Poor Little Rich Girls - Cover

Poor Little Rich Girls

Copyright© 2004 by Mary-Marguerite

Chapter 5: Not To Be Out Done

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5: Not To Be Out Done - two sisters from the upper crust part of life learn alot about themselfs and the men they meet and they learn some valuible information.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Incest   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

Unfortunately, after no more than a few moments, Sam regained contact with the real world and practically tore himself out of Alice and bolted upright with little regard for the gentle, giving creature beneath him. He, no doubt would have regained his feet and run out of the room, but for two things... his enormous cock was still rigidly at attention, he never could have managed his pants over that thing, and Sue was aroused. The former did not enter his mind as he was struggling up, but the latter performed an open field tackle that would have been the envy of any NFL defenseman.

The next anyone knew was that Sam was sprawled on his back on the quaking bed and Sue was lying full length on top of him beginning to plant a tonsillectomy-kiss on the stricken boy. Alice lay spent next to the engrossed pair.

He was gasping and Sue was panting. They were both drenched with perspiration, which made their bodies all slippery against each other.

When Sue finally felt a positive response from Sam, that is, his struggling to break free finally petered out, she quickly got up off of him and sort of spun around on his stomach until she was facing that marvelous penis before her.

A slight string of drool escaped Sue's lips as she bent over his erect cock glistening in the light. Slowly she reached out, scarcely daring to touch it. This bulging, hard stick that pointed straight up fascinated her. As she stared intently at his tool, she stopping just short of grabbing it.

Her eyes dropped down to take in that funny lose sack that dangled between his legs and rested on the bed. Gently, she reached down and picked up his testicles, exploring each new wonder. After she had investigated each fold and lump, she eagerly allowed her hands to find and lock themselves around the base of his slowly throbbing penis. While still holding firmly with one hand, maybe to keep it from getting away, her other hand began a miraculous journey up the craggy sides, following fascinatingly a distended vein until it disappeared just beneath the base of his foreskin. As she continued up she squealed with delight as she found that his foreskin moved. Slowly she retracted it on its moist tracks until the flaming glans were revealed in all of its glory. Her other hand was fascinated by every pulse in his body each bringing a new surge of blood to enlarge his organ.

Slowly she leaned over and sought to run her tongue over his stiff staff. She found the taste of Alice still clinging to it delightfully sensuous. When she was about half way up his erection she heard Sam moan and felt his hips begin a rhythmic pattern up and down on the soft bed. In just a short time his movement reached a fanatical pace. She had to hang on to keep from being bucked off.

Sue stopped in awe at what was before her. Then, in open-mouthed amazement, Sam's wad shot up, nearly hitting the ceiling. Then another gigantic shot surged upwards. For the longest time Sue and Alice watched this magnificent performance, each succeeding ejaculation slightly less then the preceding one, until only a little oozed from him and ran down his proudly waving shillelagh.

Only one thing disappointed the girls, and that was that Sam was unable or unwilling to do anything but lie there inertly, while Sue relieved Sam.

When the ejaculations had finally subsided, Sue twisted around until once again she straddled his stomach and faced the lucky boy lying there.

"Have you ever been inside a girl before? Before Alice, that is?" she asked him. He shook his head. She reached back and found his cock, still hard and hot and throbbing just behind her. She leaned back a bit so she could feel it press into the separation of her derriere. Sam groaned a little bit at the contact.

Sue leaned forward onto him and gave him a big, wet kiss right on the lips. Her tongue reached out and forced its way between his clinched lips. Almost reluctantly his hands came up to roughly stroke her back. Then they slid down and squeezed her so squeezable rear.

Wordlessly, she knelt up and moved back, then crouched over him. His dick was stiffly erect, straining at about a forty-five degree angle from his abdomen. Reaching back, she grabbed his prick with one hand and lowered herself till it was against her awaiting labia, which was blood-swollen, incredibly moist, exquisitely sensitive and begging for attention.

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