Sammy's Hot Summer - Cover

Sammy's Hot Summer

Copyright© 2003 by TooMuchTime

Chapter 3: A New Arrival

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: A New Arrival - Sammy, a lonely 13 year-old boy, gets a new neighbor -- a tall and busty redheaded web model named Bethany. Can she (and some friends) help him get over the pain of having his best friend move away at the start of summer?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Humor   Light Bond   White Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

The next morning, as I walked into the kitchen, I found myself faced with the odd dilemma of being both relieved and terribly disappointed. The first, because my mother hadn't decided to take another day off from work. The second, because as I glanced out the window, I noticed that Bethany's car wasn't parked in front of her house. Which meant she wasn't home. Which meant I wouldn't be going over there for some new sexual thrill this morning. Oh well.

After a moment of sadness, I realized I was being kind of silly. For all I knew, she'd be back in five minutes. And even if she wasn't, who was I to complain, really? Two mornings in a row, I'd gotten to see a knock-out Web model in the nude, and yesterday, she'd given me my first ever hand job. Still, to a 13 year old boy, it's pretty much impossible to overdo a good thing -- especially when that good thing involves nudity and mind-numbing orgasms. So as I sat at the dining room table, eating my Cocoa Puffs and reading a comic book, I continued to keep the corner of my eye fixed on the window, just in case Bethany's fancy car should pull up and brighten my day.

When the phone rang, I wasn't going to answer it at first. It wasn't like I had many friends who called me, and anybody else knew that my parents worked during the day, so usually it just ended up being some telemarketer who didn't know how to take no for an answer. Two rings in, though, the thought crossed my mind that it might be my best friend (and former next-door neighbor) Kevin, calling me from his new home in Florida. So I picked it up, just in case. "Hello?"

"Hi, Sexy." It was Bethany's voice. I found myself blushing as my heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, I was just thinking about you. Where are you?" I glanced out the window. Still no car there.

"I'm out doing some shopping." From the fuzzy connection, I guessed she was on a cell phone.


"Awww, don't sound so disappointed."

I chuckled. "Heh. I guess I am."

"I'll be home some time this afternoon." My heart -- as well as my dick -- leapt a bit upon hearing this. "I'm just calling to ask a favor."

"Sure. Anything."

"Do you think this morning you could maybe clean my pool? Your parents already think you're going to do it, and the fact is, I'd kind of like to have it cleaned before I swim in it for the first time. I'd pay you the twenty dollars we agreed on, of course."

"Yeah, I can do that. No problem."

"Are you sure you don't mind? After all, I'm sure I could hire some big muscle guy to do it for me," she teased.

"No." My face flushed a bit red, a jealous reaction. "I'll do it."

"Alrighty then. Do an extra-good job, and I might have a special treat for you when I get home."

"Like what?" I asked, although I knew I should probably play it cool.

"You'll see. Ciao, Sweetie." And then she was gone, just like that.

I hung up the phone smiling. The day's prospects had greatly improved.

Within fifteen minutes, I was hard at work cleaning Bethany's pool, daydreaming about what her 'special treat' might be.

An hour later, the job was almost done, when I heard someone entering the same tall side gate I'd used to access the pool area. I'd glanced at my watch a few minutes earlier, and knew it was only about eleven in the morning, so I wondered who it could be. Maybe Bethany had finished up shopping sooner than she expected?

Yet when I turned around, lowering the leaf net, I saw it wasn't Bethany at all. It was a girl, though. Maybe 19 or 20 from the looks, about 5'5" tall, petite and cute, with whitish-blonde hair cut in a short bob. She wore a pair of dark sunglasses that hid her eyes, as well as an extremely cropped white t-shirt and denim shorts, which showed off not only an ample chest (D cup maybe?) but also an incredible tan. Clearly, this was somebody who spent a lot of time in the sun. Having seen me standing there, she walked casually across the stone patio toward the pool, her expression almost annoyed, her slightly pursed lips the same bright pink as her fingernails and toenails, her bare feet landing deliberately with each step, creating a rhythmic sway to her hips and breasts. Which I wanted to stare at, but tried to control myself.

Once she was a few feet away, the girl put one hand on her hip, and used the other to remove her sunglasses, revealing a pair of wide, deep blue eyes. Through gum-chewing teeth, she asked, "Who the hell are you?"

I was caught off-guard by the brusqueness of the question and stammered my reply a bit. "Sam... I am," I said, aware as it came out that I must sound like a Dr. Seuss book.

The girl just rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Well, that's helpful."

All I could think to do was stand there with the leaf net in my hand, saying nothing.

"Um. Are you retarded or something?"

"No! I just..." Then it occurred to me. I wasn't the stranger here. "Wait, who are you?"

"I'm Sasha."

"Sasha who?"

"Sasha, whose mother lives here." A momentary look of confusion passed over her face, dulling the hard edge that had been there a moment before. "At least I think she does." She glanced over her shoulder, as if hoping to see her mother there. I took advantage of the moment to look down at her boobs. Her nipples stood out in sharp relief against the thin white material of the cropped tee -- clearly, she had no bra on beneath it.

"Wait," I said, making eye contact again as she turned back around, "you're Bethany's daughter?"

"You know her?" She seemed relieved. "I guess I'm in the right place then."

"Yeah, she's here. I mean, she lives here. She's not here right now."

"Well, duh. Do you know where she is?"

I almost answered yes, then realized that maybe it wouldn't make sense for me to have so much information. "No," I said. "I just live next door. She hired me to clean the pool."

"Yeah, the net was a dead giveaway." She grinned, and I couldn't tell if she was being nasty or funny, so I didn't laugh.

I remembered what Bethany had said to me the first time I met her, about her daughter being in Montana with her grandmother for the next few weeks. "Was she... uh... expecting you today?"

"Not exactly. Why, what did she say?"

"Nothing. I just... it seems like she would be here if she was expecting you."

"Well, aren't you just Young Sherlock Holmes." Clearly, I wasn't winning any points for brilliance here. "So do you happen to know if she leaves a key outside anywhere? I kind of have to use the bathroom."

"Not that I know of."

"Great. Just my luck."

"But... you can use the bathroom in my house if you want. It's right next door."

She considered this. "You don't mind?"

"No. Why would I mind?"

"You know. Complete stranger and all."

"Yeah. But you're Bethany's daughter. And I know her."

She just shook her head. "Jeez. This must be like Mayberry or something. No wonder my mom moved here." A slow smile crept onto her face, which seemed more or less genuine. She slid her sunglasses back on. "Okay, Opie... lead the way."

As I stood in the foyer, waiting for Sasha to finish doing her business in our downstairs bathroom, I wondered what she would look like naked. It was something I did quite a bit when I was 13, with just about every girl I met. The nice thing was, the outfit she was wearing left very little to the imagination, so it wasn't too much of a stretch to get the image in my head. I had to push it away quickly, though, because it started to give me a hard-on. So I thought of comic books and baseball cards instead.

By the time Sasha sauntered around the corner, she seemed in much better spirits than she'd been when she first approached me by the pool. "Thank you," she said with a smirk. "I feel about ten pounds lighter now."

"You're welcome."

"So I guess your parents are at work?" she asked.


"You mind if I hung out here for a little while then? Just to wait and see if my mom shows up?"

Did I mind? How could I mind? "No, I... no. That's fine." I tried to conceal my enthusiasm.

"Cool." She began to walk slowly through the downstairs, nodding her head sometimes and shaking it others, depending on whether or not she approved of my mother's design tastes. "This is a nice place," she said.

"You want to see the upstairs?" I asked, hopefully.

"Sure. Why not."

I lead the way up, and no sooner were we at the top step than she spotted my bedroom. "This must be yours," she said, walking straight in without asking, seemingly amused by my posters of comic book characters and swimsuit models.

"Yeah. It's kind of messy. Sorry."

"Hey, you're young," she said, plopping herself down on my unmade bed. "Don't apologize for being messy. There's time enough to be neat when you get older."

"I'm not THAT young," I bristled, squatting down to sit in the beanbag chair on the floor.

She leaned back on her elbows. "How old?" But I almost didn't hear the question, because from my low angle on the floor, I had a excellent view of the bottom of her full round breasts under her cropped shirt.

"Thirteen," I said, trying to make it seem as if I were making eye contact with her.

"Like I said... young. It seems like a million years ago that I was your age."

"Why, how old are you?"


"Oh." At this point, I realized I was getting a fast erection, and thought to grab a baseball cap and lay it casually across my lap, to hide my condition. "I can't wait to be eighteen."

"Don't rush it," she said. "It comes soon enough."

"I guess."

"So... how's the view from down there?" Sasha asked, grinning.

Dammit. "What?" I tried to play it cool, but my bright red face betrayed me.

"The view up my shirt. You seem pretty interested in it."

Again, the best reply I could come up with was, "What? I just... I'm just sitting here."

"Yeah, sitting there staring at my boobs."

"I was not. I..."

"Oh, don't get all embarrassed. It's not a big deal. It's not like you're the first boy to notice them. And it's not really like I go out of my way to hide them very much."

That much was certainly true. "I know. Still... I guess it's rude."

"Only if I'm offended. And I'm not. So quit blushing about it."

"I can't help it."

She giggled, definitely amused now. "Would it help if I just took it off?"

"Huh?" Was she saying what I thought she was saying?

"Here..." Suddenly, she sat up straight, and yanked the tiny t-shirt off over her head, exposing her firm, round D-cups, which bounced only once before settling in place. The tan line of whatever skimpy bikini she wore when tanning was stark, creating milky white triangles over the front of her tits, with medium-sized pink nipples in the center, the tips perky and erect. She tossed the shirt at me, and it fell across my face, smelling strongly of perfume. I pulled it down to my chest to keep it from blocking my sight of her. "There. Stare all you want. I'm not shy."

"Um... clearly," I said, blushing and smiling, as my young cock jumped to full erection in my shorts.

"And you're not fooling anybody with that hat, by the way." She pointed to the baseball cap on my lap. "I'm pretty sure I know what you're hiding under there."

"You are? I mean, you do?"

Again, she giggled. The sound was very similar to Bethany's. "Well, I may be blonde, but I'm not stupid." She leaned forward toward me, her firm young breasts hanging down only slightly as she did. "So... are you going to show me?"

Somehow, despite all that had happened over the past few days, I still managed to be shocked by this idea. I had no delusions of being a great Casanova or anything. "Am I... what? Show you what?"

"Whatever it is you're hiding under that hat."

"I'm not hiding anything." Nothing except a steel rod, that is.

"Are you sure?" With this, Sasha began to sway back and forth, causing her boobs to swing along with her, mesmerizing me. "Nothing at all?" She leaned even closer, until her face and chest were only a couple of feet from my face. "Why don't you take off that hat and let me see for myself?"

"Um... okay." I lifted the cap, and placed it off to the side. My erection had grown from the bottom up, and showed clearly through my shorts. There was no denying anything now.

"Oh, not hiding anything, are you? That looks like something to me."

All I could think to do was shrug. "Sorry."

"Sorry for what?" she asked, slowly chewing the gum in her mouth.

"I don't know."

"Then don't be sorry, silly. So Sammy, tell me..." With this, she leaned her face in close to mine, making full eye contact. And as much as I wanted to look down at her boobs, I couldn't resist falling into her wide, deep blue eyes.

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