Aunt Jane - Cover

Aunt Jane

Copyright© 2003 by Cvlryman

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Barry spends summer vacation at the home of Aunt Jane and Uncle Dick while attending the local junior college. He gets more education than he bargained for.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   Oral Sex   Masturbation  

Two days later, on my way down the stairs to breakfast, I overheard Uncle Dick's remark to Aunt Jane: "Barry sure has a bounce in his step and a smile on his face lately. He must have found some cutie on the beach who's sheathing his sword."

Aunt Jane replied with a tone of irony. "Don't be so cynical, Dick. What kid wouldn't be happy about spending his summer like this? I'm glad he's having a good time."

"Don't get me wrong. I wasn't bemoaning his good fortune. I was just taking note of the twinkle in his eye."

I made enough noise at the top of the stairs to force an end to the subject, and I bounded down to take my place at the table. Breakfast transpired as usual, and Aunt Jane made no comment other than her standard "have a great day" as I departed for class.

A surprise test kept my mind occupied during the entire class period. I was pleased by the ease with which I was able to respond to each of the questions; and I felt more than a little gratified when classmates expressed their despair after class. Most were offended both by the element of surprise and by what they regarded as the complexity of the test. I tried to show sympathy, but inwardly I looked forward to the grades that would be posted on the bulletin board within a couple of days.

The walk home was always a pleasure, since the weather was always perfect, and the view was to die for. Rather than racing straight home as usual, today I took my time. I stopped where a small bridge spans a stream that drains into the Pacific. I sat on the broad rail of the bridge, staring into the small stream that flowed beneath me. My random thoughts during the past two were usually filled with Aunt Jane, and today was no exception.

Though I was having a great time, I was bothered by the dominant role that she always played. Not that she wasn't very tender and helpful in the way that she played her role, but she was dominant nonetheless. I wondered how I might find a way to assert some of my own dominance and hoped that doing so would not change anything for the worse.

Since it was Friday afternoon, I could look forward to a weekend of more fun than usual, even though weekdays brought me more fun than any reasonable person could expect. I turned and slipped off the rail and resumed the walk home. The blast of the horn on a distant ship and the cries of the ever-present seagulls added sound to the marvelous sights and scents of this paradise.

I spent most of Saturday on the beach. Following Aunt Jane's almost dictatorial insistence, I returned home twice for new applications of sunscreen. She applied the lotion to my back with maternal-like affection. She and Uncle Dick shared the two chaise lounges on the deck, each attacking a stack of magazines and newspapers.

"I'm going fishing early tomorrow, Barry. Want to come along?" asked Uncle Dick.

"Gee, Uncle Dick, I would love to; but given all of my goofing off today, I have some serious studying to do tomorrow," I lied.

"Well, ya gotta have priorities in this life," he said with sincerity. "I'll try to catch enough for both of us."

I smiled and accepted Aunt Jane's hug before bounding back downstairs to return to the beach. My imagination was already at work with thoughts about tomorrow and its possibilities.

Sunday morning was usually a sleep-in day for me, but Uncle Dick rousted me out of bed shortly after 6:00 for breakfast. He read the comics while wolfing down his eggs and sausages, and I alternated between scanning the sports page and stealing glances at Aunt Jane. She was at the kitchen range as usual. She wore sandals, very short shorts, and a knit crop top. Her long hair was all pinned up. She had greeted my arrival with a "good morning, Barry" spoken over her shoulder and without looking my way.

Uncle Dick got up in his usual abrupt fashion, reached across the table to tossle my hair (something I hate, though it is always difficult to resent his doing it), and said "see ya all this evening" as he walked out the door. His fishing gear was already loaded on the SUV, and he was out the driveway and gone in seconds.

Without saying anything I got up quietly and ran up the stairs to brush my teeth. When I came quietly down the stairs, Aunt Jane was at the kitchen sink washing dishes, with her back to me. In spite of having a dishwasher, Aunt Jane seemed to like to wash dishes. I stepped quietly up behind her, slipping both hands around her and beneath her crop top and squeezing both breasts firmly as I kissed the back of her neck. She was briefly startled but relaxed quickly.

"Mmmmmm, what are you up to, mister?" she asked in almost conspiratorial but certainly rhetorical fashion. I didn't bother answering but continued to caress and squeeze her breasts through her bra. I could feel her nipples swelling beneath my fingers, and I reached for the clasp at the front of her bra. I unfastened it and pulled the cups aside, sliding my palms over both bare breasts and taking her nipples between my fingers and thumbs. She kept both hands in the water in the double sink in front of her, but she ceased any attempt at washing dishes. She moved her ass from side to side against me, as my hands stroked and caressed her breasts and nipples.

"I think you're fixated on my tits," she whispered, although certainly not in protest. I kissed her neck again, then moved my hands down to take hold of the hem of her crop top, pulling it up and over her shoulders and arms, along with her bra. I tossed them to a nearby chair and resumed feeling up her tits. She leaned forward a little, putting both hands on the far edge of the sink to support herself. She continued moving her ass against me in a slight side-to-side rocking motion.

My hands dropped from her tits to the waistband of her shorts, where I unfastened the button and quickly lowered the zipper. I pushed her shorts down over her hips, forcing her panties down with them - both dropping around her ankles. She stepped one foot out and kicked them both aside with the opposite foot, continuing to look straight forward. She wore nothing now but her sandals and her rings.

My cock was fully erect and straining at my shorts. I pushed the elastic waist down over my hips and let the shorts drop to the floor. With my left hand just below her shoulders at the center of her back, I pressed Aunt Jane's upper torso forward. With my cock in my right hand, I rubbed the head between her thighs. She responded by spreading her feed wider apart, and I rubbed the head up and down the length of her slit. Aunt Jane said nothing, but she made regular little sounds - soft moans, sighs and the occasional "Mmmmmm."

Her wetness became apparent on the head of my cock, and I pushed it between her labia, quickly finding her opening. With the head pressed against her opening, I pushed forward and thrust half the length of my cock inside her.

"Ohhhhhhh, baby," was her only comment. I thrust again and pushed the full length of my cock inside her. She pressed back against me, and I ground against her. She leaned her upper torso downward, and when I reached for her tits again, I found them both suspended in water - the left one in soapy dishwater, the right one in the rinse water. I slipped my hands around them and squeezed them as I repeatedly thrust and withdrew my cock.

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