Animal Lust Case Histories - Cover

Animal Lust Case Histories


Chapter 5: Down On The Farm

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Down On The Farm - A study of kind about bestiality and zoophilia over time

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Zoophilia   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

There can be little doubt that people who live in rural areas have much more of an opportunity to engage in animalism than do their urbane neighbors. Down on the farm children are exposed to sex between animals from the time they are able to walk, see and question while city children must learn sex through what they hear and read. For many farm children watching horses, sheep and other animals rut is their first glimpse into the world that awaits them. Studies have shown that people who have been brought up on farms do have less sexual problems than those citified persons who never saw a couple of animals mate.

However, there is one problem that farm people have in greater numbers per capita than their city cousins... the strange perversion of animalism. With so many creatures available to them it is not surprising that rural men, women, boys and girls do have a greater incidence of this type of erotic behavior.

The old joke about a lonely sheep herder forcing himself on one of his charges is no joke in many parts of the United States. A female sheep has a sexual part more closely resembling that of a human female than has any other animal. Since a sheep is also placid, small and easy to handle she makes a natural target for a man with unnatural designs.

George K. is such a man. He is one of the few Americans actually ever charged in court on the charge of having sex relations with a sheep.

George is now serving two years in a state prison and he still can't understand what is so terrible about what he had done. "I've been doin' it to sheep for years," he told the prison doctor, "and no one ever complained before."

The doctor pointed out that sheep are hardly in a position to complain but George told him that he was talking about the people who owned the herds. He said that these herd owners know that many of the men who herd the animals make at least one attempt at having relations with a sheep during their careers since they want to prove to themselves if it was true that this animal was just as good as a woman.

George K. knew no other profession but sheep herding and started working with these animals as a boy of twelve with his older brothers. He had their example to follow and, when they made sexual contact with the animals, he did likewise.

When he was thirteen George had his first experience with animalism. He was out on the field with one of his brothers, a boy of sixteen. For the past year his brothers kidded George about being a "virgin" and now he declared he would not take it anymore.

He watched his sixteen year old brother take off his trousers and press himself against the rear of a large female sheep. In the manner of a ram he urged his lust-hard flesh into the animal. The creature bellowed because of the boy's size but he just kept ramming away until he satisfied himself. When he released the animal it ran away into the safety of the flock.

"Let's see you git your's, George," the sixteen year old dared. "You'll never be a man if you don't."

The thirteen year old felt his blood pound in his veins as the looked through the flock before he found a likely looking animal. He herded the creature over near his brother. "I can give just as good as you can," he snapped.

George took off his trousers and a chilly wind swept over his upthrusting manhood. His older brother pointed to it and laughed. "You won't even tickle the critter with that thing!"

Without a word George grasped the rear end of the animal as his brother had and probed at the female sheep's sexual opening with his stiff manhood. When he found it he arched his torso slightly forward and felt the warmth of the animal's body encompass his flesh. The sheep remained still and turned her head. She looked at the rutting boy almost affectionately. As it happened his male part was about the same size of a fully grown ram's. George slipped into the animal as far as he could and the sheep actually helped by backing into him. He felt the woolly warmth of the animal's body along with the warmth of her sexual passage. Encouraged by the placid animal George moved in and out rapidly. Sexual release welled up in his flesh and he sighed as he spurted out his passion. The sheep bleated softly.

"There!" George shouted proudly. "I done did it! "I'm a man now!"

His brother had to admit that George had done himself proud on his maiden effort and the thirteen year old was no longer teased about his virginity. From that day on he made a regular habit of having intercourse with female sheep.

While his brothers went on to find wives and girl friends George never went beyond the animal level. Being an ungainly sort of boy who never met girls in his line of work he was very shy around the coeds at the local high school. It was true that he was attracted to the pretty girls yet he was too tongue-tied to even start a conversation with one of them. He avoided dances because he was just too clumsy and he was awkward in the company of boys and girls his own age. It was only with sheep that George felt at home.

His brothers left sheep herding and spread out to various parts of the country to start new homes and new lives. Only George remained, more lonely and isolated than ever. He made a living at the only profession he knew and became known as the area's best sheep man.

When George became twenty five he fell madly in love with the fourteen year old daughter of the man he worked for. Young girls, like sheep, were more his speed. Women his own age seemed all too mature and he could not cope with them. The fourteen year old found the strange sheep herder's attentions distasteful and she complained to her parents about him. While the girl's father told her that George was harmless her mother had other ideas. She did not like the twenty five year old either and demanded that her husband fire the man. The herd owner refused and there the problem hung.

Although George never made a sexual move to the young girl she was still afraid of him. Her mother kept warning her husband that George would rape their child one day. As always the man Informed him that George was harmless and to stop bothering him.

The mother of the girl knew that the only way to get rid of the oafish sheep herder was to discover him in a crime such as stealing money. She kept her eye on him and, one afternoon, saw him enter the barn in a most suspicious way. Her daughter saw him, too, and both crept around to the rear of the barn and peeked in through slits in the wall.

George, as he had done hundreds of times before, was planning to unload his sexual tensions into a sheep. He led the animal into an empty horse stall and lowered his trousers.

The woman and the girl gasped at his display of nudity. At first the mother wanted to chase the girl away from the scene but she knew that she had to have another witness to this felony of bestial sex relations. So both mother and daughter held their breaths as they watched George insert his throbbing maleness into the sheep's body.

"Go and get your pa," the mother said. "I want him to see this, too."

"I want to watch," the aroused fourteen year old complained.

Her mother slapped her rear and she ran off to get her father.

George, not knowing that he was being watched, worked his flesh slowly back and forth as he held the female animal in his lap. while most farm boys wondered if a sheep were really like a girl he wondered if a girl was really like a sheep.

While he was wondering the man of the house pressed his eye against the slit in the barn wall. He smiled slightly to himself. In his younger days he had had relations with sheep, too. But he realized that he could not defend George now. "All right," he sighed, "I'll have him fired."

"Fired!" his wife snapped. "I want him arrested. Why the man is a sex maniac. He should be put away for life."

George heard the argument outside the barn and quickly let the sheep go. But it was too late for him. The mother of the girl he loved had finally found a way to get him out of the way.

When the sheriff came George did not deny that he had had relations with sheep. He had been having sex relations with sheep for so long that he assumed that it was nothing to get excited about. When he found out that he had committed a serious crime he was shocked. A judge gave the ungainly herder two years in which to have second thoughts about his addiction for animalism.

The doctor who examined George in prison states that he is certain that he will go back to his perversion once he got out. The arrest the trial, the publicity has made him even more cautious of life amongst his own kind. The prisoners tease him constantly about his crime even though most of them are in for far more serious crimes such as robbery and murder.

Although animalism is a crime in every state in the union a very few people are charged with it for the simple reason that animals can't bring charges. The person committing the perversion must be caught in the act by at least two witnesses and even then it is hard to make the charge stick if the person does not confess. George had both witnesses and a confession acting against him.

George's case is fairly typical as far as his introduction to animalism went. Young boys, with their strong pack instinct, find that they must do what their friends do or find themselves without friends. Daring one another into actions is part of the business of growing up amongst young males. On farms boys often dare one an other to have sex relations with animals such as George's brothers had.

There was one such gang of farm boys in a western community who did just about every thing together. They were all between the ages of twelve and fourteen, the age when sexual experimentation is the order of the day. The boys often met in barns and caves where they indulged in mutual masturbation and anal intercourse. Sex was always on their minds and they discussed what it would be like when they found their first girls. The older boys claimed that they already had had girls and the younger ones pumped them for information. Often they talked about getting some girls Into their "secret" cave where they would make them undress and force them into all sorts of sexual acts.

With sex on their minds and in their talk it wasn't long before they got around to discussing animals. They talked about the way horses rutted and the way pigs mated. Then, at last, the first mention of animalism was made by a fourteen year old. "I saw a man do it to a cow once," he bragged.

The boys were all ears. "How did he do it?" a twelve year old asked.

From then on animalism became the main topic. While girls seemed like distant and untouchable goddesses to the farm boys, animals were closer to earth and so very available. It wasn't long before the boys were daring one another to have relations with a cow. Finally a time and place was agreed upon for their first experiment with animalism. One of the boys had a cow that was sheltered in a small barn far away from the farmhouse. This place was picked because, while one boy could serve as lookout, the rest could have relations with the cow.

On a hot summer's afternoon the boys entered the small barn where the single animal stood quietly. The boy who had been selected to serve as lookout went up a stepladder and peered through a window at the farmhouse a half mile away.

The boys gathered about the hulking creature and gazed at the animal. No one spoke or made a move.

"Well," one of them said at last, "who wants to be first?"

"Darers go first"' another boy answered.

The boys moved in closer to the cow. She seemed to loom above them all massively. Being familiar with animals they pointed out its sexual opening. After more daring and more wondering what it would be like someone placed a box at the rear of the cow. A thirteen year old stood upon it "About the right size.' he announced.

He was about to step down when the rest of the boys kept him there. Now that he was in position he might as well be the first. Seeing he had no way out the boy opened his trousers and brought out his aroused maleness. He placed his hands on the animal's haunches. She immediately reacted by moving restlessly and the boy yelped as he drew back.

"C'mon, Darren, " one of his friends urged. "You can do it."

Thirteen year old Darren placed his hands on the cow's rear end again and urged his body forward. His taut, exposed flesh brushed against the creature's sexual opening. The cow whisked her tail back and forth as if trying to rid her self of an annoying fly. One of the boy's mentioned that that was probably what she thought Darren was... a fly.

The thirteen had to prove himself this time. He could not leave the box without making some kind of real effort at sex. Darren decided that it was better to ram in quickly than to inch in. He didn't want the cow to get any more restless than It was now. The boy thrust forward. He felt as if he were falling into a deep pit but he found that his raging organ was all the way into the animal. As he held onto the cow he moved sexually back and forth and then released himself.

"I'm doing it!" he announced to his friends. "I'm shooting my stuff into this old gal."

Darren came off the box a hero. His friends looked at his dampened organ and asked what it had been like. "Just like shoving it into your behind," he answered seriously, "only the cow is bigger."

The boys did not hesitate to have this, their first sexual experience with a female. They took off their trousers and waited in line at the rear of the cow who still seemed to look upon their boyish thrusting as no more than flies.

The youngster who was acting as lookout became more interested in his friends sex affairs with the cow than he was on the farmhouse a half a mile away. He did not notice the farmer, the father of one of the boys, walking towards the barn with a milk pail.

One by one the boys stood on the box and shoved their naked, throbbing flesh into the big docile creature. Even after they satisfied themselves with the cow they were still aroused enough to rub their dampened flesh into one another's rump. This was the scene the farmer came upon. Standing at the rear of the cow upon the box was his twelve year old son having sexual intercourse with the huge beast "Danged preverts!" the man screamed. "Danged bunch of crazy kids!"

The farmer swung his pail angrily and the half naked boys took off in all directions. Although the farmer was sure that the boys were all "pre-verts" they all went far in the world. Two of the boys became doctors, three lawyers, another became a diplomat and the boy who is called Darren went on to be one of the greatest generals the country ever had. This great man is still living today along with most of the men who had taken part in the animalistic venture with him as boys. One of them, a lawyer, revealed his boyish escapade with the famous former general in a memoir of his life. The publisher was so shocked by this passage, not in that it detailed animalism, but that it named one of the country's most beloved leaders as a member of the sex gang. The lawyer was prevailed upon to drop this particular chapter although he assured everyone that the ex-general would not mind having his escapade revealed. However, only by disguising the members of the boy gang of so long ago was this version permitted to be made a part of a study on animalism. The purpose of its inclusion is to prove that an experiment with animalism does not mean that a person is condemned to a life of perversion on the border line of humanity. These doctors, lawyers, diplomat and general managed to make quite an impressive record for themselves despite their youthful folly with a cow of so many summers ago.

While some farm boys and girls go through a stage of animalism without any harm to themselves such as "Darren" and his pals others suffer pains of guilt and remorse over their addiction to this perversion. Such is the case of Anne B.

Anne B. is now a married woman living in an fashionable suburb of Denver with her executive husband and two small children. Anne looks for all the world like a woman who has everything. She is a beautiful blonde with a striking figure and a happy, secure home. Yet this twenty nine year old woman had to go to a psychiatrist for two years before she was able to rid herself of guilt stemming from her early bout with animalism. The psychiatrist who does not want even a portion of his name mentioned has donated this particular case history for inclusion in this work.

Like so many young girls Anne was attracted to horses very early. While boys like horses they rarely form the attachments girls their age do to these big creatures. The relationship be tween a girl and a horse seems more personal and affection than the one between a boy and this same animal. Why is that? The doctor who has cured Anne of her guilt states: "You must remember the difference in sexual makeup between boys and girls. When a girl spreads her legs over the horse's sides her tender sexual area rest hard against the animal's back even though there is a leather saddle between them. To a young girl the saddle is a part of the horse. Boys, the more logical and less romantic sex, realize that the saddle and the horse are separate items. As the young girl rides this big, powerful beast her sexual part moves back and forth in a sensual and masturbatory motion. To her the horse becomes a lover and she becomes the loved one.

"Consider the size, the bulk, the power of a horse. The animal represents male size, bulk and power, even the female ones. When a young girl sits astride one of the huge beasts she feels a certain stirring that a young boy does not feel. She is in contact with a large creature that is a symbol of virile strength. As she jogs along with this massive beast under her she moves back and forth, up and down, in a sexual motion. In effect, she is having erotic relations with the horse. It is this arousal that makes girls fond of horses."

Anne B. became fond of horses as a child of seven or eight. She remembered how delighted she felt when she moved back and forth over the animal's broad back. Down on the farm her father put her on a horse and, at first, she wa terrified. But, after awhile, when he led the animal around a track, the girl began to feel soothed by the rocking motion.

As she grew older Anne realized that she was quite a beautiful girl. Boys asked her for dates before she reached her teens. Her parents forbade her to date until she was about fifteen The first sexual advance made to her occurred at this age. She was sitting in a car with a boy of eighteen parked in a lover's lane. She knew that the boy would get "fresh" and she was both thrilled and wary when he put his arms around her. He kissed her and Anne responded Then she felt his hands slide over her breasts. She knew that he was not suppose to touch her there so she pushed his hand away. The boy, aroused to passion, forced himself on the girl and thrust his hand down under her dress. He elapsed her sexual area.

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