Now See What You Started - Cover

Now See What You Started

Copyright© 2002 by sourdough

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Kelly's brother decides enough is enough.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   MaleDom  

"Mother! You're going to have to do something about that jerk of a brother I have. Do you know what he told me to do?"

"No, I don't dear. What did your brother tell you to do?"

"He told me to show him my boobs."


"I did not!"

"You did too! Liar!"

"What exactly did you say to your sister, David?"

"I didn't exactly tell her to show me anything but I did ask her very politely to show me her tits, not her boobs."

"See!" Kelly felt vindicated.

"David, there is absolutely no reason to be rude to your sister, no matter how you put it."

"I was just teasing her, Mom. Besides, she was bugging me about helping her with her homework again."

"A simple no will suffice if you don't want to help your sister."

"I don't see why he shouldn't help me," Kelly protested. "He understands this stuff a lot better than I do."

"I understand everything a lot better than you. That shows in our grades. Maybe if you kept up with your homework and paid attention in class, your grades would improve. Besides, you never seem to have time to help me with anything."

"David does have a point, dear."

"I do the best I can. David's just jealous because I have a social life and he has zip."

"I would have a social life too if you wouldn't keep putting me down in front of girls."

"The only girls I put you down in front of are my friends and for a very good reason. Mainly, I don't want to lose my friends because of a dweeb like you coming on to them. You give them the creeps anyway, the way you keep staring at them at school and when they come over here.

"I wish you two would stop fighting."

"Well, are you going to help me?"

"No," David said simply.

"It's not fair," Kelly yelled as she stomped off to her room.

Well, that didn't go like I wanted thought Kelly. She figured if she told on her brother, he'd be forced to help her. Damned worthless brother. Kelly would get even with him somehow.

All boys were just alike, even her brother. They all wanted to see and touch her body. Not that they could be faulted for their desires. Kelly was a walking wet dream. She was a petite brunette, 5' 1" in height. Her tits looked bigger than they actually were on her tiny frame. The young teenager didn't have to dispense any sexual favors to remain popular with the boys. Kelly's dates either behaved or she dumped them. There were plenty of other boys who would jump through her hoops for the privilege of being her escort on a date. She certainly wasn't going to give up her virginity to some jock who fancied himself a star athlete. Too bad she wasn't attracted to the brainy types.

Kelly could have one of them help her study and work on her projects.

Kelly knew she had only herself to blame for her predicament. Parties and dating had taken their toll. Projects were overdue and important test dates were looming. If she didn't improve her grades substantially then Kelly would be forced to go to summer school. That meant missing out on six weeks of fun at the beach and more dating and partying. Gosh! Her mother might even restrict her extracurricular activities before then. That would be a disaster.

Kelly felt her older brother was just being mean. It wasn't her fault that he couldn't make any headway with girls and she certainly wasn't going to beg her girl friends to accept dates with him. Maybe if he wasn't such a nerd he could get some dates.

David didn't think he was a nerd or a dweeb. He wasn't an athlete but he enjoyed being a spectator at most of the events. The teenager wasn't overweight and he kept in reasonably good shape. He wore glasses but that was no big deal. It was just David was painfully shy, not just around pretty girls but around any girl. Of course Kelly and his mom didn't count. He was already a senior and David hadn't had a real date yet. He was still a virgin and that hung on him like a stigma.

David couldn't think of what he wouldn't do for a chance to fuck one of his sister's girl friends. Heck! He'd be satisfied with a chance to date one of them. They were all drop dead beauties. The desperate lad even thought about making a deal with Kelly; help with her school work in return for help with getting a date with Paige. Paige had been the subject of many of David's fantasies ever since she started coming over to the house. Oh, what was the use! Paige was the subject of every other guy's fantasies including some of the most popular guys on campus.

David would be grateful to get a date with any of the girls on campus but if he asked Kelly for help that would give her power over him and probably give her a chance to humiliate him in front of her friends and probably the whole school. That was the ultimate fate of nerds and dweebs. Dammit! Now David was thinking of himself as a nerd and a dweeb. While bemoaning his situation, David almost missed the light tapping on his bedroom door.

"Come in," he said, staring absentmindedly at his blank computer screen. David heard the door open and then close lightly but no one said a word. He finally looked up. It was Kelly.

"What do you want?"

"I, uh." Kelly blushed furiously. She really seemed nervous about something.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand 'I, uh.' Would you repeat that in English?" This was interesting thought David. Kelly was always so self confident about everything. Something must really be bothering her. If this was about homework again, she could just leave right away.

"Were-were you serious about that deal for you helping me with my homework?

Damn! Was his sister a mind reader? He'd love to help his sister in exchange for help in getting a date with one of her friends. Already he was beginning to fantasize Paige holding his arm while on this dream date. "Sure," he said. Even saying that much betrayed his excitement.

If David had blinked during the following two seconds he would have missed the whole show. Kelly took a deep breath as if to gather courage then lifted her top, exposing her luscious breasts. David's eyes goggled. His conscious mind barely registered the event and then it was over. His sister quickly covered her tits. Her face showed immense relief that her ordeal was over.

"There! Now you have to help me with my school work."

"Oh, I guess I was thinking of something else. We didn't have any kind of a deal for you showing me your tits."

"What! Listen, you little bastard. If you don't hold up your end of the bargain I swear I'll make your life so miserable."

"You already do that, dear sister. Besides, I never actually said I'd help you with your work if you showed me your tits. I just asked you to show me your tits. Also, I think I've seen more of your tits by accident than you just showed me on purpose."

"You damned liar!" Kelly exclaimed. She quickly crossed the room to where David was sitting and slapped his face. The young teenager wasn't normally a physical person and she astounded her brother into shocked silence for a few seconds after he was slapped.

Finally reacting, his face stinging, David violently pushed away at his little sister. Kelly stumbled back and sprawled on David's bed. She quickly covered her face, afraid that her brother was going to slap her back. Kelly wanted to scream but she didn't want to explain the circumstances of being in her brother's room to her mother.

Hitting Kelly was exactly what David had in mind as he pinned his prima donna bitch of a sister to the mattress. As Kelly covered her face to ward off her brother's blows David noticed that her abbreviated top had ridden up almost exposing her tits again. Damn! David thought. Her nipples were trying to poke holes through the material. Without a thought for the consequences David lifted the top, exposing the girl's tits, unimpeded, up close, for the first time in his life. And not just any girl; she was his own sister. He'd seen plenty of tits in magazines and even R-rated movies but it just wasn't the same in person. The fact that these hooters belonged to his sister didn't matter to the horny 17 year-old.

"No, David," Kelly gasped when she realized her brother was exposing her breasts.

"Shut up," David ordered. Kelly obeyed. She was frightened of her brother now. She'd never seen him act this way. Her brother had certainly lost his mind and she'd better cooperate to avoid getting hurt. David heard a whimper before he realized his hands were now caressing and kneading his sister's intimate flesh.

Jeez! I'm treating my sister like a piece of meat the boy thought as the initial excitement abated and the possible repercussions began competing for his attention. It didn't bother him enough to stop him, though, because David persisted. Kelly's tits felt so good to his inexperienced hands. He tweaked her rubbery nipples into a tautness that fascinated him and David wondered what it would be like to suckle them. Putting thought to action the teenager brought his lips down on one of his sister's nipples and began to lick and suck.

"No!" Kelly whined. She hated her brother for what he was doing to her. The girl thought she'd never get over the humiliation of it all. Yet, a part of her loved the delicious feelings David's lips, tongue and fingers were causing.

David vaguely heard the phone ring but reality didn't intrude until he heard the knock on the door. Kelly and David instantly jumped up. Kelly quickly straightened her top.

"Come in," said David as casually as he could. He was lucky that their mom wasn't the type to open a door uninvited.

"There you are, Kelly. I've been looking for you. The phone's for you, a boy."

"Thanks, Mom." Kelly glared at her brother and left his bedroom.

"Are you two still fighting?"

"Uh, no. In fact, I was just about to help Kelly when you knocked," said David. I'd better help her with something now he thought.

"I'm glad," his mom replied. "But I don't expect you to bail her out of all her problems. Are you feeling all right, David? You look a little flushed."

"I feel fine, Mom. And I won't let Kelly take advantage of me," he promised. David's mom seemed satisfied and finally left, allowing the boy to breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't think she noticed the bulge in his trousers. Damn, that was close David thought.

David went to his file drawer. He knew it was obsessive but he never threw out anything. One of the classes Kelly needed help in was US history. Fortunately, his sister was taking the same teacher, Mrs. Nguyen that David had taken earlier. He knew that the old gal always gave the same tests over and over again. That was why she never turned back the students' exams. David had already highlighted the pertinent sections of his notes. He knew it would only take Kelly about 15 minutes to review and she could ace the test.

David found Kelly in the living room talking on the phone. He patiently waited while his sister did her best not to acknowledge his existence. Finally her brother could no longer be ignored.

"Will you excuse me a moment?" Kelly said to her caller and put the phone down. "What the hell do you want, you pathetic pervert?"

"Uh, these are the notes you'll need for tomorrow's test. Just study the highlighted portions and you'll do fine."

Kelly looked at the papers David held as if they were covered in shit. "Is this a bribe to keep my mouth shut about what you just did? Take those notes and jam 'em up your ass."

"Fine," said David and turned to walk away.

"Just put those papers down," Kelly demanded. "I guess I've earned the right to look at them."

David smiled and dropped the papers where he stood. Let her blow off steam he thought. If she was going to scream to Mom Kelly would have done so while still in his room. At least he hoped he was right about that.

"And David?"


"I hate you," Kelly declared before returning to her phone call.

David shrugged his shoulders as he walked back to his room. The teenager had to admit to himself that he was completely out of line and there was no way to justify his actions. The trouble was he couldn't for the life of him work up any guilt for what he did. Gosh, Kelly had great set of tits. David thought he'd do anything for a chance to do it over again. He'd probably still be sucking on his sister's tits if they hadn't been interrupted by that damn phone call. Well, it wouldn't happen again in this lifetime unless it was in his nightly stroke fantasies. Should he try to apologize to Kelly? Nah! David knew it would be a waste of breath.

"How did you do on that exam, honey?"

"I think I did pretty good, Mom."

"That's great. Perhaps you and your brother should study together more often."

"Uh, I'll think about it, Mom," said a blushing Kelly. There was no way in hell she was even going near her brother Kelly thought, even if those notes had given her some breathing room. Kelly couldn't understand why David wasn't begging and pleading with her to keep her mouth shut about that evening but he acted like he didn't even care. Maybe I should tell Mom she thought. Kelly blushed again. She'd keep quiet. The young girl couldn't bear the thought of anyone else knowing what her damned brother did to her. She also thought of blackmail possibilities but that would mean actually talking to David. Since that evening the two hadn't exchanged more than a half dozen words. Kelly thought that she would have to be desperate to even have a civil conversation with him ever again.

"I need to talk to you."

"What about?"

"You know what about," said an exasperated Kelly. She had been trying to avoid talking to David for several days now but things were truly desperate. The coed had tried buckling down to study but there was still a lot of catching up to do. A couple of teachers had informed Kelly that letters would be sent home dependent on her next test grades. That could affect her social plans.

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