The Bartender and the Cop - Cover

The Bartender and the Cop

by acguy

Copyright© 2024 by acguy

Erotica Sex Story: A Cop walks into a Bar

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   .

It was a typical Friday afternoon at Heavy’s, a popular pub in Brooklyn. Once a run-down dive bar, it was recently bought and renamed by a young couple intent on creating a friendly drinking spot to welcome everyone. The crowd of regulars that now frequented the establishment proved their success. The bar frequently held special events to attract clientele. There were trivia nights, movie or TV show screenings, book nights and all manner of bar games meant to convince the patrons to enjoy themselves as they got sauced.

It was also a welcoming place for the local gay community, offering many special events during Pride Month and throughout the year. It was no surprise then when a group of LGBTQ cops walked into the bar in the late afternoon. The bartender, Lindy, had been tipped off by one of the regulars who mentioned Heavy’s to her gay brother, an NYC patrolman. Lindy was one of the more popular bartenders, always quick-witted, mostly friendly and easily able to handle the constant come-ons from the gruff boomers who promised to turn her straight if she would give them a chance.

Lindy smiled and waved as four men and three women came through the door, “Hey folks, welcome. Grab a couple of tables and pull them together; there are menus here if you want a bite. I’ll send someone to take your orders in a few minutes.” The group smiled and offered their greetings and thanks as they sat down after moving two tables together. It was clear that there were three couples already paired off.

As Lindy served a couple of regulars, she couldn’t help but steal glances at the single female. Tall, fit and blond, Lindy suspected there might be some Nordic heritage in her background. She wore a tight Jersey City Police Dept. t-shirt that did nothing to hide her six-pack abs and firm breasts, and her jeans showed off a tight ass as she turned away to sit down. Her most distinguishing feature, though, and the one which made Lindy’s heart beat a little faster, was the short spiked blond hair that topped her head. With the sides and back of her head shaved, she gave off a distinct butch vibe softened by the beautiful smile she gave Lindy as she sat.

As was typical on Fridays, Heavy’s staff were constantly busy. The beer was always cold, and the food was plentiful and tasty, ensuring the place was packed as people blew off steam after a week of work. Despite this, Lindy’s eyes were constantly drawn towards the blond, who seemed to be looking back every time. A couple of hours later, as Lindy brought beer cases from the back room to restock the fridges, she glanced over and noticed the group of cops were gone. She felt an immediate sadness; the looks exchanged with the blonde hinted at a possible attraction, but it seemed to Lindy that it had only been one way.

Giving her head a shake, she returned to work, kneeling to stock the fridges under the bar. Once that task was completed, Lindy grabbed a wet towel and began to wipe down the bar top. As she turned her head to answer a call from a regular for another draft, she felt someone place their hand on top of hers. Turning, she came face to face with the woman she had been thinking about all afternoon.

“Hi, I’m Bridgette.” the blond said with a smile as a finger stroked the back of Lindy’s hand.

Lindy, usually not at a loss for words, paused. Looking down at their hands momentarily, enjoying the touch, before looking up again and finding her words. “Hi, um, I’m Alunda, but everyone calls me Lindy.”

“Lindy, hmmm, I like it. I just wanted to say we had a great time this afternoon, and I’m sure we’ll be back. I hope to see you again when we do; I think we both sense something.” Bridgette said as she squeezed Lindy’s hand before releasing it.

Catching her balance, Lindy quickly answered, “I’ll be looking forward to that, and hopefully, we can find out.”

Lindy watched for a moment as Bridgette walked away. When she got to the door, she turned and smiled, and then she was gone, leaving Lindy staring at the door and wondering what the hell had just happened. It was usually Lindy making the first move when she felt an attraction to a woman.

The rest of the evening seemed to drag on for her; while busy, Lindy was distracted by the interaction with Bridgette. She thought of the quirky smile as she walked out the door, the gentle caress of her hand and the intensity as they looked at each other, knowing that a spark had been ignited in each of them.

As closing time neared, the crowd started to thin out, and Lindy and the staff could start the cleanup required at the end of every night. There were just a handful of the die-hard regulars left, the ones that had to be told to head on out when Lindy noticed the door open, and someone started to enter.

“Sorry, we’re just closing down for the night.” She called out before noticing who it was. Bridgette stood there with that same quirky smile.

“I decided not to wait; I was hoping we could go someplace for a snack and tea or coffee if you’re not too tired,” Bridgette asked as she moved to sit on a bar stool without waiting for an answer.

Lindy was quick to smile at her, happy to see her again so soon. “I’d like that, but I’ll need about an hour.” She answered.

As Lindy went about her stocking and cleaning routine, the two made idle chit-chat, and both began to realize where this night was headed and were excited at the prospects. As the last of the customers left, the staff finished up their chores and, one by one, headed out, each one smiling to themselves as they witnessed the obvious chemistry developing between Lindy and the cop.

As was usual, Lindy was the last to leave, responsible for ensuring everything was locked up before setting the alarm. Bridgette waited outside until Lindy came out and locked the door. As Lindy turned, Bridgette moved in and, putting a hand on the back of Lindy’s neck, pulled her in for a scorching kiss. “I couldn’t wait any longer. I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you for the first time this afternoon.” Bridgette said without apology.

Lindy made no complaint, thrilled with the forceful nature of the woman she found so exciting. “I live nearby; why don’t we go there rather than the diner?” She said, grabbing Bridgette’s hand as she started walking towards her apartment.

The two women walked in silent anticipation, eager to get behind closed doors. It was only a few minutes before Lindy pulled them to a stop and pulled out her keys to open the door of her ground-floor apartment.

“This is convenient for work,” Bridgette said as Lindy opened the door and stood aside so she could enter.

“It is, especially on late nights,” Lindy replied as she followed Bridgette in, closing and locking the door behind them.

Once again, as Lindy turned, Bridgette was right there; this time, she grabbed Lindy’s wrists and held her arms over her head, pressing her back against the door while using her whole body. She looked down at Lindy and, with a look of intensity, said, “I want you badly, and I think you want this. Nod your head if I’m right.”

Lindy looked up and gave a quick nod of affirmation, excited at the dominant nature of this tall blond. “Good girl, keep those arms over your head and don’t move them until I give you permission,” Bridgette ordered. With Lindy doing as told, Bridgette let her hand trail down Lindy’s arm until she was cupping a breast. She leaned in and used her free hand to pull Lindy’s hair back, revealing her neck, which she soon attacked with her lips. Lindy moaned aloud as Bridgette’s lips roamed over her exposed neck and gasped as her earlobe was gently bitten. Bridgette took her time, enjoying the submission of this gorgeous woman, kissing along the jawline until both sets of lips met and her tongue penetrated.

After giving a firm nipple a pinch through Lindy’s top, her hand trailed down her stomach until she felt the button of Lindy’s jeans. She deftly undid the button and partially lowered the zipper in one motion. As Bridgette’s hand slipped down, Lindy began to lower her arm. Bridgette quickly sucked on her lower lip and bit down before saying in a stern voice, “Tsk tsk tsk, did I give you permission to lower your arms, girl?”

Unable to talk now, Lindy shook her head and raised her arms again. “It’s a shame I didn’t bring my cuffs along, but there’s always next time. Isn’t that right, Lindy?” Bridgette continued.

Lindy, her heart pounding at the mention of handcuffs, let out a soft, “Oh god, yes” as she gave herself to Bridgette.

Bridgette smiled as she heard the desire in Lindy’s voice. She had always been the dominant in any relationship she’d had. It was as if she had a sixth sense; within a few minutes of meeting a woman, she knew whether she had a submissive streak that Bridgette could enjoy. She got off on controlling the orgasms of her partners as she found that they were much more willing to please afterwards. Now, it would be Lindy’s turn.

“Do you want to cum, little one?” Bridgette asked as her hand cupped Lindy’s panty-covered pussy.

“Please, Bridgette,” Lindy haltingly answered as Bridgette began a gentle massage.

“Not yet,” Bridgette said as she pulled her hand out of Lindy’s pants and held it up to sniff. “Mmmmm, I wonder if you taste as good as you smell, baby?” She whispered.

“Is there someplace we can get more comfortable, Lindy? Oh, by the way, you can lower your arms now.” Bridgette said as she turned away and gazed around the apartment.

Lindy slowly lowered her arms, letting them hang at her side, her breath ragged and her eyes blazing with desire. “My bedroom is through that door,” she said softly as she nodded in that direction.

“Follow me then,” Bridgette said without looking back.

When Lindy entered her bedroom, Bridgette had already slipped off her shoes and was reclining against the headboard. “Shoes, socks and jeans off; are you wearing anything on under that sweatshirt?” Bridgette said authoritatively.

Lindy smiled as she followed Bridgette’s instructions and replied, “A pink silk T.”

Bridgette smiled as Lindy shimmied out of her jeans and tossed them aside before pulling her sweatshirt over her head. She posed for her new lover, wearing only pretty pink panties and a slinky pink T that clearly showed her aroused nipples.

“You are beautiful, Alunda. I’ll love watching that pretty face when you’re lying between my legs.” Bridgette said as she licked her lips.

“You’ve been such a good girl; I bet you’d like to see what I look like under these clothes,” Bridgette said as she reached for Lindy’s hand and pulled her onto the bed. Bridgette then stood and, in one quick motion, pulled off her tight t-shirt, revealing her six-pack abs and a pair of firm breasts capped with small areolas and smaller nipples. Turning her back on Lindy, she undid her jeans and slid them down her legs, giving Lindy a great view of her perfectly chiselled ass cheeks. As she kicked off her jeans, she turned back to face the bed, and her plaything saw her puffy bare lips eagerly waiting.

“I like to go commando, as you can see. Are you ready to worship this body, Lindy? I think I can give you everything you want tonight. Can you say the same to me?” Bridgette said as she slowly walked towards the bed.

“I want to so badly,” Lindy said softly.

“Lay back then, baby, let me have some fun with that amazing body of yours,” Bridgette told her as she climbed onto the bed and lay down.

“I really wish I’d brought those cuffs with me tonight, but I bet you have something I could use instead,” Bridgette said as she looked around the room. She spied a robe hanging on the back of the door, jumped off the bed, and pulled the tie from its loops.

Before she could even say, “Wrists together, baby.” Lindy held them up. With practised ease, Bridgette tied Lindy’s wrists together and fastened them to the headboard. Lifting her leg, she straddled her, letting Lindy feel the weight of her body as they kissed. Bridgette loved the way bottoms squirmed underneath her as she started to play with their body. Lindy was no different; as Bridgette’s tongue thrust in and out of Lindy’s mouth, Bridgette slipped her hand between their bodies to tease a nipple. Lindy moaned and thrust her hips up, but that just caused Bridgette to use her weight to press Lindy back into the mattress.

“Keep squirming, baby; it makes me so wet,” Bridgette admitted as she began to slide down Lindy’s body. Stopping at her breasts, she allowed her lips to close over the first one, then the other silk-covered nipple. While her lips and tongue teased Lindy’s breasts, her hand slipped down between open thighs. She avoided any contact with the wetness, instead concentrating on the sensitive skin of the inner thighs. Feather-light touches were followed up by deep massage actions as Lindy squirmed and begged to be touched where she needed it most.

“Please, Bridgette, please, touch me there; I need to cum” Lindy begged as she tried to shift her body underneath Bridgette.

“Oh baby, we’ve only just started and make no mistake, Mama cums first,” Bridgette said as she continued her slide down Lindy’s body, stopping only when she lay between her open thighs.

“You’re so wet, baby; your pretty pink panties are soaked, and you smell so good. Maybe I’ll take just a little taste.” Bridgette said as she pulled aside Lindy’s panties and swiped upwards with her tongue once. Lindy gasped and moaned again as Bridgette blew on her exposed pussy.

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