Cum Pirates of the 97th Century - Cover

Cum Pirates of the 97th Century

by juanwildone

Copyright© 2003 by juanwildone

Erotica Sex Story: There I was minding my own business. Well it wasn't really my business, I just worked there. Anyway, we get attacked by pirates; I get assaulted and kidnapped; and then the best part cums...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   First   .

The Monastery

Get. Get. Get. Get.
"Get me a blanket son."
"Get one of the Brothers to drop by my room at 7."
"Get another bottle of wine for me young man."

I headed down into the wine cellar thinking, 'I got your GET right here old man.'

You have no idea how much it sucks to be raised as an orphan on a monastic planet... no idea. All day long, 'do this son' or 'could you get that for me youngster?' Running around for a bunch of old farts telling other old farts how to live, what to think. Really, you just have no idea.

After delivering the bottle I headed for the kitchen. I'd barely started my lunch when the building shook. We occasionally had planet quakes; I knew what those felt like. This was different more like an impact. The second time the building shook it was definitely from an impact.

I smiled, because impacts meant uninvited guests, or space pirates, and space pirates meant a break in this otherwise dull and boring life of mine. Pirates had "raided" the planet many times before. Raided is probably too descriptive a word. It was usually more of a performance and a spectacle then anything else. Oh sure they'd do a little vandalism and take a bunch of wine and food, but that was pretty much it. Sometimes there were accidents and people got hurt but basically if you cooperated everything worked out fine.

Then one of the maintenance staff rolled into the kitchen and he made a sign to the cook with his hands (thumbs held parallel to the ground, tips touching one another, pointed at the ground. Like an upside down triangle or something) and said something that I didn't understand.

Both of them looked at each other and then looked at me. I didn't really like the expressions on their faces. Maybe these were some of the more violent pirates. There were stories of pirate raids that got pretty wild. I doubted that anything that exciting would occur on Planet Absolutely Nothing Ever Happens Here!

Needless to say when the cook instructed me to go the maintenance area and wait, I went down to the wine cellar instead. I liked the old cook but I wasn't about to miss out on any excitement.

I was hanging out in the cellars when the wall opposite me shimmered and then dissolved. I mean one second it was there and the next it's just not there (not that it was destroyed; it just wasn't there - right now.) Wow, the space pirates were using a Quantum Beam. Quantum beams will do stuff like that you know. Lots of happy atoms hanging together, just being a wall and then "poof" they're somewhere else. I stood up and faced the non-existent wall, wondering to myself what might happen next, because you never want to get caught in a Quantum Beam - never. I know these things because we get a lot of ex-military types coming here to figure out the rest of their lives, and they just love to talk and talk and talk.

It was when the wall phased out that I realized that we were really under attack. These were serious pirates and now I was officially nervous. I mean, what if there was an accident (for some reason biological matter doesn't re-phase very well) and I died? It suddenly occurred to me that I might never see any other place or any other people then what I was used to. And what about all of those other places and those other people that everyone else was always talking about. A summary of my short life passed swiftly before me. I realized that I hadn't done much of anything.

I mean how could I since I'd always been on this stupid planet!

There was a flash of really bright light and a strong wind seemed to push me up against the wall. I was temporarily disoriented. When I got my bearings I found that I was suspended in mid air. I was still in the same room I was just hanging in the air - very strange.

And then I heard voices - strange voices.

And then I saw men - strange looking men. These men, who I assumed were the space pirates attacking us looked up at me and started talking amongst themselves really fast.

The three strange men who had entered the room I was hanging in were looking up at me. Actually they would have had to look up at me if I was standing on the floor, they were small for men. They're bodies seemed different too - bigger here, smaller there. Although for some strange reason it felt good to look at them. I mean, I was really enjoying just looking at them.

I was enjoying listening to them too. Even though I had absolutely no idea what they were saying, I was just enjoying the sound of their voices. Everything about them seemed so nice. A thought struck me and I just had to ask them a question.

"Excuse me; I have lived here for my entire life. Could you please tell me if... I mean I've never seen... are you by any chance "womans?"

OK, before you start laughing and roll your eyes you have to realize that I had never met a woman. I mean, this is a monastic planet that only men visit. Of course men talk about women, but it's all very confusing. Some insist that the best part of this planet is the lack of women. Others hold to the opposite view.

Even though I've never met a woman I think I've got a pretty good handle on what they're like - based on what I've heard. This is best summarized in a joke I overheard once. I found that whenever I repeated it, men nodded knowingly. The joke went like this:

"The Creator of All had pretty much finished making everything and wanted someone to tell Him what a great job He'd done. So He made man in His image and was really pleased with how man turned out. Man and the Creator hung out together and had some really good times. But the Creator had lots to do and went off to go do it. After awhile man was kind of lonely. Man mentioned this to the Creator. Man asked the Creator if He could make another man for man to hang out with. The Creator said that He would take it under advisement.

"The Creator comes back to man and says He has an even better idea - woman. The Creator tells man that woman will be the perfect companion, pleasing to look at, pleasant to smell, voice like a soft babbling brook, breasts like soft pillows to rest upon, lips as sweet as honey. She will be easily pleased and eager to please in return. She will cook for you, clean for you, listen to you, and she will be obedient to you. And in her soft embrace you will experience a pleasure so fulfilling that you will call out My Name repeatedly.

"Man was really excited about woman and could hardly wait for the Creator to make her. The Creator says that he all he needs is some of man to make woman.

"So man asked the Creator, "What's this going to cost me?"

"The Creator told him, "An arm and a leg."

Man was shocked, thought about it for a moment and then asked, "What can I get for a rib?"

Ok, back to the space pirates. As I was speaking the three looked at some kind of screen, I guess it was a translation device. Then they looked at me as if I was crazy, so I quickly told them my life story, such as it was. Stuck on this planet... never having been anywhere... never having seen a woman.

That last comment about never having seen a woman seemed to generate a lot of excitement amongst them. They started chattering amongst themselves and I hadn't the slightest clue as to what they were saying. The three talked some more amongst themselves as I continued to hang in mid air.

One of the women spoke a command and I floated down closer to the floor. Their hands reached out and unbuttoned my robes and pulled them to the floor. The three women cast strange glances back and forth between them - and then they all nodded.

And then they all undressed.

The space pirates were definitely not men. They were womans. Yep, for the first time in my young life I was looking at womans.

I experienced the strangest sense of exhilaration as I watched them remove their clothing. The exhilaration turned to light-headedness as their hands began to touch and caress me. Now I've touched myself before, sometimes many times a day, you have to use the bathroom you know and it's never been any big deal. However, their touch was stimulating in a way that I had never experienced.

One of space pirates had one of her hands wrapped around me (well where she was touching I always thought of it as me, but I can tell you that I never felt the way I felt when she touched me as when I touched me. I mean there was no comparison!); she stroked me a few times and then squeezed me really hard. I watched as a large drop of clear fluid formed at the tip.

Three tongues extended out and tasted the drop.

Three mouths smiled.

Three lips were licked.

The three women attacked me with their tongues and mouths - I never had a chance.

I didn't want them to stop - ever.

Their movements were fluid and harmonious. Cheek to cheek one of the women would have me in her mouth while the other two licked and kissed me with their mouths and tongues. I had never dreamed that anything could feel so good. Even my concern for my own personal safety, was quickly swept away. It was a good thing that I was still in the suspension beam as there was no way I could have stood on my own legs at this point.

On and on the women sucked and licked and kissed on me. I felt a tingling sensation deep within me and my breathing changed. The sensation intensified and I felt as if something was growing inside me. It became hard to breathe. It felt so good it was almost painful as that part of me seemed to swell even larger. Then I was like falling for a moment, bam - ferocious spasms ripped through me. It felt like nothing I had ever experienced before.

The overwhelming ecstasy of delight slowly faded and it was only then that I refocused my attention on the three women. Their eyes were glazed and the one with me in her mouth swallowed noisily as she released me from her oral grip.

All three were smiling, I was too.

Another command was spoken and I felt myself being laid horizontal just above the floor. The three women towered over me and I found myself absolutely captivated by the junction of their legs. They were smooth where their legs came together, completely smooth. Where part of me hung out, they didn't. Nothing stood out, in fact, it seemed to fold in. From this fold a great deal of moisture seemed to flow. The moisture had a wonderfully pleasant aroma and I found myself breathing deeply of it.

They were different, definitely very different.

The women were talking amongst themselves again. They seemed to be having a discussion about what to do with me next. I couldn't understand what they were saying. But if it was anything like what had just transpired I was all for it.

For reasons unknown to me I felt me growing again. One of the women noticed and pushed through the others. She hardly paused before she gripped my hard man-ness in one hand and threw her leg over my hips. I didn't have the slightest idea about what she was going until she sat on me.

If the mouth thing was good - this was better. An intense wet heat surrounded that part of me and I couldn't help but think that this was just so right. Then she started moving and what had felt better began to feel unbelievable.

Just as I was really beginning to enjoy this new thing one of the women sat down on my face! I panicked momentarily; I though for a moment that she was trying to suffocate me. Then she rose up and looked down at me she touched my lips and opened her mouth wagging her tongue up and down. I mimicked her and she sat down on me placing her fold right over my wagging tongue. My mouth was filled with the most exotic taste.

I lapped happily away. This was just so cool!

I felt the third woman rest her head on my stomach. I thought she might be tired until I felt a finger (I'm assuming it was hers) search out my back end and push inside! I was surprised and a little concerned at first but it was somewhat pleasant. I could feel her jaw moving slightly. I wasn't sure what she was doing but guessed it had something to do with the woman bouncing up and down on me.

Then they all changed position! The bouncing one stood up and took the place of the one on my stomach, that woman sat on my face and that woman sat on me and started bouncing away on her own. I went back to licking the new one on my face.

She tasted a little different then the first. Same thing with the third one, slightly different. I think I liked the way the third one tasted best.

They went through this change of positions five times before I felt that tingly feeling again. Then they all surrounded me and gripping me with their hands stroked up and down at a furious pace. I experienced that wonderful ecstasy again and briefly observed some kind of white stuff fly up in the air and then splat down onto my stomach. A feeding frenzy of tongues across my stomach followed.

And then it was over. The three women had funny smiles on their faces. They were also acting like they were drunk. The three women got dressed and just as they exited I heard another spoken command. I fell the last three inches to the floor.

They had released me from the beam. I pulled my robes back on and was leaving the room when I saw a flash of light followed by a "thump" to my chest.

I began to feel as if I was falling asleep. The last thing I remembered as I passed out was really strange. I was being put into an empty wine barrel.

Commander Fallopia's Quarters

Elle licked slowly at the Commander Fallopia's thickening labia. The Commander's musky scent filled her nostrils. Every couple of minutes Elle looked at Fallopia's clitoris to see if it was ready.

"You're thinking about other things Commander. If you don't want to orgasm now I can come back later."

"You're right Elle I'm light-years away. This has been a long voyage and I guess I'm just tired."

"Commander, is it true that there was a stowaway - a man? Is he okay? Is he still on board?"

There is more of this story...
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