Avatar: Establishment, Book 1 - Cover

Avatar: Establishment, Book 1

Copyright© 2004 by Dark Pen

Chapter 49

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 49 - A man is chosen to be the Avatar of a Goddess of sex. At least, he thinks she's a Goddess. But, of course, nothing is ever exactly as it seems and being an Avatar can be very interesting. This story has a LOT of sex. It does have a plot as well, which becomes more prevalent in the later chapters.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Water Sports  

Monday was catch-up day for Ken. He started it off in his dojo, with Ari and Jane, then gave Sandy a call to see if she wanted to ride, since he'd missed the ride yesterday. She was all for it. Joan called too, shyly asking if they were interested in having her come over again. He assured her they were very interested.

Today's class was small and he ended up working with the Sensei one on one. For some reason, this annoyed the crap out of Chad, but Ken was getting tired of his attitude and couldn't have cared less. Ken was still relearning the skills, but it seemed more like he was just re-remembering them. Each time he was shown something else, the movement seemed very familiar and comfortable. Sensei even showed him some things that Ken was sure he hadn't been taught before, yet those movements stayed with him as well.

He left feeling well satisfied and called to see if Ellen and Kim had a few moments. He arranged a meeting with them where he discussed his concerns about the household money. They assured him that, even in the short time they'd had, the seed money they'd invested was doing well. The amount he could pull, based on their estimates, and not touch the principle was astounding.

They, in turn, had some questions for him about the ritual that the Circle had the last time they were there. Ken picked up on the fact that they were interested and smiled as he realized that there was a strong possibility that they, too, would be part of the Circle. Ellen did a little fishing, wondering about the possibilities of some playtime in the upcoming weekend. Ken explained that they had a new addition to the household and that he wanted to feel her out to see what her reaction to a full-out play party would be. While he was determined that he wasn't going to change how the Circle lived, he did want to ease into things. He also mentioned that since the playroom had a door, that the party could mostly stay in there.

"If she's anything like Arianwen, keeping that stuff behind closed doors will just piss her off," said Ellen.

Ken shrugged. "It's tricky. I don't want to scare her. You have to admit that what we do is definitely not standard sexual practice. I'm sure that I can speak to her, and the mansion's big enough that she can stay out of the areas that we're playing in if things get too uncomfortable for her."

"You said she's fifteen," said Kim.


"And that she was naked in the pool with you?"


Kim giggled. "I don't think she's going to have a problem with a play party."

Again, Ken shrugged. "I'll call and let you know what's up."

On the way home, he started to think about Ellen and Kim. He compared them to the other women that he'd been around in these last weeks. He'd played out fantasies of a number of women and the only new one that he'd felt any pull from was Tina. So far, every person that he had felt the pull toward was becoming interested in the Circle, which made him wonder where Tina would stand with regard to a religion not her own.

Interesting. And useful, considering that this was the beginning of the establishment of a new religion -- or the re-establishment of an old one, depending on how you looked at it. He recalled a recent fantasy he'd spun with a random woman that he'd thought attractive. It had been fun and quite heavy on the BDSM. She'd loved the daydream, but he'd had no interest in trying to make more of it, which, if his line of reasoning was correct, meant she wouldn't be Circle material.

When Ken got home, he relaxed at the pool while waiting to meet Sandy to go riding. Jane was very interested in hitting the trails as well and was sunning with him. As was Ari, Sally, Bill, Tina and Annette. All of the women were naked, including Tina.

As usual, Ari was close to Annette, and Ken watched Tina watching them. There was no jealously, just determination in the girl's attitude. She wanted Ari, and she was determined to seduce her sister, even if she didn't quite know how to go about it. He caught Tina looking at him as well, when she thought he wouldn't notice. She had a smile on her face. Jane, too, caught what was going on and had a smile of her own. Somehow, with all the looks and glances going around, and all the lusty thoughts, the quiet afternoon by the pool wasn't really all that quiet.

Bill, Ken noticed, was trying to figure out how to deal with another beautiful redhead. She was quite attractive, but he was sure, somehow, that she was off limits. Ken had noticed that the energy from Bill had changed -- he was gaining some of the advantages that close association with someone from the Circle evidently granted. Which, in this particular case, made him horny as hell since his sex drive was elevated. When he shifted the second time to cover his erection, no doubt wishing that Genie were here instead of at work, a naked Annette and Arianwen approached.

Bill had flipped over and was trying to get control of himself, squirming discreetly on the lounge, when Annette straddled it just in front of his face. Naturally, when he raised his head, he had a perfect view of her ringed, spread pussy. He would have gotten up in surprise, but Ari had straddled his back, her wet, naked pussy pushed into his sun-warmed skin. Ken could feel his wife was acutely aware that her sister was watching everything. Annette openly started to message her clit while Ari leaned forward and whispered something into Bill's ear. In a short time, the three of them disappeared into the house, leaving a very aroused Tina still laying in the sun.

"When are you going to take her, Master Ken?" asked Sally in a low voice as she passed by him, heading inside with the baby.

"What?" he asked.

Jane grinned and so did Sally. "It's obvious she wants you and your other wife -- for starters, anyway. How long are you going to make the poor girl wait?"

"Sally, dear, don't make me spank you. Fifteen is too young for me."

Sally burst out laughing, then said, "Master, you can spank me anytime. If your wife will hold the baby, you can do it right here, right now." She paused with a raised eyebrow. When it was clear he wasn't going to take her up on her offer, she continued. "She's not going to wait for you forever. If you don't take her, she's going to come for you." Sally walked back into the house with a twitch of her hips.

Ken shook his head in disbelief. He supposed that Tina would be interested in him -- mainly because of the powers that he had. But, really, she should have sex with someone closer to her own age. Maybe in a year or so she'd be old enough, but at the moment, despite how horny and frustrated she was, she was still a very inexperienced virgin. He wondered if he should introduce her to Karen.

A half-hour later, Arianwen returned and sat down by Ken. She had taken a quick shower, but Ken was seriously considering pulling her inside himself. A few minutes later, Tina flopped into a lounge beside him. Her scent made it difficult to not get an erection. She smelled of clean sweat and sex. Little Tina was quite horny.

"Hello Master Ken," she said. "I have some more questions for you."

Ken started at her use of 'Master', but Jane actually grinned. Ari looked at her sister curiously, but made no comment.

"Ask away. But first, perhaps you could explain why you called me 'Master Ken'. I wasn't aware that you had submitted to anyone. Are you a slave?"

Ari shuddered, and Jane just grinned wider as a flow of lust burst from the fifteen-year-old. Tina gripped the edges of the lounge and her breath quickened, but she was sure no one knew how that simple statement affected her.

"I, ah... no." To her credit, Tina didn't flee, which the sudden surge of lust made her want to do. Visions of her being impaled by Ken invaded his mind. "But I noticed that Sally, Annette and Genie called you that. Jane only calls you Master. Why is that?"

Arianwen was sweating and wanted to be anywhere but here, where she couldn't avoid the lustful energy shining from her sister's oh-so-tempting body. She started to get up, but Jane laid a hand on her arm, so she stayed. Ken wondered what sort of pecking order -- if any -- the two of them had. He suspected that Ari still considered herself being slave-trained by her wife.

"The slaves here call the Doms by Master and Mistress. They add names when addressing someone other than their own Master or Mistress," he replied. "I should add that not all the women that come here are slaves."

"Who here is a Mistress?" asked Tina.

The only one here, at the moment, is you, thought Ken, if you only knew it. "I'm glad you brought that up," he said. "Remember the orgies that you were asking about?"

This time it was Tina's turn to blush and wiggle as her sister looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Tina quickly denied that she had asked the question. "You were the one who said there were orgies here."

"Hmm," replied Ken. "Did you read any of the files I sent you?"

Tina, still squirming a bit, nodded yes. He wondered how she would react if she knew that there was no way she could hide her arousal from them. It would, he decided, turn her on a great deal.

"This coming weekend," said Ken, "we were thinking of having a... play party. Some folks that you know, and others that you don't, will be here. Much of the weekend will be devoted to BDSM play. Since this could be awkward for you, I wanted to get your thoughts on the matter."

"I don't understand," replied the girl.

Ken looked at her, commanding her attention, and said, "It will get pretty intense around here, sexually speaking. Many of the things that you read about will actually be occurring. The mansion is large enough for you to not have to deal with it, though."

"Does this mean you want me to stay in my room or something?" she asked.


"Will I be expected to... join in?" she asked half in fear and half in hope.

"No," said Ken firmly. "And there is a great deal of etiquette that you and I will go over before the party starts."

"So I'm not allowed to join in," she stated, somewhat annoyed.

"I told you before that it's your body to do with as you please," said Ken.

"I don't understand. You just told me I couldn't join in," said Tina.

"What he said," said Jane, "was that you weren't expected to join in, not that you couldn't."

That set the girl back. Tina was silent for a minute, then said, "Are you going to be there, Ari?"

Arianwen was trying very hard not to freak out. It was becoming clear that her sister was about to find out that she was a sex slave. The thought wildly aroused Ari for reasons she was trying to ignore. In her effort to avoid the question, she made a mistake.

"If my Master wishes," she replied.

"Master?" Tina's eyes narrowed, and she looked at her sister while asking Ken, "Does that mean that my sister is a slave?"

Ari turned very red and trembled, embarrassment and dread flowing though her body. She said nothing and continued to lay there with her eyes closed, trying to look completely unconcerned.

"Tina, we don't make judgments about what people do," said Ken in a very no-nonsense tone.

"No! I... well, I didn't mean it was bad or anything. Really, Ari, I didn't," said Tina, her voice almost in a panic.

"It's okay," said Arianwen, giving up. She got up and left and when Tina would have followed her, Ken's voice stopped the girl.

"Tina," he said. She froze and looked at him, the sharp tone in his voice startling her. "Sit down," he said in a softer voice.

Now that the girl was unsure of herself, the fact that she was naked started to bother her. But Ken's tone of voice kept her from leaving as he spoke to her.

"Tina, I told you that things here are a little different than anywhere else," he started.

"But I didn't mean anything! I just thought it was really cool if she was a slave." The girl blushed but moved on quickly. "I mean, it's not like I couldn't tell that she likes girls -- she's been like, glued to Annette since she got here, and I've seen how she kisses all the women here," except me, she thought with pout.

"Tina," he interrupted as she took a breath. "Arianwen has really gone through a lot of changes since she left home. More that you could know. But one thing that hasn't changed is her love for you. She's very afraid that if you found out she is a slave, that you won't respect her, and that she'd loose your love."

There was more to it than that, but Tina had no idea just how intensely her sister wanted her, and Ken wasn't going to clue her in. Tina only knew that the thought of sex with Arianwen made her knees weak, her nipples hard as stones and got her pussy soaked every time she thought of it. She got a very resolved look on her face and said, "That's not going to happen. I love my sister and nothing's going to change that."

She got up and left the pool. Ken looked at Jane and sighed.

"We may have to move Tina after all," he said.

"What?" said Jane in surprise. "Master, I don't think that would be a good idea at all. You know she belongs here."

"Yes, she does, but she's driving Arianwen crazy. Don't you think we owe it to our wife to give her a little peace?"

"Master, if you tell Ari that her sister has to go, how do you think that will make her feel? She'll know it's because of her."

Ken sat for a moment, then said, "Tina's only fifteen. I don't have a problem with her having sex, but most everyone here, except Ari, is a lot older than her. And Ari has issues with having sex with her sister -- which is understandable."

"Sir, I think it would be a big mistake to try and move Tina," replied Jane.

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