Millpond - Cover


Copyright© 2003 by frog

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A coming of age story recounting the adventures of Becky, Jason, and their teenaged friends growing up in the rural South. These youths discovered their bodies and themselves during the summer of '64 at the secluded old millpond. The story starts slowly, but after a few first-times, catfights, stripping games, and strip searches, the action heats up.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   Rough   Humiliation   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Petting   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Violence  

At the sound of the shotgun blast, Jason and Becky had grabbed for any clothes that they could find and quickly extinguished the candles. In the darkness, they clutched each other and listened. The sound of shouting and bright glow of spotlights came from back at the campfire.

"Something is very wrong, Jason, and I'm scared," whispered Becky. "What are we going to do?"

"I'm scared too, but we have to go find out what is going on. Maybe it is just a prank or something. Let's go look. We can sneak up by the old house and take a look just like we did the other afternoon. They won't see us there... whoever they are."

Jason and Becky quietly moved along the ancient path from the mill to the house. The dense vegetation covered them, but it also made it impossible for them to see what was happening back at the campfire. They crept along the front of the ridge until, just past the house, they could see the brightly lit beach. The sight of Bubba shackled to a tree was their first horror. Then they realized that all their other friends were naked and standing in a line. It became crystal clear that some disgusting looking men were doing horrible things to their friends. Without a word, Jason and Becky watched helplessly as a dirty, toothless man fondled his way down the line of exposed teens.

"Jesus, Jason, what are we going to do. We have to do something. Those men are going to do horrible things. They obviously are rapists. They might be murderers." Tears of fear began to flow down Becky's checks.

Both Jason and Becky nearly jumped out of their skins when a voice from behind them said in a stage whisper, "I'll help you. I know what to do."

Jason wheeled around and assumed a defensive position. He was ready to fight whatever or whoever had spoken. Becky whirled around also. Her feet tangled beneath her and she fell to the ground expecting to be attacked immediately. Her jaw dropped when she saw the source of the voice.

Standing in the shadows was a young boy, perhaps fifteen. He was dressed in grimy, filthy clothes, none of which actually fit his body. His hair was wildly scattered about his head, one strap of his oversized overalls hanged limply down, and his hands and face were noticeable dirty even in the low light. A coil of rope draped from his right shoulder.

For an eternal moment, Jason and Becky stared at the boy as if he was an alien from another planet.

"I said, I'll help you. Them guys are ass wipes and they ain't real sheriffs neither. One of 'em is a constable or something over in Winston County, but mostly he drives a security company car. One thing is for dang sure, they'll hurt your friends, and I mean hurt 'em bad, so we better help 'em. I got these here ropes."

"But, they are law... a constable can send someone to our houses and arrest us later if we mess with him," whispered Jason.

"Nope. They are down here checking on they moonshine still about two miles on down the road. I know right where it is. When they know that we know about that, they will leave us alone... if they don't shoot us first. We got to get that gun. Then we can talk sense to 'em."

"Oh, shit," sighed Becky. "Jason, I knew we should not have come out here tonight. You should have listened to me. I can't believe this is happening. My mother is going to ground me forever. I didn't want to come out here..."

"Jesus, Becky, save the lecture until later, for god's sake," scolded Jason.

Becky stopped speaking abruptly and glared first at Jason, then at the strange boy. It was then that she noticed the boy looking wide-eyed first at her neckline and then at her panties that peeked out from under her shirttail. In her haste, she had not gotten all the buttons on her blouse properly fastened. Her blouse now gaped open exposing portions of her round, braless breasts underneath. Becky involuntarily brought her hand to her neckline and grasped both sides of her collar. Even then, the boy's eyes never left her body. Jason broke the awkward silence.

"So, what do we do?" he whispered.

The boy came out of his trance much to Becky's relief.

"Y'all two take this rope, sneak up behind the big fat guy and throw the rope around his neck. Then pull like a son-of-a-bitch. Girl, you grab his shotgun and point it at him or throw it away or whatever you can do with it. Boy, you just hold on for fucking dear life. That son-of-a-bitch is so fat, he will just be laid out cross the top of his car, at least for long enough to talk to him."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna grab that skinny motherfucker's nuts."

"What?" gasped Becky. Before she could get a response the boy had handed the rope to Jason and was disappearing into the night.

"When?" whispered Jason. "What's the signal?"

"Whenever you are ready, I'll be ready," answered the boy.

Wordlessly, Becky and Jason crept down the hill directly behind where the Sheriff was seated on the hood of his car and paused to survey the situation. All they had to do was move across a short distance, slip along this side of the car, throw the rope across from one side of the car to the other, snare the Sheriff's head, grab his gun, and hold on.

We are fucked. This will never work, Jason thought. And, when I miss with the rope, which I no doubt will do, he will shoot us. Jason tried to force the thoughts from his mind. Without noticing, he began to shake all over.

Slowly Becky and Jason moved unobserved to the side of the Sheriff's car and waited.

"Ennie-meanie-minie-mo... which one of these pussies am I going to fill up first?" chanted Norman.

Terror gripped both Becky and Jason. This certainly was no prank.

"Now, Norman, you are not fucking these people," laughed the Sheriff. "You are searching them. Fucking them would be bad. Searching is good. You will just be using a different sort of probe to search them proper-like, don't you see." The Sheriff's voice dripped with evil sarcasm. A hideous laugh shook the fat Sheriff all over.

"Let's see... what about this one!" Kate felt something soft slapping against her ass. She knew without looking exactly what it was. Norman nonchalantly wiped the precum off the end of his cock on Kate's ass.

"Please, don't... don't hurt me. Please, no... don't do this... please!" A hand crudely forced its way between her legs and pushed her labia apart.

"Oh, god..." cried Kate.

"Don't hurt her, you son-of-a-bitch," growled Larry. He turned and faced Norman.

"Oh, she's your girlfriend, huh. Maybe you want to fuck her. Huh, do you, boy?"

Larry gritted his teeth. He felt the nightstick return to his scrotum.

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