Now See What You Started - Cover

Now See What You Started

Copyright© 2002 by sourdough

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Kelly's brother decides enough is enough.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   MaleDom  

"What is it, Kelly? Is something wrong?" said a concerned Eleanor Reed. Kelly sat at the dinner table silently but anyone could tell something had upset the pretty teenager, her emotions barely in check. "Did something happen at school?" She turned to her son for assistance. "Do you know why your sister is so upset?"

David shrugged his shoulders and didn't answer his mother. He felt like he had ton of lead in the pit of his stomach. The young man didn't know why he thought he might get away with raping his sister. Perhaps Kelly was too embarrassed and humiliated to want the world to know of the crime committed against her by her very own brother. At least that was David's hope when Kelly didn't denounce him on their mother's return home later that afternoon.

Kelly and David had avoided eye contact and any conversation as they helped their mother prepare dinner but now that they were seated Kelly's eyes started brimming with tears. "David... he... he..." That's as far as Kelly got before bursting out into great sobs.

"Kelly, what did David do?" She turned to her teenage son. "What did you do to your sister? Answer me, David."

David just stared at his plate and slowly shook his head. Kelly wants me to confess my crime he thought. I raped my sister a couple of hours ago he almost shouted. He would have except he was afraid of losing what food he held in his stomach if he opened his mouth.

"Someone please tell me what happened," Eleanor demanded.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! That's the only word that would run through David's mind. I've ruined my life and I've ruined my sister's life in a fit of rage and lust. There's no way I can make this up to her. His mother at the very least would order him to leave the house forever. At the worst she would call the police and have him charged with rape and incest.

Kelly slowed down in her crying and took a deep breath. She screeched, "David called me a whore... and... and... and he says he hates me!" Kelly broke out into a renewed round of sobbing. She tried to say something more but it was unintelligible.

"David! Shame on you for saying that awful word to your sister. You apologize to Kelly this instant!" Eleanor turned to her daughter. "David doesn't hate you, dear," she soothed.

David finally looked at his sister. Finish it. Finish it god damn you! Tell Mom I raped you. Don't stretch it out. Are you enjoying this torture? Is this one way of getting back at me?

"David, are you listening to me? I said tell your sister you don't hate her."

David took a deep breath. "I do hate her," he said quietly. "I hate her guts!" he shouted as tears started from his own eyes.

"David!" cried Eleanor, flinching away from her son's vehemence. He'd never acted this way in his entire life. David was always the thoughtful and self-controlled one of the family. Something awful must have happened between these two.

"Why not?" David continued. "She's been telling me she's hated me for the past five years and now I'm just returning the favor." He would have said more but now he only wanted to run away.

"Please, let's all settle down," Eleanor pleaded. She knew her daughter could be as mean as the devil but she never realized how deeply it affected her son. Ever since their father had divorced her Eleanor had come to depend on David's level headedness and common sense advice.

"I didn't mean it," sniffed Kelly. "I don't hate you. I've never hated you."

"Oh, honey," said Eleanor. "If you say something mean to someone often enough even if you don't mean it, he'll begin to believe it. I'm just sorry I didn't try to stop you before this."

"I'm sorry," Kelly whispered. David and his mom looked at each other in surprise. It had been a long time since Kelly had said she was sorry about anything.

"Are you sorry, too, David?" his mother asked.

"I... I guess so if Kelly really means it." David was sure his sister was going to tell the rest of the story at any moment. Why was she holding back? It was probably going to be more blackmail. The young man wouldn't be able to bluff his way out of this one.

"Well, I'm glad we have that settled. Shall we try to have a pleasant meal?"

"I'm not that hungry," said Kelly. "I'm going to bed." She rose from the table and left.

"I'm not that hungry either," said David and got up to leave.

"I'll cover your plates and put them in the refrigerator," Eleanor called after him. "I'm sure you'll both be hungry later."

David lay back on his bed and tried to relax but he was still too upset. Maybe I should be the one to tell Mom everything that took place David thought. It would be just as bad whenever the full story came out but the young man thought the tension of waiting only made it worse for him.

David must have dozed off because when he looked at his bedside clock it was three hours later than the last time he looked. His mom must be in bed by now but something had wakened him. He looked toward the door and gasped in terror. His bedroom door was open and a silhouette was framed in the doorway. It could only be Kelly. David's sister had a knife and she was there to carry out her threat of cutting off his prick for what he had done to her.

"Wha-what?" he cried as the teenager scrambled out of bed and faced his assailant. David immediately realized he'd made a bad move. He was backed into a corner and trapped. The young man was bigger and stronger than his sister but he was weaponless and she had a knife. David did some rapid calculating. If he started screaming right away his mother would awaken and come to his rescue. He might suffer some cuts when Kelly attacked but he would do everything to protect his genitals from the knife blade. Wait a minute! What if Kelly didn't obey their mother? He'd have to sit down to piss for the rest of his life. Will she try to castrate me too? Oh, god! Please, no!

"I just want to talk to you," said Kelly.

"What about?" David demanded in a quavering voice. Kelly sounded sane and reasonable but that didn't mean a thing. The young man wished it wasn't so dark and that he had his glasses. Both the lamp and his glasses were where his sister was standing. Maybe she was just trying to put off his guard to make her attack on him easier.

"About today, of course," said his sister reasonably. Kelly walked a bit closer to the side of the bed and David cringed more into his corner. His sister seemed to finally realize David's distress and switched on the lamp. David began to breathe a little easier when he could see Kelly was unarmed. It must have been his imagination.

David shrugged his shoulders. "There isn't much to talk about except to say that I was in the wrong completely. There was no rational excuse for my behavior and I realize that my life is basically over when Mom and the authorities find out. There's no way I can ever make this up to you and I know an apology is completely inadequate."

"That's not what I wanted to talk to you about," said Kelly.

"Then, what?"

"Well, I guess I wanted to be the one to do all the apologizing."

"I don't understand, Kelly. You didn't rape me. I raped you."

"I didn't rape you literally but I've done a pretty good job of making your life miserable for the longest time." Kelly lay down on the bed facing him. "Close the door and let me turn off the light." For the first time David noticed that Kelly was dressed in one of her skimpy negligees. He quickly closed the door and crawled into the bed beside his sister. David was glad Kelly switched off the lamp. Despite his fright he could feel his prick start to harden. I must behave he told himself. If Kelly was feeling as guilty as he was David might be able to convince his sister to remain quiet about the rape. God! That would be a lifesaver. He'd agree to become Kelly's slave for the rest of his life.

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