Genetic Modification - Cover

Genetic Modification

by Robin

Copyright© 2003 by Robin

Erotica Sex Story: Si-Fi story of inter species breeding. It could happen one day. Probably not that far off.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction   Science Fiction   Zoophilia   Bestiality   .

Today was to be the day, all of the tests, the hypothesis and fights with ethical groups had been either worked out with scenarios considered, probed and prodded, or just discarded. Elaine, or just Laney to her group of friends, was ready. A small thrill of fear and doubt coursed through her, but she pushed it to one side and revelled in the luxury of the no expense spared comfortable room.

"Hi Laney, would you like anything?" The mechanical and electronically filtered voice of Trisha came from nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

"Uh... No thanks, I'm fine." Laney lay back on the feather filled sling cushion and idly traced the Aztec pattern of the weave with a fingertip. She carelessly tossed the toga like wrap to one side and un-self conscientiously exposed her thighs. The fabric was diaphanous in any case and wouldn't have hidden much.

"Not long now Hon." Trisha, although she could not be seen through the two-way mirror shared Laney's thrill of anticipation. Why they had chosen today for the experiments consummation was beyond her. Still, it had to happen some time, so why not today.

Laney looked around the room; she had studied it many times before and knew every colour, every texture and even the slightly antiseptic smell of the cleaner droids work. For the last three years, she had been subjected to every test known to modern man and plenty of others only just invented. Since she had volunteered for this singular honour, her life had not been her own. The Corporation owned her lock stock and barrel.

Was it really only three years ago that she had answered the ad? What had it said? The crux had been fifty thousand US dollars per anum. She could remember that much and the need she had at the time. The protection of a huge pharmaceutical company had also attracted her, it meant that the former lovers financial legacy was paid off and nobody would be looking for her to ask why he had turned up in a storm drain with too many holes in him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Trisha's voice again. "Laney Hon, three twenty two is here. You sure you want to go through with this babe? It's not too late to pull out."

"Aw thanks Trish, me and old three twenty one will be just fine. Could you turn the lights down a notch or two please, and some music would be good, just a little light classical eh?"

The room dimmed appreciably and Barbers Adagio for strings, coming from the floor speakers replaced Trisha's voice. "A bit less with the volume, okay" Laney shouted although it wasn't necessary.

A panel slid up on the far wall. Blackness shone from the oblong hole it revealed. Elaine looked and waited for her first look at her new lover, the one she had been waiting for, for the past three years, the one she had undergone so much testing to meet, the one who with luck, would produce the first, and who knew, it might be the first of many.

Nothing happened for a few seconds. Time seemed to stretch and slow and her surrounding took on a surreal appearance. It was like a trip she had experienced when she was at University. That trip had almost cost her the ultimate and she vowed never to drop acid or any other narcotic again. Apart from cannabis, she had stuck to it since. The feeling of unworldliness was just like the initial hit of the acid, when colours and shape take on whole new meanings and dimension.

Three twenty two poked his nose around the edge of the opening. A tan band of fur followed his black nose. Then, hesitantly, the rest of his black and tan body left the safety of the dark hole. Elaine was impressed by the size of the Doberman, he was big even for his breed. She watched, a little scared by his physical presence and the fluid grace of muscles under the short haired body. She watched, immobile as he began to examine his new surroundings. Taking information in by the olfactory senses that were his primary source of information.

He toured the extremes of the room, moving in a counter-clockwise direction, pausing when a trace of something was revealed. He hadn't noticed Elaine, she was hardly breathing and sat transfixed by the sheer beauty of the animal.

They had suggested artificial insemination a while back, suggesting that, perhaps she wasn't up to the task, but she stuck out for the good old fashion way saying, if I am having puppies, then I want to know the father, intimately. An argument between the various departments had ensued, but Elaine had finished the heated discussion by saying that she would pull out unless she got what she wanted and adding with her usual tack "Fuck me, it not like I haven't been reamed before. I haven't been fucked for almost three years, I don't know about you fuckwits, but I for one could use a good fucking right now."

Her outburst had brought the house down. She won the day.

But, now it was D Day and her emotions roiled away in her mind. Her mouth dried and her tongue felt like it had grown a fur coat. A nervous tic made her arm and leg jump. The noise was below her hearing capability, but three twenty two picked it up quicker than she could think. His noble head lifted and a pair of amber eyes locked on hers. Elaine recognised a primal fear and the feeling that those eyes were searching beyond her skin and right to her soul.

Neither moved for several seconds. The music changed unnoticed, nothing stirred, just the silent mental communication between two animals of different species.

It was Elaine that broke the spell first by clicking her tongue against her palette. The dogs head cocked to one side and an ear lifted slightly. He looked comical in his way and she expected an eyebrow to lift like Spock's.

Three twenty two stepped carefully forward, his nose questing for any information about this strange turn of events. He didn't know that this was to be the culmination of ten years into an experiment of genetic manipulation; he couldn't know that he was expected to do what came instinctively with a female of his species when she reached sexual readiness. What he did know was that she had no odour. If his eyes couldn't have seen her and his ears hadn't told him she was there, she would not have existed. His nose was the primary function and it had nothing to say. Three twenty two would never be able to understand bio washing. The scientists had made a mistake there, because a dog needs stimulation through his olfactory senses.

Elaine called to him again and patted the feather filled throw by her hip. Unsure of the situation, but driven by a basic need to please, he slowly came to her and suffered first contact from her hands as they stroked his head. She still carried only a faint smell, one he didn't recognise, but it wasn't hostile.

Elaine petted the dog; it was obvious to her that he was a little worried. Ears laid back and hesitancy in his step told her of his condition. Nevertheless, he submitted to her strokes and tentatively licked her hand.

"Can't keep calling you three twenty two can we, how does Mutley sound?" He dog looked at her, but didn't reply. "Genetics haven't got that far have they Mutley?" Mutely cocked his head to one side and gave her the benefit of another of his comical expressions. "You sure you ain't Spock?"

Mutely was beginning to relax now. He checked her out, but was still confused by the almost total lack of scent. Her hands felt good on his fur, strong and commanding, smoothing the hair back and dredging a distant memory of his mother's ministrations. She was warm and the pillow that she lay upon was soft; Mutley appreciated the feelings that were quite different from the steel kennel he was used to.

"How the hell am I suppose to start this?" Elaine shouted, apparently to nobody. Electronically enhanced voices could be heard and then just a single one in response.

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