Angel Mouth - Cover

Angel Mouth

Copyright© 2003 by April Peters

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - I was quick to obey my new teacher. I was completely under her spell as I clambered off her lap and knelt down with my knees kissing the carpet. How strange and thrilling it was when she opened her legs to show me her neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   DomSub   FemaleDom   First   Oral Sex   Water Sports   Scatology  

I took the phone to bed with me each night for nearly two weeks but it didn't ring. Then one night, just as I began to despair of our special friendship and I was nearly asleep, it did. When I came too and recognised the sound, my heart leapt with excitement. I wasn't disappointed; the voice in my ear sounded familiar and cultured.

"Tina darling?"

"Hello Yvonne, I thought you weren't going to ring me."

"Sorry kiddo, I really am, but I've just being so incredibly busy. I've had so many social engagements to get through and then James - my husband ≠- has asked me to help him with this scheme of is, and...Oh well I could go on dear, but I won't bore you. I'm sorry angel. Can I see you soon?"

"When?" I gulped

"Well that's the thing sweetness. It's simply impossible to have you come over to my place at the moment; we're having guests stay with us for the rest of the week. I was wandering...Well I've had this idea... if you want to go along with it. I know it's a bit naughty, but I'm simply desperate to be with you. Can you take the day off school tomorrow? Leave home at the usual time but I'll meet you at Stern Square outside the art know where I mean?"

"Yes, but..."

"Hang on a sec kiddo let me finish. I'll pick you up in the car outside the shop and I'll take us to this discreet motel I know. I'll take care of the school. I'll write you a sick note addressed from your Mother. You can take it to school with you the next day and that should be fine, they won't ask any questions I'm sure."

Yvonne was right they wouldn't, it happened all the time. I'd seen endless children handing their teachers notes of absence from their parents which were hardly glanced at. My heart beat faster as she continued talking.

"We'll have a full day together, enough time to do everything. I have so many plans for us darling, so much I can teach you. Remember my snake? Can you remember where it was, and where its head was going?"

I could, and only too well. God!

"Yes Yvonne. Yes I can." I breathed.

"Good girl, I'd like YOU to go where the snake's going. You haven't done that for me yet and I'd like it"

"I will Yvonne."

"Darling it's been murder for me this week and a half. I've missed that beautiful angel mouth of yours so much."

"I missed you too." I said, a little lamely.

"That's nice." She replied crisply. "I'm glad you have, we're going to have such fun together I promise. We have all day to do everything, with no one to disturb us. I'll say goodnight now, I want you to get plenty of sleep for tomorrow"

She hung up before I could say goodnight back and I placed the phone back on the bedside table. As you may imagine I didn't sleep that well. How could I? The thought of Yvonne kept me awake; she was such a sexual woman, a lot older than my Mum and Dad and so bossy at times. I liked all that; it made me tingle with pleasure when I thought of how she's chosen me to be her special girlfriend. I remembered how she looked naked, how her slinky mature body felt when I touched and kissed it. I wanted to taste every inch of her with my lips and tongue and then drink from her fountain again as I knew she would ask me to.

I must have slept because the alarm clock woke me with its ringing at seven in the morning. I rubbed my eyes, getting the sleep out of my lids and moaned as I thought of the coming school day. That's until I remembered I wasn't going there today, I was doing something else, something entirely different and the picture which flashed into my head of just how different that something would be, made me throw the covers off the bed and jump up like a coiled spring. I was ready and out of the door with a speed that surprised Mum and Dad, enough for Dad to laugh and make a remark something along the lines of that's how he used to be when he was going on a date. Mum tapped his ears for that and I kept my eyes hidden as I said goodbye, picking up my school bag, and marching to the door.

I got there five minutes early which was tricky as I didn't want anyone I knew to see me and wander why I wasn't going to school. Luckily they didn't, but I helped that by hiding in a bus shelter next door to the shop. I sighed with relief and leapt out of the shelter when I saw her gold sports car pull up. She reached across to throw the door wide and looked around for a second before patting the front seat and hissing 'get in' with a theatrical sounding stage whisper. I did and we sped off out of the neighbourhood and onto the motorway out of town. Yvonne's mood seemed to alter when we were half way there and she began to chatter to me like an old comrade. After ten minutes we turned off the main road into a large motel with sprawling bungalow like buildings going off to the side, all set around a grassy forecourt, like holiday chalets. There was an office building set aside from the others and Yvonne climbed out of the car and headed for it. I waited until she came back some five minutes later she climbed into the driving seat and we set off down a narrow tarmacked roadway, which led us to a small car park at the back of the office. She brought the car to a halt, and pulling the ignition keys out of the lock she turned to me with a quick smile.

"Don't worry kiddo, everything's sorted. That's what I like about this place, there's no questions asked. Now"... She said climbing out of the door "Just follow me, we have the one at the end of the row just over there." She pointed "Come on." I was already feeling pretty tense from all the subterfuge of the morning; I was scared witless we were going to end up in trouble. Yvonne was an amazing person; she was incredibly determined and had a very strong personality, she wouldn't let anything or anyone get in the way of her goal.

She unlocked the door and I followed her into a room, with Yvonne locking the door behind us and flitting from one window to the next drawing the curtains. The room looked as though it had seen better days. The main feature was the bed, at least it was big enough for two, but the quilt and the rest of the bedding didn't look too inviting, it had an old fashioned floral style pattern which seemed to be wearing away to a faded green. The carpet was almost threadbare in places and the bedside cabinet had drink stains etched into the ancient woodwork. A small platform jutted out from the wall supporting a portable TV, which Yvonne told me had access to a number of porn channels.

"Though I'm sure we won't be needing THEM darling. The things that we're going to be getting up to are simply going to knock the spots off anything they can trot out." Her cultured tones were tempered with an amused quality as she opened a second door, which turned out to be a compact bathroom with a shower and loo.

"Hmm" She said, hands on hips as she surveyed the two rooms which we were planning to spend the day in. "I've seen finer décor, but its good enough for our needs."

With that she took her jacket off and hung it on the back of the door and began undoing the buttons of her blouse in a matter of fact fashion while still surveying the seedy motel room. I still hadn't spoken, I didn't know what to say, I was still pretty much in awe of the whole situation, not least of the mature lady with the feathery red hair stripping out of her skirt and top in such a business like manner.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" she asked pausing in the act of placing her skirt on top of a chair. "You seemed worried sweetie. I hope you're not going to ask to go home."

"No." I shook my head, still phased out by the seediness of the situation and the forbidden nature of the things we intended to do... thrilling though it was.

"Tsk" She clucked shaking her head. And then bending down..."Here let me help you." She began undoing the buttons of my white school blouse with nimble movements of her dancing fingers.

" I hope you still want this Tina." Again I nodded yes.

"Good I hope so pet, cos otherwise, your going to have one hell of a frustrated gal on your hands. I've been looking forward to getting you to myself for quite sometime. You are alright aren't you?" She asked. "You aren't going to leave me all high and dry are you?" Her eyes searched mine. "Hmm?"

"I'm fine really", I assured her. "I will be... its just all a bit strange."

"Well" she sighed, "you're bound to feel funny at first, don't worry ducks its going to be perfect. There... off it comes." She said sounding like a nanny talking to a small child, which I suppose I was. She carried on until she'd stripped me naked, her hands dancing over the zips and fastenings, yanking and gliding my clothes off one by one until I stood naked with my long dark hair hanging over my shoulders.


She was down to her bra and panties by now, I thought she was going to take them off but she didn't.

"Not can kiss me through my knickers first, " She suggested playfully. "That's sure to get me going, just kneel down on the bed and I'll climb up"

The mattress swayed as I climbed onto it joined by Yvonne who moved up and stood before me. She wore a simple white bra and panties and pastel coloured stockings with white suspenders. I felt her hand behind my head, then the vision of her panty covered crotch with a few rebellious hairs sprouting out of the sides coming towards me as my nose and mouth were pressed firmly in. She began rubbing herself against me in a slow circling caress, occasionally punctuated with quick provocative thrusts of her hips and fast breathy gasps. Swish, swish went my hands as they caressed the smooth flesh at the back of her thighs, as breathing heavily the two of us performed an act of body worship, my adoration and Yvonne's acceptance. Long minutes past with me kneeling before her semi-clad body, my head pressed into her crotch and my hands running up and down her legs and pantied ass. At one point I looked up and saw her head thrown back with a look of fierce elation spread across her features, then she pushed me back gently to sit on the bed and seat me in her lap. Her lips found mine and prized them open for her tongue to wriggle between as we began a long open mouthed caress. Our hands strocked each other's backs and buttocks and ran over our flesh as we sought to excite each other further. Yvonne's mouth opened wider over mine and then filled it with a flood of her salavia that I drank down. I moaned as she filled me again with her hot liquid and then swallowed, then again, I don't know where she found it from but it kept welling up into her mouth and spilling down my throat. Finally she pulled her lips away from mine with a plop and reached behind her back to undo her bra. She fumbled with the catch for a moment before uttering a curse.

"Damn! Be a pet and get this thing off me will you. I don't know what's wrong with the awkward...ah!" As she pulled the clasp again. "No... it's no good Tina I just can't reach it properly."

She turned around and I leant over to unhook the catch, which came undone straight away, giving me the pleasure of pulling her bra off her body and watching her tits swing free and then wobble like pear shaped jellies. I didn't wait to be asked, but bent my head down and took one between my lips. I took as much warm flesh as I could get in, massaging it with the inside of my mouth and tongue as she ruffled my hair and giggled with glee.

"Angel, angel...Yes, yes." She sang.

My tongue did its work on her nipples, which soon swelled up like thimbles, prodding my gums and twanging against my flicking tongue.

"You clever little girl. Ooh! You knowing little minx, I can see you're learning well. Suck my fucking nipples. Yeah. Suck me! Suck me!" She gushed, her posh tones oozing with glee and the occasional sweet obscenity as she soaked up my efforts and told me how clever I was. Her breasts, both wet and shiny vied for attention and I skipped from one to another taking mouthfuls of throbbing flesh and nipple with loud slurps and pops as one was released only to have my cheeks pushed out by the next ripe pear. Suddenly she pushed me away.

"A full length mirror" she exclaimed. "I never saw it before, this could be fun." I sat up and followed her gaze to where a full-length dress mirror stood tucked away in the corner of the room for some strange reason. She jumped of the bed, her wet jugs swaying and dancing against each other as she pulled it out of it's hiding place, placing it in front of the bed.

"Lets have some fun! I love the visual thing. Here Tina stand next to me...that's it, look at us darling, isn't that cute." A mature woman and a lovely little girl stared back at us. The lady with a tanned well toned body and red carroty hair stood next to the girls who's head barely reached her dangling breasts. I had a slightly oriental appearance due to my distant Chinese ancestry and my straight black hair hung over my thin shoulders in a luxurious swathe. I looked small and venerable next to the near naked woman who now began to unclip her suspenders and pull off her stockings. Now naked, she stared back from the mirror and gave us a cheeky wink. The bush sprouting out from the vee of her thighs was as red as her hair but nicely trimmed, just like a privet hedge, very neat.

"Kneel down and turn round." Her hands were already on my shoulders pushing my knees gently but insistently to the carpet. I leaned forward to press myself between her thighs but she blocked me with the palm of her hand and spun round shoving her bare ass in front of my face.

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