Jason and Jennifer Naked In School - Cover

Jason and Jennifer Naked In School

Copyright© 2004 by Jeremy Spencer

Part 2: Tuesday

Erotica Sex Story: Part 2: Tuesday - Jason and Jennifer are Kennedy Prep's newest participants in The Program, but how will they handle it? She's a volleyball star and he's a choir geek. If they weren't step-siblings they'd be from two different worlds.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Romantic   Reluctant   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Chapter One - Jennifer

Talk about waking up and preparing for a battlefield! I was sick to my stomach when I finally dared venture out of my room. I knew my mom was going to have a huge blowup and we'd all get into a big fight over breakfast, and Jason and I would be in horrible moods by the time we went to school, and it would not be a good way to start the day!

So I was stunned when I finally got to the kitchen table for breakfast. I'd stalled all morning, hoping to minimize the time I'd have to spend arguing about The Program, but I was still surprised to find my step-dad eating breakfast by himself. And I didn't see any bloody corpses anywhere, so that was a bonus.

"Hey, good morning," he said cheerily, looking up from his bowl of oatmeal. "How'd you sleep last night?"

"Not so good," I answered, rummaging through the cupboards and finally settling on a decidedly unhealthy bowl of some sugary kids' cereal. This was really weird, though. I'd expected fireworks and histrionics, not calm, cool, and collected! Something wasn't right. "Where's Mom?" I asked. Dad looked up from his cereal long enough to shrug, then went back to eating.

"Not sure," he said between bites. "She said she was going for a walk about the time I got up, but I haven't seen her since." I nodded. My mom liked to go for long walks, but none of the rest of us did. She usually went out after dinner though, so this was a little strange.

"Dad, can we talk?" I asked, and had to stifle a grin as he looked up quickly, surprise written all over his face. I've never called him anything except Nate, even when I was younger. He'd asked me to call him "Dad," but it always felt funny. He wasn't "Dad," he was Nate. But right now I needed a dad. I almost laughed out loud, he looked so happy.

"Of course we can talk. What's on your mind?"

"The Program," I said, and waited for his reaction.

"Mmm hmm," he mumbled. "What about it?

"Well... is it really as bad as Mom thinks it is? I've had a good experience so far, and it seems like everybody that's been in The Program has had... not everyone's had a great experience, but nobody's had a bad experience."

I didn't tell him about my eventful morning in the showers after gym. It didn't really seem like the time.

"I don't necessarily think that The Program is a bad thing."

"Well, what does Mom think is so bad about it? Wait a minute. You don't "necessarily" think it's bad? So, you think it's bad too? Kinda?"

"No... no. I think it could be a very good thing, but it could also be very bad."


"Well, let's use an example from the information pamphlet. You're in The Program, so what would you do if I came up to you in the hallway at school - we'll assume I'm a student - and asked to touch you," he paused and blushed a little. "Asked to touch you somewhere... or do something that you thought was inappropriate? What would you do?"

"Well, I'd say no, I guess."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure. Why wouldn't I be?"

"The literature for The Program talks a lot about reasonable requests, but it never really says who gets to determine what's reasonable. You're allowed to say no to someone, but if that person disagrees that the request was unreasonable, the two of you go to a counselor. Or you'll see a principal, and that person decides if the request truly was reasonable. And if you were wrong about the request, then you get punished."


"Didn't read the whole thing, did you?"

"No." I squirmed a little in my chair. I thought I'd had a good handle on The Program, but that really threw a wrench in my ideas. "What else could be bad?"

"What if you just aren't ready to be naked?"

I laughed at that one. "Come on. I'm eighteen years old!"

"Well," he answered, clearly embarrassed to be having this conversation, "I hate to admit it, especially since I supposedly grew up in such an age of experimentation and enlightenment, but Jason's mother was the first woman who ever saw me naked. Trust me, I wasn't running around the school in the nude, either."

"Yeah, but weren't you and Cheryl high school sweethearts?"

"Sure, but I'm talking about our wedding night."

"What?" I couldn't believe it! He'd been a virgin on his wedding day. Huh. How bizarre is that?

"You looked surprised," he smiled gently.

"Well, yeah, I mean... didn't you get frustrated?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm assuming she made you wait, so wasn't that... frustrating for you?" I knew about blue balls, every boyfriend I'd ever had complained about them. I thought they were probably a bunch of hooey, but wasn't really sure.

"What if I told you that your assumption is half right? Someone was frustrated, but it might not necessarily have been me."

"You mean..." I trailed off and I'm sure I made some signal that I figured it out, because he started nodding his head.

"That's right. We waited because I wasn't ready. Cheryl certainly was ready and willing, and in fact I don't think she did wait, but it wasn't the right time for me, before we got married. I was a little conservative, and wanted to wait. And trust me when I tell you, missy... walking around naked would most definitely not have been the right thing for me. I would have been horrified. I wasn't one of the preppy kids, but I wasn't a nerd. I had decent friends, but it would have been mortifying for me to have had to walk around in the buff. I just wasn't ready."

"So you think there are some kids like that?" I thought most people at my school were pretty cool with it. There are always assholes like Justin Miller, but not everybody, or every football player, is quite as big a prick as he is.

"Sure... there are bound to be. I know we're supposedly living in a more advanced society, and everyone is supposed to be so mature and with-it, but a lot of how kids grow up depends on their parents, and if the parents were fairly conservative, then... well... the child is bound to be, to a certain extent."

Huh. This was giving me lots to think about, but something still nagged at me.

"So, are you for it or against it?"

"The Program?"


"Neither, really."

How frustrating is that! Parents will never give you a straight answer when you want one!

"How is that possible?"

"I still think it goes back to the individual. Some people are ready, and it can be a good experience, and other people are far from ready, and will probably spend the worst week of their lives, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, which is probably pretty hard."

"I suppose. I mean, I'm pretty confident about myself, but I guess I can see what you're saying. But you know, you've explained why you think the way you do, but you weren't the one having a hissy fit. What about Mom?"

"What about her?"

"Why does she hate it so much?"

He didn't say anything for a little while, but finally he answered. "I think I'm going to leave that up to her to answer for you."

"But... do you know why?" I asked, curious now, much more than angry as I'd been before. He nodded. He did know! "But you won't tell me?" He shook his head, smiling at my obvious annoyance. Talk about frustrating.

"I don't think it's my place to say, but you can certainly ask her. She may even tell you."

"Ha! I doubt it. She never tells me anything."

"I think she has a lot to tell you. You just have to ask, and be ready to listen."

I looked at him in wonder. God, he's smart. When did that happen?

"Thanks, Dad." I earned another big smile with that one.

"So, I'm Dad now, huh?" He grinned even more, and even gave himself two thumbs up. What a dork! But I love him.

"Yeah. You've probably been Dad all along, but I never let you."

He nodded his head and reached over and patted my arm.

"I love you, kiddo."

"Love you too. Dad." We ate the remainder of breakfast in silence. He'd given me a lot to think about. I still wanted to be in The Program, no matter what my mom thought. I knew I could stay in over her objections, since I was eighteen, but I didn't know if I wanted to defy her so blatantly.

By the time I was finished eating, it was way past time for me to head to school. Thankfully band only meets three times a week once football season's over, so I didn't have to be to school until second period.

Dad and I hung out together for half an hour and watched some morning news program, but finally it was time for me to go to school.

"So, what do I do today?" I asked my dad as I was heading out the door. Mom wasn't back yet, so she hadn't had a chance to tell me how awful The Program is, and I was still a little up in the air about what I was supposed to do.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, did she call the school or not?" He shook his head that he didn't know. "So... I'm still in The Program?"

"I guess so."

"Okay. Another naked day in school for me," I said as I left the house. I could hear him laughing behind me. At least one of us was in a good mood.

Chapter Two - Jason

I was so relieved when I got up this morning it was unbelievable. Tuesday is one of two days I need to get to school early for a before-school small group rehearsal for choir, so I was out the door before the sun came up, and didn't see my step-mother at all. Which means she didn't have a chance to tell me how horrible I was for being in The Program, as if it was my choice.

At least I had choir, which was a good thing. It was a little nerve-wracking, again, but this time, instead of standing in front of the entire group with my dick waving in the air, I was part of a smaller group, and was singing instead of directing, so I got through it okay.

And English was a breeze today! Mr. Munroe realized we have a big test coming up on Friday, so he let us spend the whole period studying in small groups.

"Here comes compass boy!" yelled some joker in the back row, as I walked in the class, my hard dick leading the way.

"It's not a compass, you idiot," yelled Frank Winters. "It's a divining rod! Hey, Jason, does it lead you to water or pussy?" The class laughed at that, and I had to join in, but class was starting so I quickly sat down.

It was getting less embarrassing walking around with a permanent erection, but I still was a bit shy whenever it was pointed out to me, as if it wasn't obvious that I was naked.

I'd been fondled by a couple girls on the way to class, and was a little on edge, but figured I'd be okay for a while.

"Hey," Mindy whispered as I sat down beside her. I nodded, and noticed she blushed when she looked at me.

"Aren't you going to offer to give me relief?" I asked her quietly. She looked shocked for a moment, but relaxed when she realized I was joking.

"Jason, I'm sorry about yesterday," she apologized suddenly.

"What for?" I asked, not thinking of anything she needed to be sorry about.

"For yesterday, in class." I still didn't understand what she meant. "When I touched your... your penis. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It felt good." I'd almost forgotten about yesterday. Mindy had asked to touch my cock right when I arrived yesterday, at the end of the class period. Unfortunately for me, the bell had rung before she had a chance to jack me off completely, and I was left hanging, so to speak.

"I talked with my brothers last night, and Rick said it wasn't nice to leave you like that. I'm sorry." Mindy looked so sad sitting there, I wondered exactly what her brothers had told her.

"Don't worry about it," I answered as gently as possible. "It would have been frustrating, since I was so close, but there were plenty of other girls who seemed to want to fight to get in line to touch me."

"Oh!" she exclaimed, realizing for the first time what an opportunity she'd had. "Do you... do you want me to do it again?" She looked so sincere, and asked me so hopefully I was sad to turn her down.

"Sorry, Mindy, but I'm doing fine now." She looked sad, so I quickly added, "I'll probably need someone to take care of me tomorrow. Should I ask you?" She nodded eagerly.

"Will you show me what to do?" she asked shyly.


"Okay, then it's a date." She looked happy at the idea.

"You might want to wear something not so nice, something you don't care about if it gets stained," I mentioned, in case she hadn't thought of that. "Semen can stain clothes, so you'll have to be careful." She nodded solemnly, and I was almost surprised she wasn't taking notes.

Class went pretty quickly after we started studying. Mindy and I didn't get much accomplished, but it keep me away from Brenda, who spent most of the period pointing at me and whispering to a couple of her she-devil friends.

Thank goodness for small favors.

Chapter Three - Jennifer

I have to admit I was a little turned on as I walked into the school. I'd taken my clothes off in the car and walked from the parking lot to the building in my birthday suit. It was the first time I'd been naked outside since I was a little girl. Band yesterday doesn't count, cause that was a group thing and it was raining and I was miserable.

Today was much nicer though. A little chilly perhaps, as I felt my nipples pop to attention, but the breeze felt nice on my body. I felt my pussy get a little squishy, and actually felt myself hoping someone would offer to diddle me in the hallways, but first period wasn't quite over when I got there, so I walked into health class early and sat down.

Mrs. McDonald was sitting at her desk correcting papers when I arrived, and she waved when I came into the classroom.

"Good morning, Miss Rose."

"Hi, Mrs. McDonald," I answered as I dropped my bag to the floor. "What's the plan for today? More diseases?" She smiled, laughing a bit.

"Oh, are you looking for another chance with Jason?" she asked.

Was I that obvious about it?"

"No, just curious."

"Well, if you must know, we'll be discussing various sexually transmitted diseases."

"Sorry," I joked. "I don't think I can help you with that one!"

"We'll see," she answered mysteriously. I shook my head. I knew for certain I had no diseases, and wasn't sure how I could help.

"Okay, if you say so."

It was only a few more minutes until the first bell rang, and then quickly the hallway and then the classroom started filling with students.

"Hey, Jennifer," I heard. I turned and saw it was Jason, sporting his near-constant erection.

"Hey," I laughed, pointedly glancing at his crotch. "Happy to see me, are you?" He blushed a bit, but laughed along with me.

"You know how it is, everybody wanting to touch me or feel my dick, it kind of gets to a guy. Besides, look at you," he said, pointing at my pointy nipples.

"It's not what you think it is," I answered haughtily. "It's kind of chilly today."

"You drove here naked?" he gasped.

"No, but I took my clothes off in the car, and walked from the parking lot." I rubbed my boobs, which were thankfully starting to lose their swollen appearance. From the corner of my eye I saw Jason watching me, mouth agape, and I couldn't help give him a little bit of a show.

Wetting my thumb and finger with my tongue, I slowly circled one puffy nipple with my fingers, tweaking the nub of flesh, keeping it firm and erect. I could see Jason's adam's apple bob in his throat as he swallowed rapidly. His eyes were riveted to my tits, and I shook my shoulders lightly, causing a very nice jiggle, I thought.

I watched in fascination as his cock bounced up and down with his excitement, the head more swollen than when he'd come in. To my disappointment, when he saw where I was looking, Jason abruptly sat down at his desk.

"Hmph," I complained. "It's okay for you to look but not me?" Jason blushed, squirming in his seat.

"It's not that, it's that... I'm still uncomfortable."

"About being naked?"

"No, I mean yeah. That's still pretty weird, but it's getting better. But with you... Jennifer, it's like you're always looking at me and it makes me feel weird."

"Jason, that's what The Program is supposed to do, you know. It's supposed to make you feel more comfortable in your body! If we never see other human bodies, then how are we supposed to understand them, or be more comfortable around them."

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

"Never mind."

"Jason, I want to help if I can." What was driving him up the wall? I didn't understand how he could be so strange around me sometimes!

"Just drop it."

"No, Jason, I..."


"Tell, me please."

"Okay, fine. The Program really weirds me out, because we're supposed to help each other out and be supportive of each other, and I'm supposed to be available to answer any questions you might have!"

"So? That's what all the people in The Program run into."

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

"But not every guy is supposed to help this incredibly gorgeous naked woman..."

"Thanks!" I knew it! I knew it! He likes me too! He's maybe a little shy about it, but I was right! I just knew he had feelings for me.

"... an incredibly gorgeous naked woman, who happens to be his sister!"

Oh. Oh! Damn!

Chapter Four - Jason

I can't believe I said that! Don't get me wrong, Jennifer is no prude, and she's certainly not a wallflower, but a guy should just not be telling his sister that he thinks she's hot. Especially when he's naked, since it's kind of hard to hide the evidence that way.

I was horrified. I didn't want to look at Jennifer, afraid of what she'd think of me, but knew that would be next to impossible, especially considering what went on yesterday in Health class. I didn't think it would be possible to spend an entire period talking about breast or prostate cancer again, we'd kind of worn out the topic yesterday, but I didn't want any part of anything even remotely similar.

Thankfully the class bell rang, and Mrs. McDonald stood up from behind her desk.

"Settle down, class. Settle down. Today we are going to be talking about STDs. Who can tell me what that stands for? Anyone?"

There was silence in the classroom. Everyone knew what the initials stood for, of course, but apparently no one wanted to say. Suddenly a voice rang out from the back of the classroom.

"Stupendously Terrific Derriere?" The class laughed.

"I... I don't believe that's right, Mr. Gervich." She smiled a tight-lipped smile. "Anyone else like to venture a guess?"

"Sexually Talented Dick?" Mrs. McDonald looked up in surprise, but she apparently couldn't spot the culprit, instead raised her hand for silence.

"Suddenly Tumescent Dong?" someone else quipped, before Mrs. McDonald had a chance to get the class settled.

"Class! That's enough." Even she was laughing a bit, but managed to pull herself together. "Does anyone want to tell us the real meaning?" She gave the class a severe look, daring anyone to make another joke. Finally Carol Bloomquist raised her hand.

"Sexually Transmitted Disease," she said. "You guys are all a bunch of perverts," she added, huffing a bit and earning more mocking applause, which Mrs. McDonald pointedly ignored.

"Very good. Now, today we are going to discuss diseases and how to prevent them. Does anyone know of a way to avoid STDs?"

I raised my hand. "Condoms?"

"Of course." She started walking in my direction, and I noticed that in her hand was an all-to-familiar foil packet. Surely she didn't want me to put a condom on in class!

"Jason, would you please stand up?"

Shit shit shit!

I stood, ignoring the jeers from my classmates. Someone called for a smaller condom, and I heard another voice request a microscope. I saw Jennifer turn and give one of the jokers a dirty look, before quickly turning back to watch as I quickly tore open the packet and unrolled the latex rubber.

I fumbled a bit, but managed to get the condom properly rolled onto my dick, happy for the first time that I was, as always this week, sporting an erection. It would have looked pretty foolish if I'd had to struggle to get hard, just to demonstrate the prophylactic!

I noticed as I slipped it on that Jennifer was watching me intently, even licking her lips, if I wasn't seeing things. Quickly, once everyone was satisfied, I pulled it off and sat at my desk.

"Such a waste," Jennifer said, leaning over and whispering in my ear.

"What was?" I asked, scarce able to look her in the eye. She grinned.

"It's a shame you had to throw away the rubber like that. I would have been happy to help you fill it up."

I blushed, and quickly turned, suddenly very interested in the rest of the lecture.

The rest of the class period went by quickly enough, thankfully, and I grabbed my books and turned for biology, dreading what might be in store.

I was halfway there when I heard someone calling my name. I turned and saw it was Mr. Jackson waving at me.

"Mr. Fields! Come here a moment."

I trotted back to where he was standing.

"Yeah? What do you need?" I asked, not wanting to run the risk of being late.

"Miss Pomeroy would like to see you and Jennifer in her office at once."

"You just missed Jennifer," I said. My sister had headed the opposite direction immediately after class. "I think she has study hall now."

"Very good. Can I trust you to see yourself to the office?"

"Should I put clothes on?" I asked. I figured this was about my mom. She'd undoubtedly called all sorts of school administrators and was having Jennifer and me pulled out of The Program. Why else would Miss Pomeroy need to see the two of us together?

"Why would you put clothes on?" a confused Vice-Principal answered. "You are still in The Program, are you not?"

"Yeah, but..."

"But nothing. Now, will you be okay getting to the office?"

"No. Do I need a pass or anything?" I asked, knowing the second bell would be ringing before I got there. He said I didn't and took off for the cafeteria, where Jennifer ought to be.

I turned around and headed back toward the principal's office. Damn it! I cursed. I knew as soon as Mom blew her stack last night that this would happen. Truth be told, I didn't really mind being pulled out of The Program. I wasn't all that thrilled being in it in the first place, but it would be rather inconvenient to be pulled out a day and a half through it, not to mention a little strange to have to explain the situation to everyone.

I trudged into the office and was mildly surprised to not see my parents. Maybe this was something entirely different, I mused, but still I wondered why both Jennifer and I had been summoned.

The secretary told me I should have a seat and wait, and it wasn't a minute or two more until Jennifer came in, looking around curiously.

She saw me sitting and came over.

"Where's Mom?" she asked.

"I don't see her either, but she has to be here somewhere, right?"

"What else could this be about." She thought the same as I did, obviously.

I nodded my agreement, and told Jennifer I'd figured the same thing.

Just then Miss Pomeroy stuck her head out of her office and called us in.

"Thanks for coming," she said and waved for us to have a seat.

"What's this all about?" I asked.

"And where is our mother?"

"Your mother?" Miss Pomeroy looked puzzled.

"Isn't this about our participation in The Program?" I asked, but began to realize that maybe it wasn't. Maybe there was a bit of hope after all.

"Should she be here?" the principal asked. "Why would she be here?"

Jennifer and I looked at each other, more curious now than anything else.

"I guess..."

"I just thought that..."

"Hmph." Miss Pomeroy shook her head. "Your mother is not here. I wanted to meet with the two of you to discuss an outreach possibility."

"Like being naked at home?" I asked, thinking of my mom. "That'll never happen."

"Or at the mall?" Jennifer asked. She could have a point. I'd heard of that before. I guess some kids from previous groups had decided to stay naked after school, and actually went out in public in the nude.

One girl had even gone to her job at the mall naked, but a couple customers called the police when they saw her, and she had to put on clothes. Apparently some people hadn't heard about The Program.

"No, although if you choose to do so, it is certainly within the parameters of the guidelines," Miss Pomeroy said. "And the unfortunate incident with Shelly Klein will most certainly not be repeated," her distaste for the incident obvious. "You are now free to be naked in public venues without any interference."

I hadn't been able to remember her name, but Shelly was the girl who'd been the cause of all the problems at the mall.

"So, what is this about then?" I asked.

"As you know, having a younger sibling in middle school, and having gone through the classes yourself, sex education is at best a vague experience for a young adolescent, which is why we have proposed the idea of a practical demonstration."

"What do you mean?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah, like two people fucking on stage?" I realized what I'd said. "Sorry. Sorry."

"Not quite," she answered, ignoring my profanity. "The idea, as proposed to the school board, is to have one boy and one girl, of age and consent, be available to the middle school for two days, to answer questions and act as a living anatomical specimen."

"You mean talk about sex and let them look at us," I said.

"Yes, in short. You would demonstrate the full range of activities and emotions, from manual and oral stimulation up to..."

"Wait a minute, you mean real sex?" I was surprised something like this would even be proposed to the board. Surely this couldn't have been approved!

"Well, certainly not actual penetrating sexual intercourse, but simulated activities would most likely be required."

"And the two of us are in your office now, because you want us to be the... what did you call them... living anatomical specimens?" I felt my hands start to get clammy, as I looked at the principal begin to fidget.

"I realize this may be somewhat surprising, but it had been hoped that the two of you would consider the possibility. I acknowledge it might be a tad unsettling for the two of you, considering your situation, but it was our understanding that the two of you are not related by blood. Is that correct?" We nodded, and I thought I saw a quick look of relief on Miss Pomeroy's face, but couldn't be sure.

What would our mom think? At least there's no way this would ever happen. One thing I was glad of was that Jennifer was the girl, and not someone who'd actually want to do this with me. I figured there was no way she would agree to do this. I'd be scared to even mention it at home. So at least we wouldn't be doing this! Talk about an explosive situation.

"What exactly would we have to do?" Jennifer asked.

Chapter Five - Jennifer

The look Jason gave me when I asked what we'd need to do was priceless! I figured our parents would freak and we'd never end up at the middle school anyway, but I was still curious.

Miss Pomeroy went on to explain some of the particulars. We'd need to be naked of course. Duh. I would talk with the girls, and Jason would talk to the boys, at least for the first part of the day, then we'd talk to the whole class at once. She told us to expect questions, and that some of the kids might ask us for demonstrations.

"Those requests do not fall under the category of reasonable requests," Miss Pomeroy said. "Reasonable requests can only be made by other high school students."

"And teachers, right?" Jason asked.



"All requests from a teacher are to be followed." This was news to me!

"What if we don't think the request is reasonable?" I asked, a little nervous. "What if a teacher wanted me to do something I didn't want to do?"

Miss Pomeroy smiled a bit. "You mean like being naked in school?"

Okay. Good point.

"I mean, besides that." Miss Pomeroy sat for a moment, her arms folded over her chest, before answering.

"A teacher may request you to perform any class-related duties. All requests are to be considered reasonable, and they will be followed. Any complaints will be after the fact, and teachers may be reprimanded for any activities deemed objectionable." I nodded, supposing we'd have to trust the teachers to not put us in harm, although I hadn't felt that way yesterday, marching around in the cold rain.

Miss Pomeroy finished her description of what to expect at the middle school, and Jason and I left. There were only ten minutes left in class, so we hung out with the study hall kids before heading off to gym.

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