tiny strip of sheer fabric that did not succeed in covering completely her cunt slit and cunt lips.

"Shall I meet Bill, wearing just like this, mom?"

"Definitely not! Don't scare the boy. Wear something over it."

"Well, he likes thigh hoses."

The sheer hoses accentuated her gorgeous full thighs. Her butts were bare and her clean- loins were practically naked! For a moment she thought of going down dressed like that.

"Can I go down like this, mom?"

"No, darling. It's too daring. You are almost naked. Even your cunt lips are not properly covered... your G-string is too tiny!"

"So, what do you suggest?"

"Wear a micro-mini flaring skirt?"

"Why, mom?"

"So that the skirt can swish about... even lift up as you walk... to give your son a good peek-a-boo view of you loins. Moreover..."

"Moreover what, mom?"

"Moreover, your son can lift it up easily to admire his mother's hot loins."

Linda blushed but agreed, "Yes, mom... that's a good idea... to wear a flaring short skirt."

Linda chose a blue micro-mini skirt that was made of soft fluffy fabric that had a seductive flare. It just about covered her lovely buttocks and delicious loins. Most of her gorgeous thighs, in sexy hoses, were exposed.

"You are really hot for your son, aren't you Linda?"

"Oh mommy! I just want to love my son... and I want him to love me, his mother."

"All right, let's go down. I'm sure you are anxious for some fun with your son."

"But, mom... can you do me a favor?"

"What's that, darling?"

"Bill is still in his room. How about you going to his room... and getting him to wear something exciting for me."

"I understand, " smiled her mother and went to Bill's room. Linda went downstairs.

Julie found her grandson in slacks and shirt, ready to come out of his room.

"Bill, you are going to spend the evening with your mother. So, how about wearing something comfortable?"

"What do you suggest, grandma?"

"Let me chose something from the clothes your mother has bought for you."

Julie chose an underwear-type of pants. It was baggy but short and made of thin semi-transparent white cotton fabric. "Remove all your clothes and wear this, Bill."

Bill took the pants and went behind the cupboard to change. After removing all his clothes, he realized he needed a brief.

"Grandma, can you please get me a pair of briefs?"

"No, Bill. No brief and no shirt... wear only the pants... please."

He got into the short pants and was shocked. The fabric was thin and his manhood and balls were semi-visible. Moreover there was a long opening in front and the single button failed to close up the opening properly.

"Grandma, I can't wear like this. The pants reveal too much."

"Come here, Bill. Let me have a look."

He was shy to come out. So, his grandmother went and taking him by the hand brought him to stand in front of the dressing table mirror.

"Look at yourself, Bill. You look manly and sexy. Your mother will like you very much."

"But grandma... the pants don't hide much!"

"Let me have a look." Grandma knelt in front of the boy and holding him by the hips looked at his loins. "Let me see whether I can adjust it so that it won't be that revealing."

Grandma pulled the shorts lower a bit, then twisted it to the left and right. Then her right hand pretended to adjust the slit of his pants. In the process, her fingers made contact with his manhood. She didn't take away her hand. On the pretext of adjusting his pants, her fingers deliberately rubbed against his manhood, causing it to come alive. It began to swell and elongate. Julie smiled to herself.

Embarrassed the boy said, "Never mind, grandma. It's okay."

"Yes, Bill, it should be okay. I suppose the pants were meant to be revealing. Probably that's why your mother bought it for you. She must want to see you. Why don't you wear it and make your mother happy."

"Are you sure, grandma? That mom will be happy... to see me in these pants?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Why don't we go and find out."

They went downstairs. As soon as Bill saw his mother's sexy body and her well-exposed magnificent tits, his cock elongated and lifted outward his shorts. Linda was delighted to see her son so bare, his semi-transparent short shorts, revealing a rising bulge and exciting her senses.

"Bill. Do you like mom's dress?"

"Yes, mom, you look gorgeous... lovely, they are lovely," he said, looking at her big exposed tits.

"Thank you, darling." Then fixing her eyes on his semi-visible bulge she added, "It's big and beautiful!... I like it, son."

"Thank you, mom."

"Mom has been waiting the whole day to love you. Let mom kiss you."

They hugged and kissed for a while, getting aroused.

"Let's sit on the couch," said Linda and sat down with her son. "Would like to be nice to mommy?"

"Yes... but how?"

"Would you like to kiss, lick and suck mommy's tits?"

"Yes, mom, yes... I'd like that very much."

Slowly Linda pulled her son's mouth to her blouse covered semi-visible right nipple. Bill's wet mouth closed over the nipple and sucked it lovingly. Linda kept caressing her son's cheeks as she said, "Thank you, son... that feels very nice."

After a minute, she said, "How about sucking the other nipple?"

The boy released her nipple from his mouth. The saliva-wetted blouse made the nipple very visible. As the boy was about to take her other nipple into the mouth the doorbell rang.

Julie said, "There's somebody at the door. Let me go and see. " As she went to open the door, Linda and her son sat apart, waiting to see who had come.

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