My Beautiful Model - Cover

My Beautiful Model

by Aeralyndal

Copyright© 2003 by Aeralyndal

Incest Sex Story: A young son lusts after a Beautiful Model until an accident brings them closer together.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   .

I have this problem and it's starting to get serious.

My Mom is beautiful! I always knew she was beautiful but it wasn't until about age 15 I really started to notice her more and more. Before that she had just been Mom and all Moms are beautiful but about that age I began to notice that she was a truly beautiful female, not just Mom. It isn't just MY opinion either because YOU all think so also. You see, my Mom is a Model (capital 'M'!). I won't describe her other than to say she is tall for a female with light brown, NOT blonde hair, as you might know who she is and a few years ago she was mentioned just like Cindy, Naomi, Yasmine and Kathy are today. In fact these four and many more are frequent visitors to our abode. THAT is what is causing some of my problems also.

Internationally beautiful women streamed through our house like average, normal people visit in other homes. It is nothing to be eating breakfast and have one of them stumble into the kitchen, hair tousled from sleep, no make-up, wearing an oversized tee shirt sometimes with, sometimes without anything else, groping for the coffee pot. I won't say which one but one of the above named females is a real BITCH until she's had her morning coffee. We just ignore her or growl back at her until she's had the first cup and the cup has been refilled. Then she becomes human and half way nice. After the second cup she's back to normal.

Mom had been studying photography when she did her first modeling. It was an assignment for her class and several of the girls took pictures of each other instead of hiring a model. It was during this time that Mom met and married Dad and had plans of living happily ever after. Like so many marriages, this was not to be as she was 'discovered' and had to travel a lot to different locations as she became more and more in demand. There was some 'magic' she had that showed up through the lens of a camera. Her perkiness, her laughing eyes, her animated smile, her 'aliveness', all came through and made her a VERY hot property. Add to that feature the fact that my Mom is the type of person who has NEVER met a stranger! She can chat with someone for two minutes and they are bosom buddies. No flirting however she does that a lot with those she really likes and knows are safe to flirt with, it's just her personality that draws in any that her beauty misses. Her personality sparkles nearly as much as her eyes do.

Dad didn't like being left behind with us kids even though there was a live in Nanny. He kept complaining that he didn't get married to spend so much time alone but it was perfectly alright for HIM to take assignments that took him away from home for days or weeks at a time. THAT was different, after all, HE was a male! Dad had become a successful photographer and well known. Not as successful and as well known as Mom but still they were both doing well in their chosen fields. As you can probably see already I don't think much of my Dad. He's ok I guess but he is very chauvinistic, strangely a trait that I never learned. Besides, I can talk to Mom, Dad just grunts if he replies at all.

I was 14 when he finally split after they had been married for over 17 years. The strange thing was that Mom was home more during the time of the final break-up but still they got a divorce. Mom had been slowly moving behind the camera more and more instead of in front of it. The life span of a model is very short so you had better make plans for your life when the Merry-go-Round stops! Some of the Models use their fame to open doors in Hollywood while others go into other things.

So here she was, 35, divorced with two dependents. I have a sister, Lydia who is 2 years older than I am. Lydia looks a lot like Mom, tall and rangy and is doing some modeling also. (It doesn't hurt to have a successful model for a Mom, as it opens LOTS of doors that you would have to pound and pound on otherwise.)

Mom got her schedule situated in such a way that she was only gone from home one week a month but she had to turn down a lot of assignments to do it. Still she was able to do a lot of the scut work there at home on the computer. The internet made it much easier for her to scout locations, arrange transportation, housing, catering and even locate unexpected rental equipment they needed YESTERDAY. This of course didn't bring in the BIG bucks that her modeling did or even the money she made for shooting the assignments but it still brought in dollars, was needed work and kept her busy. Our large home was paid for so we only had the normal kind of stuff. Upkeep and maintenance plus yearly taxes on the house, food and utilities, that kind of things.

As you can imagine my views of girls in high school were a bit skewed and jaundiced after being around all these international beauties. Not completely as I HAVE gone on dates, even been lucky enough to have lost my virginity. I mean even at their worst these women were still GORGEOUS! We have a full gym in our home. I mean a professional gym! Mom considered her body to be her main asset so she wanted to keep it trim and fit. I've seen those visitors come into the kitchen to raid the fridge for Gatorade after a full workout, red of face, sweat dripping off them, clothes stuck to them from sweat, no make-up and STILL beautiful. The absolute worst thing a young man can do is walk into a room where three or four of these attractive females are working out on the exercise equipment! The ridiculous position some of these exercises call for will give you a throbbing boner within two steps! What high school girl could compete with these beauties and THEY were the only females that were available to me!

Sorry for the long winded explanation of my problem but I figured I needed to lay the ground work so you knew where I was coming from. Things took a sudden change recently. I am now 17 and a Junior in High School while Lydia graduated and is a Freshman in college back East.

I was home alone as Mom was in Colorado on a shoot. I was in the middle of fixing something for supper when the phone rang.

"Farrell residence," I answered. Mom uses her maiden name and WE use her married name.

"Greg? Tommy here, your Mom's been in an accident and you're going to have to fly out here to get her. Calm down, she wasn't seriously hurt but she's helpless. She broke both arms and can't do anything." Tommy was Thomas Howland who was THE Photographer in charge of the shoots, the man Mom was actually working for and one of the most successful fashion photographers in the business. "We have you booked on a flight out of there at 10:30 tomorrow morning and you'll be met at the airport. Hope that's enough time to get your bag packed and take care of things. At the most you'll only need clothes for about four days."

He gave me the rest of the information I would need and then had to run. As I hung up my mind was going 90 miles an hour. It was two weeks before school was out, the week before finals and a BAD time for me to be leaving. Having his home telephone number I called our Principal, Dr. Richards.

"Sir, I need to ask a big favor. Can I get credit for my classes and not take the finals? Mom's been involved in an accident and I'm flying to Colorado to get her in the morning. I'm already on the Honors Roll and 3 of my classes are Honors classes. At the last reporting period I was pulling a 4.0 average for the year so its not like I'm behind or anything. I just need to get her and get her back here and won't be around for the reviews or the tests. I have no reason to believe that I would do badly in any of the final exams and my instructors will verify that."

After some hemming and hawing he finally gave me permission. Our town doesn't have that many people as widely known as Mom and he is a fan of hers. Before hanging up he requested that I pass along his best and LOTS of well wishes to her. What I had said was all true. I DID have a 4.0 average and Mom teases me calling us Beauty and the Brain. I try to tell her I'm not really that good looking!

I was met at the airport and taken to the hospital where Mom was. She looked like hell! When she saw me walk in she started to tear up and held her arms out for a hug. The problem was that both arms were in those casts that go above the elbow so the arm is kept still while it mends. There was no way I could walk between her arms that way to be hugged! She also had a shaved patch in her hair where she had some stitches and there were scrapes all along one side of her lovely face. What ever caused that also blackened her eye on that side.

Looking at her I shook my head and grinning, had to ask, "Did you win? What's the other guy look like?"

"The 'other guy' was a light bar that got away in the wind and it broke into a jillion pieces after it hit me," she said grinning through her tears. "Teach it to mess with me!"

"Point your hands towards the ceiling," I told her and walked between the casts when she did. "Now you can hug me Shorty." That's been my nickname for her ever since I got to be taller than she was. I'm now 6'2". Clutching me more with her upper arms as she couldn't close and really hug me, Mom did.

"How do you like my new babies?" she asked.

"Colorful if nothing else," was all I could say. The staff who had applied the casts had made one pink and one blue, just like the new borns were dressed in Peds.

Taking a tissue and wiping her eyes from the tears I then sat while she told me about her big adventure. They were trying to beat a storm that had blown up and get the last few needed shots so they wouldn't have to return the following day. The winds that preceded the storm began to whip the equipment about and one of the wires snapped on a light bar. Luckily she was able to throw up her hands to block it or she could have been killed. Those things get heavy.

"Honey, our insurance is going to pay for a nurse to help me during the day time however I'm going to need help the rest of the time also. The only difference between me and a new born is I can walk, if someone helps me to my feet, talk and tell you what I need and they can't. I can't feed myself, can't bathe myself, I can't even wipe myself after I go to the bathroom, I'll need help. Do you think you can do that?"

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