Linda and Son - Cover

Linda and Son

Copyright© 2004 by Dafafu

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Fourteen-year-old Linda's tryst with a fifteen year-old boy results in pregnancy but not marriage. Her baby son, after birth is taken away from her. However he returns fifteen years later and satisfies her cravings.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son  

Beautiful fourteen year-old Linda was all a flutter at the arrival of the new neighbors next door. The new couple had a very well built handsome son to whom she felt attracted.

The next day Linda's parents, Steve and Julie Hartley, invited them over for tea and the two families became good friends. They talked about themselves, their jobs and their children. The neighbors were Nick and Nancy Hanson and their son was 15 year-old Bob.

Nancy, the boy's mother told Julie, "I see that my son will be attending the same school as Linda. How does your daughter go to school?"

"She cycles to school," smiled Linda's mother.

Nick Hanson, the boy's father said, "Our son will be driving his car to school. If you don't mind Linda can go with him to school." Linda was delighted to hear that. She was already falling in love with their son.

That was how it was. Bob took Linda to school and also brought her back from school. What the two sets of parents didn't know was that the two kids did not come home straight after school. Before coming home, they parked the car in a secluded area nearby and fucked wildly.

Linda loved passionately the virile handsome 15 year-old boy. She and Bob possessed incredible sex drive and stamina. They loved sex and loved fucking.

Linda and Bob were naïve about taking precautions. So, the inevitable happened. She got pregnant! And the two teenagers wanted to get married!

But all hell broke loose between the two families. At first accusations and counter accusations as to who was responsible aggravated their relationship. But a few days later the two families came to an agreement.

Bob's parents objected to any marriage because they felt that that would affect the boy's future. Both families were against abortion because they were against the killing of life. Therefore, Linda was allowed to keep her pregnancy. But, her father didn't want to have anything to do with the "bastard child", as he put it. So, Bob's parents agreed to take the baby when delivered and bring it up. And that was what happened.

When Linda delivered a baby boy, he was taken away from her after she was discharged from the hospital. Bob and his parents also moved out of town. However, Linda's mother and Bob's mother were sympathetic over the love of their children and kept contact with each other hoping that their children could marry some day. But this never happened.

Fifteen years later, certain unexpected events took place. Bob's parents died through illness, and so did Linda's father. Bob was now a 30 year-old man and he contacted Linda's mother. He wanted to come and see Linda with their 15 year-old son.

Julie was delighted. She thought that at last the two lovers could get married.

On a Monday morning, Bob arrived with his 15 year-old son. When they entered the house, Linda's was all a flutter, the way she was more than fifteen years ago when she first saw Bob. This time it was not because of Bob but because of her son, Bill. For a 15 year-old, he was very well built and handsome in a sexy way. Linda loved her son!

After the preliminary greetings they had coffee and engaged in mundane chatter. Then Bob wanted to talk to Linda in private. So, they went into a room. Linda's beauty and sex appeal astonished Bob.

Linda was indeed an exceptionally beautiful young woman. She was curvaceous and her body was delightfully packed with full vibrant flesh that oozed sex. Her massive 38DD breasts bulged boldly against her blouse. The flat tummy and narrow waist gracefully swelled into curvy hips that led to delicious full buttocks and gorgeous shapely thighs. Her beautiful, youthful and voluptuous body stirred Bob's manhood.

He wanted to kiss her but she shied away. "No Bob, no."

"Don't you love me, Linda?"

"I'm sorry, Bob. Somewhere, during these fifteen years, our love died."

"But, I still love you, darling."

"But, I don't love you, Bob. I'm sorry."

"What about our son? Don't you love him?"

The mention of her handsome 15 year-old son thrilled her. Thrilled her in way that she couldn't fully understand.

"Of course I love him... very much. He's my son and he's not to be blamed for anything."

"Am I to be blamed?"

"You never fought against your father to marry me... if not at first but even later. I'm sorry, I don't love you anymore."

Bob then said, "You see, there is a woman at my workplace who is willing to marry me."

"Good luck to both of you." Linda was angry. Obviously he had been lying about still loving her. Probably he had been fucking this woman already.

"But there is a problem."

"What's that?"

"She has agreed to marry but she doesn't want the responsibility of looking after and bringing up a 15 year-old step-son."


"So, I wonder whether you could have him." Linda's heart beat excitedly.

"What do you mean?"

"From today onwards, you keep our son here with you and bring him up the way he ought to be brought up. I feel he needs a mother's care and love." Linda knew he wanted to get rid of the boy to marry the woman. But it suited her very well. She knew she and Bill could make a great mother-son pair. He was very handsome indeed. She loved her son.

"Alright, if that's what you want. It would be my pleasure to do my duty by my son."

"One more thing."

"What's that?"

"You see, the boy is growing up and he will be expensive to bring up. So, I've given the boy an ATM card and a credit card. Let him bear all the expenses of this household since you have lost your father and don't have a bread winner in the family."

"No, you can take back your cards. We can manage... we have enough insurance money."

"But it won't do the boy any good. Since he'll be the man of the house now, it will boost his ego if you would let him bear all expenses. It will help to build his character."

"Well, if you put it that way, " conceded Linda.

"So, it's settled then."

They went into the living room and explained the situation to Linda's mother. Although her mother was disappointed that her daughter was not marrying Bob, she accepted the arrangement. At least Linda would get back her son, a son to love and a son to love her.

After the usual good-byes, Bob left, leaving behind his son and 3 bags of his clothes and things. Linda took her son to the bedroom next to hers and helped him to put his clothes and things in the proper places. While doing so, she couldn't help admiring his good figure that seemed to possess great strength. She also noticed that often he kept looking appreciatively at different parts of her body. This pleased Linda. At least I'm not an ugly old hag for a mother!

"Do you like the room, Bill?"

"Yes, mom." He smiled so nicely, she thought, and when he said "mom" she felt a warm feeling of love for her son.

"It has an attached bathroom, and the bed is big and springy. You should be comfortable."

"Thank you, mom."

"My room is next to yours. In case you need anything, you just come over. Mom will always be ready for you." Linda blushed a bit because her words sounded as if it had another meaning.

"Thank you, mom."

Bill wanted to put away the third bag of his personal things. "I'll like to put these things myself, mom. So that I know where they are."

Linda understood his wish to handle his private things. So, she said, "Alright then. I'll go down first. You sort out your things and come down later." Linda went down and sat beside her mother on the sofa.

"Are you happy, darling? Now that you have your son back?"

"Yes, mom. He is 15 years old and handsome."

"You have always had an obsession for 15 year olds, remember?"

"What do you mean?"

"Remember? After Bob left you wanted to take another 15 year old boy as your boyfriend?"

"Yes, and daddy became angry and stopped it. Then he transferred me to an all-girls school so that I couldn't meet teen boys."

"Yes. Even after you left your teen years, you refused to befriend any man. You always wanted to marry a 15 year old."

"And daddy would have none of it, and refused to let me go to college for fear I might end up in trouble with 15 year old boys."

"Why, darling? Why this obsession for 15 year-old boys?"

"I don't know mom. May be it's because of Bob, my first love... he was 15 then. So, I suppose I have become addicted to 15 year olds. I always get excited and aroused when I see handsome teen boys in town, mom. I just can't help it."

"Isn't it hard for you now? You have always wanted a 15 year-old for a boyfriend or a husband. Now, you have a 15 year-old, but he is your son, and you can't marry him!"

"Well mom, what can I do. I suppose I'll remain unlucky all my life. No 15 year-old will marry me now."

"And no parents of 15 year-old boys will allow their sons to marry at that age. I've been telling you that all these years."

"I know, mom. Anyway, coming to Bill... do you think he'll like me for a mom?"

"Of course he will. You are not old and ugly. You are young and beautiful"

"I hope he likes me, mom. He is all that I have now... to love and to be loved."

Linda's mother felt sorry for her daughter. Her daughter had always desired 15-year-old boys, but now she will never find one to be boyfriend or husband. So, she made a decision. As her mother she felt it was her duty to help Linda find some happiness, intimate happiness, with her 15 year-old son.

"Linda, may I give you some advice... to make sure your son likes you?"

"Yes mom, I'll appreciate that."

Her mother said, "I feel there are two things you must do to make your son happy so that he will like you very much."

"What are they mom?"

"First, it's about the way you dress. You see, you are very beautiful of face and body. You are curvaceous and your breasts are big and beautiful."


"So, you must wear clothes that show off your beauty. All sons love beautiful mothers. The more body beauty you show him the more Bill will like you."

"Are you suggesting... I wear revealing clothes?"

"Yes, darling. Wear sexy clothes. Let your son see more and more of your beautiful body. I'm sure he will like you more and more." Linda was half-shocked and half-excited by the suggestion.

"But, I just can't start wearing sexy clothes. What would the boy think of me? He would think I'm a slut mother or something!" Surely she couldn't simply expose her body by wearing skimpy clothes, thought Linda.

"Perhaps, I have an idea."

"What idea, mom?"

"I'll talk to Bill and psychologize him to buy the clothes for you. Then you will have the excuse that your son wants you to wear them, and that's why you are wearing those clothes."

"But surely, he won't buy sexy clothes for a mother."

"You leave that to me. I know what to do and how to do it."

"Thank you, mom." Linda couldn't understand why she thanked her mother. Did it mean she really wanted to wear sexy clothes?

After saying, "I'll talk to Bill now," Linda's mother went up to Bill's room He had just finished sorting out and arranging his things.

"Hello Bill, is everything alright?"

"Yes grandma, thank you."

"Good. May I talk to you about something?"

"Of course you can, grandma." They sat on the bed as they talked.

"You know, your mother has been hard done by your father."

"Yes, I know. I'm sorry about it."

"Your mother has been a lonely and sad woman all these years. She has lost the best years of her youth. She never had a boyfriend after your father refused to marry her."

Bill felt sorry for his mother.

"She is not as beautiful and young as before," said Linda's mother, knowing that that wasn't true. Linda was in fact exceptionally beautiful and sexy now then ever before.

"I'm sorry to disagree, grandma. I must say that mom is still young and very beautiful."

"But she has never enjoyed life the way a young woman and a mother should have enjoyed. So, I would like to ask you to help put that right. She deserves that, don't you think so?"

"Of course, grandma. But, what can I do? How can I help?"

"Will you promise me that you would do as I say? For the happiness of your mother?"

"Yes grandma, I promise."

"As your father has said, you are now the man of the house. For a start you can buy some nice clothes for your mother."

"What type of clothes, grandma?"

"Not the dull type of dresses she has been wearing all these years. But clothes that a beautiful young woman should be wearing. Clothes that will make her look more beautiful and attractive. Clothes that will make her happy."

"Yes grandma, that is a good idea. But, I wouldn't know what to buy."

"That is not a problem. You and I can go to town and buy them for your mother. I know her sizes."

"Oh yes. That would be nice, grandma. When shall we go?"

"I tell you what. This morning, your mother and I have some things to buy in town. You and I can go this evening to buy the dresses for your mother. Meanwhile, you can stay here and take a rest."

"Alright, grandma." Then they went downstairs.

Soon, leaving Bill alone in the house, Linda and her mother headed to town. On the way Linda's mother told her that her son had agreed to buy dresses for her.

"So, we'll go to shops now and identify the clothes... the sizes and the types we want for you to wear. Later in the evening I'll bring your son to buy them. He won't know that we have already chosen them earlier." Linda was happy at her mother's planning.

"Mom, you are crafty!" teased Linda and the two laughed happily. "I'm doing it for your happiness, darling."

Julie took her daughter to several shops that sold very trendy and very sexy clothes. Eventually she found what she wanted in three of the shops. She made Linda try them out for size. Some were deliberately of the wrong size. The attire her mother had decided to buy with Bill later shocked Linda. Her mother simply ignored her protest against most of the clothes. Too skimpy, too revealing, she thought.

Her mother also bought some daring attire for Bill and asked Linda to give them to Bill to wear.

Before heading home they bought some sundries, cakes and what not to give Bill the impression that that was why they had come to town.

On the way back, Linda said, "Mom, I can't possibly wear those dresses. No mother in her right senses would wear them in front of her son."

"You are right... if you yourself buy and wear them, it would be wrong. But, if your son buys them for you then you have legitimate excuse to wear them. Also, if you refuse to wear you would offend him."

"Oh mom! Are you sure we are doing the right thing?"

"Of course, we are. As a mother, I know what's good for your happiness, darling."

"What if Bill, after seeing the clothes, refuses to buy them?"

"Don't worry about that. I'll have a way of persuading him."

They went home and took Bill out for lunch in a nearby restaurant They took an afternoon nap and after tea, Linda's mother and Bill went to town.

Julie took her grandson to the shops, and pretending to choose this or that chose the dresses that she and Linda had decided upon. The boy was shocked by the skimpiness of many of the attire, but kept quiet for fear of offending his grandma's taste.

On the way back, however, he attempted to say something about the clothes.

"Grandma, do you think mom will wear them?"

Grandma said, "In her present clothes she feels old."

"But she's still young... she's only 30."

" Do you want your mother to feel younger?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then these dresses we have bought will make her feel young, like a teenager..."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, I know because I'm a woman. Sexy dresses always made me feel young."


"Tell me, Bill. Do you want your mother to look beautiful also?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then these clothes will do the trick." At present she wears clothes that make her feel old and unattractive."

"But she is already young and pretty, grandma," countered Bill.

"Yes, that's why we need these clothes to let her show off her young and beautiful body."

Bill knew that she would not only look young and beautiful but also very sexy!

"But will mom wear them? The clothes are so daring!"

"Yes, she will."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because, since you are buying them for her she will wear them... she will not want to offend you... she'll wear them to please you."

"Your mother also may give you clothes to wear. And you must wear them to please her."

"And mom will wear what I give to please me?"

"Yes, that's the idea."

"When should we start, grandma?"

"Start what?"

"Wearing the clothes."

" May be we can start today itself after dinner."

When they reached home, Bill carried the shopping bags straight to his room. Linda didn't say anything but understood that they had bought the clothes when her mother gave her a meaningful wink. In the room, Bill decided to take a bath when grandma left the room.


Downstairs, Linda and her mother talked in whispers.

"Did Bill really buy those clothes, mom?"

"Yes, but he was shocked and worried that you might not want to wear them. But I have convinced him that you would."

"Oh mom, must I really wear those clothes?"

"Yes darling, you have to make your son happy. When he is happy, you will feel happy too. He has bought the dresses for you with love. Don't disappoint your son. If you don't wear the clothes you might even hurt him, poor boy."

"No mom, I won't hurt him. I'll wear them if that will make him happy."

"One more thing, Linda."

"When Bill gives you the clothes, you also give him the clothes for him."

"Okay, mom."

"There's yet one more thing."

"What's that, mom?"

"Bill has grown up without a mother's love. A mother's love is the most precious thing for a growing boy, and he has been denied that love for 15 years."

"Well, I too have been denied a son's love for 15 years, mom," Linda pointed out.

"I know... that's why you too must make up for lost affection."

"How, mom?"

"As a mother do you know what you should do? To shower your son with your affection?"

Linda kept quiet, not knowing how to answer that. She had had no experience.

Her mother continued, "Let me tell you. You must hug, cuddle and kiss your baby."

"But he is not a baby now, mom."

"By age he is not. But to a mother her son will always be a baby, whatever his age."

"What are you suggesting, mom."

"What I am saying is this. You must make your son very happy... this you can do by hugging, cuddling and kissing him... to give him motherly love."

"Oh mom, are you sure?" The thought of hugging and kissing any 15 year-old boy always excited her... and this one was her own son!

"Yes, he needs mother's love... you haven't given him love for 15 years, and... and..."

"And, what mom?"

"You need your son's love also. So, he must give you his love. Let him hug, cuddle and kiss you also... you too have been starved of your son's love for so long."

The thought of a 15 year-old boy hugging and kissing her started to arouse Linda, even if the boy was her son.

Her mother added further, "Just do what I tell you, Linda. I'll also think of other activities to bring you and your son close together. You do as I say and you won't regret it."

Before Linda could say anything, they saw Bill coming down. They had dinner and watched TV for a while.

Then Julie said, "Bill, go and bring the present of clothes for your mom." He went upstairs to do so. Meanwhile, Julie told Linda, "You bring the clothes for Bill. Tell him that you will be happy if he would wear them."

Bill came down and gave his mother the bags of clothes. Julie told her grandson, "Tell your mom... that you will be happy if she wears them."

"Yes mom, I'll be happy... if you wear these clothes."

Linda gave her son the bags she was holding, "I'll be very happy if you wear these clothes, son."

So, mother and son went to their rooms to change into the new clothes. Both decided to wear the not-so-daring ones first.

Bill's shirt was thin and fitted closely to his broad young chest. The top three buttons were missing (grandma must have removed them, he thought) and the shirt opened out to expose his upper chest area. Next, he got into a brief. His huge manhood and balls filled it completely and easily pushed out the thin brief. Next he got into his beige colored pair of slacks.

It gave a good appearance to his thighs. What embarrassed Bill was the bulge, made noticeable by the close fitting of the slacks and the thin brief being unable to suppress the huge manhood and balls. He was only 15, but he was big down there. His mother had said that she would like him to wear those clothes. He didn't want to wear the other items of clothing as they were too daring. So, he had no choice. What bothered him most was the bulge. It was so prominent and so big!

In her room, Linda removed her clothes and looked at her body in the mirror. She was beautiful with huge firm breasts, flat tummy, narrow waist, gorgeous buttocks and full shapely thighs. She was proud of her young hot look. She told herself, "Hope Bill likes my body." She blushed, wondering why she said that.

Then she chose, from those that her son had given her, those items of clothing that was relatively less daring. Her bra covered the nipples and only the outer sides of her full breasts, leaving the inner halves bare. The blouse, with a wide V-neck opening, gave an attractive cleavage, allowing the bare inner halves of her breasts to bulge brazenly into the open. How could any blouse, more so a wide V-neck blouse, suppress 38DD tits?

Her panty was a mini lace panty. It covered her loins fully in front but at the back it only covered the inner halves of her delicious buttocks. The lace was thin and somewhat transparent. The she got into her tight white pants. The elastic waistband wore low on her curvy hips and the rest of the pants clung close to her loins, buttocks and thighs.

Linda looked at herself in the mirror, her front and back. She looked absolutely beautiful, nay, not just beautiful but sexy, she told herself. Two things embarrassed her. First her breasts. So much of them bulged out of the V-cleavage. The next thing was her mini panty. It was clearly outlined by the thinness of her white pants. The bare halves of her buttocks were clearly visible as they pressed against the fabric of her pants. She wondered whether the transparency of her panty and the thinness of her pants made her loins visible. But she had to wear them. Her son had bought them, and she wanted to make him happy.

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