Tina's Modeling Adventure - Cover

Tina's Modeling Adventure

Copyright© 2004 by Knightwolf

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - 14 year old Tina gets a job modeling for a freelance photographer. After various photo shoots she participates in an underwear and lingerie fashion show. More adventures to follow.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Incest   Mother   Brother   Father   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Enema   Exhibitionism   Doctor/Nurse  

"Hi. I'm Rickie Roberts. May I talk to you for a moment?"

I looked into the deep blue eyes of a beautiful woman smiling down at me. Before I could answer she had already sat down.

"Uhh... , yea. I guess," I stammered. I'd come to the mall to hang around with some friends, but no one else showed up. The last thing I wanted right now was some pushy sales lady trying to sell me something. As if I had any money to spend. "I'm not really gonna be here very long."

"I understand," she replied, smiling and handing me her card. "I'm a photographer and own a modeling company. You have a look that I've been searching for and I just wanted to ask if you would be interested in modeling for me sometime."

I looked down at her card. R&R Modeling Agency; Rickie Roberts, Owner.

"I don't know," I stammered. "I'm not really pretty enough to be a model."

"Of course you are," she replied. "Besides, I'm not looking for movie stars. I'm looking more for the girl next door. Some people just have a look about them. And that's you. I think you'd be perfect for what I'm working on. 'Course I won't really know until I take a few shots of you."

I was quiet for a few moments. I'm good at that. It really throws some people off balance. When I'm considering something I just sit there quietly thinking it through. No chattering and small talk for me.

I had never considered modeling before. I knew I wasn't ugly. But I also wasn't a perfect 10. My breasts were small - course Mom said they'd grow some more but I'm not sure I believed her. I was very thin and barely looked my 14 years. My brown hair was long, down to my hips. Mom kept wanting me to do something with it, but I preferred to just let hang - or sometimes put it in one tight braid down my back. Models always wore glamorous clothes. Me? I wore old jeans and ragged tee shirts. I'm not sure what this lady saw in me that made her think I could be a model.

I looked at the woman who was sitting serenely waiting on me. That was really odd. Most people were uncomfortable with my silence. Seems most people don't like to be quiet for to long. I was beginning to like her.

"I don't really think this'll work," I finally said. "I'm just not model material."

"You let me be the judge of that," she retorted with a broad grin. "I think you're beautiful. Comb that long hair back and put you in the right outfit and you'll be amazed. What do you have to lose? Beside, I'll pay you $100 for the first shoot."

"$100!" I exclaimed. "Deal! When do we start?"

"Well, I really need to meet with one of your parents first. There's a contract that we have to fill out in order for me to sell your pictures."

My face dropped. I really didn't think either of my parents would agree to this. My mom's a bitch. Won't let me do anything. My dad's pretty cool but very busy. Most of the time he just sends me to Mom for things like this.

"I don't think my mom'll go for that," I said. "She doesn't let me do anything!"

"What about your dad."

"He'd probably say it's OK, but usually he asks Mom first,"

Rickie fished a brochure out of her purse.

"Well, actually I don't have to see him or even talk to him. I just need his approval. If you can fill out the form on the back of this brochure and have him sign it we can begin."

I looked at the brochure. It was filled with gorgeous pictures of teenage girls, many that looked a lot like me.

"He has to sign it?" I asked.

With a sly grin on her face she replied, "Well, I have to have a signature on that form before we can schedule a session."

"OK," I replied seriously.

"By the way, what's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Tina," I replied.

"Tina, it's good to meet you," she said, shaking my hand.

I grinned.

"Will you call me even if you decide not to do this?"

"OK. Sure," I replied.

She got up to leave, then stopped and turned back.

"Tina, one more thing. Please don't tell any of your friends about this. You see, I search for people with particular characteristics. I don't take photos for people to keep. I take photos to sell to magazines and catalogs. If you tell your friends I'll be inundated with requests to photograph people that I just can't sell. So will you keep this just between us?"

"Sure," I replied.

"Great! Give me a call!"

Then she was off, her short skirt swaying, boots clicking on the linoleum

After she left I read through the brochure. It was pretty straight forward really. Among the pictures of gorgeous teen models she had written a basic description of her business. She stated that she enjoyed finding new talent and sending them on the way to success. She never intended on taking a model all the way to the top. According to her brochure, one of three things happened with her models. Occasionally one would just take off. Some large agency would see her, like her, and sign her to a high dollar contract. Rickie would receive a significant finders fee if that happened.

Occasionally the pictures just didn't make it. The model, though beautiful, just didn't have that magic something that is sellable. In that case the model still ended up making a couple of hundred dollars for the sessions and was allowed to keep a copy of the pictures.

Most of the time her models never became big stars but neither did they bomb out. Most of her models continued modeling for her throughout their teen years and appeared in various catalogs and magazines. They were paid good money and were introduced to the fashion industry and went on their way when they graduated from high school.

This honesty impressed me. I thought she would have claimed that all her models became superstars. That's what the TV ads always said.

The back of the form was simple. It asked for my name, address, age, etc. Then had a paragraph giving R&R Modeling Agency ownership of any photographs taken during paid modeling sessions. At the bottom it asked for the signature of my parent or guardian.

I don't often go behind my parents' backs but I knew my mom would say no. And I knew my dad would send me to my mom.

Sitting at my desk in my room I scrawled my dad's illegible signature.

I called Rickie the next day and set an appointment for my first session. She explained that she worked out of her home, just a few blocks from where I lived. I told her Saturday morning worked well for me. I somehow neglected to mention that my parents would not question me too much about my whereabouts on a Saturday morning. She asked me what size I wore so that she could arrange the outfits for me and we agreed to meet at 9:30.

On Saturday, I rode my bike to Rickie's house. It was a fairly large one story ranch house with a huge enclosed back yard. I wore old jeans and a tee shirt, just like always.

Rickie greeted me at the door in short cut offs and a sports bra.

"Come on in, Tina," she said enthusiastically. As she saw me looking at her she added, "I prefer to be comfortable during my shoots."

She led me into her house, which was open and comfortable with lots of windows and plants. The first room on the right was her office and we stepped in there first.

"OK. I need your permission form," she said.

I handed it to her, a little worried about what she might ask.

She looked it over and put in an open file on her desk. "Parents didn't have any questions?" she asked without looking up.

"No," I answered as matter-of-factly as I could.

"Great!" She looked up at me. "Shall we get started?"

"Sure," I replied hesitantly.

She led me out of her office to a closed door, opened it, turned on the light and asked me to go on down into her basement. Closing the door behind her she followed me down.

The basement had been converted into one large studio room. There were various backdrops around with lights already set up. Along one wall was a rack of clothes of various shapes and sizes. All the windows were covered to keep out the light. Along one wall was a table with various cameras and other equipment neatly arranged. A light table and computer were next to it. One corner of the studio had a darkroom built into it. Beanbag chairs were scattered around the room.

"Now, a couple of ground rules, Tina," said Rickie in a businesslike manner. "A modeling studio is no place for modesty. I live alone here so no one will interrupt us and at least for the time being you will not be working with any other models. It is extremely important that clothing be worn in very specific ways, depending on the outfits. In many cases you will never have worn anything like the gowns and other fashions that I'll be shooting you in. As a result, I insist on helping all my models into their outfits. Do you have a problem with that?"

I wasn't too sure about that. I mean, I hated PE because I had to undress in front of all the girls. Why did I need her to dress me anyway? Nevertheless I shook my head no.

"OK. Great! Now let me show you your first outfit."

She turned and headed toward the rack of clothes along the wall.

"We'll start you off in something close to what you're used to wearing," she said as she pulled a pair a jeans and black tee shirt off the rack. "Come on, get undressed."

A little self-consciously I pulled my tee shirt off then dropped my jeans and pulled them off. Standing in front of her in my white bra and panties I reached out for the jeans.

She seemed to have gotten all the sizes correct. I pulled on the jeans and, although they were tighter than I was used to, they fit perfectly. Next I pulled on the tee shirt. It, too, was tighter than I was used to, but it seemed to fit OK. It stopped right at the top of my jeans and looked really cool.

Rickie spun me around and looked at me from all directions.

"Just what I was afraid of," she commented. "I can see your bra strap. You'll have to take it off."

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"I told you, Tina, modesty has no place in a modeling studio. Almost all fashion shoots are done with no underwear of any kind. It shows up under the clothes and looks really bad in the picture. You can keep your panties on, but the bra has to go."

I reached up under the shirt and unsnapped, planning to pull it out of the armhole of my tee shirt.

"Oh no," she said, stopping me. "Don't go stretching these clothes all out. I only get them on loan. Take it off to remove your bra."

I almost quit. I wanted to. Who was she to make me bare my tits to her? But I'd come this far. I pulled the tee shirt off, pulled off my bra, and put the tee shirt back on.

Rickie ignored me completely. She was already at her camera table picking out two or three different cameras to use on me.

The photography shoot was incredible. She kept me barefoot, said it looked really good with the jeans. Somehow, once the camera started clicking I seemed to be transported to a whole different world. Rickie had me standing, sitting, lying down, twirling around, bending over, flipping cartwheels. I'd never worked so hard in my life. We must have kept it up for half an hour and when it was over I was panting and giggling like a little girl.

"How're you doing?" she asked as we stopped.

"This is great!" I panted, collapsing into a beanbag chair.

"Cool," she said. "These shots will look great. Take a few minutes to rest and we'll do one more set today."

The next outfit she pulled out was a long satin prom gown - absolutely gorgeous.

"Give me your clothes," she commanded.

Eyeing the gown with the lust of a teenager planning her first prom, I peeled off my tee shirt and jeans.

"This dress will be too tight for those panties, they'll show up too," she said.

I hesitated a moment. "What the Hell," I thought. "It's just the two of us." I pealed them off and tossed them over to my clothes.

I stood totally nude in front of her and this time she eyed me from head to toe. My breasts are pretty small, about the size of your average peach and right now my nipples were standing straight out. I had narrow hips and a tight curly bush between my legs, not real heavy, but definitely there.

She held the dress open and had me step into it, then pulled it up for me. It was absolutely fabulous. Almost the entire back was open. Low cut in front, but not to low. It was tight around my hips. Rickie was right, my panty line would have been visible. The gown hung all the way down to my ankles.

She sat me down in front of the mirror and combed out my long brown hair, then laid it across my shoulders.

Next she pulled out some light blue high heeled shoes. Really high heeled. I mean, the heels were three inches as least. They didn't fit very well, but they looked OK and it wasn't like I was going to be dancing all night.

Once we started shooting she directed me into all kinds of different poses. I started off sitting demurely in front of corsages and other flowers. Then I was standing for a formal portrait. Then twirling with a fan blowing my hair. Then collapsing into a beanbag with my feet in the air. Bending over and looking backwards. Laying on my back and dangling my shoe off my foot. Rolling onto my stomach with my feet bare.

It was a blast!

Once the shoot was over she helped me out of my gown and I was nude once again.

"You're a natural," she said, grinning.

"Thanks," I replied.

"When can you come again?"

"When do you want me?"

"Let's go up to my office and I'll check my appointment book," she said as she started towards the stairs.

"Uh, Rickie. I need to get dressed first."

"What?" she asked, looking back at me. "Oh yea. Of course. Go ahead and get dressed."

She stood and waited as I pulled my panties on, then my jeans, bra, tee shirt and shoes.

"You're gorgeous, Tina, but your going to need to shave your vaginal hair," she commented as I buttoned my jeans. Cameras can pick up shadows where the human eye can't."

I wasn't sure what to say so I just didn't say anything.

Upstairs she looked at her appointment book and we scheduled for later in the week after school.

Wednesday afternoon I headed over to Rickie's studio. Once again, I wore my traditional jeans and tee shirt outfit (rarely ever varied).

Rickie greeted me at the door and directed me down to her basement. She started off by showing me prints of the previous session. I know I'm bragging, but I looked incredible. There was one shot in my gown when I'd collapsed into the beanbag chair. The dress and fallen back and revealed my bare leg up to my thigh. The top and slipped some and showed a hint of my breast. Nothing bad. It was just a great shot. I looked like fun! Rickie said that's what modeling should look like.

"OK," she said after I'd spent time goggling at all the pictures. "Time to get to work. Get out of those clothes."

Still a little embarrassed, I pulled my tee shirt off, stepped out of my jeans, and stood before her in my panties and bra.

Looking up at me from her camera table she said, "Those too, sweetheart."

Bashfully, I removed my bra and panties. She glanced over and smiled when she saw that I'd shaved my pussy bald this morning.

My outfit included a white satin thong, tight low-rise jeans, and a small halter-top that hugged my chest and outlined my breasts. The jeans hung so low below my hips that if I hadn't shaved, my hair would have been sticking up. The waist of the thong was about two inches above my jeans. She then handed me a pair of black high-heeled shows, even higher than my last shoot.

I looked in the mirror and was amazed! I no longer looked like grunge kid from up the street. I looked sexy. I mean really sexy!

Rickie laughed when she saw my expression. "Told you you were beautiful."

We finished that shoot and she had me strip again.

"Have you ever done gymnastics or cheerleading?"

"Cheerleading - never. But I was in gymnastics until I was twelve."

"Really? I want to do a cheerleader set. Are you game?" Rickie asked.

"Cheerleaders?" I grimaced. I hated cheerleaders. "Do I have to?" Realizing I sounded like a three year old I changed my tune. "OK. Whatever you say."

"Great. Come over here and let me do your hair."

"Uh. Shouldn't I get dressed first?" I asked.

"What?" she replied absentmindedly looking back at me. "No. Don't want to get hair on the uniform.

I followed her to the make up table bare-assed naked and sat down. The plastic seat felt cold on my nude rear. Without comment she combed out my hair and put it in two tight pony tails. In five minutes I lost two years. A twelve year old girl stared back at me from the mirror.

I stood up and she led me to the clothes rack and pulled off the outfit. I pulled on the panties she handed me - a red satin thong!

"Aren't these a little small for a cheerleader outfit?" I asked. My entire ass was uncovered except for inch of satin hiding my crack.

"Well, a cheerleader at school couldn't wear them," Rickie laughed. "But it'll look great on camera.

The skirt was a classic short red and blue cheerleader skirt that stopped about an inch below my crotch. The top was a tight red and blue spangled satin halter. Very tight. My breasts were clearly outlined through the material. Knee high white socks and snow white sneakers completed the ensemble.

"I'm not to sure about this, Rickie," I said tentatively. "This is a bit much."

Smiling at me, Rickie replied, "I understand. Let's just take a few shots and see how it looks. You'd be amazed at often I end up trashing and entire shoot because it just doesn't work."

With that, she headed over to the set.

Once again, she started off really slow. Sitting, legs together, hands in lap. Standing, legs together, hands clasped in front of me.

"OK. Now spread your legs and put your hands on your hips," she barked.

"Stretch your arms straight out in front of you!"

"Now over your head. Beautiful!"

"One arm straight up, one arm straight out!"

"Put one leg back and lean on your front leg. Wonderful!"

"Now, both arms up again."

"Now jump straight up, legs together, arms pointing to the roof."

"Twirl around on one foot. All the way around. Beautiful!"

"Face the wall and look back at me. Hands on hips."

"Twirl back and face me."

"Now jump straight up and spread your arms and legs like an X"


"Scissor kick."


"Now jump and land in a split."


"Hold that split. Arms straight up."

"Great! Now keep that split and lay on your back. Raise your legs up and look at me through your legs. Wonderful!"

"Can you carry it all the way over in a summersault and stand up? Wonderful!"

"Can you do a standing back flip? Terrific!"

"Can you do a standing split? That's right. Bottom leg straight. Hold that top leg by your face. Beautiful!"

I couldn't believe it. Once the camera started clicking it's like I became a whole new person. I was a performer and Rickie was the director. Everything she said I did, and my gymnastics helped tremendously. I was spinning, flipping, splitting, and twirling until I could barely breath!

"OK. Relax," she said.

I collapsed, spread eagle on the mat. Rickie continued to shoot.

"I thought we were done," I gasped.

"You are," she said. "I'm not."

She continued walking around me, shooting from all directions and heights while I panted, covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

Finally she stopped and sat down cross-legged in front of me.

"You are amazing," she laughed. "A true natural."

"Thanks," I replied, still out of breath. "Were these really good?"

"These were incredible! You'll love them when I get the developed."

We stood up and I automatically undressed, handing her the outfit.

"Time's up," said Rickie. "Can you come back on Saturday?"

"Sure," I replied as I dressed, no longer embarrassed at my nudity in front of her.

"Great. I want to do a slumber party sequence. I may have several other girls. Will that be a problem?"

I hesitated. Other girls meant they'd see me nude. But since I'd already done this much I may as well.

"No. No problem," I replied.

"Terrific. Can you stay all day? Since I'm trying to have 4 of you, I need as much time as possible."

"Yea," I said, still not to sure of this whole group thing. "I can arrange to be here all day."

"Cool. See you Saturday at 9:00."

As I left, she handed me 10 twenty dollars bills. Two hundred dollars in one week!

When I wheeled into her driveway that Saturday two other bikes were already leaning against her garage door. I put mine next to them and walked up to the front door. It was a warm day and I wore gym shorts and a tank top (no bra, what was the point?).

Rickie met me at the door wearing a bikini top and short white jogging shorts that hung low on her hips.

"Tina, this is Laura and Maria," she said, introducing the two girls in her living room.

The first thing that struck me was how similar the three of us were. All three of us were small, petite is the best word I guess - short and thin. None of us topped more than 5' or weighed more than 90 lbs. I'd seen both of them in school, but didn't know either of them. Laura was 13 I think, one grade below me. She had shoulder length blond hair, deep blue eyes and snow white skin. Maria was in my grade so I guess she was 14, though like both Laura and me most people would assume she was only 13. She was Hispanic, with long black hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was a lovely deep tan.

Just after we had greeted each other the doorbell rang again and the fourth member of our "slumber party" arrived. Michelle was a red head with short straight hair and freckles all over her face and shoulders. She, too, was petite and looked younger than her 14 years. She was actually in the same home room I was, though I didn't know her very well.

"OK, gather around everyone," announce Rickie as she came into the living room.

We all sat down and looked at her.

"Now, all of you have modeled a couple of times for me so you know how I work. But none of you has modeled with others before. As I've told each of you, there's no room for modesty in modeling. We're going to be doing several sets with a slumber party motif. That means changing in front of each other and wearing various styles of pajamas and underwear. I've been talking to a major teen magazine regarding this series and they are very interested. Before we begin I need to know if any of you have a problem with this? I don't want to get half way through a shoot and have one of you bale on me."

We all looked a little nervous, but we all shook our heads.

"OK. The key to this whole series is that it must look like you're really having a slumber party. As a result we're going to be shooting up here instead of down in the studio. Too much furniture is necessary for us to do it downstairs. Now go ahead and get undressed and I'll get your first set of outfits for you."

She turned and walked out of the room.

Embarrassed, no one moved for a few moments. Then Laura stood and quickly pulled off her tee shirt, shorts, panties and shoes. In less than five seconds she was standing nude in front us.

The rest of us laughed good naturedly, glad that someone else had gone first, stood up and stripped.

Each of us looked at the others and realized that Rickie had made all of us shave our pussies. There wasn't a bush in the room. Not knowing what to do, we sat back down, hands in our laps, legs closed.

Rickie walked back in carrying four hangers.

"Maria, please take all your clothes downstairs so they don't show up in my pictures," she asked.

"Now?" responded Maria.

"Yes now. Remember, modesty has no place here," she admonished, smiling sweetly.

Maria stood up, gathered our clothes, and trotted downstairs, her bare ass swaying.

We dutifully put on the outfits that Rickie handed to us.

I had a man's white dress shirt and a sheer white lace thong. Once I got it on, Rickie came to "fix" it for me. She rolled up the sleeves to my elbows and unbuttoned the shirt to just above my belly button. Standing, I looked down. The sides of the shirt stopped at crotch level and the front and back hung to mid thigh. The front covered my breasts but was so loose that they'd be easy to see from certain directions.

Laura wore a light blue Tweety Bird nightshirt that stopped about an inch below her crotch. I'd seen her put on a matching blue thong.

Michelle wore a white tank top that stopped just above her belly button and a pair of men's boxers. The arm holes were pretty big, so if she moved a certain way I could see her nipples. The crotch on the boxers opened when she moved. I don't think she realized that, though. Rickie came and pulled them down so low on her hips that the top of her crack showed in the back.

Maria came in and was handed a long white cotton gown that she pulled over her head. It was very light and almost sheer. Her brown nipples cast a dark shadow against the material. Rickie pulled the sleeves down off Maria's shoulders. This meant the whole thing tended to slide down.

"We'll start by playing a game of Twister here in the living room," Rickie announced. "The game is in the top of the coat closet. I want you to get the game, move the coffee table, spread it out, and all four play it at once. Remember, this is a real slumber party. You are best friends spending the night together. Pretend you've known each other your whole life. Have fun. Be animated. Regardless of what happens, do not be embarrassed. You need to look like this is the greatest night of your whole life! Don't worry about the pictures, I can make whatever touch-ups are necessary."

"I'll be rolling around, shooting you from various directions. Everyone ready?"

I looked around at the other three. They each had a look in their eyes similar to what I felt. Anticipation and excitement. Somehow, whenever the camera started clicking I became a different person, and I could tell that the others felt the same way.

"Laura, go get the game. The rest of you, make space."

Rickie started shooting. She followed Laura to the closet and rolled on to her back, shooting straight up as Laura climbed onto a stool and reached up for the game. Then she rolled up to a sitting position and photographed me and Michelle on our hands and knees, asses in the air, pushing the coffee table towards the couch. Maria had hiked her gown up past her knees and was pushing the recliner out of the way.

Michelle brought the box and sat down cross-legged on the floor to open it. The nightshirt bunched up around her waist giving Rickie a clear shot of her blue thong. On my knees, I leaned over and pulled out the mat realizing as I did so that my shirt hung open and revealed my naked tits. Ignoring it, I unfolded the mat and started smoothing it out.

Looking up, Laura was sitting across from me, legs wide open as she pulled on her end of the mat. The crotch of her boxers had opened and I had a clear view of her bald pussy glistening with moisture. I heard the camera click behind me.

For the one person reading this who grew up in a swamp on the back side of no where and has never heard of Twister, it consists of a large mat (like a tablecloth) with four rows of brightly colored circles. A wheel divided into four sections - right foot, left foot, right hand, left hand - and shows the colors on the mat. Each player spins the wheel and places the appropriate body part on the appropriate color. The object is to contort your body without falling over. The first person who falls over earns a T. Whoever spells Twister first, loses. The more people who play at a time the harder it is, since there are more bodies in the way.

I spun first and put my right foot on a yellow circle.

Maria bent over and put her right hand on a red circle.

Laura, left foot, blue circle.

Michelle, right foot, blue circle.

I spun and had to put my left hand on a yellow circle. Feeling mischievous (and horny, I kept my legs straight, bent at the waist and placed my left hand on the circle next to the one my foot was on. I felt my shirt ride up over my ass. The sheer lace thong hid very little. I glanced down and saw my shirt falling open.

Maria had to put her left foot on a green circle. That was on the far side of the mat. As she started to move she realized that the gown didn't give her enough range of movement, so with her free hand she hiked it up to her hips, squatted, and slid her foot onto the green circle. The material fell in front of her and covered her nude pussy - barely.

Laura spun and put her right foot on a yellow circle. I was in the way, so she had to stretch forward to reach the right circle. I looked up and realized the blue thong I thought I'd seen her put on was more of a blue g string. It barely covered her pussy and the string was entirely lost in her ass. She was so close to my nose that I could smell her.

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