Tina's Modeling Adventure - Cover

Tina's Modeling Adventure

Copyright© 2004 by Knightwolf

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - 14 year old Tina gets a job modeling for a freelance photographer. After various photo shoots she participates in an underwear and lingerie fashion show. More adventures to follow.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Incest   Mother   Brother   Father   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Enema   Exhibitionism   Doctor/Nurse  

How does a 14 year old girl seduce her family?

Maybe it was because of the dreams I had the night before. Maybe it was because my dad saw me masturbating. Maybe it was because I'd had sex with Laura the day before.

I don't know.

I just know that thought kept running through my mind as I woke up Sunday morning.

My family is pretty conservative. Dad's 38. He's an accountant. Pretty good looking. He goes running every morning. He's pretty cool. That means I can get away with almost anything around him. Dad let's me and my brothers do pretty much whatever we want - unless we're trying to kill each other. Within reason.

Mom's 37. She's a nurse. And sometimes a bitch. For the last couple of years we've sort of gone round and round together. Hormones I guess. Anyway, she's the one I don't ask when I want to do something fun. This sounds like I hate my mom. That's not true. We get along fine most of the time. It's just that sometimes she can be so unreasonable.

Russell's my older brother. He's 15, about to turn 16. Pretty much full of himself. When Brad told him about his pizza delivery adventure Russell threatened to tell Mom. But he didn't. Not sure why. Russell's a hunk. He plays wide receiver on the football team and guard in basketball. He's tall, thin, and athletic. All my girlfriends swoon over him!

Timmy's 12. I don't know why I'm closer to him than to Russell. It just seems like he and I have always done a lot together. We both like the same sort of things. He's also going to be tall like his brother, I think. Right now he's skinny with sandy blond hair.

That's my family and I guess we're pretty normal. We fight. We laugh. We play. It's not like we have strict rules about nudity around the house. It's just that we've never had the need to. Timmy ran around in his underwear until he was 9, but never since then. I think Mom told him he couldn't do that anymore. I think he likes to run around the house naked when he's alone. I came home one afternoon and saw him running up the stairs as fast as he could go. He didn't have his shirt on, but I couldn't see if he had any pants on. I don't think he did. Anyway, I've never seen any of the others in their underwear. My brothers spend the weekends and summer wearing shorts, often without shirts. Dad sometimes goes shirtless, when he's been swimming in the pool or working in the yard. Mom wears a robe over her nightgowns but it never reveals anything. On weekends and holidays I often wear nightshirts and panties. Sometimes my panties may show, but not often. I have a bikini for swimming but it's pretty modest.

But things were different now. I was different. I'd tasted sex like I'd never imagined. I'd tasted exhibitionism - like I'd never imagined. Even though I'd never fucked a guy and was therefore technically a virgin, I was hooked on sex.

I couldn't get over how excited I was when my father burst in on me while I was deep in a wet dream. God! The realization that he'd seen my nude body with my entire hand stuffed in my cunt! I wanted to fuck him. I wanted to feel his cock stuffed inside me instead of my hand.

I wanted sex! I wanted nudity! I wanted to be seen - by everyone!

Yes. I'd changed. And my god I was horny!

I lay in bed gently rubbing my shaved pussy and trying to figure out where to go from here. I knew my dad. I knew he would have been incredibly embarrassed about last night and that he would pretend it had never happened. He hadn't told Mom or else she would have come in and given me a "talking to." Dad would attempt to block the entire episode out of his mind. And he would never, never, ever barge into my room again!

The last thing I could get away with was wondering into my living room naked, throwing myself on the floor, spreading my legs, and saying, "Come get me, Big Guy!" It may be true in stories that every dad will fuck his daughter if given half a chance and every mom will let him, but not in this family. They'd pack me up and send me to the nut house if I did that.

No. I'd have to be much more subtle than that. Much more devious. I'd have to seduce all four of them at the same time over a period of several weeks to get what I wanted. Sounded like fun!

I slipped one of Rickie's magic capsules inside my pussy and pulled a nightshirt on before leaving my room. No panties. My nightshirt hung down to my knees and was dark so it was impossible to tell, but I knew and it felt great!

As horny as I was, Sunday was really pretty uneventful. Nobody realized that I was bare under my nightshirt. Around noon I put on shorts and a tee shirt. No underwear. But no one could really tell.

That night, though, I managed my first flash. I took my shower a little earlier than usual, knowing Timmy was in his room right down the hall. I "accidentally" left the bathroom door slightly open. Our shower has a glass door so you can see whoever's inside, sort of. It tends to get foggy. I couldn't tell if anyone looked in or not. Our towel closet is in the hallway and somehow I'd forgotten to get a towel.

I turned off the shower and yelled, "Timmy!"

No answer.


"What?" he called back.

"Come here," I replied.

"What do you want?" he asked as he poked his head in.

I was still in the shower with the door closed and fogged up. I knew all he could see was my shadow.

"I forgot my towel. Will you get one for me?"

"Uh. OK," he replied, a little uncertainly.

As soon as I saw his head disappear I stepped out of the shower and stood facing the door, dripping water all over the bathmat.

Timmy stepped in with my towel, expecting me to still be behind the shower door. He just froze and stared at my naked body.

"Uh... Timmy? My towel?" I said, trying not to laugh.

"Towel? Oh. Yea." He handed it to me, eyes glued to my body.

I expected him to run out, but he seemed paralyzed. Just stood there with his mouth hanging open.

I pretended everything was normal and just began drying off in front of him. I dried my arms, then my breasts, wiped off my back and moved down to my legs, working my way back up to my hips. Finally I spread my legs and dried off my pussy. For some strange reason it seemed a little wetter than it normally was after a shower.

I then dropped the towel in the hamper, picked up my nightshirt and slipped it over my head as I walked past him. He still seemed to have a serious problem with his motor functions. As I walked downstairs to the living room I knew that he, at least, would know that I wasn't wearing any panties.

This may not seem like much, but it was the first time since I was a small child that someone in my family had seen me nude. My God it felt great!

It was two more days before I managed another exposure. This one was pretty tame too, but I figured I had to start slow and work my way up.

I'd never realized how cool it was to have the linen closet in the hallway instead of in the bathroom itself. That's were we kept all the towels, sheets, and even the toilet paper.

I had to work this one out very carefully.

I was wearing jeans and a leotard style shirt. That's a shirt that actually has leg openings in it just like a leotard. It allows a girl to wear a tight fitting shirt without worrying about it coming untucked. It also means that it must be pulled completely down in order to go to the bathroom.

First I checked and made sure Russell was in his bedroom with the door open. I went in the bathroom and left the door ajar as I had been doing. There was a small amount of toilet paper on the roll that I pulled off and stuffed in the trashcan. I dropped my jeans to my ankles, pulled my arms out of my leotard and pushed it down to my ankles as well. I was now essentially nude.

I sat on the toilet and peed.

"Russell," I called out.


"Come here a minute."

"I'm busy," he yelled back. "You come here."

"God damn it, Russell! I'm on the pot and need some TP. Will you please get me some?" I responded.

I heard the closet door open and the plastic rattle as he pulled out a fresh roll.

He pushed the door open and stepped in. "Jeez, you should pay more atten..."

He sort of stopped talking when he looked up at me and realized that I was topless. My tits were poking straight out (partly because I'd been pinching them just before he came in).

Moving fast so as to complete this before he backed out I grabbed the roll, whipped off a portion, and stood up. Russell now had a perfect view of my shaved pussy. I squatted slightly and slid the paper between my pussy lips before dropping it in the toilet.

Facing him, I squatted down, opening my legs wide to pick up my leotard. I stood up and looked him in the face as I slid my arms into my top. He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I pulled my jeans up and buttoned them.

"God, Russell, you'd think you'd never seen your sister's bald pussy before," I whispered in his ear. Then I did something I honestly hadn't planned. I reached up and squeezed the outline of his hard cock through his shorts and walked out of the room.

Friday night was the big night for me. The climax of the entire week, if you will (pardon the pun). As I said before, Mom's a nurse. She works Friday and Saturday nights. This lets her stay home during the days so that we were never left alone.

Friday night she went to work leaving me alone with my dad and two brothers. As usual, my plan started in the shower.

I went upstairs, stripped in my bedroom and walked down the hall to the bathroom nude. This was just for the thrill of it. I knew everyone was downstairs and that no one would see me.

Leaving the door open about half way I turned on the shower, let it warm up, and stepped in. I lathered up, getting soap all over my bare body and shampooing my hair.

This is what I called the set up. Now I had to put my plan into action. I had to make it look good if it was going to work. I was horny and nervous at the same time.

The shower was right over the living room, so people could hear if someone was stomping around up there.

I picked up the shampoo bottle and dropped it, letting if fall with a loud clunk (didn't break, plastic). Then I let out a scream, stamped my feet a couple of times and slipped flat on my ass on the floor. Like I said, I had to make it look good, so I figured I had to have some kind of bruise, or at least a red spot. I think I may have overdone it. My ass hurt like hell.

"Daddy!" I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks (largely from the soap that had gotten in my eyes). "Daddy! Help me!"

With the shower running I couldn't hear anything until the door swung open and he came running in.

Since I was still screaming he swung the shower door open. I think he expected me to be covered in blood holding my severed leg in my hands by the way I was carrying on. Instead he looked down on his 14 year old daughter, nude, covered in soap, sitting on the floor with her legs splayed open, crying.

"Tina, what happened? Are you OK?" he asked, worry pouring through his voice.

Through choking sobs I said, "I... I... I slipped and fell. God, it hurts!"

"What hurts, baby?" he asked, holding my hand. "What did you fall on?"

"My butt. I think it's broken," I wailed.

"OK. OK. Can you stand up?"

"I don't know," I sobbed.

He reached up and turned off the shower. He was almost as wet as I was at this point. Soap was still in my eyes so I could barely see.

He grasped my hands and said, "come on, baby, try to stand up. Let's see how bad it is."

He stood, pulling me up by my hands as he did so. Truth is, my ass did hurt, though not as much as I was pretending.

I stood up, groaning loudly.

"Turn around, baby, let me take a look."

I turned around slowly and bent slightly at the waist.

My daddy knelt down behind me and examined my naked ass. My legs were spread slightly and I knew he had a clear view of my shaved pussy as well.

"I think it's just a little red. You might have a bruise but I think it'll be alright."

"It hurts, Daddy!" I sobbed. "I think my tailbone's broken."

That did it. He reached up and pressed his hand against my crack, feeling my tailbone. I groaned in dire pain as he pressed his hand against me.

"It doesn't feel broken," he muttered. "But I don't really know how to tell. Maybe we should go to the emergency room."

I hadn't really thought about that. I mean, I wanted him to see me nude but I hadn't even thought about going to the hospital. Somehow that sounded incredibly exciting.

"It hurts," I whined, knowing exactly what that would do.

"It's OK, baby. I'll take you to the emergency room and they can take care of it for you."

"OK. If you say so, Daddy," I whimpered. "But I gotta get this shampoo out of my hair."

Dad was at a loss, poor man. He didn't know what to do.

"Can you turn on the water and rinse my hair out for me?" I asked.

Without a word he reached up and turned on the shower again. I held on to him for dear life, as though I was scared to death I'd fall again. Every time I moved or he bumped against me I groaned.

He gently rinsed all the soap from my hair then turned the water off and helped me step onto the bathmat. Picking up a towel he dried me off, gently caressing my arms, back, legs and even my breasts. I played the helpless invalid. As he touched my ass again to dry me off I screamed in pain. He was afraid he'd killed me.

I looked up and Timmy and Russell were both standing in the doorway watching, a mixture of concern and lust painted on their faces.

"Come on, babe, let's get you dressed," he said.

I wrapped my arms around him, pressing my bare breasts against his chest. He half carried me as I limped to my room.

My mind was spinning. This was a chance of a lifetime - if I played it right.

"Russell, get her some clothes," he said. At this point he'd obviously decided that he needed help more than he needed to protect my modesty from my brothers' eyes.

"No," I whimpered. "Just my robe."

"But, babe, you may have to wait at the emergency room for a while," Dad whispered.

I didn't say a word, just started crying again, huge tears rolling down my cheeks. I guess I should feel bad about what I was doing, but at the time I was totally nude, leaning against my father, with both my brothers staring at me, and the prospect of being seen by a multitude of others. I was horny as hell!

Russell picked up my robe and brought it to me. I rarely ever wore my robe anymore. It was almost two years old and was one of the first "feminine" things I'd ever gotten. It was a pink, cotton wrap around robe that tied around the waist. When I'd bought it it came to about mid-thigh. Now it barely fell below the curve of my ass.

I smiled bravely through my tears and slipped it on, groaning slightly as I tied the belt.

Dad pulled on a dry shirt as Russell and Timmy helped me down the stairs. Both their arms were around my waist.

"Timmy, go get the ice pack out of the freezer," Dad directed as he trotted down the stairs. Mom always kept a couple of ice packs in the freezer. Don't ask me why.

Together the four of us hobbled out to Dad's truck. He drove a four door pick up. Tim climbed in first, carrying the ice pack. Russell and Dad sort of picked me up and laid me down across the backseat (and over Timmy's lap). I groaned loudly.

Dad flipped my robe up above my waist, grabbed the ice pack from Timmy's hand and gently placed in on my bare bottom, right between my legs. Then he took Timmy's hand and put it on top.

"Hold that there," Dad commanded as he stepped into his seat. Russell climbed into the front passenger seat.

I was lying on my stomach, half out of my robe, by ass completely exposed. My bare pussy was pressed into Timmy's crotch (and obviously hard cock) while he held a freezing cold bag of ice against my asshole! Actually, that ice was a lifesaver. By this point I was incredibly excited. The ice pack cooled me down somewhat.

Mom worked at one of the big hospitals downtown, however, there was a minor crisis center just a few miles from our house. It wasn't really an emergency room. I mean, it's not where you'd go if you were having a heart attack or had just been shot. However, when Russell broke his leg falling out of a tree a couple of years ago this is where Mom brought him. We tended to come here a lot. Mom really liked the treatment the doctor used, alternative medicine and stuff. They handled all kinds of minor emergencies. They closed at 9:00 on Fridays but it was just 8:30 so Dad headed there.

We pulled into the parking lot and parked a couple of spaces down from the door. Getting me out was going to be a trick. Dad didn't really want to pull on my legs, but he couldn't think of any other way to do it. He opened the door and I sort of scooted out, flashing the entire parking lot in the process. I stood up very slowly, letting my robe fall down to cover (barely) by ass. I tied it loosely around my waist.

Leaning on my father we limped into the waiting room.

I'd never been there on a Friday night before. Evidently this was the place everyone brought their sick kids to when it was past their normal doctor's hours. It wasn't packed, but there were quite a few people there.

Dad walked me to the counter. Poor guy. He was so worried about his little girl that he didn't even realize that he'd pulled my robe up around my waist when he put his arm around me to hold me up. My pussy was completely exposed to the entire room!

Once we got to the counter Dad explained to the receptionist what had happened. She looked genuinely concerned - then handed him a stack of paperwork to fill out and said I'd be called in a few minutes.

I surveyed the room. There were about 20 people sitting in the various chairs and couches. For some strange reason, every one of them was staring right at me! My tears had dried up but I managed to keep a look of intense pain painted on my face. About half the people were parents and the others were kids with the sniffles. Right in the middle was an empty couch. While Dad filled out the forms I put my arm around Russell and let me lead me to the couch. Then I crawled onto it, flashing the entire room as I did so. I grabbed Timmy's ice pack hand and shoved it between my legs again.

In less than five minutes my name was called. As I got up my robe came completely undone. Since I was obviously in incredible pain I didn't even bother to close it up again. Holding on to Dad on one side and Russell on the other I hobbled towards the door, my robe stuck between their two bodies exposing me completely to anyone in front of me. Timmy followed dutifully behind.

As we stepped into the examination room the nurse reached up and pulled my robe all the way off.

"This seems to just be getting in the way," she commented, "and nothing is covered anyway."

She hung it on the hook sticking out of the wall.

"Now, Tina, tell me what happened."

Leaning against the examination table I explained that I'd slipped and fallen in the shower and hurt my rear.

"Alright. Well lie down on the table and let's take a look."

I lay down on my stomach, throwing plenty of moans and groans in along the way. The examination table was like virtually every examination table in the world, long and relatively narrow. As I got settled the nurse gently pushed my knees off each side so that my legs fell off causing me to straddle the table and stretching my pussy open. Dad, Russell and Timmy were standing behind the nurse and had a perfect view.

The nurse then began to feel around my ass, gently at first and then with more and more pressure. She began rubbing up and down my crack, pressing against my tailbone, even sliding a finger inside my pussy! I groaned periodically, but only halfheartedly. The truth is, it felt great and I simply wasn't able to continue the charade.

After almost five minutes of constant caressing and pressure the nurse stopped and said, "I need to get the doctor. Please remain as you are."

She turned and left, leaving the door wide open.

I was now lying on my stomach completely nude with my legs spread apart and facing the open door so that anyone who happened to walk by would get a perfect view of my pussy. Plus, Dad and my brothers were staring right at me.

Several minutes passed before the nurse and a male orderly came back in the room.

"Dr. Richards said you needed an x-ray. Gentlemen, if you'll wait here we'll be right back," the nurse announced.

With that, the two of them disconnected some cables attached to the bed and wheeled me out the door, still completely uncovered and exposed.

I don't know how many people are usually in a minor crisis center hallway just before closing, but I swear it felt like the entire building had turned out to see me wheeled down the hallway. I know I should have felt embarrassed, but I didn't. Just the opposite. This was the coolest thing I'd ever experienced. Somehow it was different from the fashion show I had been in. That was cool too. But it was expected - well, sort of. This wasn't. This was spontaneous - well, sort of - and it felt incredible. Men, women, and children were all getting a perfect view of my soaking wet pussy and I was getting more turned on by the second.

The X-Ray tech seemed a little surprised that I was completely nude and exposed, but other than that she was all business. She took my x-rays and told the nurse I could go back to my room as she walked out the back to develop the film.

Just then Dr. Richards stepped in. I'd seen Dr. Richards several times over the last few years. He was young, like most doctors at this type of place, and incredibly good looking, short dark hair, penetrating brown eyes, sparkling white smile.

"Tina, we need to talk for a moment," he said.

I looked up and groaned, rather pitifully.

"Cut the crap," he stated flatly. "And sit up. I know you're not hurt. There's nothing wrong with your tailbone. From what Nurse Janet said, you reacted far to positively to have anything more wrong than a minor bruise from sitting down a little too hard on the shower floor. Now, sit up."

I turned around and sat up, suddenly very conscious and embarrassed of my total nudity.

"You're fourteen, right?"

I nodded.

"A virgin?"

I nodded again.

"But Nurse Janet said you'd lost your hymen."

I nodded. "An accident a few weeks ago," I muttered.

"Alright, I'll accept that. Now my guess is you wanted your dad to see you nude and things sort of got out of hand. Is that right?"

I nodded, meekly.

"Well you got your wish - an more. You will do exactly what I say or I'll tell your father exactly what you've done. Is that clear?"

Startled, I nodded. I thought the game was up. I just knew he would tell Dad. He'd be furious. And Mom would go ballistic!

"Fine. Nurse Janet, please return her to the examination room.

With that he turned and walked out of the room.

"Alright, my little slut. Lie down like you were," she said, grinning wickedly.

I lay back down on my stomach and dropped my legs over each side of the bed, opening my shaved pussy again. She opened the door and wheeled me back down the hallway, past all the spectators, and into the examination room again. I remained on my stomach with my legs spread wide while my brothers and father pretended not to stare.

Dr. Richards came breezing in moments later, carrying the x-rays.

"Good evening, Tina," he cheerfully announced. "Looks like you've taken quite a fall there. How did it happen?"

"I fell in the shower," I muttered.

My father stepped in and explained in detail what happened, even including why I was nude.

"I see," responded the doctor. "Well, we're going to get you taken care of, Tina. Now lets see what we got."

With that he stepped up to the table and began caressing my bare ass. I shivered as his hands lightly touched my rear. He traced my spine down my back and through my crack. When he reach my asshole he pressed slightly, spreading my cheeks even more.

"Does that hurt?"

"Some," I muttered.

"Just as I suspected," he replied. He slid his index and middle finger all the way into my pussy. I flinched.

"Well, sir," he said, looking at my father as he put the x-ray on the view screen. "The good news is that she doesn't have a broken tailbone. The bad news is that she has serious internal bruising. The fall actually broke her hymen. This bruising can have serious consequences if we don't treat it aggressively right away."

"Like what, doctor?" Dad asked, concerned.

"Well, bruising is essentially internal bleeding. If the internal bleeding continues it could result in renal failure or damage to her vagina and ovaries resulting in sterility. Fortunately we can treat this fairly easily although it may produce a bit of discomfort and embarrassment."

"What do we need to do?"

"We have a cream that needs to be applied internally to her anal and vaginal walls that will clear the bruising and relieve the pain."

I looked back and realized that the tube he was holding up was the same tube that Rickie had used on us during our fashion show and modeling shots. It was designed to create a constant state of sexual arousal.

"Internally?" Dad asked, worried.

"Yes sir, I'm afraid so. And because of the pain she won't be able to apply it herself. Let me show you what you need to do."

Holding his hands out, the nurse squirted a large dollop on the index and middle fingers of both hands.

"Tina, this may hurt somewhat," he said gently. In one motion he pushed the two fingers of his right hand into my asshole and two fingers of his left hand into my pussy.

I gasped as his hands invaded me. His fingers were wiggling, pressing, twisting, and pushing inside me.

"Now you need to massage this cream as far into her as possible, completely covering the vaginal and anal walls. That means really working your hands around. And you need to do it for at least 10 minutes every 4 hours."

I glanced back at my dad. He was as pale as a sheet.

"I've got to rub this stuff inside her for 10 minutes every four hours?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes sir, you do," replied Dr. Richards. His fingers were still pumping in and out of my ass and pussy. I moaned and moved my hips.

"Unfortunately," Dr. Richards responded, "this much vaginal stimulation is naturally going to create some sexual responses from your daughter. Simply remember that it is essential that you complete this regimen regardless of her responses. Failure to do so could end in serious consequences, do you understand?"

Dad nodded, watching with widening eyes as my hips began to writhe to the wiggling of the doctor's fingers. I could feel my orgasm building.

"Now, Mr. Johnson, I want you to try it. I need to make sure you can do this or I'll have to send her to the hospital and admit her."

Dad swallowed and stepped forward. The nurse squirted another liberal dollop of cream onto his fingers. The doctor pulled his hands away and was immediately replaced with my father's tentative fingers. He gently pressed himself inside me. I moaned and pushed myself up to them.

"You need to be a little more aggressive than that," the doctor stated. "Really press and massage. It is essential that you rub the cream deep into her tissue."

With that, Dad began really massaging both my pussy and my asshole. I bit my lip as an orgasm rolled through me.

"Wonderful," praised the doctor. "Now you have to do this every 4 hours for 7 consecutive days. I want to teach your sons to administer this treatment as well."

Dad didn't say anything, which surprised me. He just stepped back with a flushed look on his face as Russell stepped forward and got yet another dose of cream applied to his fingers.

I could tell from the way he pushed his fingers into my sopping wet pussy and ass that he was about to cum himself. His fingers pushed in and out quickly causing me to gasp with each insertion.

"Slow down, son," advised Dr. Richards. "Just rub it around inside."

Russell stopped and began moving in circles around me. I could feel his fingers in my ass pressing down against the fingers in my pussy. So much cream was in me that my entire cunt felt like it was on fire. Biting my lip again I pushed back against him and shuddered through my second orgasm.

"Your turn, young man," said the doctor, directing Timmy to step up.

Without a word he stepped up and put his hands out for the cream.

"Your hands are small enough you need to put them entirely inside her up to your wrist, OK?"

Timmy didn't say a word as the nurse supplied a large squirt of cream onto his palm and fingers.

"Wait just a second," suggested Nurse Janet. She picked up a bottle of baby lotion from the counter and squirted it directly over my asshole and pussy. I shivered as the cold liquid slid into me. "You can use this if she's too tight to fit in."

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