Memoirs of a Malabari Boy - Cover

Memoirs of a Malabari Boy

by sevensins

Copyright© 2003 by sevensins

Incest Sex Story: This is an attempt to share my experiences with you as I go down the memory lane. Malabar is a semiurban area in kerala - the southern state of India. Majority of the population are muslims like myself living peacefully with our hindu and christian brothers. A vast majortiy of the menfolk work in middle east leaving their women with big houses, plenty of money and no sex! If you do get offended by incest please ignore this one!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   True Story   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   First   .

Chapter 1

For those of you wonder where this Malabar is -- it is the northern part of Kerala at the bottom of India's map. This is a beautiful rural area with a predominant Muslim population. This was where I was born and where my family is. This was where I had the most beautiful experiences of my life which I would like to share with you as I go down the memory lane. You may have to excuse my command of the English language, but then hey, are we all not conversing here in that universal language called sex-that primitive instinct, that basic need of life like food and water which drives us all on to look forward to yet another day!

My name is Salman -- quite a popular name here -- and as I write this I am 23 years old. My Bappa [father] Abdul Haji was a typical malabari man-very devout and loving. Also like most malabari men he too set off to the Gulf at a young age to make his fortunes. For those of you who are from India and esp. from Kerala this may not be surprising as the vast majority of Indians working in gulf are from this small state of Kerala and malabar. It is therefore quite common to see palatial mansions in our region with only womenfolk and the kids living there! The men work hard under the punishing sun of the gulf and send home money so that the family can have a good time. They come home once every 2 or 3 years and that too for a short holiday. This meant that while there was plenty of food and money in every house the womenfolk were deprived of that basic need-sex. Not surprisingly there were always some'vultures'around preying on these young sexstarved women ruining their reputation and life. Many of them however lead a 'normal'housewife's life [or so as I had initially thought] depressed and lonely. My Bappa is 50 years old and I am the son of his second 'biwi' [wife] Zeenath. His first wife-Fathima is 46years old and I call her vallyaumma [elder mother]. She has a son, Sudhir 30ears old whom she had when she was indeed very young! I also have a younger sister Shamnar who is now 17 years old. Unfortunately she was born mentally retarded and is so the pet of everyone around.

I was 20 years old when that phonecall came from Sudhir. I was then living in a small house in another faraway city with one of my friends. My bappa was very ambitious about me and so wanted me to stay in a rented house [rather than struggle in a hostel like others] and concentrate in my studies. Little did he realise that I was indeed mastering a lot of things [thanks to this convenient house] and that these things had nothing to do with my curriculum! It all started in the Catholic school in that city where I studied throughout [my bappa did not want me to study in our 'poor'malabari schools!] and where I met Tony -a Christian boy who became my best mate and also the pathleader in all our passionate quests for sexual satisfaction. The phonecall from Sudhir was to let me know that he was struggling a lot looking after all the estates acquired thanks to bappa's efforts. He was previously helped a lot by my bappa's brother but when he died suddenly the whole burden fell on poor Sudhir's shoulders. Now a word or two about Sudhir-even though he was only my stepbrother I always has the utmost respect and love for him as he had stayed back to sort out these things leaving me free to go to the city for a better education and life. Sudhir was indirectly requesting for my help and that left me in a dilemna -should I leave this city where I had my first sexual experience and also all those subsequent escapades, to go to the village to lead a monk's life or should I brutally let down my brother? After a lot of heartsearching, I decided to leave the city to go back to Malabar. And while I was sitting cramped between two pan chewing men in a crowded bus in that long 10 hours drive to my home my thoughts went back to my early days of sexual awakening.

Chapter 2

As the bus crawled its way to its destination my thoughts went back to the catholic school in the southern city of Kerala. I went there as a naïve 7 year old village boy ignorant about the ways of life and came out as a smart young man -thanks to Tony. Tony's parents were doctors in Gulf and he came from a traditionally very rich Christian family. He was always smarter, braver and more daring than anyone of us. Even though he used to bully me a lot during my first days of boarding school life [making fun of my northern accent and rustic background] as years went by he became my best mate. He always had a lot to say and show whenever we came back from our holidays back to the school. While it was all those fancy remote controlled cars he showed off in his earlier days as we became older and reached those funny age of 12-13 his focus of attention changed strongly onto something else-sex-which changed his and my life as well. I call it the funny age of 12 or 13 as that's when your hormones slowly start to exert its funny effects on your body and mind. It's then you slowly open your eyes and ears to things you never realised existed-things like sex and women. I still vividly remember when we came back a couple of days earlier after our holidays when we were 13. He came in excited and asked me to shut the door of the room we shared. He then opened his box like a boy possessed and asked me to shut my eyes and then open. When I opened my jaws dropped-it was my first sight of a sex album. |He had apparently nicked it from his cousin but was not too keen to go into the details. We had by then started to discuss daily about girls, sex, blue films, pornography books tc. That evening after our cricket game he threw the book to me and said to have a quickie before he comes back from his shower. I had never seen anything like that before. It was an album where a white woman was having sex with a much younger looking black boy. It was so different from the cheap local sex book which we had seen earlier with one of our friends. Here the photos were of such high quality and also printed in such nice glossy pages that once I pulled my kunna [penis] out and stared to make a few strokes I came with cum flying all around my bed and my body shuddering like the sudden braking of an old diesel van! That term was so special as almost every day we had something special to look at and relieve our sexual energy! Looking back I feel that all the boys who lived in that floor were sexcrazed and that if someone had a 'testometer'to measure all that testosterone it would have exploded! Tony was ahead of me not only in this aspect but also in his further ventures into sex. He became more and more obsessed with sex and as he went along with this obsession he pulled me into the addictive world of sex and pornography as well. I still remember when he came back from his holidays just before the beginning our final school year, excited beyond description. That evening during our study session in the evening he promised me not to tell anyone what he was about to tell me. I knew that he might have had a 'slight taste' of real sex but what he told me left me reeling. I had always thought that incest sex, while exciting, was a fantasy of the white man and that it never existed in our orthodox society. How wrong I was! I also never expected that the beautiful blooming Sonia-his 14 year old sister -who studied in a local convent school and who used to come to our boarding school on our last term day [they always went together for school holidays either to their aunty's house who lived in a nearby city or to gulf to their parents] was as sexcrazed and daring as her brother. Now I know you are still waiting impatiently to read my first real experience but before that, let me tell you Tony's experience in his own words as he told me!


My parents come from a very rich background but as if that was not enough they went off to work in Dubai as doctors. However my daddy was not so impressed by the local schools and wanted me and Sonia to study in Kerala so that we would not lose our 'roots'. While I went to a catholic school Sonia went to a nearby convent school run by nuns. Every year when the school closes for summer or onam or christmas break Sonia will come to my boarding school and then we will either got to our aunty's house or fly to gulf. Sonia was 1 year younger to me and in my earlier days was more of a nuisance and burden to me as my parents always wanted me to make sure that I look after her during my holidays. However all that was going to change! I think I was always more daring and braver that my friends and so I was like a gangleader in the boarding school. They all looked upon me to do something different and none more so than my best mate Salman. I realised that as time went on that his desire and craze for sex was as great as mine but only that he was not that daring and so looked upon me as his 'guru' which thrilled me as well.

When I was 12 years old ny friend Ramesh brought a local Malayalam sex book called 'stunt'. The first time I read it my head exploded! The paper was of cheap quality and the stories were written badly [most of them anyway] but for a boy of 12 years it was mindboggling! He used to get it from his local cousin and as time went on I was hooked onto it. I also started to realise that while all stories were exciting there were none more exciting than the incest ones. There were usually stories of sex between drunken fathers and nubile daughters or between sons and widowed mothers, but sometimes there were stories also of brother-sister sex as well. While reading these stories my penis will get engorged like a monster and I will come sooner! To my slight discomfort and excitement as well I somehow started to see Sonia while I reach the climax of my masturbation. Sure enough I would feel ashamed and guilty soon after that but however hard I tried I could not erase her image from my eyes at the climax! That school break when we spent with my aunty I had a tough time controlling my sexual desires and guilty feelings. I would often spend the whole day beating my member inside the room and then when I see Sonia I would try hard not to stare at her body! But I couldnt and I realised that my young sister was slowly developing into a sexbomb! This aunty was my daddy's eldest brothers; wife and her only son was in England. Her husband had died leaving her a large fortune and a big house. She was quite lonely and troubled by arthritis as well. Only later I would realise that how lucky Sonia and I were because of her arthritis! Me and Sonia were given 2 large rooms upstairs and aunty would sleep downstairs with Soosamma-her longstanding maid. She also was getting old and was more likea companion raher than a servant. During my next school year, I graduated from local sex books to nice English ones. One of my friends got a book called Human Digest with fantastic english stories. The vast majority of them were incest stories and were well written. Many of them looked like real experiences and it opened out a new world to me. I thought how lucky these Westerners were as they seemed to have such a relaxing outook to sex-where family members had sex with each other without any guilty feelings or hang-ups! My favourite ones were obviously brother-sister ones and there were plenty of stories of willing beautiful sex between preteen siblings. I also realised that while jacking off to these stories I was always fantasising Sonia and that the guilty feelings were fast abating! Another thing which left me reeling was a sex album of schoolgirl sex and boy, was that exciting! When I saw those young sultry girls wearing school uniforms there was only one girl in my mind-Sonia. Her convent school uniform was a short skirt and breast hugging blouse and it looked so eerily similar to that album!

It was the last day of our term. I was 15 years old and Sonia was 14. I waited with my baggage near the wardens room for Sonia to come. When I saw her I was excited and shy?! She had come straight from her room wearing her school uniform. I could see the young breasts straining to remain within that blouse. Her top button was open [it's so hot during summer] and I could just about see the top of that small cleavage! Her skirt was short and I could see her lower plump thighs quite well. She came in excited on seeing me and hugged me calling 'achacha' [elder brother]. When she did that her breasts pressed against my chest and I think she felt my hard boner pressing against her thighs. She blushed and said 'shall we go then? '.

Normally our aunty would send her car along with the driver but this time there was some problem with the car and so we took a bus to her place. It was only a 1 hour drive but is seemed like an eternity! I wonder how many of you have seen or travelled in an Indian bus but it is something special!. The long distance buses are usually better but even those are old ones with rusty side shutters. We sat in the 2 seater side and so there was no one else to share the seats. I could feel her warm sexy body close to mine. Our driver seemed to be a mad one driving speedily so that with each bend and turn my body would press firmly against hers and almost crush her against the side of the bus. At first I tried to hold onto the bar behind the front seats to reduce that but as we went along I realised that she was enjoying the ride as well and I was waiting eagerly for every bend and turn and there were plenty of them! And then I started to rain! Everyone started to pull down the side shutters as the rain was lashing wildly inside! I struggled to pull down the rusty shutters down and it took me a lifetime to do that. While I was doing that my elbows were brushing her boobs firmly and instead of sitting back Sonia seemed to be thrusting her boobs forward so as to meet my elbows! By now my boner was near a state of massive explosion! Now almost all the shutters were down and there was only one light at the front and the rear end of the bus to wade off the darkness inside! People who were reading newspapers were cursing but it suited us well. The only sound I could hear was that of the heavy rain lashing at the shutters and our breathing which seemed to be getting louder and louder!. By now both of us could feel the electric erotic tension in the air and our young bodies were boiling with the sexual energy!

My thought immediately went to all those sibling sex stories where the elder brother takes the plunge and the younger sister follows suit-but this was real life! What if she was not enjoying it! What if this was all my imagination and what would happen then if I did something stupid only for her to tell my parents and aunty. My brain was trying hard to put on the brakes but my testosterone was working overdrive! I casually put my hand on her thighs to see the response-she did not budge! I took off my hands and could the feel her body edging closer to mine-so she was enjoying it! I put my hands back firmly on her plump thighs and squeezed it-I could hear her breathing faster now! I wanted to slide my hands higher but somehow I didnt have the guts like the characters in those stories! I then raised my bent elbow to brush her breasts-she jerked forward-so I stared to press her boobs firmly back with my elbows. I wanted to take her hand and put it on my hard boner but I was scared. This went on and on and it seemed like an eternity! By now both of us were in a height of excitement and I could feel my precum wetting my inner thighs. We were startled out of our skin when the conductor announced that the bus had reached our destination. We walked out of the bus towards out aunty who was waiting with a taxi. I glanced at Sonia and saw that she was blushed and she was biting her lips perhaps with shyness or perhaps controlling her sexual urges??!

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