Lisa Pays Daddy's Debt - Cover

Lisa Pays Daddy's Debt

by A M W

Copyright© 2002 by A M W

Incest Sex Story: Her daddy has a problem, now it is her problem as she is forced to pay off his debt.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Incest   Father   Daughter   MaleDom   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   First   .

Lisa leaned back in the car's worn leather seat and closed her eyes. The slim 14-year old girl adjusted the earphones that ran from her ears to the CD player on the seat next to her. This was just typical of her father, Lisa sighed. She might have known this would happen. It wasn't the first time.

Lisa was the daughter of Karl and Cathy Adams, a couple whose marriage had dissolved because of Karl's problem with gambling. He got so bad he was losing his paycheck before he got home on paydays. He blew the savings and checking accounts, and maxed out five credit cards, all with gambling debts.

Finally, Cathy divorced him. She had to, in order to save the house and what little remained in her own name from her inheritance from her parents. Cathy also got custody of Lisa, but Karl did get a weekend a month with his daughter.

This was one of those weekends. Usually, weekends with Karl were fairly simple things. Karl would pick Lisa up at her mother's house and drive her to his own small apartment in town. They might go see a movie and eat out at a nice restaurant, if Karl had any money. More likely Lisa and her father would talk, and maybe take a couple of walks together around town.

The rest of the time Lisa just read a book and listened to music while her father talked on the phone with one of his bookies or talked with creditors about overdue payments.

This Friday night, Karl had picked up Lisa as usual, but then had asked that they stop, just for a moment, at a card game going on at an acquaintance's home. That had been almost two hours ago. Lisa kept glancing toward the door and windows of the house, but knew better than to really expect her father to come out until he was flat broke.

Every so often, Lisa could see a curtain move in a window, like somebody had looked out at her, but she never really saw anyone.

Lisa awoke suddenly, her heart pounding. She quickly realized she had dozed off, her CD had ended and that she had been awakened by a knocking at the window of the car. Lisa pulled the earphones from her ears and looked out the window. She was a little surprised to see her father standing there, looking very uncomfortable.

Thinking he had forgotten his keys, and was more than likely embarrassed to have kept his only daughter waiting like this for almost three hours now, Lisa rolled down the window. "Hi dad. Forgot your keys, or lost them at cards?"

"Lisa, um, well, you see, I did have a bad streak of luck tonight and well, could you maybe come inside the house?"

Lisa looked at her father, realizing he was more than just embarrassed. He looked apprehensive and a little frightened too.

Lisa got out of the car and locked the door behind her. She smoothed the pleats on her skirt and adjusted her dark blue blouse. With a toss of her long golden blond hair, she took a deep breath and waited to find out just what kind of trouble her father was in this time.

Lisa's dad took her by the arm and began to walk her toward the house. Lisa followed along, puzzled and a bit uncertain about what was happening. "Dad, what's going on? Who lives here and why do you want me to go inside? If you think I have money to pay off some gambling debt of yours, forget it."

"Lisa, please just come with me and don't ask so many questions. I'm in really bad trouble here, but I just know my luck is going to change and I need your help."

"Dad, please don't get me involved in one of your gambling messes. Look, let's just go. We can drive to your place and I'll fix a late dinner for both of us, or we can order takeout food. I'll even treat. I've got a twenty dollar bill Mom gave to me for this weekend. She told me to not let you know or you'd bet it on something, but I'll spend it on food for us."

By this time Lisa and her father were through the front door of the house. Inside, it smelled of stale cigars, unwashed male bodies, and spilled booze. A round table in the middle of the room was littered with cards and around it sat four men.

The men looked like the type Lisa would have avoided on sight anywhere else. The men were all staring at her in a very uncomfortable way and Lisa found herself looking at the floor and blushing. Lisa's father made the introductions.

"Lisa, these guys were kind enough to invite me to sit in on their poker game. The one on the left is Allen, then there is Bob, Mike, and Joe. Guys, this is my daughter Lisa."

Lisa looked up at the men. Allen was a fat black man in his early fifties or so. He wore a dirty tee-shirt with a graphic of a black fist giving the finger on it.

Bob was a skinny white guy of about forty in a red plaid flannel shirt that was hanging unbuttoned and showing his hairy chest. Mike was a monster of a man who appeared to be in his 40's. He must easily have weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds, none of it fat. He was slurping a cold can of beer and spilling half of it down his chest. He was shirtless and he looked like he must spend a lot of time in the gym to have so many muscles. He also had several days growth of beard that darkened his face.

Joe was the youngest man in the room. He looked to be in his middle twenties maybe, with a leering smile and cold blue eyes that seemed to stare right through Lisa's skirt and blouse. He wore a sweat shirt with a popular cartoon character on it doing a very obscene thing to another cartoon character.

Lisa blushed a deeper crimson, seeing how the men were looking at her. Lisa's father, Karl, glanced expectantly around the room, finally settling his eyes on Allen.

"Well, Allen? Is it a bet?"

"This is the weirdest bet I've ever heard of, Karl, buddy, but sure. You have a really hot-looking daughter and I'd be nuts not to accept. Set down and let's play out the hand. Have your daughter go and stand in the corner over there until we finish."

"Wait a minute! Daddy? What does that man mean? What kind of a bet did you make and what does it have to do with me?"

Karl drew his daughter to the side and whispered to her. "Look honey. It's really simple. I've had the worst kind of luck all night. Now I'm setting on a full house and I just know I can win this hand. Problem is, I don't have the money left to cover the pot, so I had to offer these men something else. They didn't want my car. They said it was a piece of junk, but they did see you out there and said they would let me bet you."

"What?! Daddy, you take me home right now! This is the most insane thing you've ever done and I won't be a part of it!"

"Look Lisa, it's a little late now, darling, you heard the man accept my bet. Once a bet is on the table and accepted, it can't be withdrawn. But look honey, this is a sure thing. No way any of those guys is going to beat my full house. When I win the pot, I'll have all the money I've lost tonight back in my pocket and another fifty dollars clear winnings. You just stand and wait over there in the corner and it will be ok. I promise, Lisa. Trust me, please."

Lisa hesitated and looked at the men again. She was uncomfortably aware that the door was at least twenty feet away from her now, and even further if she stood in the indicated corner. If she stood where she was being ordered to stand, she would have the table and all the men between her and the front door. She would be trapped.

Lisa's father seemed to realize what she was thinking. He leaned over and whispered desperately to her. "Please Lisa, help me here. It's not just this hand. I owe these men almost five hundred dollars and if I can't play out this hand they'll want payment in full and I haven't got it. When they find that out, they'll kill me, and that's not just a phrase. They really will kill me and probably you too. You'd be a witness; a loose end they couldn't leave hanging. When I win this hand though, I won't owe them anything. I have to be able to play this hand and the only way that will happen is if you go and stand in that corner over there. Please, Lisa, help me. I can't lose this time, honest!"

Slowly, Lisa walked around the table and went to the indicated corner. If what her father was telling her was true, she really didn't have a choice now. All the way over she could feel the hot, lusting eyes of the four men at the table following her as she moved. She felt like the men were undressing her with their eyes, which they probably were.

Silently, Lisa vowed that whatever happened, win or lose, this was the end of her visiting her father. She would never go anywhere with him again. Lisa's father sat down at the empty chair next to Allen and picked up the cards laying face down on the table in front of him. He glanced around nervously at the other men. Allen glanced down at his cards and shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess that takes care of the bets for this hand, guys. Karl, since it's your play, time to show them. Let's see what you think is worth risking your little girl's fine looking body on."

"Full house, tens and deuces."

"Damn, that beats my three of a kind."

"I'm out with my pair of aces, too. How about you, Joe?"

"I got two pair, eights high, so I'm out. I guess it's all up to you Allen. Are we gonna get to try Karl's daughter, or are we gonna beat our meat in frustration?"

"Well, gentlemen, I guess I need to show my cards. I got one queen, two queens, three queens - and here, gentleman, is the last little lady."

Karl grew pale and slumped in his chair. A look of absolute despair and horror was etched on his face. Lisa didn't need to understand poker to know her father had just lost. She still didn't fully understand just what that loss would mean to her.

Bob, Mike and Joe all got up from the table. Bob went and stood by Lisa's father, while Mike and Joe walked over and stood on either side of Lisa, who was suddenly feeling like a cat in a room full of dogs. She quickly looked around, only to find herself anticipated and blocked from escape.

Allen just sat and grinned at Karl, enjoying the man's humiliation and pain. Karl looked at Allen.

"Please, Allen, you're a pal. I've known you for almost three weeks now, and I've been always good about covering my debts to you. That's my daughter. Please, you can't expect her to do the things you said, can you? Can't we just play one more hand? Please, give me a chance to win her back from you. Or let me owe you and I'll pay you in cash once I get my next paycheck."

"Karl, my friend, actually, we all here decided that if you showed up tonight we'd let you lose your cash to us this last time, but we don't want you at our table anymore after this. You haven't welched on a loss yet, but it's only a matter of time with a guy like you. You just don't know when to quit, Karl, my man. And now it's gonna cost your pretty little daughter here a hard fucking from each of us."

Bob placed his hands on Karl's shoulders and pressed him down helplessly in his chair. Allen stood up and turned to Lisa, his eyes burning with lust and his hand rubbing the bulge in his pants obscenely.

Lisa gulped. "Please, you can't be going to do what your thinking. Please, my father had no right to bet me like that. He's a sick man, a gambling addict. Please, let me just get him out of here and take him home."

"Look, little lady, your daddy bet and he lost. You belong to us now, and the bet was for all four of us to fuck you if one of us beat your father's hand. We're all going to have a real good time together, especially if you just relax and enjoy it too. If you try to fight, you'll lose and we'll get you all the same. We'll just hurt you real bad first. In fact, Mike here would probably enjoy that more. He loves girls who fight him. It lets him get real rough with them."

"Please, no, you can't be serious! Please, I'm only 14-years old! That's statutory rape!"

"Shit, cunt, it won't be the first time I've fucked a hot little girl under 18. And if you even think about calling the cops afterward, think again. Every one of these guys will testify you fucked us willingly, that you're a whore and your daddy's the pimp. We'll all say we thought you were 18 and that you even told us you were 18. Plus, if you tell, the whole world will know how you were just a bet in a game of poker and how your daddy wagered you on a handful of cards. Think of what everybody in town will think about you every time they see you for the rest of your life, knowing about how you were gang fucked because your daddy bet you and lost. Your reputation won't be worth shit. You'll be ruined for the rest of your life. If you cooperate and do as your told, no one beyond this room will ever have to know. Now get out of those clothes and let's see what I've won."

Lisa was trembling now and in tears. It just wasn't possible. This couldn't be real. She glanced over and saw that her father wasn't going to be any help to her. Slowly Lisa reached up and began to unbutton her blouse, trying to stall for as much time as she could.

"Please, don't do this. Look, I'm a virgin. You can't do this to me if I'm a virgin, can you?"

"Shit, if you're 14 and still virgin? Well in that case, since I won the hand, then I claim the right to go first. I want your cherry, girl. I didn't think I'd be your first time, but that's even better. I'll bet your good and tight and juicy. Now get the fuck out of them clothes, girl, or I'll have Bob here rip them off of that sweet little body of yours and we'll send you home naked afterwards! I want to see my winnings."

Lirsa shivered and looked desperately around the room. Slowly, her hands moved down the front of her blouse, undoing the buttons until the blouse hung open, showing her full, round young breasts in a light lacy bra. Pulling the blouse off her shoulders, she dropped it to the floor. She slipped off her shoes and socks and then slowly began to unfasten her jeans, every eye in the room, including her father's, glued to her beautiful young body.

Lisa blushed bright red in humiliation. Once the jeans were shed, Lori reluctantly unfastened the bra, allowing her generous young breasts to fall free. She was now naked except for a light pair of cotton panty briefs. She bent over as she slid those to the floor too. All the men in the room were rubbing their bulges as they stared at her curvaceous young body and the tiny patch of blond curls between her creamy thighs.

"Please, don't do this to me I'm begging you, please! My father had no right to make a sick bet like that. He's a sick man, a gambling addict. He had no right to bet me. It's perverted!"

Allen, Joe, Mike, Bob and even her father, Karl, were practically salivating as her reluctant striptease concluded, leaving Lisa breathtakingly naked. Karl had never dreamed his little girl would turn out to be such a stunningly beautiful girl. Lisa had creamy smooth, perfect skin, a slim waist that practically disappeared when viewed from the side, a flat, lean stomach and long, lean, legs and thighs. Her breasts were perfectly round and full and firm, with large, thick button nipples that stood erect from her fear. Her long golden blond hair fell to just past her shoulders and her face would have been the envy of a fashion model, with an unconsciously sensuous pout on her full-lipped, rosebud of a mouth below a petite nose and dark green eyes. Her cunt was sparsely covered in golden fluffy curls too, which failed to hide her hot, small, slit from the lusting eyes of the men in the room. Her ass was small and round and firm too.

Every man in the room, including Lisa's father, had a raging hard on by the time Lisa stood completely naked before them. Allen rubbed his crotch and grinned at Lisa. He certainly wasn't going to let this hot little slut get out the door without a generous dose of his sperm in her belly, but he also preferred the girl to at least be a little willing. Raping a girl who was fighting the whole time was ok, but he preferred to force the girl to submit to her degradation with at least a show of willingness.

"Look, you hot little cunt, you keep saying your daddy had no right to bet you. Well, if that's true I guess there's only one thing to do. Since your daddy has welched on his bet, we got to get our money out of him some other way."

Lisa stared in horror as Allen flicked open a switchblade knife. Joe and Mike pulled similar knives out and opened them.

"Please, NO!"

"Look, bitch, we don't like guys who bet what they don't own. If your daddy did that, he's dead meat. If he did have a right to bet your hot little body though, and you give it up to us real sweet like, then I guess it's ok and your daddy will walk out of here alive. It's up to you, Lisa. What's it gonna be?"

Lisa looked stunned and sick. If she refused these men, her father was dead, and probably so was she. If she allowed herself to be raped by these men, then her father and she would live. There really wasn't much of a choice. A quick glance at her father allowed her to read his face. Lisa saw desperation and a pleading look in her father's eyes. He was pleading with her silently to give in and do whatever these men wanted with her. Sweat dripped down his face and soaked into his shirt. He was a man on the edge of panic, caught in a situation completely beyond his control. Lisa struggled to control her own revulsion toward both her worthless father and what giving in to these men meant for her personally.

"Ok, my father has the right to bet my body. Please, let's just get this over with."

"You're admitting your body is your father's to bet, and your gonna show it by letting us fuck you and your gonna act like we're lovers, right?"

Lisa shuddered..."y... ye... yes. Whatever you want. Please just don't hurt us and let us go when your done."

"Oh, no, you hot little piece of cunt meat! I ain't gonna hurt you, at least not much. I'm gonna make a baby in your belly, that's what I'm gonna do! Now, you just go into the next room and get ready to get your brains humped out, sweetie! I'm gonna teach you what it really means to be a woman and be fucked by a real man."

Lisa, trembling and bathed in a nervous sweat that made her creamy body gleam, walked slowly into the next room, a room whose sole piece of furniture was a large bed. Behind her, she could sense Allen following her. She could hear him shedding his clothes while the others made crude comments about what he would and should do to her. Lisa squeezed her eyes shut, and then opened them and looked around the room. It was even filthier than the outer room where the game had taken place. The bed was a pile of dirty sheets and pillows that were dark with body oil and grease. The smell in the room indicated the bedding hadn't been washed in months, if not years. Stains all over the bedding indicated she wasn't the first woman to be fucked on it. The whole room reeked of sweat, body odor, and the dried, stale body fluids from countless sex acts.

Lisa felt Allen come up behind her and suddenly he reached around to cup her full, round young tits in his large black hands, feeling their weight and gently squeezing them. His hard, half-erect cock rubbed against her small, round bare buttocks. Lisa gasped and pulled away instinctively.

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