Killing Me Softly - Cover

Killing Me Softly

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2002 by Anonymous

Erotica Sex Story: Love...the 'hard' way!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   First   Pregnancy   .

I was a cock tease, almost from the moment of puberty. My mother had taught me about the hoops that boys would jump through just for the CHANCE that they might lose their virginities to me!

Having been gifted with advanced growth where it counts, early on, I had a real head start on the other girls in my class.

At the mall, grown men ogled me up and down when I was just thirteen!

Showing plenty of midriff, wearing the tightest pants imaginable, and talking a good game made me very popular among the not yet initiated boys in junior high school, and I used them like disposable tissues!

When I got to high school, things changed for the worse, not because I didn't have the 'stuff' anymore, but because there were plenty of girls that WOULD go all the way, and the volume of competition got dramatically larger!

I soon had to decide whether my cherry was all that important or whether my mother's advice about hanging onto it was really motivated with my well being in mind.

Mother was a lot of things, but when it came to me, she was always 'up front' with me, explaining the upside and the downside of many of life's choices.

Mom's income wasn't all that mighty with dad out of the picture, so we made do as best we can, and that is why cock teasing came so naturally - I could get free eats and drinks, and all it ever cost me were some faked smiles and a few gropes, now and then.

By junior year, my act was wearing thin on many of the boys who used to drool over me in the past. They gravitated to girls that I know weren't nearly as sexy as me, so it had to be that they were 'putting out' for the boys.

I still had a few friends left (or so I thought) by my seventeenth birthday party. I had just one year to go to make it through high school and into adulthood with my maidenhead intact!

I had met Lance in my freshman year, when we were algebra classmates, and he was head over heels in love with me. He was awkward, naivé, and spent every spare penny trying to stay in company with me.

I used him badly!

But now, he is a two sport star and can have his pick of cheerleaders, yet he still chooses to cling to the hope that I would become his 'girl'.

It's not like I didn't date him, off and on, but we really had nothing in common. He was a gentleman though, and never even went up my shirt!

I figured that when my first time came, it would be a boy (or a man) who would know how to turn me on, then dominate me such that I would gladly have his baby!

Mom was working, so we had the party at my friend Tisha's house, and many of the boys I had cockteased in school were there, including Lance.

Tisha and I knew they were spiking drinks, but I never expected it to get as carried away as it did!

Someone slipped me a 'mickey' and I felt the world come crashing down. By the time I lost consciousness, I didn't know if it was the drug ecstasy, or something even more sinister!

As I passed into semi-consciousness for moments at a time, I could hear talking in whispers, but I couldn't move a muscle!

They were saying things like, "This is your only chance. She'll never know until she's awake and feels how sore it is. I'll bet she's not even a virgin. She's probably doing guys from outside school."

Suddenly, I felt many sets of hands on me, stripping me!

It was over in seconds and I decided that my time had come, so to give no satisfaction to whomever was going to fuck me, I played dead!

That was easy to do since I was near to that, physically unable to muster any type of defense, whatsoever.

The noises all seemed to gravitate to another room, but I felt one presence, nearby. It actually sounded like he was wanking to the sight of my naked body!

Then, I felt lips close over mine. I continued to play dead. The lips moved to my breasts, in turn, and they did their own thing, popping into erectile little darts.

Then, I felt a body heat near my loins, inhaling my female scent. Was he trying to find pheromones?

I braced myself mentally for what was certainly next. I imagined his penis would be coated with precum from the wanking it took and I awaited my rape.

It wouldn't really last long, two or three shoves, tearing open my membrane and sliding, not waiting for me to generate sufficient inner lubrication to allow me to dilate smoothly around this penile invader.

I felt his weight upon me, crushing the air out of my lungs, and I thought, "Oh, no! This idiot is accidentally killing me, and I have no way stop it!"

Perhaps I had shown some muscle tone, insofar as firming up against the first onslaught of this guy, but now I lost even that, and was 'dead meat' under him.

I heard the door open a crack, and it must have looked like this guy was fucking me because I heard the guy in the doorway turn and tell the others that Lance was banging away at me!

Then, Lance got off me and went to the door and locked it!

When he returned to me, he seemed to sense that he crushed me, and he felt for my breathing. I decided to scare him and I held my breath!

Fortunately, Lance isn't totally lame. He checked for a pulse and found one. Then, he applied mouth to mouth to try to make me breathe! He was worried about me even though he hadn't yet put his dick inside me!

His mouth to mouth was impossible to dismiss. I sputtered and continued to breathe, but now I was suddenly past my rigidity about keeping my maidenhead, and I awaited, somewhat resigned, for my 'lance' to delve inside me and make me a woman.

Then, he didn't!

I felt myself being awkwardly dressed again until Lance thought he had done everything. Actually, he had put my panties on backwards. He had no clue.

Then, he slid into bed next to me and spooned up against me, embracing me, protecting me?

When the next knock came on the door, Lance shouted that he wasn't done yet, and they all mistook it for Lance being some kind of stud for lasting so long.

They told him to hurry because the shit (as they called it) would be wearing off, real soon.

In fact, I was already becoming lucid enough to move, but I stayed still.

When the shouting ceased, I whispered to Lance, "I was incapacitated, you know, not unconscious, and I heard everything. I know what was done to me."

Lance swore he didn't know they were gonna do that. He reminded me that it was my birthday party. He came to see me, but football mentality sometimes generates its own morality about what is acceptable, and his friends got too carried away.

When I asked him why he got on top of me and almost crushed me to death, he had an answer for that too. He said, "Peer pressure. I wanted them to think I was like them, and after this, they would always be scared of you; like, would you call the cops? Plus, and I'm sorry about this, it allowed me to shed my 'virgin' status. A few guys knew I've never had a girl before tonight."

With that, I grabbed Lance's chin and kissed him sweetly on the lips, saying, "That's for not doing what they wanted you to do. I forgive you for the rest of it."

"How about we give them a scare?" I continued.

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