Ms. Eileen Peach
Copyright© 2002 by Nancy
Chapter 2
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Earthly science fiction. A young woman purchases a house and property complete with green house and indoor ponds as a part of the estate of a deceased perverted scientist. She finds herself the willing victim of plants and not so common garden slugs.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa Drunk/Drugged Science Fiction Bestiality Lactation
It didn't take me long to settle into the house and it didn't take me long to discover some of the secrets left behind by Dr. Cuthbert. By the way, I also inherited most of the good doctor's belongings since that was part of the sale, and nobody seemed to want them. I spent some time each morning going through Cuthbert's papers which were mostly research papers pertaining to his experiments on the plants, animals and bugs. Funny but a lot of his experiments were in the atrium. Some were in the barn and pen. According to his papers he had successfully spliced the genes of a creeping vine and some other plants with those of a domestic animals and had altered the metabolic makeup of some common garden gastropods (slugs). The papers described his methods which I couldn't understand at all but the results of his experiments were both fascinating and frightening. To give you an example from his writings and the kind of results he was getting, he wrote.
'At last the vine is now feeding on animal secretion and other discharges. This morning the plant was fed two mouse carcases and devoured all their liquids by this evening... The metabolic breakdown of the flesh seems to have been complete and the only thing left is skin and bone.'
In a later entry he wrote about the vine.
'Eureka, the vine is now hunting its own food. The video cameras were set up to observe the progress and movements of the creature for it has certainly become carnivorous... and more important, it is animal. This has now been proved after the tests I have done to prove it.' At 10:38 today it stalked and trapped a mouse and at 15:52 the vine discarded the non edible remains.' Later he wrote. 'I watched the tape of the vine attacking and devouring the mouse. What a magnificent achievement this has been for me. The vine asphyxiated the mouse the base vine moved at a remarkable speed to wind itself around the body of the mouse. It didn't squeeze the body. It only held the animal while the small thin end of the tentacle which is about a 1/8 of an inch diameter inserted itself in the rectum of the mouse. It inserted a total of 2 inches then stopped. No further penetration was made. It only withdrew after the animal was consumed, leaving only the epidermal exteria.'
The horror of what I had read was worsened when I reached his entry for about three months later. Apparently the plant had grown considerably by then and he listed the penetrating tentacle as one and a quarter inches in diameter.
He wrote. 'I have instructed Mrs Ling (his house maid) to feed the vine on a daily basis. She objected since she feels the plant is not one of God's creatures, but I persuades her. She now feeds the vine daily, she objects each time she does it but I pay her enough so I really don't care. I'm very sure the plant appreciates her ministrations even if she doesn't.'
I thought, what a horrible man to make her feed the plant with little animals. I was getting a loathing for the good Doctor Cuthbert, but his notes were intriguing and held me totally fascinated.
Further reading told me that several months later Cuthbert redirected his efforts toward animals. He set out describing how he planned to alter the metabolism of his latest victims, common garden slugs, or as he referred to them gastropods. Cuthbert's selection was a random choices of sixteen varying in size. None of them were more than two inches in length and some were as small as half an inch. He started by changing their diet of pure leaf vegetable to that of vegetable and meat mixed with some beer. His immediate success was that they grew too almost twice their normal size very quickly although some of the smaller ones died and they were replaced with others. He began injecting them with small concoctions of hormones, and from the way I understood his writings he began to feed them with steroids and enzymes. His observations were that they were growing at a tremendously accelerated rate reaching almost nine inches in length but still maintaining their proportions. All of these rapid changes had occurred within a period of two months. He was thrilled to say the least. The successful and pleasing changes in his 'Pets' prompted him to do some further 'modifications' to their environment. He decided to increase the temperature of the surroundings gradually to that of the human body (98.2 F). He made the temperature changes over a period of six months so that the little animals could get used to their new surroundings and adapt.
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