Welcome Wagon - Cover

Welcome Wagon

by Anondoc

Copyright© 2003 by Anondoc

Fiction Story: A 12 year old is admitted for a barium enema. The doctor makes sure she is well prepared.

Tags: Ma/ft   Reluctant   Humiliation   Doctor/Nurse  

The grounds of the hospital were carefully manicured, almost as if they had undergone some mysterious treatment at the callused hands of the Chicano gardeners who tended the broad expanses of green.

Inside the children's ward, Dr. Rodney Thomas, Ph.D., MD, sat at his large, walnut desk reviewing the schedule of the day, and deciding which of his patients would receive the benefit of his attention.

His primary function, aside from the medical aspect of his presence, was the personal interest he took in the psychological aspect of the reaction his charges had to certain treatments they were made to endure in the name of "medicine" and "treatments". There were actually few 'children' in that most of the patients in this division were in the age bracket of thirteen to eighteen.

After all it was a county sponsored facility, and the administration took great pains to maintain the regulations and distribution of patients according to public health protocol.

The doctor smiled to himself, seeing that his day would be considerably enlivened by his rounds on the girl's ward. He had, with some perverse pleasure, seen to it that a 12-year-old girl was scheduled for x-ray. In fact, a barium enema x-ray examination of the intestinal tract. It was his duty, he decided, to be present, and assist the nurses and orderlies in the preparation and treatment of the girl, as well as have the opportunity to satisfy a personal quirk, by engaging in conversation with the patient throughout the ordeal she was about to be put through.

The good doctor knew from experience in this hospital ward that he should be at the girl's bedside at least an hour before the x- ray was scheduled, in order to derive maximum benefit from the opportunity.

He scanned the charts. "Hmmm.", he mused. "Rachel Friedman, age 12, height 5 feet 8, weight, 140 lbs., hair, blond, eyes, green.". He remembered how frightened she looked, the first day she was admitted; she was unusually pretty, and very slim. He knew in his mind how she would look in the short, white hospital gown that would barely come to the tops of her slender thighs. He wondered if she would have any pubic hair as yet. Probably a bit, but if it was profuse he'd have it shaved so she'd be naked as a baby. He liked a clean working area.

Continuing his perusal of the chart he noted that her mother was divorced, but that the admission forms were signed by a Jack Collins, her uncle. Rachel's mother's maiden name was Collins. So there seemed to be some male influence or father figure in her young life. He mused that a young girl should always have a "daddy" even if it was an uncle or a mother's boyfriend. Rod imagined scene of family discipline with Rachel standing submissively before her uncle (as her mother described her misdeeds) glancing furtively at the folded, wide leather strap in Uncle Jack's hands. "Daddy's Hands"... no, but probably just as effective on a 12-year-old girl's quivering, bare bottom!

His nurses were almost hand picked. a benefit of being in charge of the wing. And he saw to it that they never lacked practice in the administration of his most commonly prescribed treatment.

Rod never thought about how his unusual, highly sexual, reaction to the sight of a young girl being given an enema had come about, in fact, all he did was to enjoy it. Occasionally he found it difficult to conceal the tremendous erection he would get during such a scene, but he found the white physician's smock he wore more than adequately protected his secret.

He reached above his desk for a reference work which had become a favorite, written by R. A. Miller, MD7

"The Retrograde Barium Enema... a manual for the Radiological Clinic" published in 1966. "The patient is prepared for the barium examination," he read, "by being given several soapsuds enemas (1.5 quart) until the return is clear.

"When ready the patient reports to the x-ray department where she may be given a one mg. atropine and 1/4 grain morphine sulfate or Demerol. In the x-ray room the barium solution is prepared and suspended in an enema container three feet above the table. The patient is brought in and placed in the knee-chest position. Her gown is lifted and the nurse, or often the x-ray technician, wearing a sheer finger cot, applies a liberal amount of KY jelly to her anus, slowly dilating the rectum by working his finger in and out of the tight sphincter until her musculature begins to relax. An inflatable inflatable nozzle catheter #141 (32 Fr.) is lubricated with K-Y Jelly, and carefully inserted into her rectum, to just past the sphincter, and inflated, the air having been previously cleared from the tube. A slight inflation of the inflatable nozzle Bulb will hold the device in place as the patient is positioned.

"The patient is then turned over, to lie on her back, with her knees drawn up, and her legs spread widely apart. Position the inflatable nozzle for easy connection.

"A Miller cuff is then placed in position and inflated, forming a secure seal preventing her from expelling the solution. She is then placed in a prone position with legs extended, or with knees slightly up and the inflatable nozzle tube is connected to the tube from the enema container. Her gown is further loosened so as not to constrict the abdomen.

"The barium is allowed to flow, under fluoroscopic control, until the entire large bowel is filled. This takes two to 2-1/4 quarts. At this time the lower right quadrant of the abdomen is markedly distended. The patient must be encouraged to relax, and possibly restrained, if necessary.

"X-rays are then taken with the patient in the prone position, or any other position deemed necessary to the doctor. This may take five minutes, and if the doctor waits until the x-rays are developed it may take five to ten minutes more. Should the x-ray require examination of the small intestine, she will be turned on her back again, the enema container filled with two more quarts of saline solution, and allowed to flow freely, forcing the thick barium into the small intestine. This procedure may be quite painful to the patient, and she may cry out in protest and discomfort. Restrain her, if necessary, but complete the procedure.

"When the x-rays are taken, she is helped to the bathroom, the catheter is deflated, removed, and she is allowed to expel the solution. She will be quite exhausted and should be allowed to rest an hour before being returned to her room. Her rectum should be examined, and a soothing lotion applied if deemed necessary."

Dr. Thomas smiled as he closed the book and returned it to the shelf. Rachel was scheduled for x-ray at 12 a.m. He thought that he'd better be at her bedside by nine to "supervise" the several soapsuds (or saltwater-until-clear) enemas that the hapless teenage girl was going to be given to her before her ordeal in x-ray. He felt a pleasurable twitch in his crotch at the thought of what the morning was going to bring. He had "supervised" the sweet humiliation of many young girls, and noted that more that 60% of the young patients exhibited varying degrees of sexual response during the enema procedure. He would watch closely for the tell-tale wetting of the vagina, with the attendant swelling and opening of the labia, and make her talk about her childhood enema experiences in great detail should this become evident.

Time for rounds to begin.

Rachel lay quietly on the hospital bed in the semi-private room she shared with Barbara, who was a year older than herself. It was the first time she was in a hospital, and felt really naked and helpless under the clean white sheets, wearing the short hospital gown, and nothing else except a pair of cotton ankle socks. Her slim legs moved under the covers as she wondered what was going to happen to her.

Barbara and Rachel talked to each other almost all day, as they both shared the same degree of apprehension; Barbara, however, having been admitted a week before Rachel, who only arrived yesterday.

Rachel had not yet experienced the "Welcome Wagon" as Barbara had, so she was not mentally imagining her next encounter, as Barbara had been doing since her last session with the orderly on the floor. Finally Barbara could not hold back.

"I can't understand, Rachel," Barbara ventured, "why the nurse hasn't been around with the 'Welcome Wagon' for you yet. I got it about an hour after I checked in."

Rachel turned towards the pretty patient in the next bed.

"What do you mean, Barbara? what's a 'Welcome Wagon?' "

"I didn't know, either, but the nurse who got me into the gown and into bed said that the duty nurse would be around with it right away. Gosh, was I surprised."

The mystery deepening, Rachel persisted, "But what do you mean?"

"I mean. that they told me it was the rules that as soon as a girl is checked in, she has to have a... an... enema. before anything else, especially if the doctor is going to do a, you know, examination, down there. Did you ever have one. I mean, an enema, Rachel?"

Rachel blushed a deep shade, suddenly hoping her embarrassment wasn't visible to the older girl. She blurted out, without thinking, "But that's for being really disobedient. I mean, that's what I get 'em for." Rachel hesitated, realizing that maybe her receiving that particular form of humiliating punishment may not be typical of the punishments other young girls received.

"You mean you get enemas as punishment?!? I just get a good whipping with my Daddy's belt! I can't imagine being punished like that. I thought you only got an enema when you were sick, or especially in the hospital. Gosh!"

Rachel didn't know what to say, but recovered her composure enough to refresh the question, "You never told me what the 'Welcome Wagon' was."

"Oh, jeez, that's the cart that they use to wheel in all the stuff they need to give you an enema, you know, the red rubber bag, the Vaseline, or like they use here, that slippery jelly in the tube.

"It makes you feel real funny when you see all that stuff, especially if it's an orderly. you know. a guy that's going to give it to you." Barbara, suddenly a very coy 12 year old, lowered her voice, and in a husky, confidential whisper told her room... mate, "I thought I was just going to come when that cute orderly pulled down the covers and... you know what I mean! Just wait till he takes your temperature... "

Rachel certainly did know what Barbara meant. Ever since she was six, her mother had used both the enema and the strap as a means of disciplining her little girl. But when her mother's brother... Rachel's uncle... was visiting when she was nine she had been very naughty, and quite insulting to her uncle. Her mother decided that her uncle should participate in her punishment, and invited Uncle Jack to help not only in the preparation, but in the actual execution of Rachel's humiliating punishment.

She could never forget standing in the large, second floor bathroom, watching her mother take the old red rubber enema bag from under the sink and fill it with two quarts of hot soapsuds, as she told her brother how she had begun using enemas as a punishment after reading about such methods in a book about correctional methods in girl's reform schools. Mom had always used either the ruler or the strap on her daughter, but she felt that "a good dose of soapsuds" was something her pretty young daughter dreaded even more than a spanking.

And she was right. It was the presence of her uncle, that time when she was nine, and many times since, that her uncle "assisted" her mom when punishment was called for.

Never would she forget the command, as she stood in her pajama tops and panties before her mom and Uncle Jack, "Come on, now, Rachel," her mother said as she hung the bulging red bag on the hook beside the toilet, "I'm not going to spank you for embarrassing uncle Jack with your behavior, but he's going to see how embarrassing it is going to be for you to get your punishment enema in front of him."

"Oh, Mom," Rachel remembered begging, "Please not in front of Uncle Jack, please."

"Rachel, it will do you no good to argue, and if you put up a fuss I'll just have to give you a second dose of soapsuds. so just slip those panties down and get over my lap."

Her memory was vivid. Protests would do nothing. Her nine year old mind would never forget the look of fascination in her uncle's eyes as she obeyed the order. She hooked her little fingers in the elastic waist band of her tight, white cotton panties and, blushing with humiliation, pushed them down to just below her crotch.

"All the way, Rachel, take them all the way off! You know you can't spread your legs far enough apart if I let you keep your panties down around your knees."

Crimson with shame, Rachel lowered the tiny garment down her slim legs. She stepped out of the panties, picked them up, and hung them neatly over the back of the chair her mother was seated in. She couldn't take her eyes off her Uncle Jack, who, she realized, was staring intensely at the pink slit of her pre-pubescent vagina.

"What are you waiting for, Rachel? Bend over my lap, just like you always do!"

"Oh, Please, no! Mom don't make me, please!" "Rachel, if you don't get over my lap this minute I promise that you will be strapped within an inch of your life right after Uncle Jack watches you get a double enema!"

That did it: Rachel bit her lower lip and assumed the position. Once there, her mother her mother gripped her about her slim waist, pinioning the helpless child. Rachel's long hair fell forward over her face towards the floor.

"Jack," her mother matter-of-factly asked," hand me the tube, but be sure the clamp is closed. You don't want soapsuds all over you, when they are going right in here."

Rachel, helplessly across her mother's lap knew that her uncle, standing behind her, could see not only the target, but the as yet hairless lips of her vagina, too, as her mother pushed her slim legs wide apart and separated the tender, smooth, nether cheeks. Jack watched intently. Rachel could feel her Uncle's eyes. She knew what Jack was watching: her mother dipping a finger into the jar of Vaseline, and spreading the greasy lubricant generously onto the enema nozzle. Jack was intrigued with the way Rachel's mother moved the greased pipe up and down the girl's anal crease, gradually working its slippery length into the little girl's rosebud-like opening. Rachel remembered tensing her body as the slippery nozzle invaded her tender bottom.

"Sit here, Jack," her mother said, indicating a chair in front of the girl, "This will take about ten minutes. "

Uncle Jack pulled up the chair, seating himself near Rachel's bowed head. It was when her uncle took her chin in his hands and lifted her head up so that he could see her face that the first stirrings of till now inexperienced sensations flooded her mind. Jack gently moved the hair away from her tightly closed eyes.

The same instant she heard the "click" of the hose clamp and the soapsuds started to flood her slim body. Confusing, incredible sensations raced in conflict as she opened her tear- filled eyes to look into her uncle's face.

Yet her mother was not known for leniency, and the entire two steaming quarts filled Rachel's youthful bowels, causing her to cry out in pain and humiliation at having to undergo this procedure in front of her uncle. It hurt so much that she couldn't help moving her slim legs continually, in the swelling stimulation of the enema. She felt Uncle Jack lower her head and move around behind her, and she knew he was staring at the little pink gash of her sex as she writhed helplessly under the cramping pressure of the enema she was being made to endure.

And for the last six years the punishments had continued, and sometimes in the last two years administered by Uncle Jack himself when her mom couldn't be there to discipline the girl personally. Of course her mother approved. Oh, how she approved!

Rachel's mind snapped back to the present as she realized that Barbara was still speaking to her.

"Gosh, that must be awful. I mean to get enemas for a punishment. But I guess it would work pretty good," the loquacious 12-year-old continued, "'cause I remember about six months ago when I was sick, my Dad and my Mom both gave me one, and it was just awful. Bending over like that, I mean, but since my Dad always gives me the strap on the bare, I was kind used to the position."

Rachel listened apprehensively, thinking about the "Welcome Wagon" that Barbara had explained. Barbara pushed back her long hair and informed her room-mate ominously, "I'm surprised they haven't brought the 'Welcome Wagon' around for you, yet. But you'll see it soon, for sure." Rachel shuddered, her naked legs feeling the cool sheet and imagining it being pulled down for...

Dr. Rod picked up the phone on his desk, silencing its ring, and responded to the ward nurse's question, "No, Emma, I think that because Rachel is in a semi-private room you should not give her the x-ray prep in there. Take her to the hydrotherapy room and call me when you get there. I'd like to speak to her before the examination."

Emma, the duty nurse, hesitated for only a second, but then acknowledged the 'order', "As you say, doctor. I see the girl is scheduled for a barium. Will that be high? I mean, shall I allow time for a high colonic enema in addition to the usual cleansing enemas?"

"I'll check the chart, nurse, and let you know when I get down to hydrotherapy. Just in case, make sure you have a 30 inch colon tube ready. I don't think that Rachel has ever had a high colonic, so we may need the restraints, too."

"Of course, Doctor," Nurse Emma knowingly responded, "I'll see to it at once, and call you as soon as the girl is in hydrotherapy."

Moving through his rounds that morning, Rod checked up on two new additions to his patient roster. A very beautiful seventeen-year-old oriental girl, Lin Su, was admitted by her parents because of her dietary habits, which resulted in her being quite thin, but with a constant digestive problem. He wanted to see her prepared for the Murphy Drip procedure which, he knew, would be terribly humiliating for a seventeen-year-old girl.

Also a very unusual case referred by a colleague who specialized in sexual psychology: This was a seventeen year old girl, Cynthia, quite pretty, who masturbated so frequently that she had developed an extremely irritated vulva and was hospitalized so that it could be treated, without her continually irritating the tissues. Rod noted, not without some interest, that the nurses had already placed her wrists in the soft leather cuffs and had secured them to the rails on either side of the hospital bed. She wouldn't be touching herself for the time being. Her legs, really her ankles, had been strapped, spread apart, to the bed rails, and as she was naked beneath the short hospital gown, he could imagine the embarrassment this exposure would be causing the girl. He loved to see them blush during his probing examinations.

He wondered when they were scheduled for the "Welcome Wagon", and made a mental note to drop in at the appropriate times. The examination and treatment of this lovely child would be most interesting and stimulating.

Back in his office, he took care of a few administrative duties when the phone rang. Emma was announcing her arrival in hydrotherapy, and said that the orderly was bringing Rachel down in about 10 minutes.

"I'll be right down, Emma," Dr. Thomas said.

The hydrotherapy room was in the basement of the hospital, fairly close to the x-ray department. Rod stepped off the elevator and moved down the quiet corridor to the door of the hydrotherapy treatment room and entered. Emma was already there, arranging the equipment she would need to prepare the young patient for barium fluoroscopy.

The room contained several large, white, bathtubs along one wall, separated by about eight feet. Cubicle curtains, which could be drawn for privacy, hung from the ceiling around each of the tubs. No one else was in the room, and all the curtains were withdrawn. One or two toilets were visible, and the special "filtration toilet" which was used to recover small swallowed contraband stood out from the wall. On the far wall, a row of hooks were mounted on the wall near several equipment cabinets. On each hook hung a large, red rubber bag, complete with its long, red hose. The glistening black enema nozzles and long, fat douche nozzles, along with the serpent-like colonic catheters were displayed in the glass fronted cases. Several tubes of K-Y jelly, speculums, rectal dilators, bulb syringes, and inflatable nozzle tubes were visible. Rod noted that Emma had already installed the canvas support across the tub nearest the cabinets. Vertical steel rods were mounted on each side of the tub at about the center. A leather ankle cuff dangled from the top of each rod. Wrist cuffs, also of soft, but strong, leather were to each side of the tub at the far end. Emma was preparing the four quart enema bag as Rachel was wheeled into the room by a male orderly. She could have walked, of course, but hospital procedure demanded that a wheel chair be employed. She was wearing a light blue hospital bathrobe and slippers. Dr. Thomas noted with amusement that she wore white ankle socks, adding to her "innocent little school-girl" appearance. "Hello, Rachel," Rod volunteered cheerfully. "I'm going to personally supervise your x-ray procedures this morning, and try to get you through this as easily as possible." Rachel's eyes widened in fear and anxiety as she saw the preparations that were being made. As we, the readers are already aware of her experiences with enemas as a child, we can understand the feelings she experienced at the sight of the huge red enema bags, with their extra long red rubber tubes, displayed on the wall, and especially the four quart bag in the hands of Nurse Emma. It was twice the size of the bag her mother (and Uncle Jack) was so fond of using to discipline the girl. "What... what are you going to. to do?" she stammered. "I thought. that I was just. I mean I was told I was going to get x-rayed.?" "You are, Rachel," Dr. Rod was using his best 'bedside manner', "but it's a special kind of x-ray called a 'barium enema' x-ray." "Barium... ENEMA... ?" the young girl was almost on the verge of fainting. "Yes, Rachel," Rod continued, holding her hand, which was almost icy cold, "In order for the x-ray to show what we need to see, we have to put some barium solution inside of you. the X- ray can't see through the barium, so it shows up on the film." "But. but, I didn't know."

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