Poor Little Rich Girls - Cover

Poor Little Rich Girls

Copyright© 2004 by Mary-Marguerite

Chapter 7: Play It Again Boys

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7: Play It Again Boys - two sisters from the upper crust part of life learn alot about themselfs and the men they meet and they learn some valuible information.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Incest   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

Before he could utter a sound he saw Sue come up behind him, wrap her arms around his slender body and grab at the swelling in his pants. "And just what are you doing here, Sean? I've been watching you peeping at these two. Shame on you."

Sean blushed beet red. He almost looked like he was going to try to turn and leave the room, but Sue held him fast.

Come on in and let's see what there is to see.

She only had to drag him in a few feet before he lost his reserve and eagerly followed. He wasn't sure what was to happen, but if it was anything like what had happened to Ken, be would be willing to sacrifice himself.

Sue, having showered, had heard the commotion downstairs and had not bothered to don anything save the old faithful robe. In one quick movement she sat on the sofa, next to her smiling sister and ordered Sean to kneel before her.

"Interested in this, Sean?" she said as she parted her robe giving the flustered boy a unobstructed, close-up view of her beautiful naked body.

"Gosh," he breathed, staring at her. "Wow!" his gaze was locked on her luscious breasts. As he watched, she slowly parted her legs, revealing her pinkish genitals and said, "How about this?"

Then she reached down with her hands and seductively spread the labia revealing the juicy interior.

"Have you... have you ever seen a cunt before, Sean?" Sue asks, her voice hoarse. She felt an electric thrill of excitement and power at exposing herself to the boy, watching his eyes glaze with desire.

"No... no, ma'am, just in pictures," the boy stuttered. "Can I..." he stopped.

"Can you what?"


"Can you kiss it? Sure you can, Sean. I would like you to do that very much."

"Well... I didn't want to do that..."

"Well, I want you to. If you expect anything else, you better do that."

He hesitantly leaned forward, eyeing what was before him with some trepidation. "Do I have to?" he whined.

"If you don't, you can leave now and I'll let Ken do it."

That seemed to do it for he took in a deep breath and leaned closer.

"But first, Sean, I suggest you take your clothes off before you mess them up.

In a shot, he was up and his clothes were gone. A stiff erection stood out before him. He looked down at it and slowly took it into his own hand pointing it right at Sue.

"If you are going to do it yourself, you won't need me, will you?"

Finally, it all got through his poor thick male head, that Sue had a vested interest in the proceedings, too. He kneeled back down and indelicately stuck his face into her crotch. For a few moments he literally kissed her labial lips, but scarcely more. Then, something seemed to snap as he hesitantly probed his tongue to them and snuggled down in them like he was actually enjoying it.

At about this time, Alice had recovered and was absorbed in watching the goings on next to her. She had gotten up and sat back down on the sofa, resting her pert buns on her legs beneath her. Ken just sort of stood there in a trance, his penis slowly returning to its attentive position as Sean became more and more dedicated to the task at hand.

It was too much for he blurted out, "Alice, can I do that to you?"

For an instant, Alice paused, then wordlessly she slipped her legs out from under her and let them dangle over the edge. That way she could still watch the pair next to her. The thrill showing on Sue's face as she leaned her head back on the back of the sofa was too much to miss.

Ken, with a zest at least equal to Sean's dove in. Now both girls flung their heads back as their passions were being aroused once again.

Then Sean raised his head. He still knelt between her thighs uncertainly. He knew what to do. The boys at school had laughed about it, and he had seen pictures. But actually doing it was far different! He held his cock in his hand and pointed it at the gaping wet mouth of her vagina. "I... would you help me? I'm not sure... I've never done this before," he said miserably.

"Oh, darling... here, I'll help you," Sue said. She reached out, guiding his drooling penis to her heated vagina. "Just put it where your tongue was and move it back and forth. You'll get the hang of it," she crooned. She opened herself for him with one hand and guided his turgid cock with the other.

"Aaaaaaggghhh," Sean groaned as the head of his penis slipped into her. It was incredible, feeling the hot moist labia grasping his penis, not like his cold shaking hand.

With a grunt he thrust forward. He entered her, pushing slowly until he was buried fully the very first time. For a long time he savored the feeling, the feeling all young boys yearn for more than anything. His mind was racing trying to remember all of the things he probably should be doing, but all that seemed to come through was to excite that sensation of the stroking of his penis. To this end he drew back out, gasping at the sensations tingling up through his body. Then forward again. Then out again and forward. In and out. In and out. Faster and faster.

"I'm fucking!" he yelled. "I'm doing it! I'm fucking you!"

Sue's concentration on her own ecstasy was nearly broken by this childish outburst.

He could felt his cum surging forth. Somewhere back in the dusty regions of his passion-racked brain he knew that girls didn't want a guy to cum immediately and he did want to make Sue happy, but his body was not his own.

Sue feared his stroking was too fast, too soon and tried to ease him back by reaching up and putting her legs around him, but even that could not restrain the youthful, self-centered exuberance.

Sean grunted with his feeble effort not to climax. His hands were now clamped on her breasts, using them as handles, as he flailed back and forth between her thighs. He could feel her vagina clasping and unclasping around his cock.

Then, suddenly, he felt his ejaculation on him and knew there was nothing he could do about it.

"I'm cumming!" he sobbed, as he slammed his elated body against her. He thought for an instant that Sue should be cumming, too, but the roar of his own orgasm blocked his senses. His little balls lifted and blew, shooting his thick young semen into her. He felt like it was spilling out of his guts. He couldn't remember cumming like this when he jacked off!

"Oh... what's happening? It won't stop, ohhh!" And he fell against her, his hips still twitching weakly as he still feebly ejaculated into her.

Sue, hesitant to hurry things along before this, now allowed her hips to move, adding a twist or two along the way. She bucked her hips up to his and rolled on him, feeling his penis still and lifeless. She rode it for all she was worth.

But it was over for Sean, and just started for her. "Oh, well," she thought, as she put her arms around him, collapsed on her chest, smoothing his hair, running her hands lasciviously over his slim young hips.

"Oh, Sue! Wow - it was great!" Sean mumbled into her neck. He was drained but happy!

She glanced over at the pair next to her and met Alice's eyes gazing back in disappointment. "Nice pair we have here, isn't it?" they seemed to say.

Sue lay back. Her body was still burning. The feeling of being led part way up the delicious mountain, and then being abandoned was depressing.

Although both boys were spent, they were, nonetheless boys.

Alice began first. She began to whisper sweet nothings in Ken's ear and sensuously trace lewd pictures on his back, carefully explaining exactly what she was doing. In no time, Ken had perked up and was returning the fondling, albeit a good deal more clumsily.

A deep moan escaping Ken's youthful lips first aroused Sean. As he turned to see what was going on, Sue said, "Let's not let them get ahead of us, Sean."

The poor kid was trembling all over after a few minutes of Sue's ministering. Sue could feel his incipient manhood already begin to expand and swell as he lay on her. She was all set to boost him up and have him enter her again, when she heard Alice murmur, "Have him stick it in your rear. It's great."

Although the thought had never really appealed to her, she had seen it on the videos, but they hadn't been a turn-on, but she figured that Alice was a good and fair judge. It would soon be clear who would reap the benefits of this judgment, too.

Sean raised his head and looked into Sue's bright eyes. When their lips met, her tongue went right for his tonsils. She ground her abdomen into him slowly, sensuously, creating the same stirring that he had just lost.

She was excited, too, as she continued to feel his growing, and she slipped her hand between their clasped bodies and quickly located it. Her tongue searched every nook and cranny inside his eager mouth as she slowly stroked him back to full hardness.

He lifted his head, smiled, then moved his hands to her buttocks, feeling that delightfully firm and flawless mounds. He squeezed the globes between his fingers, prying them apart, exposing her anus to the uncaring seat of the sofa.

"What are you doing, young man?" she sniped, with glee.

"I saw Ken do this and I want to, too. I have always wanted to do this," he replied, searching for her anus with his finger and, upon finding it, pressing inward slightly, not penetrating her, but letting her know that he was eager to play back there.

She squeezed his cock tightly, then released it, before working her hand toward the glans and squeezing it firmly once more.

She was slowly masturbating his cock now, alternating the squeezing with up and down movements of her hand.

But she had not done this more than a few time when she sensed that he was ready to cum again.

"Quick. Get off and I'll turn over."

He was off in a flash standing poised for a totally new and rewarding experience and he knew it.

She rolled over until she was resting on the sofa seat. No amount of inexperience could have impeded the forthcoming events. Sue's alabaster body lay totally exposed on the sofa, with her lovely firm buttocks presenting the guide rails toward the target clearly discernable before the trembling boy standing poised with his rigid cock stuttering and stabbing in the air before him. Slowly and with a great outflow of breath he lowered himself to his knees, almost in submission. His rigid penis was at exactly the right height. He nuzzled the glans against the presenting mark and gentle pushed in.

At first only a little of him was allowed in. Sue gasped, wonder what in the world Alice saw in this, but allowed Sean to persist. Somewhere in the far reaches of her body she felt a new tingling that she liked. She slowly gyrated her hips hoping to help the poor boy penetrate further.

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