Ron's Awakening - Cover

Ron's Awakening

Copyright© 2003 by Sydney

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Ron finds that being babyset has more to be said for it than would first meet the eye.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Incest   Aunt   Nephew  

Even though their day had only begun, all the unusual sexual exertion took its toll on Ron. He napped several hours before awaking to a warm sensation at his groin. As his eyes opened he was momentarily bewildered. Then he remembered laying down in his parent's bed. A glance down his body confirmed his suspicion. His bed partner lay between his legs, slowly, sweetly nursing on his rising cock. About half of his member was between her lips. Aunt Pam was softly running her tongue over the swelling organ buried within her moist mouth. Ron could feel his cock's shaft filling with blood, pushing her lips outward until they circled him in a velvet clamp of warm, squirming flesh. Her tongue roamed freely against the under surface of his cock as she held him captive to her desire. Her hand gently massaged his nut sack. Her other arm lay buried between her body and the bed sheets, the unseen hand bringing her additional pleasure.

Ron did not say anything, but his body must have given him away. Their eyes made contact and a smile crinkled the corners of her eyes.

She released her lips from his cock and said, "About time, y'all. How's this for a nice way to wake up?"

"It's great! I'll see if I can return the favor one of these days. Come up here and I'll show you just how much I truly enjoyed it." Ron patted the mattress.

Pam scrambled up his body, locking her lips to his. She stretched her well tanned, voluptuous length along his frame. Ron's breath caught in his throat as she squirmed against him. When she brought her hands to his face to caress his cheeks, he found out for sure what her other hand had been doing while buried beneath her body. The unmistakable scent of aroused pussy wafted to his nose

"I woke-up and there y'all were, all handsome and sexy. Couldn't help myself. Are y'all real upset with me?" she teased him. She gently pressed her mons against his thigh.

"God woman, didn't I give you enough?"

"I never get enough," she told him, more truthfully than he knew.

"Well tell me. Where is your sexy mind taking us this time?"

"Don't worry your head 'bout it... I like to let things kind of take their own course. I've got a few ideas all right, but we'll just see what happens. Okay?"

Ron answered by kissing her lustily delicious lips and wrapping his arms around her, holding her closer as their kiss deepened.

Pam slipped to the side, leaving one leg lifted across his middle, and nestled her face into the crook of his neck. "Y'all are goin' to have to shave, sugar. All those tough whiskers are scraping the skin right off a my face."

Just the thought he was doing something to make her uncomfortable made him want to take care of the situation. "Want me to do it right now?"

"In a minute. Before we go on too much more."

Ron tried to pull away to shave immediately. He stroked her soft cheek then rose from the bed, but she held him back.

"Let's talk a minute first, sugar. I was thinking before y'all woke up. Ronny, What's your girl like?"

"What do you want to know? She's pretty nice, I guess. Best looking girl in school. Leastwise, I think so."

"I mean... Well, does she let y'all do these fun things with her? Is she passionate? Does she play with y'all?"

"No way. She's pretty shy about... these kinds of things. That was one of the things upset me when Dad said you were coming. I thought if I got her here all by herself... Well, maybe I could get a little bit further than I have before. Once, after we'd been making out for a long time at the drive-in she let me open her blouse and kiss her tits. But I screwed that up. Tried to put my hand on her crotch. She froze up faster than water in January, and pushed me away. Most of the time I can play with her breasts through her blouse after we've kissed for a while. But, she stops me dead if I try to go any further."

"Did y'all just go straight to her crotch?" Pam interspersed her words with little kisses planted along his jaw line.

"Yeah. I guess I did. Sure pissed her off."

"Well, maybe y'all just scared her. Ya want me to try to help?" Pam asked.

The thought of her wanting to help with Debbie's seduction surprised Ron. He expected her to be jealous of Debbie. Yet, here she was offering to help him get into his girl's pants. He shook his head slightly, trying to figure that one out.

Pam stopped her line of kisses and looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm not going to be around here too long. As long as I am, well, I'll see to y'all's pipes always being clean. But it kind a excites me to think I might help y'all get to make love to her. Y'all know what I mean... kind of like getting a little part a her for the first time myself."

The import of her last statement flew past him while he centered his attention on her offer of help. She just might be able to help him get past Debbie's objections. "That would be great. I mean... I think a lot of my girl, but I sure would like to get between her legs. I'm not sure she's the kind to fool around, though."

"Oh, we all will fool around given the right opportunity. Just a lot a things can get in the way. I'll think about what you said," she told him as she suddenly pulled away, pushing herself to the side and releasing him a little. "Now. Why don't y'all go shave?" she smiled.

Ron jumped out of bed and headed into the bathroom. His fully recuperated cock stuck straight out from his groin and bounced ahead of him as he walked across the floor.

Ron took razor and shaving cream from the cabinet behind the mirror above the bathroom sink. He spread the cream on jaw and cheeks and above his upper lip, turned on the hot water and took a couple of strokes. He was studying his jaw in the mirror above the sink when his aunt entered the bathroom. In the mirror's reflection he watched her saunter up behind him as he continued paring the whiskers from his face. When he bent slightly to rinse the razor in the sink, she stroked his buttocks, caressing the firm flesh with her hand. Her actions were entirely distracting to the young boy using the sharp instrument that close to his throat. He had to really concentrate on his task.

"Where does your momma keep her scissors?" she asked.

"Hmmm. There's a pair in this drawer here, I think," he indicated a drawer in the cabinet to the left of the sink. "I think there's another pair in her sewing box in the hall closet."

Grasping Ron's waist, Pam moved him away from the sink enough to reach past him and explore the contents of the drawer. "These'll work just fine."

"What do you want them for?" he asked, curious.

"I'll show y'all, sugar. Go on and finish what you're doing first, though." She lay the scissors on the countertop and jumped up onto the edge of the cabinet. A startled gasp told him the pale green ceramic tile was cold against her shapely bare buns. She sat there watching as Ron finished his chore, rinsed his face, and put the shaving things away. Splashing a small amount of cologne onto his face, the fumes rose around his nose, making his eyes water just a bit.

"Come here Ronny," Pam cooed.

He moved between her knees, spreading her legs a bit wider as he squeezed closer. She reached up, put her arms across his shoulders and pulled his him even closer, then kissed him. His fully erect cock flexed in response to her lusty interest. Ron brought his hands up and fondled her breasts, enjoying the way her nipples stuck out from the darker flesh surrounding their tips. Rotating his fingers, he made those nipples stand tall, just as his cock was responding.

"Ronny, would y'all help me to trim this here hair?" Pam asked, with a wave of her hand indicating the red-highlighted spun gold at her crotch. "It sticks out around my bathing suit sometimes. I can't even wear one suit because of it."

"Sure," Ron responded. He'd seen shaved pussy in Playboy. It sounded like fun. 'I'm not too sure about using a pair of scissors that close to her treasure box. Well, I'll just have to be extra careful doing what she asked of me.' he thought.

Pam pushed him away to jump from her perch on the counter, moved to the toilet, and sat down on the closed lid. Ron picked the scissors up and dropped to his knees in front of her.

"Okay. Help me out here." He eyed her golden thatch. "How much do you want me to take off?"

"Make the line go 'long 'bout here." Pam ran her fingers up from the tip of her slit, outlining a narrow upside down triangle of blonde curls.

"If I take off what you say, you're going to be almost bald," Ron warned.

"When y'all are done I'll put on the suit. You'll see why it needs to be that small a patch."

"All right. If that's what you want," Ron agreed. Gingerly, he began to remove hair, slowly trimming the patch until it roughly took the shape she indicated. She rocked her hips forward so he could clip the hair growing at the very top of her slit. Between the position of her body and the excitement of working on her body so intimately, blood surged back into Ron's cock. His organ rose up against his body, where it stood witness to the excitement she created for him.

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