Things Mothers do for their Daughters - Cover

Things Mothers do for their Daughters

by Theonerealguy

Copyright© 2003 by Theonerealguy

Incest Sex Story: A single mother saves some money for her daughters summer vacation but when the daughter get in trouble in a forgin country mother has to do a lot keep them from harmming them in the worst way possible

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   NonConsensual   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Spanking   Humiliation   Interracial   Enema   .

Olivia Miller is a single mother raising two lovely daughters the best way she knew how. She has struggled working two different jobs to make ends meet and give the two girls a good home life since her husban walked out on them over twelve years ago, althouugh she tried dating once and during the few weeks of courtship she did have one occation to have sexual relations with the man but just like the many years with her husban she found no fullfilment and was always left empty.

The long hours and little time at home didn't seem to bother her because she always wanted to her daughters to have all the little things they would have had if their father had stayed. The girls did not lack anything material but shure did miss the warmth of their mother, it's because she was always working one job or the other. When there paths would cross Olivia would always try to explain to them that it is worth the sacrifice.

Olivia at the age of fourty two she still had a beautiful body althought she never worked out it was like family tradition all the women in the family no matter what the age was they always kept the hour glass figure. She stood five foot four and weight a mear onehunderd and twenty nine pounds and the pounds were all in the right places. With measurements like 34-27-36 from behind anyone would confuse her for a twenty year old. She could turn mens heads, she knew it but hated it when men would complement her beauty.

Olivia was very good at making all ends meet with what little money she made and had been putting some money aside for the girls colledge education she was also able to put away some extra money for Amys graduation. Amy being the oldest was graduating in two weeks and her grade point average was a steady 3.5 thru out all the years in school, she deserved a break. Olivia thought to her self, Both girls are very cloce to each other although the three year age difference did not really matter to either one. They were inseperable.

One evening Olivia took the afternoon off in order to stay home and bake a cake for Amy, she wanted to surprise her with a small party just the three of them. Not only were they going to celebrate the up comming graduation but today was Amys eighteenth birthday, Olivia had worked very hard to save up and purchase airline tickets and hotel stay for two weeks at the Carribiean Island of St. Johns. She paid for it in advance so the girls would not have to worry about anything, and still had some money left over to give to the girls for shopping. She was so happy that she could give both of the girls a summer get away that they will always remember.

It would be several hours before the girls got home so Olivia decided to do something to relax her self. Walking up stairs she began to fill the tub with warm water and as it filled she pourd bubble beads that she had for some time. Once the tub was full of bubbles she touched the water it was warm and oily. "MMM..." she excaimed in a low vice, looking at the time she had about three hours to herself and quickly went to the bed room and reached deep inside her panty draw and found her best friend, as she returned to the bathroom she gigled and talked to the ten inch plastic dildo, " it's been a while, I have been over worked and just haven't had the time alone to share with you but I promise I will make it up to you today don't complain if I wear you out." She laughted out loud as she stepped into the tub gently cressing the long shaft.

She was remembering the time she walked into the adult book store expecting that only unshaved perverts were inside, but only to see some well dressed women just like her self were there shopping. She could not believe all these years how wrong she, "why it's just normal people in here" she said to her self. The clerk behind the counter was a fat biker type, although she looked mean when she brought the small tickler to the counter the woman said to her in a soft voice, " hon if your looking for pleasure take the ten incher it goes in tight but it will drive you crazy, take it from me no man can do it that way." She rememberd how embarrassed she was when the woman told her. A woman has to do what a woman has to do, but believe me you'd like the larger one." Although her face turned red Olivia returned to the wall were all the vibritors were hanging and looked around the store before reaching and taking the larger one as recomended. And she was right Olivia was glad she'd followed her advise thinking how embarrassed she was that day at the store but it was worth it as she felt a tingle of excitement at the thought.

After the girls arrived from school that afternoon they were both surprised to find their mother at home cooking in the kitchen. As they enterd Olivia told them to wash up so they could celebrate tonight, the girls looked at each other and gigled as they ran up stairs. Almost two hours passed and Olivia could still hear the water in the bathroom running, usually about this time she would be telling the girls to hurry and not waist so much water because the expensive water bill at the end of the month, but to day was different it was a special occasion and she was going to let them enjoy the evening with out any bitching.

When the girls finally returned to the kitchen they were well dressed for tonights party. Although tonight the party was just with the three of them Amy dressed with her special birthday dress that was what appeard to be a conservative dark blue suit. It was more suatible for a secretary in some professional in an office bulding, the skirt ended just at her knees and the matching dark blue pumps accented her young legs. The only thing that was missing was the hose but then again with her beautiful legs she did not need to conceal them or give them any color.

Brenda was a different she wore her favorite Biege sun dress that was as shorter than her mother would allow her to wear. The dress ended only inches after the smooth matieral rounded her perfect ass globes. Her thighs still had some baby fat but that added to the fullness of her legs, the sight of seeing this young girl with the high heeled sandles would be enough to bring any man to his knees. Many times she would try to wear dresses and skirts that were considerd too short by her mother and often Olivia would make her return to her bed room to change into some thing that she would approve. But tonight Brenda was going to push it to the limit, she was more daring. She always was open to new ideas and the willing to try new adventures no matter how daring they were. Olivia was thankful that it was not the other way, it seemed that the older sister always kept the younger undercontroll.

After they finished dinner the girls told thier mother that they would do the kitchen clean up so then Olivia sat quietly at the table and began to admire how much her daughters have grown. Amy looked so mature and really did not look like your typical teenager. She really looked like a woman in her mid twenties as far as Brenda in her short dress and her heeled sandals her body was developing the features of a woman. As Olivia watch Brenda at the sink washing the disher she could not help to notice her legs. The heeled sandles made her legs look fuller and the nakedness of her unblemished legs made them look so soft.

When the girls were almost finished Olivia told them that she wanted to take them to Farrels, ( a local ice cream shop that the local youths hang out ) Both girls laught and gigled and continue to finish the clean up. Once the chore was complete the girls went back to their rooms to freshin up for there evening out. Olivia could both girls laughting and carring on from the kitchen and she though to her self how lucky she was to have girls that got along so well and kept them selves out trouble.

Once at Ferrels they sat in a corner booth the three of them orderd some ice cream floates and chatted about every thing including how some of the guys and girls were dressed. The young waiter returned with there order and they began to eat, half way thru the meal Olivia decided to make the announcement. Both girls stopped and waited with anticaption as thier mother announce that she bought them a summer vacation trip to St. Johns and that they would be able to spend two weeks there after school finishes. Both girls were very excited and did not expect that their mother would have been afford such a get away for them. Amy was almost in tears as she reached over to hug her mother, Brenda could not stop the flow of tears of excitment as all three of them hugged each other. After the inital excitement subsided Amy told her mother that it was not right that they would go off and vacation while she stayed home and worked, also that she should have used the money for herself but Olivia interupted and explained that she just wanted to give them some thing that they would always rember. They hugged and kissed each other and cried some more knowing that mother would do anything for her daughters.

The next couple of weeks were uneventful, the girls were busy with the end of the year exams and did not have too much spare time. Still every now and then at night the girls would talk about the up comming trip and what they would be wearing when they go sight seeing. As the last day of school came and went they knew that the trip was just in a few days the girls would stay up late packing there suite cases, and talking about the trip.

Finally the day of the trip arrived, they were silent thru out the drive to the airport both of the girls were very nervious it will be the first time they travel alone. The girls dressed like they usually dress for the special occasions, Amy with her buisness attire and Brenda wearing a dress that had a hem line that almost challanged her mother. Brenda did not want any type of confrontation with her mother after all that she had done for them. At the gate the final boarding call was made and they hugged and kissed good by, and the girls dissapeard down the gate. Olivia waved her last good by as she turned and headed to the parking garage, and suddenly a bad feeling over came Olivia as if some thing was going to go wrong it must of been one of those womens intoition but she ingnored the feeling and blamed it on just missing the girls.

Every evening the girls would call home and tell their mother how they spent the day, and also remind her not to worry that they were ok! now that they were in there room safley for the night. Olivia became concerned that the girls did not call the last two evenings, and suddenly the third night the phone rang as she reached to get the phone she notice that the time was three thirty in the morning. As she picked up the reciver she could hear the voice of a man asking for the mother of Brenda Miller, that woke her up and asked if she was alright. The man on the phone introduced him self as Constable Jon Parear, he began to inform Olivia that Brenda was detained for possesion of a controled substance and under age drinking. He continued to tell her that Amy has also been detained for possession of a controled substance and contributating to the delequency of a minor and will be present in court tomorrow for a judge to decide what will happen in her case.

"Your younger daughter is in a youth detention facility and will be brought to a master to decide in her case and because she is a minor one of the parent is required to be present when the master makes his dessision" he said. Olivia interupted and told him that it would impossible for her to make the trip to St. Johns with such so short notice. The constable then informed her that Brenda would most likley to be sentenced to six months in a labor camp for youths, then after the six months she will be deported. "It is very important to make an effort to be here by tommorow", he said.

Olivia then ask about Amy, and the constable told her that the laws are very strick for that type of crime and it is essentally up to the court." I will not contact you any more so when you arrive at the airport ask any of the airline officials for the constables office at the airport, and they will show to the office and the officers on duty should know what to do. I will inform them of all the details nessary to to make shure that you and your daughters are joined," and with that the reciver clicked. Olivia could not sleep the rest of the night she got up and began to pack a small suit case and decided to call the airlines in the morning.

Ovivia woke from a restless nights sleep and noticed the time and began to call the airlines the attendant one the other end informed her that there were no openings on todays flight but there was a possiblity on tomorrows. Olivia pleaded with the woman on the other end for almost half an hour when she relised it would have to be tomorrow so she made the arrangements. She though to her self it would be a day late for but better than nothing. Trying to make the best of it she also decided to work her usual day and inform her employer that she needed a couple of days off.

She awoke the next morning and began to prepair her self for the long trip, after the long shower she began to choose what she would be wearing. She rummaged thru the closet and picked out a short sleeved red and white patternd dress that ended below the knees. She open her intimate apperel draw and chose a simple white laced bra and matching panties, afterwards she worked the nude color panty hose up her legs and just before slipping into her dress she pulled out a white colored full slip to wear undernieth. After she was fully dressed she looked at her self in the full length mirror and admired herself. Almost in a daze she though to her self how attractive, then she stepped into the three inch heeled white sandles.

The taxi cab she called earlier arrived and the trip begain, during the ride to the airport she began to get nervious not knowing what to expect once she arrived at St. Johns. The cabby tried to make small talk with Olivia but she was so nervious and moody and the though of her daughters in trouble on a forigin island some were in the middle of the Carribiean made her almost want to cry. Once at the airport everything went very smooth and soon she was on the plane in route to the beautiful island of St. Johns.

After the five hour flight the plane started to decent, and the pilot announced there final approch Olivia felt her hands sweat and get clammy not know what to expect upon her arrivial on the island. She kept looking out her window and all she could see for miles was the green ocean water as the plane decended.

As the plane touched down Olivias heart began to thump harder as if it wanted to jump out of her body. The airplane parked and the passengers began to shuffel out, as she stepped out and down the esclator she felt the heat of mid day and began to follow the other passengers across the tarmac to a small bulding that was the terminal. Once inside the bulding it did not feel too much cooler, as she began to ask one of the gate attendants to direct her to the constables office the attendant pointed to a hallway and told her to follow the corridor and she would not miss it and she did so finding her self in the small office.

Once finding the office she enterd and saw a officer behind the counter Olivia explanied to the tall black man what she had been told over the phone, and to contact the constables office at the airport and explain the problems that her daughters got into and they should know how to contact her daughters on the island. The man made several calls and then told Olivia to wait that some one will be sent to escort her to were she needed to be. Olivia noticed the clock on the wall, it was one fifteen as she relaxed a little thinking that her problems were now behind her.

Finally at four o-clock two women enterd the office they were not dressed like the constable but wearing tan colored kakie shorts and button shirts. She noticed there uniform was different as they approched her one of them grabed Olivia quickly and cuffed her hand and continued with a swift motion spin her around and cuffed the other hand behind her back. Olivia was in shock and could on even say a word while the constable returned to the room and began to explain to her why she was being detained.

Olivia began to cry and between sobs she was saying that there must be a mistake, she is just here for her daughters. As the two young corrections officers led her out thru the main terminal and people were looking at her like if she was some type of criminal. The humilation Olivia felt was underscible as tears rolled down her face, she was led out of the bulding to a van as they got her inside the heat inside the van made it feel like an oven as she sat still she could feel the beads of sweat all over her body. As the van began to drive off she regreted wearing all the clothing that she had chosen.

After what felt like an eternity the van stopped and she taken out of the van then enterd a building then she was taken a small room with the two young correction officers. They all stood there in silence and after some time two more officials enterd. As she waited in the small room she the discormfort of having her hands cuffed behind her was becomming unbearable so she focused on the bare bulb hanging in the middle of the room and her mind wonderd to better thoughts.

Again the opening of the door got her attention as the rusty hinges echo off the walls, she turned to face the gaurds that were entering the room she wanted to tell them that they should oil the door but stayed silent not wanting to make matters worse.

One of the gaurds grabed her arm and led her out of the room with all the gaurds surronding her like if she was a very dangerous criminal. As they walked thru a maze of corridors untill finally ariving at a dark hall way and they waited in front of the door for some time. Olivia was begining to sweat in her mind she was thinking that if she could sneak into the ladies room and remove some of her under clothing to keep some what cooler, and suddenly the door opend and Olivia was pushed thru by the gaurd. As she enterd the well lit room her eyes started to adjust as she was pushed to the front of the room, with her arms cuffed behind her it made impossible for her to wipe the tears from her eyes.

As her eyes adjusted and focused she noticed a man behind the large desk, she was giuded to it and now standing in front of it. Everyone got quiet as the man behind the desk shuffled some papers and then he began to speak to her explaining the reason why she is being detained. As man continued to speak he began to lecture her and about the trouble that her daughters were in it which it did not really register in her mind untill the man began to get into the details of the punishment phase and that got her attention. The man continued to tell Olivia that her older daughter was scheduled to recieve ten strokes of the cane tomorrow, the younger daughter was a different story because she was a minor the disciplinary cane cannot be applied to her by law. There for one of the responsible parent must take it in her place or she will be sentenced to one year in a labor camp for minors. Olivia stood there listining in horror as the man ask Olivia what would her choice would be, Olivia could not get the words out her mouth and after the third request she finall replied that she would take the cane so the younger would be set free. With that the man spoke in a loud tone saying, "let the record show that the mother has agreed to recive the punishment in her daughters place. The canning will be done tomorrow, take her away."

Olivia felt light headed as if she were going to faint as the gaurd pushed and shoved her to the door she had enterd earlier. Again she found her self walking thru the endless maze of dimly lit corridors. Then she was taken to a different room, this one was very bright with an open shower stall off to one corner she also noticed a steel table just like the doctors use and as her mind started to make a conclusion why she has been brought to this room the slamming door starteld her and she quickly turned around to notice several gaurds.

The gaurds began to seperate and what looked to be the one in charge was a large black woman, she was muscular and over weight as she worked the latex gloves on to her hands, it looked as if the gloves were going to rip open as each finger worked it way into place. Olivia could not help noticing that her fingers looked like the large polish sausage that you would see at your local meat market. The young woman spoke with an English accent telling her to remove all her clothing and place it on the table. Olivia hearing this request her heart skiped a beat she began to feel light headed but managed to ask the young woman if it was really nessary, one of the other gaurds spoke telling her that every one has to go thru this process, either way you need to take a shower before you are taken to your cell for the night.

Olivia looked up to the bulb hanging loosley by a wire and began to think that her Amy at one time must have been in this same room room removing all there clothing for some strangers when one of the gaurds began telling the other gaurd that it was a rare occasion that they would have pretty white woman in this prision. One of the other gaurds agreed but as they chatted amung them selves one said that she had to search a very beautiful eighteen year old virgin yesterday as she snickerd, "after the search she wasn't" as the other gaurd said. They continued to rambled on between them selves Olivia knew that her daughters had sufferd too much already.

Olivia began to remove her clothing in silence, among all the conversation that the gaurds were having among them selves and what got her attention was what one of the gaurds said about having to restrain the young white girl yesterday by force to give her an enema because it was drug related arrest. They all laughted at how she described how Amy had to be held while the gaurds took pleasurs in insirting a dry nozzel up her ass Olivia continued to remove her clothing as she stood now completely naked.

The fat gaurd told the others to see what a nice piece of ass this woman had as she now spoke to Olivia telling her how lucky she was to have a full fat ass it would be good for the canning tomorrow. Olivia felt so humilated she looked down at the dirty concreat floor between her naked legs and she was in a daze still not wanting to accept what she was going thru, her white clean bare feet was a contrast to the dingy grey cold floor.

Her eyes traveld up looking at her own naked legs and thighs when she noticed a black shoe between her legs and before she could react it kicked her legs apart she closed her eyes trying to block out the humilation but she could still hear the voice of the women in the room, and the rude remarks that they were making about her body. The hand was reaching from behind her and began to rub thru her pubic hairs as if trying to get her excited, Olivia was fighting a loosing battel with her body that was reaction differently.

She began to feeling a sensation she had not felt in years, her body wanted to begin to sway slow and steadly with the movement of the hand that now was working steadly in and out of her wet pussy starting with the short strokes and increasing to the longer strokes deeper into her negleted love canal. Olivia now had her complete fore arms on the wall and her ass pop out to allow the woman to easily penetrate her deeper. As she began to feel the first wave of uncontrobable orgasm the finger was removed and quickly inserted into her ass hole. Now she felt the discomfort of the large fingers that just moments ago she would have wished that they would have been larger than they were. She could feel the jucices on the womans finger as it easly slid far up into her anus, as Olivia gasped trying to block out the pain and discomfort that she was feeling as the finger continued to force it's way deeper into her, she stood now on her tip toes as now she felt the woman fist between her ass cheeks and with one steady motion the finger was removed.

The fat woman moved away form Olivia, which was trying to recover form the almost orgasm to the painfull anal assult. The woman gave Olivia a very hard slap on her ass cheek and told her to shower as the other gaurds laught. As she walked to the corner were the open shower stall was located one of the gaurds said loudly, " look you can see my hand on white ass." As she showerd she felt the stares of the gaurds, occaisnally she would look over to them feelling the discomfort of bathing in front of total strangers, one of the gaurds told her to wash her pussy good. Then she was given her dress and her heeled shoes nothing else, as she dressed she was again led out thru the maze of corridors. Feeling completely naked undernieth her dress she was becoming very aware of her ass giggling with every step, and her nippled became erect with the rubbing of the soft material. She enterd a room with three indivudal cells and as she walked by one she noticed Amy in one of them.

As she looked over the metal door slamed shut as Olivia called out, "AAAMMYY." The gaurd in a loud voice told Olivia to shut her mouth that there was not talking in this unit. Anyone who would get caught talking would recieve extra strokes of the cane tomorrow. Olivia eyes began to water as she realised

that the nightmare was not a dream, and once tomorrows sun rise that it would be bringing with it the bitter sting of the cane for both mother and daughter.

Time seemed to stand still Olivia would look out the small opening hoping to get a glimps of a ray of sun light but night was still, and an endless darkness coverd the sky. Some time in the night Olivia had fallen asleep. In a restless sleep she tossed and turned and woke to find a fat gaurd inside her cell staring at her. Startled she crawled into the corner of the bed in fear.

Olivia finally managed to ask the large black gaurd what she wanted, with her eyes staring at the young mother she let out a long sigh. Olivia waited for the woman to speak but she remained silent for some time. Olivia feared her silence more that anything else it seemed that there was not even a sound of a distant cricket anymore.

The woman finally broke silence and began to explained in a few words that Olivia should be very thankful. The choice was Amy or her and the gaurd was gracious enough to to give her the choice. "We just want a white woman tonight" said the gaurd. That made Olivia shake inside, the gaurd said " lets go hon we have so much to do and so little time."

Olivia got up and walked out with the gaurd and thought to her self that maybe there were just going to put her and her daughters on a plane and forget the humilating punishment that they would endure some time soon, how wrong she was. The gaurd was taking her to a private cell were they were going to use Olivia in every way imaginable.

They continued to walk thru a maze of corridors going deeper into a place that nobody could begin to imagine the things that happen inside. Olivia was becomming more nervous by the moment, as she walked she began to feel her nipples rubbing against the fabric of her dress with each step she took and it also reminded her that all she had on was her dress.

Finally they came to a door and the gaurd opened it for her and pushed her thru the door way. Once inside Olivia noticed four more gaurds in various stages of dress all of them were black and seemed to be in a state of drunkeness or high on some type of drug as they laught and carried on. The big black woman that brought her to the room introduced her as the white princess and Olivias heart skipped a beat she now knew why she had been brought here.

The fat gaurd told Olivia, " give me you dress so we don't get it dirty." Olivia did not make any effort to comply the gaurds request, " you see it looks like she just doesen't want to have fun tonight," said one of the gaurds." I think that her daughter would be more fun, just take her back and bring the young one," said the dark woman sitting at a table chugging at a bottle of Jack Daniels whisky. Another gaurd interjected, " yeah I like young meat myself."

As the gaurd that brought her to the room started to push her out the same door they had enterd moments ago Olivia stopped and said to the group of drunk gaurds, " wait I know you'd rather have me tonight, I am older your right but I do have more expierence. I really know how to please fine good looking women like you," she said as she began to unbotton her dress and handed it to the gaurd that brought her. Olivia did not want poor Amy to go thru the humilation and violation that she was going to go thru. The tone of her voice changed it was softer more seductive as now she stood naked. "I know you'd like some of this," Olivia said gently patting her own ass.

CRACK, echoed thru the small room getting everyones attention as the gaurd said, " now thats how you slap a fat white ass." All the gaurds began to laught. Another responded, "I'll be slapping that pussy soon so comon moma lets get down and do it. In a couple of hours that ass wont just have a hand print on it but the markings of a wicked cane. I've seen lots of old women canned"

Olivia just stood there completely naked except for her high heel shoes, confused, in a daze she could not believe what was happening to her. It had to be a dream, no she thought to her self a night mare gone out of control. She could see the gaurds begin to agure who would be the first to have her but the voices felt like they were distant. Suddenly she felt some one grab her buy the arm and roughtly push her over to a far bunk. One of the fat gaurds said to her, "comon hon I'll get that body of yours warmed up for them."

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