The Replacement - Cover

The Replacement

by Reasonable Turnip

Copyright© 2024 by Reasonable Turnip

Horror Story: If she's not here for him, she will find him a replacement.

Tags: Slavery  

“MOOOOOM!!!” Jenny’s screams pierce through the house, reverberating off the walls. The sound was like a siren, signaling Mary’s constant state of chaos and exhaustion as a single mother of two. She barely had time to take off her coat before her daughter came running to her, tears streaming down her face.

“What now?” Mary snapped, irritation clear in her voice as she tried to maintain control.

“It’s Danny ... he won’t do it!” the blonde teenager wailed, her tears staining her cheeks and clinging onto her mom’s shirt.

Mary’s heart dropped to her stomach at the thought of her son refusing to fulfil his responsibility. “What are you talking about?” she demanded.

“Mom,” Jenny cried, “Danny doesn’t want to snuff me.”

Tears sprung to Mary’s eyes as she holds her daughter tight, knowing that this was just another burden on top of the never-ending list of problems she was expected to solve.

The sound of Mary’s voice echoed through the house, a fierce roar that always made her children tremble in fear. They had learned the hard way the consequences of disobedience, the marks on their bodies serving as a constant reminder.

“DANIEL MASTERSON!” Mary’s voice boomed. “COME HERE RIGHT NOW!” Her command voice was like a whip cracking in the air.

Danny obediently stepped forward, his shy demeanor making him seem even smaller compared to his sister. Jenny was everything he was not - an extroverted 19-year old with golden locks and a body that turned heads. On the other hand, Danny fit the stereotype of a geek perfectly - introverted and sporting large spectacles. He had just turned 18 two days ago, finally reaching the age where he could take part in snuffing.

“Why won’t you snuff your sister?” Mary asked, annoyance clear in her tone. “Don’t you think I already have enough problems without having to deal with your childish fights?”

Danny cast his eyes down to the floor, unable to meet his mother’s gaze. “But mom...” he started. “I want to have sex.”

“What does that have to do with anything? Everyone likes sex,” Jenny interjected, still seething with anger.

Mary raised an eyebrow, curious now. “Let your brother speak, Jen,” she commanded.

With a trembling breath, Danny continued. “You know I’m not good at talking to girls. Not only do they laugh at me at school, but every time I build up the courage to approach one, some jock swoops in and takes her away. So I thought maybe I could have sex with Jenny before snuffing her, but she insists on being snuffed immediately!” His voice cracked with emotion. “If I do that, I’ll never get to experience sex.”

Jenny’s jaw dropped and her heart raced in surprise. Growing up, she had always been surrounded by friends and admirers, never once considering that her own brother may not have had the same experience. “Oh, little brother!” she exclaimed, chagrined at her lack of awareness. “I’m sorry, I never realized...”

Her gaze shifted to her mother, who wore a look of understanding mixed with concern. “Well, I’ve been too caught up in my own busy life to even think about sex lately. It never crossed my mind that you were struggling, son.” With tenderness and affection, she pulled him into a warm embrace, pressing her ample bosom against his chest. A sense of familial love and support filled the room, as they all came to terms with this newly revealed aspect of their brother/son’s life.

Jenny’s heart sank as she realized the gravity of her brother’s predicament. “So what can we do, mom?” she asked, desperation lacing her voice. “Of course I will have sex with Danny before being snuffed, but I’m afraid that won’t solve his problem with girls.”

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