Virgin Foursome - Cover

Virgin Foursome

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2003 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: Making up with sister!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

When Vince was sixteen, he still hadn't ever touched a pussy, not even with his hands or his mouth.

But suddenly, at this time in his life, he suddenly wanted to - except he was so awkward around his classmates that he never even dated!

Where he wasn't awkward was in the yard where he was king of the pool that his parents had for him and his outgoing little sister, Heather, now thirteen.

By being pretty much a loner, Vince would often have no friends over to the pool, while Heather had a veritable raft of them, all female.

That Heather's budding sexuality was more alluring than any of her friends' was lost on her brother who just didn't see her that way.

But Heather's friends, Jenny and Lacey had Vince's eye almost constantly.

It soon became apparent to all the girls that Vince was getting erections when near them; so as some girls are predisposed to do, they began to draw Vince out, teasing him with incessant tactics like flashing him under water with both titty shots and sparsely haired pussy shots!

Vince had a summer's worth of whack off visions, but he never made any moves. The neighbors were like an extended family, keeping track and informing his parents when THEY thought something was out of hand.

Heather noticed it, too, so she made sure the girls stayed within certain boundries.

Finally, the girls hatched a plot to find out if Vince was gay. Each of them was ready to take this to the next step if he wasn't!

They patiently waited and waited, until Aug 1st, when the sky was angry gray and threatening.

It was no trouble for Jenny and Lacey, the perfect come-ons, to come over to see Heather.

It was also quite normal for the kids to stay indoors in such threatenng weather, so the neighbors weren't alarmed by their absence.

With both of Vince's parents working, the seeds of experimentation were sown by the nubile young girls and they wasted no time, this day.

Monopoly morphed into truth or dare which is simply window dressing for naughty new behavior.

It started out with a lot of truths, but which were designed to draw Vince out about his preferences with the girls in the room with him.

He made faces over Heather, as if she was an ugly duckling.

But just to keep Vince on edge, Jenny dared him to tongue kiss Lacey, which he did with relish, but Lacey didn't pull the old reversal, no, she dared Vince to tongue kiss his sister!

At first, he refused, until they said they's spread it around he was a wuss!

It was Jenny that made the fateful, yet true remark, "Come on, Vince! With your eyes closed, you couldn't tell who it was you were kissing."

Inside each girl's mind: "Hmmmmmmm."

Then came the never ending combinations of dares: show a nipple - show both - show some dick - take your pants all the way off - kiss his thing - kiss her thing - lick her navel - grab his penis and squeeze it for ten seconds - put your tongue there, and there - etc.

Close to an hour later, and after each player had used the bathroom at least once (to relieve themself?), Heather announced, "It's time for everybody to lose their virginity. Are we all game for this?"

Vince became flushed with the thought that he was being given two virgins to break in. He didn't know that all three girls had already lost their painful maidenheads - they had just not had a penis inside them yet.

When it became clear that Vince would not let Heather play in this ritual, she smartly volunteered to go make iced tea for everyone while Vince and Lacey and Jenny became a threesome.

It began with Vince laying down on his sister's bed while Jenny worked her pussy upto his face as she straddled him. Meanwhile, as Vince began to tongue Jenny, Lacey wetted his rampant penis with saliva and then became the first of the three girls to lose it, sliding down on Vince's pole until his hips took over and seated him deeply inside her. That done, Vince chewed away on Jenny until Lacey milked his first orgasm, climbing off just as he started to blow!

It was a perfect time for a break as Heather had the tray of teas.

Vince was almost apologetic to Heather, as if what was transpiring was over her head or something. He even thanked her for her understanding!

As round two commenced, Vince told Jenny she would really have to work him up again. He didn't know that his first shot was a premature ejaculation.

But Jenny had drawn spot #3, not #2.

As Jenny lowered her lips around the softened tube that would firm up in a heartbeat, Lacey squatted astride Vince and obscured his view.

Vince concentrated on Lacey, not even realizing that Heather had crawled around the bed, out of his sight.

When Jenny pulled her lips from Vince's tool and two warm wet pussy lips slid around his penis, he didn't know that his sister had pulled a switcheroo on him and she was now an ex-virgin, riding her brother's renewed boner!

Their cadence would tell them when the volcano was ready to erupt. Meanwhile, Vince fondled Lacey's firm, apple sized breasts as he continued to lick at her clitoral fold of flesh, and his hips began to speed up.

Lacey was beginning to get sore from all the stimulation, so she decided to shock Vince, 'unsaddling' just in time for Vince to see he was getting ready to cum inside his own sister!

Who's to say? If it was someone else, he might have popped like vesuvius, but Vince not only didn't pop, he deflated!

As his softening penis fell out of her, Heather held back the tears as she left to go to Vince's room and cry.

When Jenny jumped into place and rubbed Vince's rehardening meat and inserted him, she became the last virgin to lose that status, this day.

Jenny was so hot for dick that she misread the signs of Vince's pending orgasm with Heather, and in no time, the first two ropes of Vince's orgasm shot right up inside her!

She quickly climbed off, no fear of pregnancy in her eyes. Did she know?

An impromptu version of 'truth' emerged between Vince and his two sexual tryst partners, who let him know how totally disappointed they were in him over his sister.

They told him that those stories of weird, one eyed babies might have applied when royal families were inbreeding for successive generations back in feudal times, but unless family genes contained a deadly mutation, such as hemophilia, a baby between siblings isn't nearly a physical problem as much as it is a social one.

[Even hemophilia generally skips generations as only boys develop it, while girls become carriers and pass it down only to sons.]

Armed with his own guilt, plus the encouragement of the girls he had just enjoyed his first sexual moments with, Vince dismissed them home and said he had some making up to do with Heather.

When he walked into his room, Vince was met right in the face with his ball glove!

Heather was a typical 'woman scorned' and as such, totally unpredictable.

"Let me explain," Vince began.

"Fuck off!" came Heather's reply.

"Have it your way then," Vince replied, "And get the fuck out of my room and back to your own!"

As Heather pondered the sheer futility of her over-reaction, she began to lose whatever self confidence she might have already developed.

Her phone soon rang, both girls at Jenny's place, calling to find out what happened.

Now Vince doesn't have - doesn't NEED his own phone, so the sound of his sister saying Jenny's name perked up his ears and he laid there, listening to one side of the conversation.

He could hear:

"Yeah, I hit him in the face with his baseball glove."

"No, I didn't let him explain nothing!"

"No, I'm not gonna rat him out. That would only get us ALL in deep trouble."

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