Millpond - Cover


Copyright© 2003 by frog

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A coming of age story recounting the adventures of Becky, Jason, and their teenaged friends growing up in the rural South. These youths discovered their bodies and themselves during the summer of '64 at the secluded old millpond. The story starts slowly, but after a few first-times, catfights, stripping games, and strip searches, the action heats up.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   Rough   Humiliation   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Petting   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Violence  

The four youths around the campfire tried desperately to find their scattered clothes and their bearings in the blinding spotlights. Without warning, a shotgun blast roared in their ears. The blast was so loud and so unexpected that the teens' ears began to ring from the concussion. Fear pounded in the chests of each terrified adolescent. The horror became more pronounced when a deep voice pierced the summer night air.

"Well, well. Seems like we have some trespassers here, doing immoral acts, indecent exposure for sure, and I do believe that there's a marijuana cigarette in that dark-haired girl's hand... just like the ones in the training films."

Bubba frantically attempted to get his eyes to adjust. All he could see was a dark silhouette in the bright light. He shoved Elizabeth out of his lap and stood to defend himself and his friends.

"Yes, sir," a second voice sounded for the other side of the frightened teens. "I believe we have caught us some serious drug dealers, Earl."

From behind the bright lights materialized a very large man in a khaki uniform and broad brimmed cowboy hat. A long shotgun rested on his hip and a star gleamed on his chest. The teens clutched at their bodies in a frantic attempt to cover themselves as much as possible. Elizabeth held her blouse in front of her naked breasts and quietly began to toss the still smoking joint into the fire.

"Uh, uh, uh... little girl, don't you be destroying evidence," bellowed Earl.

From behind the lights on the other side stepped a similarly dressed younger and smaller man with greasy hair and several missing teeth. He ran over and snatched the reefer from Elizabeth's hand.

"That's marijuana, all right," he said holding the joint to his nose. He glared down at Elizabeth. "You are a pretty thang, ain't you though."

"Wait a minute," said Bubba as he made a move toward the fat man. "We are not trespassing and..."

"You stop right there, big fellow," shouted the Earl. "Norman, this man is clearly making a threatening gesture toward an officer of the law, me! Better cuff him!" The fat man brought the shotgun down from his hip and glared at Bubba.

"Wait, that is not necessary," argued Bubba. "I'm not..."

Norman grabbed one of Bubba's big arms and slammed handcuffs on one wrist. He dragged Bubba to a nearby tree and attached the other cuff to a stout limb.

"Now, that's better. Don't want you trying to be a hero or something. Heh heh. By the way, you look pretty fucking dumb standing there in your underwear, boy," said Earl. "And, look at you young ladies too... out here committing immoral acts, my, my, my... leading these young boys astray, I imagine. Well, all of you are in deep shit with the law now. "

"Earl, I think we are going to have to search them for weapons and more drugs and stuff," said Norman. He grinned broadly revealing several missing teeth. The rest were yellowed by years of chewing tobacco use. "God knows what we might find if we search 'em. These look like very dangerous criminals to me." Norman laughed heartily at his feeble attempt at humor, but no one else even smiled.

"Sounds like a plan. Ok, y'all line up in a row there by the fire... NOW!" Earl looked threateningly at the teens. "Anyone who does anything stupid will regret it."

Elizabeth, finally finding her voice, shouted," Hey, this is police brutality. You can't do this!"

"This ain't brutality, missy," sneered Earl. "I don't allow none of that in my county."

"Wait," shouted Bubba. "You are not the Sheriff in this county. I know Sheriff Wade and you are not him. So who are you?"

"Shut the fuck up, boy," shouted Norman. "As far as you are concerned, I am THE Sheriff. And, I will kick yo' ass if you question my authority again." The fat man rose to his full height, pulled back on the breach of the shotgun, and eased a new shell in the chamber.

"Can I search 'em now, Earl... ah... Sheriff Earl... can I, can I?" Norman was literally dancing around in anticipation.

"Suit yourself, Norm, but no police brutality." A broad, ugly grin broke over the fat man's face. "Search 'em very gently, Norman."

By now the skinny man was jumping with excitement and clapping his filthy hands like a child at the circus. He moved first to Elizabeth. Norman practically drooled as looked up and down her young body. Elizabeth tried vainly to cover as much as possible.

"Drop everything in your hands, girlie, and stand at attention," Norman ordered. Elizabeth could smell the obnoxious man as he drew close to her. His body odor made her immediately nauseous.

"No," Elizabeth protested. "You know I'm not hiding anything. So, leave me alone."

"Shut the fuck up, bitch, and hold down your arms... or I'll have to kick your sweet ass for resisting an officer of the law. Ain't that right, Earl... I mean Sheriff." Norman now was face-to-face with Elizabeth. Even through her lingering marijuana cobwebs, she could see every scar on his pockmarked face. His breath almost made her wretch. Slowly she dropped her arms to her sides. A look of hatred and defiance never left her face.

"Oooweee, them are some first-rate titties there."

"Now, Norm, we don't allow no sexual harassment in this county," laughed the Sheriff. "Call 'em... ah... call 'em first-rate breasts instead."

Elizabeth felt her face begin to burn with both anger and embarrassment. Norman ran his grimy hand along the curvature of Elizabeth's jaw.

"God, you are pretty, girl." He licked his tobacco stained lips.

Elizabeth fought to hold back her nausea. Norman allowed his rough hand to brush across one of Elizabeth's nipples. Elizabeth felt as if he had touched her with a hot poker.

"Hehehe... nice. Honey, I'll be back to see you in a little bit. Ok, next. Turn around, boy." Norman swiftly frisked Larry from behind. "No weapons on this boy, Sheriff."

"Humf... you sure there's not a pistol in them drawers," grunted the Sheriff with a sneer. Norman burst into laugher.

"Well, let's see," chuckled Norman. With one quick motion, he pulled Larry's underwear to his ankles. Larry clutched his crotch and cast his eyes downward. "Nothing but a little pecker under there, boss."

The fat man grunted in the affirmative and moved his attention back and forth between Elizabeth and Kate. He looked up and down their young bodies and licked his thick lips. Elizabeth glared back at him and stifled her urge to scream and run away.

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