Poor Little Rich Girls - Cover

Poor Little Rich Girls

Copyright© 2004 by Mary-Marguerite

Chapter 6: Second String

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6: Second String - two sisters from the upper crust part of life learn alot about themselfs and the men they meet and they learn some valuible information.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Incest   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

For a moment Sue lay there kind of in a stupor, the slimy ooze still extruding from her now empty vagina.

Alice leaned over to look at her. She smiled seeing her laying there, her flawless breasts still heaving, and a near-gratified look on her lovely flushed face. As a matter of fact, Sue's entire body was blushing a deep glowing pink.

"Did you like it, Sue?"

"Yah, I've forgotten the beginning, and the end, thank goodness. That wasn't too great. Don't men have any consideration at all? I have the distinct feeling that he wouldn't have done anything differently if I had been a plastic dummy. He was so intent on satisfying himself that nothing else mattered. The fact that he might give me pleasure never entered his mind. Most of the time, at least until the very end, I really enjoyed what I was doing to him. That made me feel even better. I never detected any response from that guy except an urge to squirt. Do you suppose I was mistaken?"

"I don't know. It seemed like that to me also, but then I didn't care much. It felt nice having that great big thing inside of you, didn't it? Did it hurt you? And what did it feel like to you when he squirted? It sure hurt when he jammed it in me the first time, but that feeling went away. It sure felt good having him move around inside. I have always dreamed about going in myself. Doesn't that seem kinky?"

"No. I guess we have no secrets anymore, do we?"

Before Alice could agree they heard the doorbell again.

"Damn, do you suppose Sam is back?" Alice laughed.

Sue didn't, but she hopped off the bed and groaned, "What time is it? Don't you remember we were doubling with Ken and Sean this evening?" A quick glance at the clock radio confirmed her worst fears.

"Let's ignore it. They'll go away," she continued.

"No, we can't do that. They're nice guys. I'll go down and let them in. They can watch TV while we get ready."

"But I don't want them here. I am still high from that darned Sam running away too soon. I want to make love to you, Alice."

"You get ready, Sue. Leave everything to me," Alice said over her shoulder as she ran out of the room pulling on her robe at the same time.

The doorbell was still ringing as she opened it, breathing heavily from the exertion, and maybe something else, who knows.

"Hi, Sean. Hi, Ken. Sorry, to make you wait. You know how girls are. You'll have to come in and entertain yourself while we get ready. Hope you don't mind."

"Hi, Alice."

"Hiya. No, we don't mind."

The boys were both about thirteen, nice clean-cut American teens from the upper crust. Neither would win any beauty or body-builder contests, but both were good athletes at their school. The girls had been "going" with them for about a year now. Nothing serious, except to them. The boys had tried to fool around with them, but it never amounted to more than some mild french- kissing and heavy breathing. Clearly, the boys were not as "worldly" as they would like one to believe. But they were nice kids.

"Say, who was that guy we saw running away from here? It looked like he was still putting on his clothes."

"Don't know about that, but he was just delivering some Chinese food. Here it is. There's enough for all. Help yourself."

As Alice pointed toward the food on the table next to the door, lonely and forgotten, her robe fell open revealing not only her lovely slim legs, but that delicious triangle where they met. Ken, her date, did a double take, but Sean had not seen.

Alice turned to leave the boys, revealing even more in her wake, when Ken, the older and dominant one, burst out, "Alice, wait a minute."

"Yeh?" and stopped.

"Uh... Hey, Sean. Could you go out... Just a minute," and went over to whisper something in his ear.

After a moment, he muttered, unconvincingly, "Oh, darn, I forgot something. I've got to run home and get something. "I'll be right back."

"Sure, take your time. Sue will probably need a half hour to shower, etcetera.

"What did you want, Ken?"

"Well, I... Uh..." he stammered, until Sean had shut the door.

"I just thought you looked so beautiful I wanted to kiss you," and rushed over to the young girl, still sporting an open robe.

He grabbed her roughly around the waist and drew her to him tightly. His kiss was strangely urgent, Alice thought, but when she felt his cold belt buckle against her bare flesh, she knew why.

She struggled to escape his grasp, but strangely enough she didn't struggle very hard. She was no match for Ken, but she knew that he would obey her orders, if she should choose to give them.

"Oh, Alice, I love you," he whimpered, gasping for breath. He pulled back to look into her eyes, trying to sense her feelings.

"Ken, I like you, too, but don't be so rough. You don't hurt someone you love, do you?"

That took him back. He released her and stepped back, expecting Alice to back away.

Alice hesitated for a long time staring into his brown, puppy-like eyes, before she moved close to him again. This time she did the kissing.

For an instant, he seemed to crumple. It took all of her strength to hold him up. She was sure he had fainted.

Then she pulled away again and sat down on the couch.

"Here, Ken, you better sit down, too."

With obvious relief he plopped down and grabbed Alice, practically climbing on top of her trying to kiss her again.

"Back off, Ken. We've plenty of time. Here let's get your clothes off."

Ken, caught up in the whirlwind of new emotions and experiences, hurriedly disengages himself and tore his clothes off, babbling all the while that Sean was going to be back and Sue would come down and Alice's parents might barge in.

Alice tried to reassure him that nothing will happen as Sue sloughed off her robe.

"Relax, big guy. You'll hurt me if you're too rough."

With his clothes off, he was even more impatient. He roughly groped for her breasts. Alice was practically stretched out on the sofa trying to stay the impulsive boy.

When his crude hands finally find her delicate nipples and squeeze them she cried in pain and mustered enough force to throw him off the edge of the sofa.

"Now you stay there until you can be gentle, Ken. This has gone too far. You aren't going to rape me and that's that."

That seemed to calm the boy. He just sort of sat there next to Alice as she rolled over so her back was facing him.

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