Angel Mouth - Cover

Angel Mouth

Copyright© 2003 by April Peters

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - I was quick to obey my new teacher. I was completely under her spell as I clambered off her lap and knelt down with my knees kissing the carpet. How strange and thrilling it was when she opened her legs to show me her neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   DomSub   FemaleDom   First   Oral Sex   Water Sports   Scatology  

I'm twenty-one now. I think enough time has passed since it happened, so I'll begin to write my story. This isn't the first time I've tried to begin; I've made the attempt many times before, twice as a child and countless times as an adult. Every detail is fresh in my mind, everything she said and everything that happened during the time I was hers. Each time I've tried to set the record straight I've failed. I became too emotional and couldn't continue, it was just impossible for me. Now I think I'm mature enough to put it all down, and I'm going to do it while it still remains so clear.

I was a good-looking child. Fresh in complexion and fair looking, my Mother promised me I'd grow up to become a beautiful woman and she hasn't lied. I was happy in my life, I had a decent home, and friends, and I enjoyed school. I was fortunate to have a friend called Laura, who happened to come from what my Mother would call a posh family. She was very nice, and we played together most of the time. We'd go to the swimming baths most Saturday afternoons and spend about two hours practising back strokes, butterflies and the crawl, all of which we'd been taught at school during the week. We called it the local baths, although it wasn't local at all really being on the other side of town. Laura's parents and mine took it in turns to drive us there and back because they thought it was too far for us to walk. The day all this began, we were dropped off as usual, this time by Laura's Mom who told us before she closed the car door that 'Grandma' would be picking us up for a change, as had to stay at home while she waited for a new sofa to be delivered. I never really thought too much about it, to be honest I was far too interested in getting changed into my floral swimsuit and jumping into the warm water. We must have spent over an hour doing lengths of the pool when Laura suggested we aught to go and practice our diving. I was all for it, the high board was my very favourite place in the baths, and I'd been practicing to get a clean dive for some weeks. We made numerous attempts to hit the water cleanly, but neither of us could get it just right, it was very frustrating. On my last attempt I must have stood on the edge of the board for a good minute or so while I prepared myself to spring off, when I heard Laura call out.

"Hi Gran." I turned round to see her gesturing at a woman who was sitting on the balcony waving back. As I looked at her, I realised that although she was signalling to her Granddaughter, she was really looking at me. I returned her stare and she smiled back at me briefly before turning her gaze back to Laura and pointing at her watch.

"Tina" called Laura. "It's time for us to go, Gran wants us to get ready." I gave a brief thumbs up sign and readied myself for my final dive, but not before I cast another glance at her Grandmother. She was watching me very closely I thought. I could sense she was taking in every detail of me, as I stood with glistening skin in my clinging swimsuit. She looked striking, not at all how I'd imagined a Grandmother should look. Even though she was quite a distance away on the balcony, I could see she didn't look old. Then I jumped. It was perfect, the best I had ever done and I was elated. As I came up from the bottom of the pool and broke the surface I heard Laura's excited cries of congratulation, and my heart swelled. For some reason I cast my eyes back up to the balcony and I saw her clapping as well. I was suddenly unaccountably happy at her show of approval. It was the first time I'd pleased her, how could I have known I'd just started a trend that would last for another three years.

We got ourselves changed, put our wet costumes and towels in our shoulder bags and ambled out of the changing room into the corridor.

"Hi ducklings." The woman greeted us with a big smile. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Oh yes, brilliant Grandma. She did a dive to be proud of."

The woman patted my head. "Yes I saw. You move very well."

I blushed with pride at the tall woman's praise. She had patrician features with neatly coiffed strawberry blonde hair, and stylish clothes. A beautifully cut, grey trouser suit, with a bright pink scarf draped over the lapels, gave her a dapper appearance. I thought her face had character, probably attractive rather than pretty, and with one or two lines around the corners of her mouth. In spite of that the impression gained was of a woman completely in control of herself, with an air of authority seeping out of every pore in her body. So much so, that when I asked my parents about her later that day, and they told me she was a judge I wasn't as surprised as I might have been. Although when they explained what that meant, and that she actually sent people to prison when they'd been bad, I was awe struck.

"She's very wealthy as well." Said Mom. "That's why Laura's Mom is so well off. I reckon her Mom gave her more than we've ever earned between us in an entire lifetime, just for a wedding present."

At that point Dad said something like "Shhh" and made a downward motion with his hand. She was called Yvonne Beamount-Smyth, Mom went on with a haughty look at Dad, and lived in a large house out of town with her husband who worked on the stock exchange.

"They don't move in our circles very much." She sniffed. "They go to all the posh parties and she wears all the latest fashions."

I think Mom was a little jealous because both her and Dad had to work very hard for a fraction of the money Laura's family had.

"How old is she?" I asked.

"Oh she's fifty. Just fifty, she had a really big celebration a couple of weeks ago. She's pretty good looking for her age though." Dad said with a cheeky smile.

Mom raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh you think so do you? Well it's surprising what you can do if you have the means. She always has that suntan, and you can't tell me that it's natural. I bet she spends most of her time at some swanky health club being pampered to right left and centre." She humphed. Dad shook his head and lifted up the newspaper. I giggled.

Getting back to that first meeting. You could say I was impressed, even more so when she led us to her open topped sports car, and ushered us both in to it. The seats were beautiful soft red leather, and I thought they smelt really special as I relaxed on the back seat while Laura jumped in the front next to her Gran.

"Hold on kids!" she said as she tied up her scarf, and put her foot down on the pedal. Wow, could she ever drive! We moved away from the busy pavement, and sped off through the traffic, zig zagging and swooping into gaps left by those not quick enough to close up on time, so that me and Laura whooped and squealed like two spaced out chip monks. Laura's Gran was laughing too, caught up in our high spirits, her cries of glee mingled with ours. She always did like showing off. I'm not complaining though, I think its part of the paradox that she had to be so formal and correct as a judge, and yet at the same time such a care free spirit when the occasion allowed. The journey usually took about twenty minutes when our parents drove us back, but it only took us about half that. It finished when the car screeched to a halt and Laura jumped out onto the driveway in front of her home.

She turned to me and smiled at me. "Bye see you at school."

"Yes see you then Laura." I replied.

Laura's Gran patted the leather seat where her Granddaughter had been sitting and told me to hop in next to her.

"Jump in then."

I did as she told me, and we set off again for the remaining leg of my journey home. I remember she asked me about my swimming and if was going in for my school certificate. I told her I was, and she asked me what else I liked besides swimming. I liked going to the pictures and mentioned a film that was on at the time, which I'd like to see. She looked at me for a moment and I wandered what she was thinking. Then she looked away again and concentrated on the traffic.

"I don't know your name." She said after a while. "I've just realised Laura never mentioned it, and you haven't told me.

"Oh, sorry, I'm called Tina." I said a little shyly.

"Umm. Such a pretty name." She smiled. "You must call me Yvonne from now on."

I shuffled in my seat at the compliment.

"How old are you Tina?" She asked conversationally.

"fifteen" I replied. "The same as Laura."

She didn't speak for some time, not until we were nearly home, then she turned to me when we were nearly there.

"I was thinking about that film. I'd like to see it too, but I haven't got anyone to go with. Would you like to see it with me?"

You could have knocked me down, but without taking time to think, I nodded.

"Yes please."

"Good. When does it start?"

"Seven o clock." I replied.

"Okay." She smiled "I'll see you outside at ten to seven."

I felt giddy, very strange feelings swept over me and I suddenly wanted to run and hide in my bedroom.

True to her word she was there on time waiting for me. I'd been almost sick with nerves, and even though she'd only offered to go and watch the picture with me, I felt as though a hand was gripping my stomach. She looked lovely, and had probably spent a long time at the dressing table making her self look so beautiful. Her clothes were causal but smart; she wore a patterned blouse and a purple knee length skirt with dark coloured stockings below. I was abashed when I considered how she'd gone to all this trouble for me. I shouldn't have been, because looking at photos of myself taken around that time, I can honestly say I looked as pretty as a picture. Shouldn't anyone have wanted to look nice if they were with me? She smiled in greeting and told me how relieved she was that I'd come after all, and it probably wouldn't have done my street cred a lot of good to be seen with such an old fuddy. I replied from the heart and told her I thought she looked very pretty and I didn't care what anyone else thought. 'The cinema's nearly empty', I added 'so it doesn't matter anyway.' She seemed amused by my answer and led me inside to the ticket box. I was puzzled when she bought two tickets for the back row, but held my tongue and followed her inside.

"Are you comfortable enough Tina?" She asked.

I replied "Yes" I was and we settled down to watch the start of the film. I couldn't concentrate on the picture; her perfume filled me, while her nearness made feel kind of strange. It was a new feeling, one I couldn't understand at the time but can recognise all to well now. After some time I realized Yvonne had reached over the back of my seat with her arm, and I felt it drop down onto my shoulder. I looked around, but no one else was nearby. I felt self-conscious, even though she wasn't really doing anything. That soon changed though, when not more than five minutes later, I felt her shuffle closer and drop a hand onto my knee. I froze and looked at her face, but she appeared to be watching the film, although now I know it was the furthest thing from her mind. The contact changed to a gentle caress just above the knee, but this gradually moved higher, until it rested just below my panties. Again she stopped and waited for me to push her away. When I didn't, she moved her hand to cup my pussy and give it a gentle squeeze. I'd heard about sex before in a vague sort of way, the boys sometimes talked about it at school, but I never really knew all that much about it. It took me completely by surprise; I just didn't know how to deal with anything she was doing. It had all happened so quickly. We were only about fifteen minutes into the film and she was already leaning closer to kiss my ear. She ran her tongue around the ridge, and planted slow gentle kisses all around. At the same time she began caressing my vagina with her hand. Her eyes met mine and she broke off.

"Does it feel nice Tina?" She whispered in my ear.

I just made an appreciative "Mmmm" noise, because I couldn't speak, and she tilted my chin to face her.

"Good. Do you like this as well?"

With that she kissed me, her lips pressed gently against my lips, as her tongue opened them up for her tongue to slide within. It happened very quickly, only a matter of minutes, but I actually had a kind of climax. I buried my face in her shoulder to stifle my sobs, and I think I probably blacked out for a minute. I think part of it was shock, I never dreamt she was going to do anything like this. It wasn't over yet though, because she took hold of my hand and placed it near the top of her stockings. Then she began wriggling as she lifted her bum off the seat and pulled her panties down her legs. She placed my hand up between her thighs, and I felt her bush and it's hot opening. Then with her hand over mine, she guided it up and down the length of her hot slit, and covered my mouth with hers. Again her tongue clashed against mine, reaming my gums as she french kissed me. My mouth was stretched open by hers and her excited whimpers sounded muffled inside my cheeks. The strange noises she was making competed with the sound projecting from the screen in front of us, as she approached her crisis. My hand was soaking with her juices, which flowed over my fingers as she gripped it tightly, using it as a tool to bring herself off. Suddenly we both noticed a movement below us, and turning round we saw a couple walking up the aisle towards us. Yvonne broke away and pulled her panties back up with a curse.

"Shit!" She hissed.

Her face looked like thunder as the man and woman walked past us and sat in the aisle behind, I felt frustrated because I'd been kind of enjoying the whole thing by then, so I can imagine how Yvonne was feeling. I remember her mumbling something along the lines of we had unfinished business, and then her whispering.

"Do you want more of the same, somewhere private?"

I replied that I did.

"Come home with me then, my husband's out for the evening."

She stood up and walked down the aisle, and I followed her out of the cinema into the evening light, and round the back of the building to the car park. We sped off down the street on the way to her home. I thought she'd driven pretty niftily the day before, but I hadn't seen anything yet as she tore through town, cutting up the traffic like a Christmas dinner in her hurry for further delights

I remember her looking at her watch when we were inside her house and saying we had just enough time to do what we wanted. Oh, about the house. Well let's just say it was big, palatious even compared to ours, and extremely sumptuous. I think that's enough of a description for the story, account, or even autobiography, which I suppose this must be. She looked at me then, and smiled.

"Don't be nervous kiddo, everything going to be just hunky dory. Trust me." She winked.

"Alright Yvonne." I answered, using her name for the first time. I think by this time I was just going with the flow, it all seemed so unreal, as though it was happening to another person. How does a trip to the cinema turn into this? At the same time I was thrilled and excited. I found the woman intoxicating; spellbound by her strong personality I was willing to do everything she asked of me.

We ran up the stairs at a trot with me following her all the way into the bedroom, where she closed the door firmly and took me in her arms, kissing me passionately in the middle of the room. Her mouth was everywhere at once, open mouthed and seeking, her tongue nearly tickling my tonsils. Her breathing was loud and forced, and soon changed to moaning as her hands cupped my cheeks. I felt as though she was trying to climb inside me through my mouth, she seemed ravenous the way her face writhed and pressed into mine. Suddenly she broke away gasping with a bead of salvia leaving a trail between us and her breasts heaving up and down.

"Oh God. I've never been like this before." She moaned. "I'm as hot as a two bit whore, and feel like one as well. Take off your clothes, then I'll get mine off." I must have hesitated because she hissed impatiently. "Oh don't worry little one, everything's going to be fine. Just get your clothes off and let me see you."

I jumped to it then. The urgency in her voice acted like a spur and I began unbuttoning and throwing my clothes off, until I came to my little pink panties, and then after only a second or so, hooked my fingers into the waistband and shed those as well. I looked over at her, all timid like and blushing, as I stopped before her naked, and trembling like a leaf. Then with a look of pure lust, she placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes, and let out a long, low whistle.

"God it Christmas, I think I must have died and gone to heaven." She drooled. "Now just you watch me get out of these kiddo, I don't intend to hang around, I'll be quicker than Wonder woman."

She was already undressing as she spoke, busy fingers skipped downwards as she popped open the buttons of her blouse and pulled it off her shoulders. She cast it onto the floor and then went to work unzipping her skirt, the metal fastener making a ripping sound as it flashed down the side of the material. The skirt met the same uncaring fate as the blouse, tossed into a heap on the floor, unneeded and unwelcome now as she sought to bare her mature body to my staring eyes. She paused in her undressing long enough to give me a measuring kind of look, as she gauged my reaction to the sight of her near nudity.

"Getting a little worried huh?" She said in a clipped confident tone. "Well don't. There's no need, I'll be ever so patient with you. I'm going to teach you all about real women, and I promise you I'm going to give you the best lesson you've ever had in your sweet little life."

She reached behind her back and unclipped the strap on her black lacy bra.


It fell to the floor and her breasts swung free of their confinement. Without waiting for my reaction she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her black panties and slid them down her legs. She stepped out of them and dropped them to the floor as well; to stand naked except before me, except for a pair of sheeny black stay up stockings. Although I was still trembling, I thought it rather exciting to be able to stand and stare at her like this, and be invited to do so. It was at that moment that my lesbianism began. Even though Yvonne was no spring chicken at fifty, she still had an extremely sexual body. True it wasn't in as great a shape as it once must have been, but it still looked pretty good to me, and it still does when I think about her. She had a lovely, all over honey coloured tan, and a few wrinkles and creases here and there did nothing to detract from her amazing sexual presence.

Then she gave me a smug look before turning round for a view of her other side. I gave an involuntary "Oh" as I saw what looked to be a small winding green serpent wriggling across her buttocks. It was a wicked tattoo of a snake etched onto one of her plump cheeks. It appeared to be slithering head first towards the dark valley in between, with it's flickering forked tongue seeking the way. She tossed her head back and let out a saucy chuckle at my shocked reaction.

"Pretty huh? Don't worry he doesn't bite." The with a smaller chortle. "Well not yet honey." With that she turned round and sat on the bed, then reached her arms towards me. "Come and sit on my lap. You can have a closer look at him in a little while." Her green eyes twinkled at me. "Come here pet lamb. Come to Mamma"

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