Nikki's Medical Problem - Cover

Nikki's Medical Problem

by Anondoc

Copyright© 2003 by Anondoc

Erotica Sex Story: A 14 year old girl reluctantly agrees to be examined to establish the cause of her medical problem. She receives a particularly thorough examination.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Humiliation   Doctor/Nurse   .

Are more of this kind of story (med exam) wanted??

The Doctor's Surgery

'Mummy, Daddy, I'm home!' shouted Nikki.

'Hi darling. Good to have you back.'

Nikki had been away a few weeks on holiday in the country with her grandparents. However, she was very glad to be back home because she really missed her family and friends.

The weekend flew by and then it was back to normal life and school. Nikki was in grade nine at the local high school. She was a bright, intelligent girl, and very popular among both her classmates and the teachers. But then she met the grumpy old school nurse in the corridor.

'Have you been to see the doctor about your problem yet?' asked the nurse. 'You're going to have to go,' she continued when Nikki shook her head. 'It could be something serious.'

Nikki sighed. 'Yeah, I know. I'll make an appointment sometime soon,' she said. 'Got to go. I'm late for my next class.' The nurse decided that it was time to give Nikki a little encouragement.

At dinnertime, the nurse met Nikki as she came out of her class. 'I rang your mother, and she agreed with me that it's time you saw the doctor. So I've made you an appointment after school today at 4pm, and you're to meet your mother there.'

Nikki was highly annoyed at this development. She'd been putting off going to the doctor because she'd hoped the problem might go away by itself. But it hadn't.

After school, Nikki reluctantly went to the surgery. 'You took long enough!' snapped the receptionist. 'Dr Findlay has stayed behind especially to see you. Your mother's just gone in without you.'

'Who's Dr Findlay?' asked Nikki suspiciously. She had assumed that she'd be seeing her normal doctor, a lovely old lady who she'd been seeing all her life.

'Oh, Dr Jordan's retired. Dr Findlay has taken over.' Then, before Nikki could object, the receptionist ushered her into the doctor's office.

'Hello Nikki,' said the doctor. 'Please sit down.'

Nikki sat down next to her mother. 'You're late,' hissed her mother.

'That's alright,' said Dr Findlay. 'Don't worry about it. Your mother only came in a minute or so before you, so she hasn't told me what you want to see me about.'

Dr Findlay was about thirty, and was slim with brown hair. Even though he seemed nice, Nikki was still a bit worried. She was still a shy young girl and hated being poked and prodded by doctors. She found it extremely embarrassing. And now she had to discuss a personal problem with a strange man.

Her mother suddenly gave her a poke. 'Come on. Tell the doctor what's the matter. She's not normally like this, doctor... Usually we can't shut her up.'

Dr Findlay just smiled. Nikki took and a deep breath, then said, 'I haven't started my periods yet.' Nikki went on to say that all her friends had started their periods ages ago, and she was getting increasingly worried as she still hadn't had one.

'It's called menarche, Nikki, when you start your periods. Now how old are you?'

'I've just turned fourteen,' replied Nikki.

'Mm. And are you sexually active?'

Nikki shook her head, embarrassed. 'Never have been?' asked the doctor.

'No!' replied Nikki, wishing he would get off the subject.

'No vaginal discharge or itchiness? Burning when you pass water? Tummy pains?'

Nikki shook her head to all these symptoms, and numerous other personal questions the doctor insisted on asking as he wrote in her notes. Eventually he put his pen down, then said, 'Okay Nikki, can you just hop up on the bed so I can examine your tummy.' This was the bit Nikki was worried about, but at least he hadn't asked he to undress.

The doctor put a sheet over Nikki's legs and asked her to pull up her school dress so he could examine her abdomen. 'You've got a nice flat tummy, Nikki,' said Dr Findlay, as he pushed gently on various parts of her tummy. 'I see some real fatties here sometimes, even in your age group.' Nikki didn't say anything. She just wanted all this over.

'Right, can you just slip your pants down and roll over on your left side. I just want to examine your back passage.'

Nikki reluctantly did as she was told, carefully making sure the sheet was pulled up so only a bit of her bare bottom was exposed. She heard a snapping sound, and looked behind to see the doctor had pulled on a rubber glove. She watched as he put some lubricant on his index finger. She shut her eyes tightly as the doctor's finger approached her bottom. She felt him separate her buttocks, then his finger begin to push on her anus.

'Just try and relax,' said the doctor, as his finger slowly slid up into the reluctant youngster's rectum. The doctor felt Nikki's anus contract round his finger, and she wriggled a bit as he pushed deeply into her rectum.

Nikki was very uncomfortable as the doctor pushed and probed her insides. He rolled her forward onto her stomach and she felt him pushing from above. It seemed to go on forever. But finally the invading digit was removed and Nikki gave a sigh of relief. But then the doctor said, 'Okay, just roll onto your back, please.'

As she did as she was told, the doctor bent her knees up and slipped her pants down over her knees to her ankles. He pushed her dress and the sheet up so her legs were exposed. She kept them bent at the knees and tightly closed. She watched as the doctor changed his glove, then he said, 'Okay, I'm just going to examine you from the front now.'

Nobody had ever seen her vagina, let along examined it, and she wasn't letting this doctor examine her there. She resisted as he tried to open her legs up. In the end, he appeared to accept defeat and shrugged his shoulders. Instead, she felt two of his fingers slip back inside her bottom, and the poking and prodding started again, this time with the doctor pushing on the front of her tummy with his other hand. She was really embarrassed and kept pushing her school dress and the sheet down over the doctor's hand. He kept pushing them back up, and kept trying to get her to open up her legs, but she kept them tightly together.

At last it was over. 'Okay, put yourself together again and take a seat.' Nikki was soon seated again, quite relieved. She thought the worst bit was over.

'Well, Nikki, there's nothing obviously wrong. But I really couldn't examine your womb and ovaries very well. You were just too tense.'

'Yes, I could see that,' agreed Nikki's mother. She had watched the whole proceedings without a comment until now. 'So what happens from here, doctor?'

'Well, menarche is very variable. Most girls today start their periods around eleven to thirteen, but sometimes they can be delayed until as late as eighteen. Anyway, we can approach Nikki's problem in two ways. First, we can adopt a wait-and-see policy, as its likely that her periods will start sometime in the next few months.' The doctor paused deliberately.

'Or what?' asked Nikki's mother.

'Or we can examine Nikki more thoroughly,' said the doctor carefully.

'What do you think is best?'.

The doctor looked at Nikki. Her red-blond hair framed her innocent elfin face and big brown eyes. He decided that if anyone should investigate young Nikki more thoroughly, then it should be him. 'Well, if it were my daughter, I'd want to get to the bottom of things and make sure there was nothing wrong.'

'I agree. And I'm sure Nikki feels the same. Don't you Nikki?'

In fact, Nikki had been listening to this conversation with growing alarm. What on earth did the doctor mean when he said he wanted to examine her more thoroughly? She didn't know what to say! Her mother took her confusion and silence as agreement, and before poor Nikki knew what was happening, it had been arranged that she be admitted to hospital for a weekend stay under Dr Findlay's care.

Hospital Admission

The weekend came and Nikki reluctantly went with her parents to the local hospital. She'd tried very hard to get out of going, but they'd refused to listen, telling her not to be a baby, and it was time she found out whether or not there was anything wrong with her.

In the hospital admissions office, Nikki insisted on signing her own permissions and documents. However, there were so many, she just gave up reading them and signed the lot.

When Dr Findlay arrived to see her, Nikki was sitting up in bed talking to her mum and dad. 'How are you today, Nikki?'

'Fine,' she muttered in reply. Then straight to the point, she asked, 'What exactly are you going to be doing to me this weekend?'

'Well, I've arranged a series of tests starting this afternoon, after you've a bowel preparation.'

'What do you mean, bowel preparation?' asked Nikki.

Her dad interrupted. 'Now then, Nikki. Stop asking the doctor so many questions. Your mum and I told you, anything Dr Findlay thinks should be done, you have to cooperate. Is that understood?'

'Yes daddy. But I don't want you or mummy to stay. I think I'm mature enough to be by myself. And it's going to be embarrassing enough without you and mummy being here.'

Dr Findlay listened to this exchange with interest. It certainly gave him wide discretion in what tests Nikki was going to have done. 'I've got to go,' said he said. 'One of the nurses will be in soon to start your preparation.'

Nikki's parents took the hint and kissed Nikki goodbye. Outside, they stopped to talk to Dr Findlay.

'I want you to be especially thorough with young Nikki, please doctor,' said her mother. 'It was really hard persuading her to come today, and I don't think you'll get another chance to investigate her properly.'

Nikki's father nodded his agreement, and added, 'Money's no object.'

'Don't worry. I'll take special care of Nikki,' promised the doctor. 'She's signed all the papers and permissions we need to do any tests or examinations we want. And I've already arranged for her to be reviewed by some of my medical colleagues, and they're usually pretty thorough.'

'That's excellent,' said Nikki's father. 'If a few of you are looking at her, that means there's less chance that anything will be missed.'

The Bowel Preparation

A few minutes after her parents had gone, the door of Nikki's room opened and a big fat hairy man dressed in whites came in. He was pushing a metal trolley covered with a white sheet.

'You Nikki?' he grunted. Nikki nodded. 'Well, I'm nurse Ogle. I'll be looking after you during your stay in our hospital. The first thing we have to do is give you a bowel preparation.'

Nikki watched with mounting concern as the male nurse uncovered the trolley and produced a fluid-filled plastic bag with a long plastic tube leading to a nozzle. He hung the bag up on a metal pole attached to one corner of the bed. Then he said, 'Okay, just roll onto your left side and we'll get this enema going.'

Nikki couldn't believe this was happening. 'Why do I have to have an enema?' she asked indignantly.

'Routine for abdominal x-rays and ultrasound, I'm afraid,' replied nurse Ogle with an innocent smile.

Can't I have a female nurse'?' Nikki asked plaintively.

'Not in these days of equal rights, I'm afraid,' said nurse Ogle. 'Any nurse can now be assigned to any patient. The administration are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of gender any more.'

'Surely the patient has a right to choose?'

'Yeah. But you signed a document when you were admitted saying you didn't mind being looked after by any nurse employed here. So you're stuck with me, I'm afraid. Now come on. Onto your side. I haven't got all day.'

Nikki was beginning to wish she'd read all those admission papers she'd signed. She hoped there weren't any other surprises in store. Not knowing what else to do, Nikki did as she was told and rolled onto her side. The male nurse pulled her gown right up and pulled her panties halfway down her thighs. Her bottom was now entirely uncovered. 'Got to have good exposure,' he muttered.

Nikki closed her eyes tightly, but then opened them with a start when she heard the now familiar snap of a rubber glove. Surely not, she thought. But the man separated her buttocks, put some cold lubricant gel around her anus, then began rubbing it around with his finger. Suddenly she gasped and shot her legs out straight as the finger began pushing and stroking a little too far forward.

'That's my vagina!' she objected.

'Sorry. I sometimes miss the appropriate orifice in you girls,' said the nurse, with a chuckle.

She pulled her legs up again and this time the nurse slid his finger into Nikki's anus. Nikki found this quite uncomfortable. She thought the man's fat finger was much bigger than Dr Findlay's. 'Lots of shit up there,' he noted. 'Better out than in.'

Nikki stifled another protest as he began moving the finger in and out. 'Got to have you well lubricated,' he explained.

Finally he took his finger out and replaced it with the plastic nozzle on the end of the enema tube. He made Nikki roll onto her tummy over two pillows, bottom raised with the tube sticking out. She kept her legs tightly together. The man hummed a tune as the fluid ran into her bowel. Suddenly the door opened. Nikki looked round to see four males dressed in white half-coats standing at the door.

'Is that Nikki?' one of them asked.

'Yeah,' said the nurse. 'She's indisposed right now.'

'I can see that. Okay, we'll come back later.' As the door closed, Nikki was shocked to hear the voice say, 'Nice arse.'

'Who was that?' she asked indignantly.

'Just some medical students. I'm sure they'll come back later.'

'What for?'

'They're helping Dr Findlay I think,' said the nurse evasively.

Nikki became more and more uncomfortable as the fluid gradually filled her colon. Just when she thought she was going to lose it, the bowel nurse said, 'Right oh, that's the lot.'

As he pulled the nozzle out, some fluid left over in the tubing ran all over Nikki's gown and panties. Nevertheless, she quickly pulled her knickers up and her gown down and scampered off to the bathroom.

Nikki was in the toilet nearly half-an-hour getting rid of all the fluid and bowel content. While she didn't like the process, she had to admit that the nurse has been right when he'd noted she had 'lots of shit up there'.

Finally she was finished. She wiped her bottom and looked around for a dry gown and panties. There were several gowns, but she could only find one pair of very small tight-fitting white cotton panties. Still, better than wet clothes, she thought. Nikki put them on and stuck her head round the bathroom door. The nurse and his loathsome trolley were gone, so she got back into bed.

A few minutes later, the door opened again. Nurse Ogle was back pushing another covered metal trolley. Nikki wondered what was going to happen this time.

Catheterization & Ultrasound

'Right oh Nikki, I have to catheterize you now.'

Nikki was shocked. 'What? I have to have a catheter?'

'Afraid so. Your bladder has to be extremely full for your pelvic ultrasound and a lot of women just cannot fill up enough. So now we put catheters in for all patients having pelvic ultrasounds done. It gives us complete control over your bladder so we can fill you up when we need to.'

Nikki watched with a sinking heart as he began getting the trolley ready. 'Can't one of the female nurses put it in?'

'As I said before, you're stuck with me.'

'Can't you swap with another nurse or something?' asked Nikki.

'What, and get stuck with some old demented or incontinent patient? No thank you. I'd rather see to your needs.'

In fact, Nurse Ogle was ecstatic at being assigned to Nikki. He rarely got to deal with such young attractive patients. Dr Findlay was a friend of his, and had discussed the special arrangements to be put in place for young Nikki, asking him if he had any qualms about what was to be done. When he laughingly said that he had no objections whatsoever, the doctor had made sure he was assigned to her over the weekend.

Nurse Ogle pulled the bedcovers off Nikki and got her to put two pillows under her bottom. When she asked why, he said it was to lift her hips off the bed. That made catheterizing her easier.

Nurse Ogle positioned a strong overhead light to shine on the area between her legs. Then he said, 'Now, I'll need your knees bent up and your legs apart please.'

Reluctantly, Nikki did as she was told. Nurse Ogle pulled Nikki's gown up to her hips. He shook his head as her panties came into view. 'Those knickers will have to come off, I'm afraid.'

Sighing, Nikki sat up and slipped her hospital panties down to her ankles. Nurse Ogle helped by removing them entirely and putting them in the bathroom. She lay down again, and bent her knees up. Nurse Ogle pushed her gown up to her hips, but Nikki made sure it covered her as much as possible by holding it down around the top of her legs.

After washing his hands and putting on a pair of gloves, nurse Ogle picked up a small swab with some saline on it. 'I need you to open your legs up please.'

Nikki unwillingly spread her legs, but only a little. Nurse Ogle helped by pushing them apart a little further. He paused for a minute to savor his first glimpse of Nikki's genitals. She only had a light growth of orange-blond hair over the pubic area. He swallowed and reached down to separate Nikki's labia. She gave an involuntary gasp as he touched her and tried to shut her legs again. It was the first time anybody had seen her there, let alone done anything like this. Even Dr Findlay hadn't got this far. Nurse Ogle sighed. He positioned his left forearm between the youngster's legs to keep them apart, then used his left fingers to separate her labia as he continued the catheterization with his right hand.

The area hidden between Nikki's labia was pink and moist. Nurse Ogle couldn't see the opening to Nikki's vagina very well, but he clearly identified her urethra. He gently swabbed it, then, with an evil grin, moved forward with the swab. Nikki's legs clamped together even harder as the swab touched her clitoris.

'You must keep your legs apart please,' said nurse Ogle in an exasperated voice. Nikki slowly opened her legs up again and grimaced as Nurse Ogle gently teased her clitoris with the swab. She found all this very humiliating, but it certainly didn't hurt.

Then she heard him say, 'Just some local anesthetic,' as she felt some cold gel applied to her private parts. Nurse Ogle again made sure the gel was rubbed well in, much to Nikki's embarrassment.

Finally she felt a little sting as the catheter went in. She watched nurse Ogle fill the balloon at the end of the catheter with some saline, then felt another sting when he pulled the catheter back and the filled balloon impacted at the top of her urethra inside her bladder, stopping the catheter from coming out. She was greatly relieved when Nurse Ogle announced, 'Okay, that's all,' as he fixed a plastic urine bag to the end of the catheter. But then he added, 'I'll take the catheter out later before the doctors examine you.' She wondered why he said doctors and not just Dr Findlay.

Later that morning, Nikki was taken up to the hospital imaging department. First of all, she had some x-rays taken of her abdomen, then she went to the ultrasound department. An ultrasound technician was waiting for her. To Nikki's delight, she was female. She filled up Nikki's bladder through the catheter until she could hardly keep it in, and then did an ultrasound of Nikki's pelvis. Finally, she let the clamp off the catheter and, much to Nikki's relief, fluid poured out of Nikki's bladder into the urine bag.

'Is there anything wrong?' asked Nikki.

'Not that I can see,' replied the ultrasonographer. 'But Dr Findlay has arranged for you to have another type of more thorough pelvic scan done tomorrow. He's going to do that himself.'

'What, I'm going to have to keep this catheter in overnight?'

'That depends on the nursing staff,' replied the girl. 'You don't have to have a full bladder for the other type of pelvic scan.'

Before Nikki could ask anymore questions, an orderly arrived with a wheelchair to take her down to the MRI suite. She'd learnt about magnetic resonance imaging at school, and assumed all she had to do was lie on the table as the machine took pictures of her insides. She was to discover that the MRI facility in this hospital used more advanced imaging methods than other departments elsewhere.

The MRI Scan

'We've got a young girl for an MRI scan of her pelvis this afternoon,' said the MRI technician to the medical students.

'That's the girl Dr Findlay has asked us to review,' replied one of the students. 'We couldn't do her this morning because she was having an enema.'

'That's right,' said the technician. 'We need a clean bowel for the type of pelvic MRI we're doing on this young lady. In fact, she's the first patient to have our new type of scan.'

Just then, Nikki was pushed in by the orderly. The technician came into the room, leaving the medical students watching through the observation window. Nikki was looking at the MRI bed. It was covered by a sheet and there was a odd-looking bulge holding up the middle of the sheet like a small tent. Nikki wondered what on earth it was.

The technician asked Nikki to stand up, so she grabbed her catheter bag and stood there holding it while the tech pushed the wheelchair outside. When he came back he was carrying a tube of KY jelly and asked Nikki to bend over the bed.

'But why?' she asked.

'Well, we have to lubricate your bottom so the pelvic probe can slide in.'

'But this is an MRI scan!' objected Nikki.

'That's right,' said the technician. 'And we're doing the scan though a special probe that fits inside your rectum. I gather nobody told you how it was to be done.'

'No they didn't! And I'm sick of people poking and prodding me down there,' objected Nikki.'

'Are you refusing the scan then?' asked the technician in a disappointed voice.

Nikki sighed. She was here, and if she refused the scan her parents would punish her. She glared at the watching medical students, but in the end she didn't say anything, just bent over the bed as requested. And it just had to be a male technician, thought Nikki. More males had seen her naked bottom today than at any time in her life. And the weekend wasn't over yet!

The tech flipped her gown up, and the watching medical students got their second look at Nikki's bum for the day. Nikki grimaced as she heard the snap of a rubber glove, then the familiar feeling of her buttocks being separated and lubricating gel being applied to her anus. She gave a grunt as the technician's finger entered her rectum and moved in and out, preparing her for the ordeal ahead.

At last he was finished. He was certainly thorough, thought Nikki. He'd taken twice as long as Nurse Ogle did when he'd lubricated her for the enema.

As Nikki stood there holding her catheter bag, the technician whipped the sheet off the MRI bed and Nikki saw what had been causing the bulge. It was a large rubber probe that was fitted into a slot in the middle of the table. The probe was about seven inches long, and an inch and a half wide, tapering slightly at the top, and with an indented ring at its base. Nikki was shocked.

The technician squirted some lubricant onto the probe then said, 'Now I'll need you to hop up on the table and carefully slide that probe up into your back passage.'

'But... it's HUGE!' objected Nikki.

'Oh I'm sure it's not so bad once you get used to it,' said the technician reassuringly. 'And it's quite soft,' he said, flicking the probe which wobbled obscenely from side to side. 'Now come on, up you get. I'll give you a hand.'

The tech helped the reluctant youngster up onto the table. Then he moved her into a squatting position over the upstanding probe. 'Right, just lower yourself down onto it, please.' Nikki gave the technician a filthy look. Nobody was asking him to stick a large rubber dildo up his arse!

Gingerly, Nikki lowered herself onto the upstanding probe. She gave a small squeak as the tapered end of the probe began to slide inside. The tech was holding her up under the arms, and gradually he lowered her down as the probe slid further and further into her rectum. Nikki panted and grunted as her anus dilated to receive the probe. Suddenly she felt her anus contract down into the indented ring at the bottom of the probe. The tech then helped her lie down flat on the table, now with the entire length of the probe inside.

'Right, I'll just get the scan done,' said the tech. 'We should get some lovely pictures.' He hurried out of the room.

A couple of minutes later, Nikki suddenly became aware of the probe moving inside her rectum. She shook her hand frantically to attract the attention of the tech. He came out. 'This... thing inside. It's moving!'

'Sorry,' said the tech. 'I should have told you. It expands a little just to make sure you don't move around during the scan. The movement also optimizes the pictures.'

Before Nikki could object further, the tech was gone. She felt the probe dilate up even more to fill her rectum, and she found herself fixed to the table! Over the 30 minute scan she gave several squeaks of discomfort as the probe seemed to move in and out, presumably optimizing the pictures as the tech put it. Finally it was over, and Nikki gave a sigh of relief as she felt the probe deflate.

The tech came back in and helped Nikki disengage herself from the probe and get off the table. But then he got Nikki to bend over the table again and produced a wet cloth. Much to the youngster's embarrassment, he proceeded to give her bottom a thorough wipe down, including the back of her labia, even though she clamped her legs together. 'All part of the service,' said the tech pleasantly.

The Bed Bath

Nikki was quite glad to get back to her bed in the ward. She'd found her trip to the imaging department very embarrassing and intrusive, and needed some time to recuperate.

Nurse Ogle brought her some dinner and said he'd be back later to take her catheter out. She was getting used to the fact that she was stuck with Nurse Ogle, and if he was going to take the wretched catheter out, so be it.

She ate most of her dinner, and was lying in bed watching TV when Nurse Ogle came back pushing the inevitable covered trolley. 'Is this going to hurt?' she asked. Nurse Ogle shook his head.

He pulled the bedclothes back and made Nikki wriggle onto a plastic-backed paper towel. Then he clamped off Nikki's catheter and cut it behind the clip. The fluid in the balloon ran out, and the catheter came out with a single pull. Nikki breathed a sigh of relief. Then she immediately asked, 'Can I have some clean pants please?'

'Yes. I've left some in the bathroom for you. But first I've got to give you a bed bath.'

'A bed bath! But I can shower myself in the bathroom! I'm not an invalid,' said the distressed Nikki. She was mortified at the thought of being given a bed bath, especially by a man.

'Sorry, hospital policy, Nikki.'

'Can't you say you just did it and let me have shower,' asked Nikki in a distraught voice.

'Certainly not. That would be dishonest!' replied Nurse Ogle. 'You can have a shower later if you want, but one way or another, I'm giving you a bed bath.'

Nikki sighed. She just wasn't getting her way in this hospital. She watched uncertainly as Nurse Ogle got ready. He took two metal bowls from the trolley and filled them with warm water. He put some liquid soap in one, and frothed it up with a cloth. The other he left for rinsing.

First, nurse Ogle gave Nikki's face and neck a wash. Then he said, 'Right oh, just drop the front of your gown please.'

Nikki reluctantly did as she was told. She was wearing a small white training bra. 'That'll have to come off,' said Nurse Ogle. Nikki looked shocked, but once again did as she was told. She tried to cover herself up with her arms, but nurse Ogle insisted on washing each arm separately, moving up from her hands to her armpit on each side. Nikki closed her eyes tightly as he moved down and gently washed each of her small breasts, humming a little tune as he worked.

Suddenly the door opened, and Nikki saw the same four medical students back again. They were clustered around the doorway admiring her chest! She gave a squeak of protest and covered herself up with her arms again.

'Nikki's still indisposed. Come back later,' said Nurse Ogle, quite annoyed at the disturbance. The students left and nurse Ogle continued her washing. 'Right, pull your gown up and I'll do your tummy.'

Nikki tried to keep the bedclothes up to cover her legs, but nurse Ogle pushed them down and washed from her bellybutton right down to her feet. Nikki did succeed in keeping her legs tightly together when nurse Ogle tried to wash her privates. He just shrugged and continued washing the rest of her legs.

'Right, Nikki, nearly finished. Roll onto your left side and I'll do your back.' Nikki did as she was asked, and nurse Ogle started at her shoulders and washed slowly but surely all the way to her feet. Suddenly, she felt him grasp her right ankle, and in one motion he raised her right leg and put it over his left shoulder! She was helpless as he positioned himself between her legs and proceeded to wash her inner thighs, moving up to her genitals. She desperately tried to cover herself with her hands, but nurse Ogle simply pushed them out of the way and told her to stop being a baby.

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