Poor Little Rich Girls - Cover

Poor Little Rich Girls

Copyright© 2004 by Mary-Marguerite

Chapter 3: An Interruption

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: An Interruption - two sisters from the upper crust part of life learn alot about themselfs and the men they meet and they learn some valuible information.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Incest   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

"What is that," she cried, fearing it was a bug, or worse, a person. She sat up leaving Sue smilingly dozing.

"Oscar, you dolt. What are you doing here? You should be out servicing Julie again," she laughed in relief.

That awoke Sue who also sat up to see what had happened to her lover.

"Ooooooo, he's back. And look, Alice, his penis is still sticking out!" she squealed.

Sue hopped off the bed and once again knelt beside the big dog, fondling her old friend, by now.

"Go get Julie, Alice. I want to see them do it again."

"No, Sue. You may be able to bring the horse to water, so to speak, but you can't make her drink."

"Then I'm going to masturbate him. I always wanted to see a guy squirt."

"You've seen many in those videos, haven't you? Besides, hadn't you noticed, Oscar isn't much of a man? Well, in some ways, anyway. Of course, from where you sit, they are pretty much the same I guess. Go ahead. I doubt he'll mind."

Again Sue reached out. "Come here big fella', let me look at you a little closer. This time we won't have that other dog in the way."

"Ahhhhh. That feels so nice and slippery. Does it feel good to you?"

Oscar barely acknowledged her touch for he was already panting up a storm and wagging his rear end to beat the band. The only reaction was a little more exposure for his already provocatively protruding flaming-red penis. The tip flailed around in time to his waggling hind- quarters. Sue's fingers gently began tracing the length of the projecting staff, slowly enveloping it in her trembling young hand.

Sue thought she had finally excited a response when he stopped panting. But he began sniffing the air intent on following his nose. His head twisted and turned trying to locate the enticing scent wafting in. His big head finally turned nearly full around catching Sue on the shoulder sending her falling to the ground for the second time that day. Her grip on his cock released, but not before he gave a yelp of pain.

Alice, steadfastly engrossed in the show unfolding before her couldn't help but chuckle once again.

"She too much for you, stud?" she laughed.

Sue wasn't so amused. All she could say was, "Sorry, Oscar, but you deserved that," as she lay sprawled.

But Oscar paid neither any heed for he had found the source of his excitement. It was no other than his seductive nymph, Sue. With no preliminaries or introductions he once more buried his massive muzzle into her crotch, this time exposed to him, and stuck his cold nose unceremoniously against her labia.

Sue's scream would have awakened the dead. With a strength far beyond her years she simultaneously clamped her out-stretched legs together and sat up.

"Damn you, Dog! That was cold! And you shut up, Alice."

After a few moments of settling, Sue stood up and returned to the relative safety of the bed and Alice.

"What a stupid dog. I really wanted him to squirt," she said, practically in tears.

Alice placed her arms around Sue and pulled her close. "If I had a penis, I'd let you jerk me off."

"You would? That would really be neat."

And then, "Maybe if I put on some clothes I could do Oscar without him goosing me."

"You know, if he had a warm nose I think it might be neat to have him root around down there. Suppose he tried to lick you. Wouldn't that be neat?"


"I think I'll try something. Let's occupy both ends of him. I'll let him nuzzle me and you jerk him off. He ought to really like that."

"Yah! How do we do it?"

"Well, let's see. You let me scoot over to the edge of the bed so I can kind of sit there," Alice said as she followed her own instructions.

She had draped her slender, elegant legs over the side so her bare feet rested on the floor. Then she cautiously spread her legs and clucked for Oscar, "Come here, boy. Look at what Alice has for you."

Oscar seemed to gain as much enthusiasm for Alice's delicacies as he had for Sue's. As he stumbled clumsily forward, Alice reached out to head off his wet, cold nose. For a few moments she succeed in keeping it covered so that it didn't come in direct contact with her sensitive flesh, yet allowed him to absorb all the fragrance he liked. Within a flash he decided that this stuff not only smelled great, but had an exciting taste.

He didn't lavishly slobber right away, it fact he never did, just sort of extend his great, long tongue to her hot opening and retract it. He would then sort of pause, savoring it, lower jaw trembling uncontrollably. Then he would taste again. Each time probing slight further into the honeyed pot.

Sue, fascinated at the goings on, nearly forgot what she had wanted to do. Only a quick yelp followed by Oscar's frustrated attempt to climb in bed with Alice brought the reminder.

"I'll keep the other end busy, Alice. You just tell me what he feels like."

"God, it feels great. It feels like what I think a boy would feel like. Not like one of those video flakes all intent on getting his. It is like Oscar is trying to drive me up the wall. He is so wonderfully, deliciously slow. But his tongue is so rough. I don't know if I'll be able to take much more, so hurry up."

Sue hastened to her task. She reached out for a third time to that sumptuous cock floating before her. She grabbed it with her fist as far down as she could, determined to see him squirt when the time came. Actually she didn't have to worry, as she soon saw that she could wrap both hands about that steel-hard rod and still see the shiny, slim tip sticking through her delicate hands.

Oscar responded this time and set up a quick series of lightening-fast thrusts, like he was trying to find Julie's vulva. Sue tightened her grip, which seemed to convince the dog that he was safely ensconced inside.

For a brief second, upon hearing Alice moan and cry out in what Sue took to be pain, Sue glanced at her sister spread-eagled above her. The erotic expression on her face told Sue that there was nothing to worry about. She did a double take, though, when she saw what Oscar was doing. Each slow deliberate lap of his enormous tongue went straight for Alice's vagina, sank down, deep into the warm moist recesses. There it remained buried for a brief instant before he pulled it haltingly back out.

"Oh, Alice, that looks like it would feel wonderful. I want to do that to you. May I?"

But Alice, didn't hear. She flung her head back in the ecstatic throws of her second orgasm. Unspeakable sounds gurgled up from her half-parted lips. And she collapsed back onto the bed.

Oscar, apparently didn't notice, for his lubricating ministerings continued. But Alice could not manage more and with all of her remaining strength rolled over, away from the bewildered dog.

It was apparent that Sue did not provide enough preoccupation for the dog so she abandoned him to protect her vulnerable sister from attack by the disconcerted and unslaked dog. With difficulty she was able to pull the heavy beast back from trying to get on the high bed. For a moment he sat back and proceeded to lick his own erect cock.

"Do it yourself, then," Sue told him, as she leaned over the prostrate and satiated sister.

"Are you OK, Alice? Alice?" she inquired.

Alice, apparently still on some far distant garden of eden, heard nothing.

With a smile on her lips Sue leaned over and whispered, "Now I can do what I will with you."

She leaned back a little and paused to gaze longingly at that still raging inferno designated a vagina.

Suddenly, Sue felt an incredible weight on her back and a pair of strong forelegs gripped her waist. It all happened so quickly that she couldn't respond. She could feel a warm furry body hugging her incredibly tightly. Then she felt Oscar's hunching hindquarters against her bottom.

"Get down, you fool. What are you..." But she stopped as she felt something incredibly hot, something incredibly wet, something incredibly hard, something incredibly big strike the back of her leg. Then it happened again, and again.

"My God, he's trying to stick his thing in me. Alice! Help!"

But by the time it took Alice to comprehend what was going on, Sue had decided she didn't want help.

By some unseen source Sue had been able to hold herself off of the bed, saving Alice from being crushed under both their weights. Quickly, Alice pulled herself up and away from the incongruous pair. She only paused for a moment when her still radiating genitals passed under Sue and she bent down and gave them a hurried kiss.

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