Model and Daughter - Cover

Model and Daughter

by Aeralyndal

Copyright© 2003 by Aeralyndal

Erotica Sex Story: Incest plus Incest equals a good time!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Light Bond   Anal Sex   Squirting   Cream Pie   .

I am now in a position that many people would envy. My problem is I don't really know how to handle it. If you've been following my tale you know that I all but raped my Mom and then became her Lover. My older sister has now been added to the mix and is my Lover also. AND they know about each other!

While I had engaged in sex before Mom and I became Lovers, it was more of a Wham, Bam type. Very little feelings involved. Get on, get in, get off, get out! Mom has been teaching me how to please my partner, how to be loving and make love, not just fuck. My sister Lydia seems to have enjoyed all that I have learned to this point but... Where do I go from here? Will Mom be jealous if I keep making love to Lyd? Will Lyd be jealous if I keep making love to Mom? I don't know if I can handle both of them but I'd like to continue with both for as long as I'm able.

The day before Mom told us as much at the table where Lyd and I was having breakfast when she commented on how LOUD some people get during sex and then shot Lyd's thong panties at me like a large rubber band. Nothing has been said or happened since then but something has to happen soon because I'm getting too horny to let it go much longer! So while I was out I did some 'shopping'. Due to my size and build I pass for older than I am so no one asked any questions and when we sat down to dinner I was ready.

"I went shopping today and I took you up on your suggestion, Mom. Which do you like best, Blue or Red?"

"Blue or Red what?" she asked smiling.

"Which color do you like best, Blue or Red?"

"That's all you're going to say? You're not telling me Blue or Red what?"

"That's all, Blue or Red?"

"In that case, Blue."

"Ok, thank you," I told her smiling as I turned back to eating the dinner that was before me.

"Alright, so what is this Blue thing?"

I finished chewing the food I had in my mouth and then swallowed. (I was taught that one did not speak with ones mouth full.) "Sorry Mom, you'll have to wait until later to find out. It's not something you should talk about at the dinner table," I told her with a large grin.

"Lydia my dear," Mom said smiling sweetly, "how would you like to be an only child? Your brother is infuriating at times and ONE of these times..."

Lyd grinned and I laughed as I kept eating. She DID look at me with a puzzled expression but that only made me laugh harder.

I helped clear the table and load the dish washer after dinner as I usually did and then I went upstairs to my room. I was on my computer surfing the net when Mom knocked on my door and entered.

"Well? Dinner's over."

"Patience Mom, remember what curiosity did to the cat?"

"Yes, but satisfaction brought it back! Am I going to be satisfied?"

"Well, I sure hope so Mom. It would really work out better for all of us if you were."

"Ok, WHEN am I going to be satisfied?"

"Oh, later. Not now. It'll be a while." I smiled at her. Knowing my Mom I KNEW that curiosity would be eating her up. I was enjoying watching her stew and wouldn't drop any hints or reveal what the Blue something was which only made it worse.

Seeing I was not going to tell her any more at this time she finally left and went about her normal evening activities. Not long after she left Lyd came in.

"Ok, Little Brother, what're you up to? I KNOW that devious, scheming mind of your is up to NO good, when do I find out just what it is?"

"Well, that depends. ONE, do you want to join in and TWO, can you keep quiet about it?"

"Join in what and keep quiet about what?"

"About what's going to happen."

"In other words you're not going to tell me unless I join in and keep quiet?"

"See there, who says a college education isn't beneficial to a person. You got it in ONE!"

"And if I agree then what?"

"You get to join in."

After agreeing to keep quiet she sat to hear what I had to say. As she listened to me the grin on her face got larger and larger until she broke out laughing. Agreeing to help as well I showed her the things I had gotten that afternoon and told her when she should join me. Now all we had to do was to wait.

When we heard Mom's shower go on we knew she was getting ready for bed. We scurried into her room and made several adjustments to her bed and then Lyd left. When Mom finished her shower she came into the bedroom humming a little tune wearing her terry cloth robe. I grabbed her and tossed her down on the bed and while she was startled I pulled her hands behind her and cuffed her with some fur lined cuffs I had gotten.

She turned enough to see me and started to fume. "Gregory Jefferson Farrell you let me go thummmmmmmmmmm."

That was as far as she got before I placed the ball gag in her mouth. I secured it behind her head and then raised her back to her feet. Standing her in front of the mirror I politely pointed out that the ball in the gag was Blue, just like she had wanted and then I held up a Blue bandanna. She tried to squirm away but as I've said before, I'm a good bit bigger than she is. Taller and bigger. I pulled the robe down so it was hanging from her arms and tossed her onto her bed where I had one foot secured before she realized what was happening. I grabbed the other foot as she tried to swing it away and soon had it secured also.

Next came the leather collar, unfortunately it only came in black, which I secured and then attached to the head board after I got her stretched out. Releasing one cuff (They are keyless cuffs by the way. Had she known she could have freed herself!) I took the wrist with the cuffs, pulling it from her robe and secured it to the bed post by a strap that was already attached and then removed the remaining cuff. The last hand was then secured and there she was, stretched out on the bed, secured by both feet, both hands and her head, naked as a jay bird!

She was still grunting and snorting trying to fuss at me and wiggling all over the place.

"Mommy dear, you know Lyd isn't the only one who gets noisy during sex. She must take after her mother in that manner also." This was Lyd's cue to join us in the room with the other things I had. "Remember the nursery rhyme about the three little kittens who lost their mittens? I lost one of mine also but I did manage to find a feather. See!"

I started to lightly run the feather over her body. The blindfold kept her from seeing where the next target would be so she couldn't anticipate. We teased, tickled and tormented her for about fifteen minutes before we stopped. I say we because I had two feathers and Lyd and I took turns. Her neck, underarms, sides and feet we figured on but we discovered some more spots where Mom was very ticklish. Her chin being one! We would lightly brush from the collar up to her chin and she would shiver all over.

Her nipples responded well to being lightly stroked with the feather as did her clit. She was turned on by what we were doing and moaned quite a bit as she got into it more and more. After a bit we stopped and stepped back.

Caressing Lyd's breast I made a licking motion and pointed at Mom and then her. I pointed at Mom's crotch and made a licking motion and then pointed at myself. Lyd nodded. Up to that time we had taken turns and I don't think Mom knew we were both in the room.

Lying down between Mom's legs and scooting forward I blew gently across her already moist clit and watched as she moaned and shivered. I repeated this several times before I finally leaned forward and gently licked across the slightly protruding little nubbin and she moaned even louder. As I settled in and began to really lick all over her I motioned for Lyd to move in also. Now Mom had two tongues licking her and she finally knew that TWO people were involved in her torment. When she got into what we were doing too much I would cheat by taking the feather and running it from her elbow down to her hip making sure to cross her underarms and very ticklish side as I did. Then to make up for the loss in arousal Lyd would stroke her lightly with a fur mitten to heat her back up! As she got close I began to wonder if she was like Lyd in other ways as well. I had been playing around with her pussy as I had been eating it, fingering it lightly, running one and then two finger in and out so I began to feel around for her G Spot. When I found where I thought it was from her reactions I pulled back and used the other hand to play as well. When the fingers were all oily and slick I changed hands again and as I massaged her G Spot I also shot my middle finger up her puckered little asshole. The final thing was to strum on her clit with the tip of my tongue while doing the other two things and she erupted!

She screamed into the ball gag, she stiffened up all over, her asshole puckered even more as it locked down and she squirted out her juices as she climaxed. We both stroked and soothed her as I licked up the juice she had expelled so forcefully before we both drew back. As many times as I have eaten Mom in the past this was the first time she had ever squirted.

Lyd surprised me then by using hand motions and suggesting we change places! When Lyd was tongue deep in Mom I began to lick, mouth and suck on her nipples. We hadn't allowed her to come all the way down from her climax so she was already close to another when we renewed our mouthings. As she got close this time I reached up and removed the blindfold and allowed her to see if she wanted. She could already tell there was a difference in the licking she was getting but I don't think she expected to see Lyd doing the licking. When she saw who it was she just moaned deeper and erupted a second time.

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