Poor Little Rich Girls - Cover

Poor Little Rich Girls

Copyright© 2004 by Mary-Marguerite

Chapter 4: One Sister's Introduction

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: One Sister's Introduction - two sisters from the upper crust part of life learn alot about themselfs and the men they meet and they learn some valuible information.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Incest   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

Alice slowly crawled up next to Sue to snuggle.

"That was so wonderful, wasn't it?" Sue purred.

"Yes. What we have been missing. Never again."

They dozed peacefully for a long time.

Finally, Alice stirred, rolled over and stretched. "You know, I'm hungry. You stay here and I'll dig something up."

She glanced at the clock on her way to the bathroom. "Wow! Do you know it is after 3? No wonder I'm starved."

Sue continued to nap with a satisfied smile on her face. Her dreams were wonderful.

She awoke when Alice returned.

"I ordered some Chinese carry out. They'll deliver. I couldn't see fixing anything in the shape I'm in. I'm going to take a shower. Toodle."

Sue rose and headed to the bathroom, too. "Care if I accompany you?"

"OK, but no hanky-panky. I don't know if I could stand any more."

"I could."

"You are a regular nymphomaniac, aren't you?"

"No, I just have a new, how shall I say it, 'toy.' Why not take advantage of a good thing?"

After a while Alice leaned over to turned on the water. Sue couldn't resist.

"Ooooohhhh." Alice cried. "Don't do that. At least wait until I get out. Maybe we could fool around some more then."

Alice stepped in and lathered up.

"Do you need any help?" Sue offered. "I'd love to get in there with you."

Just as Sue finished her "chore" she glided over to the shower, intent on joining.


"Oh, there is the food. I'll go get it, but watch out for when I return." Sue warned.

She grabbed a robe and headed for her room and some money. The bell kept ringing impatiently.

"Hold your horses. I'm coming."

By the time she reached the door the ringing had stopped. She flung it open in time to see the deliver boy just descending the steps.

"OK, I'm here."

He turned and headed back up the stairs.

"Duh, yur stuff is here, m'am. $8.47, no checks, no credit."

She stood in the doorway fumbling with her wallet. It was a struggle to search for money and keep her robe closed, but she managed.

"Oh, come on in. I don't have enough with me," she said and turned around.

"I ain't supposed to go in houses, ma'm," he said sheepishly.

"Well, I don't want to stand here with the door open, either come in or leave."

"Well, uh, I can't go back cuz I'ma going home, m'am. The boss give me sumpun extra if'n I take some stuff on the way home."

"Then you aren't working. Come on in," Sue commanded in frustration.

He stepped in, well, more like sidled in, like a crab. Sue closed the door and started to turn to leave to find some money, but turned back toward the delivery boy.

"What's you name?"

"Uh, Sam, m'am."

"Don't I know you, Sam? Don't you go to Jefferson? And cut the 'm'am.'"

"No, m'am. I go ta Hen'a'son Tech, m'am."

Sue, shrugged. All she knew is that the dummies went there. He sure did act that way. He wasn't a bad looking kid, a little older, kind of short, not more than a few inches taller than Alice, and stocky, almost muscular, but more like muscle-turned-flab.

Poor kid, she thought, "What does the boss give you for this extra service?" she inquired off-handedly.

"Uh, he gives me a dedukshion, m'am."

Sue made a mental note to give him a generous tip and said, "Wait here, I'll get the change."

A few minutes later she returned with the change. Her robe had parted slightly in her rush. Sam's eyes dropped to ogle the elegant gams showing through the gap. His jaw dropped open and his eyeballs practically fell out.

"Here's your money. Keep the change," she said.

Sam didn't hear a word.

For a few moments Sue stood there holding out her hand with the money in it. She continued watching as a little drool dripped from the corner of his mouth. It was fascinating. No one had ever leered at her before. She felt kind of good, sort of powerful.

She was just going to yell at the poor guy when she heard Alice coming.

"Where is the food? I'm starving," Alice yelled. All of that sexy stuff made me ravenous." It was obvious that Sue was blocking her view, so she couldn't see Sam still standing there.

Sue saw Sam look up, at the new arrival. Sam immediately began to, what could only be called, pant. He swallowed hard a few time and became very agitated. Sue was puzzled, but it didn't occur to her to turn around as something caught her eye.

As Sam's confusion began his hands both dropped to his crotch. One sort of covered the other. The other one immediately began to rub his fly.

"What are you standing there for, sis? And where is the Chinese?" Alice continued from somewhere behind Sue.

But now Sue was intrigued as she saw one leg of Sam's trousers begin to move, then it sort of inflated. Sam's jeans weren't real tight, but they were tight enough for Sue to make out the distinct outline of an erecting penis shooting down. Sam, noticeably embarrassed, sort of hunched over, like he had to go to the bathroom. More drool followed the first few strings.

"Sue, are you crazy? Aren't you listening?" Alice said and placed a hand on Sue's shoulder. Only then did she see Sam.

"Eeeeeeeeee. Yowie!" she cried and turned to run.

"Stop, Alice, stop!" Sue yell, as she quickly regained her lost composure.

"I don't have any clothes on," she yelled as she continued towards the stairs.

"That's OK. Come back here. NOW!"

For a few minutes all was still. Sue was still absorbed in watching the growing excitement in front of her. Sam was engrossed in watching the now-frozen Alice, from the rear. And Alice was paralyzed in mid-flight, one foot on the stairs and one on the floor.

Another command, issued at even high volume and intensity, brought Alice around. Her hands immediately took the classic positions of covering up the exposed strategic areas.

She hurried back to Sue, huddling behind her robed sister. Then both arms went around Sue holding her close.

"You must be crazy, Sue. Why did you want me back? I'm naked?" she hissed.

Again, silence prevailed for a few moments. Sam's eyes were riveted on what little he could see of Alice.

Then Sue said, quietly, "Alice, our friend Sam, here, has something very, very interesting to show us. Don't you, Sam?"

"Sam!... Sam!... SAM!"

"Uh, yessum. What do you want, m'am."

"What are you trying to hide from us, young man. I think after seeing my sister naked, you should show us what you are trying to hide."

Alice whispered, "What are you talking about? This doesn't sound like you."

"Alice, Sam, from Henderson, here, is trying to hide something in his pants. Obviously he thinks he should be ashamed of it, but we don't think so, do we, sis? Do we!"

"No, no, of course not," she replied, dutifully obedient.

Then Alice peered over Sue's shoulder, down to where Sue was looking. She was looking at that still growing bulge in Sam's pant leg.

Alice's mind raced. The only possible conclusion she could come to was that Sue wanted to see Sam's cock. The guy sure didn't look dangerous, but this situation sure was getting that way. Then a bell rang. She remembered reading about Sam in the local paper. There was a big scandal. He had been committed as an infant and been cruelly treated by the state. Within the past few weeks he had been released and was doing very well. The article had said over and over that he was just a little kid mentally and that he was very gentle. But, this could backfire.

"Do you really think we should, Sue?"

"Ya'. What better chance will we have. He's OK. We'll let him go in a few minutes."

"I'd kind of like to see it myself. Let's try it. It's two against one, anyway."

At that she slowly dropped her arms from Sue and moved out from behind. Then when she was right next to her, she stepped back a step, more in self-defense, and said, "Look, Sam. I'm not covering anything up. Why should you?"

The spittle fairly gushed from the parted lips. His tongue protruded nearly an inch as his breathing got heavier.

"Sam. I'm speaking to you. SAM!" Alice braved.

That seemed to do it. Sam's eyes dropped to the floor, but his hands stayed put.

"Come on, Sam. Just drop your pants. Why don't you just unbutton your fly for Alice. Don't you want to please her? She would be very happy."

Slowly, very slowly, Sam moved one hand up to reach the top button of his jeans. It must have taken him over a minute to do it, but eventually it fell open.

Sue could hear Alice's breathing steadily increase, just about in time with her own. "He's going to do," she whispered out of the corner of her mouth. "Oh, boy."

"Now the zipper, Sam. If you don't hurry, I'll have to help you."

He seemed to respond to that suggestion and quickly unzipped his fly. They both expected his jeans to fall down, but obviously he was going to have to push them down.

"Don't stop now, Sam. You must push them down."

Slowly, he pushed them down. Once past his briefs the girls gasped as they saw his penis actually protrude out one leg and down into his pant's leg.

"Hurry, Sam."

He leaned over and pushed them completely off, then slowly stood up again with his hands at his sides.

There he stood, his feet surrounded by his limp jeans, standing very erect with a humongous cock striving to bolt upright, but being thwarted by his under pants.

"Ok, Sam. Now your undies."

Sam responded as fast as he could but he had much difficulty holding his enormous prick down while he tried to extract his underwear. But finally he got them down, too.

There he stood, clad from the waist up, standing at attention with his drawers at his feet, with the most magnificent penis pulsing proudly straight out before him. The awe in their eyes was readily apparent, and this from the viewpoint of kids who have seen only the grotesque monsters usually seen in low-grade porn videos. At this point in their lives they had not savored the real ones, six or so by an inch and a half or so. To them, an eight-incher was not unusual.

But Sam was like nothing they had ever seem. It approached a full foot long and easily three inches across in the middle. The purple head formed the most delightful crown peaking warily through the uncircumcised collar of foreskin. And it was so rigid. It seemed to twitch every few seconds. The penile skin hugged the staff so tautly that it shone in the glare of the sun shining through the window. Light blue veins wriggled across the unblemished surface forming exciting knots all along the smooth contours of the erectile creature.

Now it was the girls turn to have their jaws drop open and slaver lavishly in astonishment. In unison, they whispered, "My god!"

No one knows how long they all stood dumbly. In the interim, I'll review the scene. Sue, a comely lass, clad in a drooping robe parted in the middle, and Alice, a slim, sensuously alluring virgin, lusciously au natural, each stood with jaw agape and eyes riveted to Sam's glorious and splendid erect manhood throbbing. And Sam, dim witted as ever, stood at as rigid attention as his newly freed penis, also agape, leered at the succulent and exposed Venuses.

When any viewer's patience would have been exceeded many-fold, Alice sluggish moved forward, first one step, than another. Then another, until she was within an arms reach of that "thing." As if in slow motion, she reached up and out towards the monstrosity.

Without speaking a word, she extended one graceful digit and placed it upon the wand. For a few moments she rode on top of it as it danced up and down. Then another finger extended and rested next to the first, then another and another. They rested there for a few more moments before they slowly and sensually traced along the taunt upper surface from the middle to the base and then towards the glans. Then they flowed over the exposed glans creeping next to the foreskin, gentle slipping it back, watching the shiny moistness glisten in the suns rays. Then even further forward to the gaping entrance to the urethra.

As she finished tracing the glans around she ran her hand down to check out the loosely hanging testicles. They hung nearly six inches below the ever-present and attentive dick, in a soft, loose bag of skin. She had never felt balls before, so it was a puzzle when she had trouble grasping them. They felt like tennis balls made of gelatin. They were pliable and soft, yet turgid, exciting, for what they possessed.

Sam was frozen in time, except for the heavy breathing, the heaving of his chest in time to the quivering of his manhood.

Then Alice allowed her tiny hand to close around that stallion. Or at least she tried, for she still had half way to go. Her other hand then joined the first and together they retraced the initial explorations, again stopping just behind the retracted foreskin. Together, both hands barely encircled the surging cock.

She hesitated only a second. Then squeezed firmly and said, "Come, Sam."

She pivoted daintily towards the stairs, virtually dragging the reluctant Sam by the lead. He stumbled trying to step out of his clothes, almost causing Alice to lose her grip, so perilous was it. But he recovered and followed obediently.

They were a few steps past Sue, when she recovered and cried, "Alice. You can't do it."

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