Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Cover

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

by Dave Pornwriter

Copyright© 2024 by Dave Pornwriter

Fantasy Sex Story: A retelling of the classic children's story

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fairy Tale   Bestiality   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

Once upon a time, there were three bears: Mummy Bear, Daddy Bear and Baby Bear. They lived in a cave in the forest and one day out walking they came across a pretty wooden cottage. The front door was open, so they walked in. Daddy Bear was a bit too tall, so he had to bend his head to get through the door; Mummy Bear was a bit too wide, so she had to squeeze her rounded tummy through the door frame, but little Baby Bear was exactly the right size, so just walked straight in.

Daddy Bear was very obviously a man-bear; whenever he got excited this absolutely enormous black penis emerged from his fur – he liked to stroke it. Mummy Bear was obviously a lady bear; she had given birth in the cave every winter and loved looking after Baby Bear.

Baby Bear wasn’t sure if she was a boy bear or a girl bear; she kept inspecting the fur between her back legs for a penis but only found this tiny pink gap. It made her feel all funny when she pushed her paw against it; she needed to ask Daddy Bear about it – he knew everything.

Baby Bear Grows Up

Baby Bear loved to play Rough and Tumble with the older bears in the forest; dashing from one tree to the next, play-fighting and having a good time rolling about on the grass. One day Baby Bear climbed an enormous tree and couldn’t get down again – it’s easy going up, but it takes a lot more skill to slide down. Daddy Bear was standing at the base of the tree, making encouraging grunts, but could only watch in horror as Baby Bear lost her grip and slid down much too fast, colliding her front bottom with a sharp branch. Baby Bear yelped, but disentangled her red matted fur from the tree and fell the last 10 feet into Daddy Bear’s arms.

Daddy Bear held her close, until the sobs died down, then proceeded to stick his long snout between Baby Bear’s legs to lick all her fur clean. After 5 minutes it was clear that both Baby Bear and Daddy Bear liked this new game – Daddy Bear’s tongue was deep inside Baby Bear and she could now see his shiny black penis emerging. She swivelled around – now just sitting astride his face so his tongue could keep her excited and stretched out down his tummy to get a closer look at his organ. Baby bear loved the way it twitched when she took the tip into her mouth – she somehow knew to be very careful with her sharp teeth. She could now feel Daddy Bear breathing hard between her trembling legs as his rock-hard, very hot cock filled her tiny mouth; his great paws held the sides of her head as he unleashed the first torrent of red-hot, sticky sperm down her throat.

Baby Bear gagged, but kept on sucking, not wanting to miss a drop – then finally her own orgasm starting as a funny fluttering feeling in her tummy spread down into her freshly licked pussy, flooding Daddy Bear’s mouth with cream. They agreed without speaking ‘Not a word of this to Mummy Bear’.

The Cottage

Goldilocks cottage had just three rooms: one with a table and chairs, a bathroom and a bright blue door marked ‘PLAYROOM – ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK’, except that of course bears cannot read, so they pushed the door open.

The three bears found themselves in Goldilocks’ playroom – there was just an enormous bed, a box marked ‘SEX TOYS – KEEP OUT’ and a laptop perched on a tiny table. Daddy Bear sat down hard on the bed and bounced, “bugger – it must be a water bed,” he growled.

“Mind you don’t bust it with your sharp claws,” warned Mummy Bear, wondering why the whole ceiling was a mirror.

Baby Bear was exploring in the toy cupboard, pulling out rude underwear and plastic dildos: “What’s this Mummy? It looks just like Daddy’s penis when it’s hard in my mouth, except it’s blue.”

Daddy looked embarrassed for several reasons, “I, er ... expect Goldilocks er ... pushes it inside herself, you know, er ... between her legs...”

“Why does she do that Daddy? Does it feel nice?” asked Baby Bear, tickling Mummy Bear with the tip.

“OK you two, calm down – it’s only a dildo – I’m sure humans use them all the time. Now how about this computer thingy, do you know how to use it, Daddy?”

Mummy Bear and Daddy Bear sat down in front of the blank screen and tapped it gently– nothing happened.

“Here let me try,” said Baby Bear, climbing up on Daddy Bear’s lap, wriggling her little bottom to get comfortable. Baby Bear could now feel Daddy Bear’s cock growing between her thighs, hard and hot, threatening her supposed virginity. Baby Bear moved the mouse and the laptop screen burst into life; fortunately still logged into Goldilocks’ favourite porn site. It was her page on xhamster – her icon, a smiling topless photo, showing her pretty face, a mane of bright yellow hair and luscious tits.

Daddy Bear’s cock twitched; Baby Bear turned around, “What would you both like to see? This looks interesting – there’s a black girl in an orange jumpsuit, all open down the front, and there’s another woman with red hair who seems to be chewing her breasts. Look you can watch them moving and hear the moans – oh look the red hair woman is rubbing the black woman between the legs – she seems to be enjoying it very much.”

Mummy Bear, “That’s not right —two women having sex— do all humans do this?”

Daddy Bear (reluctantly), “They’re called lesbians; they seem to make a lot of videos – this one is called ‘Lesbian Lock Up’. It’s in a women’s prison – that beautiful black woman half out of the orange jumpsuit is the Prisoner. Oh look, now she’s naked, and the woman with red hair is the Guard – she is supposed to stop the prisoners escaping.”

Daddy Bear’s cock was still growing between Baby Bear’s tight pussy lips; Baby Bear experimentally patted it with one paw – it made her really juicy. Mummy Bear leaned over to lick the tip; Baby Bear’s pussy gushed a bit more.

“Look,” said Mummy Bear, “the Guard has opened her trousers and she’s got a fat pink cock that the Prisoner is sucking. That’s definitely not right. I thought you said they were both women, Daddy Bear.”

All three bears sat forward trying to hear the moans from the gorgeous black prisoner as the wicked dildo repeatedly thrust upwards into her body and then retreated.

“Can you make it louder Baby Bear?” pleaded Daddy Bear, “and the picture is too small,” said Mummy Bear.”

“OK – wait a minute,” replied Baby Bear, randomly clicking on things on the screen. “Hey, that’s made the picture fill up the laptop screen. Now for the sound.”

The prisoners’ moans filled the little Playroom – long gasps and squishy cuntal sounds as the Guard fucked her really deep, held up against the prison wall. Then suddenly she was facing the wall and the Guard spread her legs wider, pulling back on her long black hair as the wicked dildo entered her again and again from behind.

Mummy Bear was now openly touching herself between the legs – she had been slyly masturbating for ages, while nobody noticed, “Oh I love these two – they’re fucking just like we do – like animals. I hope it’s not hurting her. Are you sure that Guard is a woman?”

“Just wait a moment, she will drop her trousers – there, you see those straps around her waist and both legs –that’s holding the plastic cock so she can fuck the Prisoner – it’s called a strap-on dildo – all lesbians have them. Look, there’s one in Goldilocks’ toy cupboard – why don’t you try it on, Mummy Bear?”

It looked a bit homemade, but not as smooth as the one in the video. It had an old leather belt as the waist strap, buckled at the side and a studded fabric strip between the legs to hold the dildo. Mummy Bear managed to get one leg through the waist strap, but no amount of pulling would get the other leg in. She gave up, throwing the sex toy at Baby Bear, who slipped easily into it, tightening the waist strap so the cock stuck straight up in the air and the cuntal bumps tickling her vagina.

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