Freddy's Family Fun - Cover

Freddy's Family Fun

Copyright© 2002 by sourdough

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A pretty cousin joins Freddy in his bed. What's a boy to think?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   MaleDom   First   Slow  

Nina was not beside him when Freddy woke up. He was glad she was being cautious as far as not being discovered by other members of the family. The apartment was already stirring. Freddy figured Teresa would want to grill him about what had happened but he wasn't ready for that yet. He had plans for the morning. The biggest plan was to start laying the groundwork for Josie's seduction.

Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on her bus ride to work. On the bus the boy would sound out his sister's views on sex in general and perhaps sex with her brother in particular. The teen wasn't so sure how to go about it. He knew subtlety was needed but that wasn't his strong point. Well, he would just have to play it by ear.

"You're looking sexy this morning, sis." A few compliments never hurt to start out Freddy figured.

"Yeah, sure. I'm so sexy in my Burger King uniform," said Josie. Freddy laughed. Her uniform was definitely unflattering.

"Well, I guess you'd look a lot better if you were wearing nothing at all."

"Freddy, you're crazy. What's gotten into you?" Josie was laughing. Freddy was relieved she hadn't taken offense. He would try to keep her thinking everything being said by him was a big joke.

"I guess having three sexy girls in the same apartment with me is giving me ideas," said Freddy.

"Three sexy girls? You're desperate. I don't see how a sister and two cousins can give you ideas. I think you need a girl friend badly."

"I guess it comes from seeing you three half naked around the apartment."

"If you've been seeing us half naked it's because you've been spying on us. I think I'll tell Mom what you said."

"Ah, she wouldn't blame me. Mom's cool."

"I don't know if she's that cool," said Josie.

"So how's the dating scene? You haven't gone out with Rick for a couple of weeks."

"I hear he's dating someone else," Josie said in a tone that said she didn't care.

"You wouldn't go to bed with him, huh?"

"Freddy! That's none of your business," the teenage girl exclaimed. She was red in the face and not smiling any more but Freddy decided to push.

"You're still a virgin?"

"Freddy! I'm not going to answer any more of your questions. You're getting too personal."

"I just want to know. Tell me," Freddy demanded. The tone of her brother's voice took her by surprise.


"Thanks. That's all I wanted to know."

They were silent for the rest of the bus ride. Freddy was wracking his brain for a way to seduce his sister. She was unlikely to crawl in bed with him like Nina did. That would have made it easy but the incident with his older cousin was a pure fluke. It would also make it easier if Josie wasn't a virgin, of course, but now Freddy would have to be a bit more creative to get his sister to spread her legs for him.

"Why are you asking these personal questions?" Freddy and Josie had gotten off the bus and were walking the last few blocks to Josie's work.

"I just figured you might help me get rid of my virginity by going to bed with me."

"What! Freddy, you're definitely crazy. I'm your sister. I wouldn't sleep with you if my life depended on it. What made you think to even ask me?"

Hmm, thought Freddy. Maybe she wants to be convinced. "Well, you know, I've always thought you were pretty and I've been having these fantasies about you..."

"Not about Nina? Don't tell her that. She'll be devastated," Josie teased. At least I've distracted her from being upset with me thought Freddy. Jeez! Everyone knew about his crush on Nina.

"Do you think I ought to ask her instead?"

"Sure, if you want your face slapped," said Josie. Freddy winced when she said that.

"At least you haven't slapped me yet." Freddy pulled his sister into a building alcove out of sight of traffic. He hugged Josie to him so she couldn't escape.

"I'm about to, Freddy. Let me go. I don't want to be late."

"Kiss me first."

"What! I'm not going to kiss you. There," she said after giving him a sisterly kiss on the cheek.

"Not like that. I want it on the lips."

"No way!" Josie pushed away from her brother and turned to go. It was just what he wanted her to try. Freddy just grabbed her again when she turned her back to him. This time one of his hands covered a breast and started fondling it through her top.

"Stop it, Freddy! I'll tell Mom," she threatened. Josie tried to escape again but it was impossible.

"If you won't kiss me I'll just have to play with your titties," he said, ignoring her threat.

"Someone will see us." Josie was starting to sound panicked.


"Okay! I'll kiss you!" Freddy loosened his grip on Josie so she could turn around. She looked deeply embarrassed and kept her eyes down but made no move to kiss her brother. Either she was trying to build up her courage or waiting for Freddy to make the first move. The youth decided it was the latter and raised her chin so that her lips would meet his. The kiss started slowly but Freddy had no trouble getting Josie to respond. In fact, she was the first to open her mouth and thrust her tongue into her brother's mouth and encouraging him to copy her. She apparently wanted to give Freddy a good lesson in kissing girls despite being forced to do it. Josie barely noticed when Freddy moved his hands down to cup her rear cheeks.

This is sweet Freddy thought. Now that Josie was kissing him she seemed reluctant to end the session. When they finally broke the kiss she looked down again and seemed passive, waiting for her brother to make another move. Freddy wanted to oblige her. He cupped her fat tit again but this time Freddy moved his hand under her top. There was no resistance as the teen caressed his sister's bare flesh above the bra cup. The only protest came when he pressed Josie's hand against the fly of his pants where his stiffened prick was straining to get out.

"Please, Freddy. Don't," Josie whimpered. She didn't sound convincing and seemed thoroughly cowed. Freddy figured he could continue if he wanted to.

Freddy was very pleased. If he had the time and the privacy he was sure could have fucked his sister right away. He looked at his watch. It was getting late. Josie had barely enough time to get to work yet there weren't any more complaints or threats from her. Freddy was in control. Josie would leave when her brother gave her permission to leave.

"You'd better get going. I'll see you tonight," Freddie said. He gave her a brief kiss. Josie gave her brother a weak smile in return and then continued on to the Burger King.

Freddy made his purchases at the mall: a mini tape recorder, cassettes and batteries. The recorder was easily concealable. He tested it out and it worked satisfactorily. Now he was ready for the girls to incriminate themselves, especially Teresa. Freddy just knew she would cause the most difficulty. Yeah, would like to be able to blackmail his younger cousin into letting him fuck her. In fact, the first opportunity would come the moment he opened the apartment door. Teresa was there to meet him.

"Tell me what happened last night," his cousin demanded.

"Wait a minute. Where's Nina?"

"She's resting in the bedroom. She says she's still tired. You must have worn her out."

"Well, first let me say that I'm sorry I doubted you, Teresa. Without your advice and encouragement I wouldn't have been able to do it."

"So what did you do? Tell me, damn it."

Freddy leaned over in a confidential manner and said, "I fucked your sister."

Teresa was a little shocked by Freddy's use of that crude word but her eyes lit up and she smiled broadly. "Congratulations, cousin. My dear sister's not a virgin any more."

"And neither am I," he declared. Freddy embraced Teresa and kissed her. "I can hardly wait until I fuck you, too." His younger cousin laughed nervously.

"Not until you fuck Josie," said Teresa. She decided she liked that word. It sounded so naughty.

"As good as done," declared the arrogant young man.

"Really? That's fantastic. Uh, don't forget that I want them both pregnant first."

Freddy nodded his head in agreement. You fuckin' bitch he thought. I'm not going to wait until then. If this tape recorder is working right you've already hanged yourself. He could hardly wait to check the tape.

"Are you going to keep fucking Nina?"

"Every night if I can and every day, too. But this will work only if you still play dumb, okay?"

"Don't worry. She won't know I know."

"Maybe I'll go pay her a visit right now," said Freddy. "Be sure to stay out of the bedroom."

"Yes, dear," said Teresa. "I wouldn't think of interfering with you two love birds."

Freddy gave Teresa a playful pat on the ass, walked over to the bedroom and opened it without bothering to knock. Nina was lying awake on the bed with her shoes off but otherwise fully dressed. It looked like she'd been crying.

"What do you want? Go away."

"I just want to talk."

"We have nothing to talk about."

"At least tell me how you're feeling."

"I'm fine. Now get out of here."

"Okay. I'm going." There was no sense pushing things.

"What did you want to talk about?" Nina asked. This was going to be difficult Freddy thought.

"Nothing much. Teresa told me you didn't sleep very well last night."

"I spent the night praying I wasn't pregnant, thanks to you."

"You did that?" Freddy couldn't help but being offended Nina would feel that way.

"Yes I did and why not? I don't want to have a baby. I have plans, plans for college, plans for a better life. I don't want to be an unwed mother barely existing in some dingy apartment collecting welfare because a snot-nosed little cousin raped me."

"Yeah well, this snot-nosed little cousin wouldn't have raped you if you hadn't come crawling into his bed at night. Even snot-nosed little cousins have feelings, even if it's for a cold fish like you." Freddy turned to leave again. He was outraged. It would serve Nina right if she was pregnant. College! Big deal! Nobody in his family had ever attended college and they were doing just fine. His cousin was just being a stuck up bitch.



"Please stay."


"I need to talk to someone. You're the only one I can talk to. I'm scared." Nina's lovely eyes were brimming with tears.

Freddy saw it only as an opportunity to gain control of the situation. "Are you sorry you said those mean things to me?"

"Yes." She meant every word but if it would get Freddy to stay Nina would agree to be sorry.

"Are you sorry you slapped me?"

"Yes, Freddy." She'd already apologized for that but if he needed reassurance that was okay with Nina.

Freddy sat on the bed beside his lovely cousin, leaned over and started kissing her. The lessons learned from Josie were being put to good use. Nina readily responded. She needed a kind touch. What a dummy I've been Freddy thought. He'd been told long before that girls liked to be kissed and told you loved them before they would let a guy fuck them. He hadn't kissed Nina once nor told her that he loved her. Yet he'd fucked her already. Damn! No wonder she's been so weird.

"I love you, Nina," Freddy declared.

"I love you, Freddy," Nina said.

Freddy moved his hand over one of Nina's tits. His pretty cousin tried to grab his hand away but he was too strong. She settled for holding her hand over his.

"Don't, Freddy. I just want to talk right now."

"So start talking."

"Last night was a terrible mistake. It can't happen again."

"I don't understand. You just said you love me."

"I do love you but not in the way you want. I love you because you're my cousin and you're such a nice boy. The kind of love you want can only happen between a man and his wife."

"Does that mean you want to marry me?" Freddy was having trouble understanding. He was getting horny again and all he wanted to do right then was to fuck Nina just like he did the night before.

"No, Freddy. I don't want to marry you and I don't want to have sex with you ever again. I don't want to have sex with anyone until I'm married to him and that's not going to be for a very long time. It certainly won't be to a relative. Now, please remove your hand," Nina asked giving Freddy's hand another tug.

"I don't care about marriage anyway," Freddy said. "You can be my girl. I want you to be my girl."

"No, Freddy," declared an increasingly irritated Nina. "I want you to leave me alone. I'm sorry this ever happened. I'm sorry you're in love with me. I can't return that love."

"I don't care about that either," Freddy insisted. "You don't have to love me. The only thing that matters is that I made you my girl last night and you're going to stay my girl."

"Freddy, I am not your girl. Get it through your head that I am not your girl. Now, please leave this room. I'm tired and I'm tired of talking to you. I'm sorry I asked you to stay and talk." Nina didn't want to be cruel and blunt with Freddy but it seemed like it was the only to get through to him.

"I'm tired of talking, too," Freddy declared. He removed his hand from Nina's tit. The poor girl sighed with relief but the relief was only temporary. Freddy's hand quickly disappeared under Nina's skirt all the way to the crotch of her panties.

"No, Freddy!" Nina clamped her legs together but all it did was trap Freddy's hand against her cunt. "Freddy, do I have to slap you again? Take your hand away this instant."

Freddy smiled at Nina. He smiled at her in a way that frightened Nina to the very core of her being. "Your slapping days are over. Do you understand me?"

Nina only stared. Something in Freddy's eyes told her that she'd better not try anything like that again. She'd gotten the message. There was no need to specify the consequences. Her ideas of putting Freddy in his place were abandoned. The lovely coed unconsciously loosened the grip her legs had on Freddy's hand. Nina was immediately ashamed of the submissive gesture when her cousin smiled again and nodded. He immediately began caressing the crotch band of her panties.

"Please don't, Freddy. Teresa is just outside and she could come in at any time."

"Promise to come to me tonight and I'll stop." Now that Freddy felt he was in control again he wanted to consolidate his hold on his pretty cousin beyond just his little bed.

Nina wanted to fight, argue and plead with Freddy but she knew it wouldn't do any good. Right now she'd promise anything for a chance to be left alone. Besides, her cousin's massage of her sex was beginning to make her feel-strange. She didn't want to be further humiliated by being made to cum by her cousin. "I will," Nina whispered.

"Good girl," said Freddy. He withdrew his hand slowly allowing it to caress her sexy thighs. The 14-year old rose slowly and went to the door. "If you don't meet me out there I might come in here looking for you."

Nina watched miserably as her cousin walked out the door. She was tired of crying. If crying solved problems the teenager would have solved hers long ago. The only thing that would delay the inevitable would be to run to her mother and aunt and tell on Freddy. But that solution would only make Nina look weak and helpless. The pretty coed wanted to be able to go away to college. If she couldn't handle a young cousin who was just starting his freshman year in high school how in the world would she be able to handle the adult men she would inevitably meet in college? Nina might even be forbidden to attend college locally without a family member trailing her around as a chaperone. That was the logic her mother would certainly use.

Nina had certainly misjudged her ability to control Freddy. She suddenly blushed in shame. The coed had wanted to control Freddy just as Freddy had wanted to control her. Who had the moral high ground? Nina had a sinking feeling that she wasn't any better than her cousin.

Would they have to move? Certainly her aunt wouldn't force them to move but it would be too awkward to try to stay. Freddy certainly wouldn't be the one to be sent away. Money was tight and her mother couldn't afford to rent an apartment on their own. Her father wasn't sending any support yet as far as she knew.

Finally there was Freddy and that look he gave her cousin that told her he was going to be a part of Nina's life until one of them was dead. No, she wouldn't run to anyone for help. Nina would try to solve her own problems.

Freddy walked right by Teresa without giving her a second look. He knew she wanted a report on what had happened with her sister. Shit! He didn't have to tell her anything. Teresa wasn't his boss. Freddy went to the park, sat down on a bench and listened to his tape. Perfect! It was just as he hoped it would be; perfect blackmail material on Teresa. Freddy wasn't as satisfied with the conversation with Nina. He would record over that part.

Freddy ate hearty that evening. He noticed that Nina still picked at her food. He hoped that Nina didn't start losing weight. He liked a little meat on her bones. Josie and Teresa ate okay but Josie seemed kind of shy that evening. Well, that was to be expected. She was probably thinking about the new relationship that had been established with her brother that very morning. Freddy wasn't sure when he'd have the time to further that relationship.

Freddy waited impatiently in bed that night to see if Nina would show. If she did show there wouldn't be any misunderstanding about what was expected of her and who was the boss. If Nina didn't show Freddy would have to think of an appropriate way of dealing with his cousin for her disobedience. The only fly in the ointment would be if his mother and aunt were told what was going on. That would bring a screeching halt to all his fun. The fact that there would be consequences if his actions became general knowledge did not occur to the young teenager, common sense not being another one of his strong points.

Freddy heard a sound behind him. He looked up and saw Nina standing there. The young man was very pleased but tried not to show it. He wanted to look as if he totally expected his lovely cousin to be there. Like the night before Freddy moved over to make room for Nina but this time she laid down facing him. Wanting to establish his dominance right away the young man placed his hand on her shoulder, gripped the strap of her night gown and started pulling it down. He moved very slowly as if daring Nina to resist. Freddy felt goose bumps form along his cousin's arm but she made no move to hinder progress. His eyes lit up when Nina's full tit came into view. The boy had fantasized about this very thing since she'd started developing breasts years before. He wasn't disappointed at all by reality. Freddy scooted down to take the dark brown nipple in his mouth.

Nina didn't want it to be like this. She'd gone to ask her cousin to reconsider his demands. She wanted to warn him of the possible consequences if they were caught or if she became pregnant. Instead of speaking her mind she'd gotten into bed with her cousin when he made room for her as if it was something expected and proper.

Freddy immediately began stripping Nina and playing with her body as if it was his right. The 17-year old didn't put up any resistance. It actually was feeling good to her. Her nipples became as hard as pebbles when Freddy sucked and licked them. When her cousin started yanking down her panties Nina actually assisted him by lifting her hips from the mattress. Now Freddy had his penis inside her creating the most delicious feelings. It was quite different from the previous night when she hadn't cum at all. The coed had already cum twice and was in the midst of her third cum when Freddy sent a dose of sperm on its journey to find and fertilize her egg.

Nina sighed. Another chance at pregnancy like the night before, that is if she wasn't already pregnant. What did it matter? The young woman felt defeated. Her dreams were like dust now. When Freddy was finished with her Nina would be allowed to put her night dress and panties back on and get some sleep. Not one word had passed between them. Not one kiss had been exchanged. Nina just wished it hadn't felt so good to be used like that. She knew she would return willingly the next night.

Freddy figured he wouldn't have much more trouble with Nina. Now there was the task of finishing his seduction of Josie. The thought of his sister got the boy's erection going again. Rather than waking Nina up and fucking her again Freddy would put his boner to better use. Why not? The horny teenager got up and crept to the bedroom door behind which his mother and sister slept.

Freddy's mother and sister were both sound sleepers. The trick would be to wake Josie without alarming her and waking their mother as a consequence. He discovered that his mom snored slightly too but not at the buzz saw volume of his aunt. He shook Josie's shoulder slightly until she began to stir. When she opened her eyes Freddy gently put a hand over Josie's mouth and a finger to his own calling for quiet.

"Talk only in whispers." He thanked his luck that Josie hadn't acted startled. She looked over to the sleeping form of their mom.

"What's the matter? What's going on?"

"I want to play some more."

"What? Freddy, you're crazy. It's the middle of the night. Go back to bed."

Freddy didn't answer. Instead he knelt beside the bed and moved his hand under the covers until he felt Josie's bare leg. Josie jumped slightly and tried to grab his hand but he quickly moved it further down her leg out of reach.

"Don't, Freddy. You'll wake up Mom."

"You'll be the one to wake up Mom if you keep squirming like that." He moved his hand back up Josie's leg. His sister didn't try to grab at his hand this time although he could feel the muscles of her thighs tensing as Freddy explored.

"Freddy, it was wrong what we did this morning." Her brother ignored her protest. He began kissing her as his hand continued to explore. Despite her protest Josie readily responded to Freddy's kisses and returned them in kind. When the boy's hand grabbed the waist band of her panties Josie didn't bother with even a token protest. She'd felt uncomfortable masturbating while sleeping with her mother but now her brother was doing it for her. Josie hoped she could get off quickly. She was still quite nervous about their mom waking up and discovering them.

"You fucking slut."

"What?" Josie was letting her brother do things to her no brother should be allowed to do and he was calling her a name. That's gratitude.

"You're no virgin, that's what. I've got three fingers inside you and I don't feel a thing."

Josie was mortified. It was perfectly reasonable to lie to her brother. How could he ever check? She certainly hadn't counted on this.

"Who was it? Rick?"


"Who else has been fucking you?"

"There's been no one else. Please believe me."

"Why should I believe you? You've lied to me once already."

"It's the truth. I swear it's the truth. Don't tell Mom."

"Listen, whore. Don't worry about Mom. Worry about me, instead. If I find out you've been lying to me I'll beat your ass black and blue. If I find out you've been letting guys fuck you after tonight it won't just be your ass that's black and blue. Do you understand me, whore?"

"Yes," Josie whimpered. She was afraid of her brother now. When the girl felt Freddy tugging on her hand she got out of bed willingly. He couldn't possibly want to beat her up now she thought. That would wake Mom for sure. Is he going to fuck me? Josie's guess was a good one. Freddy laid his sister on her back and mounted her. Josie's thoughts of resistance lasted for an instant. She didn't want to further enrage her brother by trying to stop him. Besides, her own lust had been ignited by her brother's caresses.

Josie knew instinctively that giving Freddy a good ride would abate his rage. She hadn't lied to him again but still, her little brother might beat her up on principle. The coed knew a girl whose jealous boyfriend was just like that. It was hard for Josie to think of her little brother as a jealous boyfriend but she'd better get used to it. She wrapped her arms and legs around her brother's body and cooed loving words into his ear. By the time Freddy shot his load inside his sister Josie had cum twice herself.

They parted with a kiss and Freddy crept back to his bed. Their mother apparently had slept through everything, thank goodness. Josie cleaned herself up as best she could, put her panties on and climbed back into bed. She just hoped Freddy hadn't knocked her up. Rick, at least, had been considerate enough to wear a condom whenever they fucked.

Freddy could barely sleep. He was very proud of himself. He'd screwed Nina and Josie and if everything went like he planned the Great Freddy would have Teresa notched on his proverbial bedpost in the next day or two. It was pretty good for a 14-year old who was still a virgin less than a week before. Of course, it would have been better if he could have popped Josie's cherry. He was still pissed that she had lied to him. Freddy transferred some of that anger toward Rick for getting there ahead of himself. He knew Rick had two younger sisters. One was eleven years old and the other was thirteen. The young teen thought it only proper that he should be the one to pop their cherries. Freddy decided he should start planning for their seduction right away before somebody else got to those girls before he could, maybe even Rick.

Freddy would like to have slept in that morning but because he slept in the living room it was impossible. He wanted to have plenty of energy for his confrontation with Teresa. That's how Freddy saw it, a confrontation when he finally asked his younger cousin to spread her legs for him. Teresa never intended to let her cousin fuck her that much he knew. Why she wanted Nina and Josie fucked was what he didn't know. Well, that wasn't his concern. A deal was a deal. Freddy had fulfilled his side of the bargain whether or not Nina and Josie were pregnant.

The weekend put a temporary hold on his plans. With everyone home it was impossible for Freddy to pursue Teresa-unless he came to her bed at night. Why not? It had worked with Josie. It could work with Teresa, Freddy reasoned. The only thing he thought he'd better do first was to get his cousin alone long enough to play the tape incriminating her. On second thought Freddy decided he would like to try a little gentle persuasion first. He didn't think Teresa would take too kindly to blackmail and would hate him forever after. Also, Teresa seemed the likeliest to try for revenge than either Nina or Josie. It would be better to use the tape as a last resort.

"Come outside with me for a few minutes, Teresa."

"Do you have any news for me?"

"I might. You won't know until we can talk in private."

Teresa appeared to think about it. "Okay but not too far or Nina will be shadowing us."

Freddy nodded. Nina was taking a great interest in protecting her sister's virtue even though she wasn't able to protect her own. When they got outside Freddy didn't waste any time.

"I fucked Josie."

"You're kidding! Tell me all about it," Teresa exclaimed.

"I will tell you but later on tonight."

"What? Why not now?"

"It gives you something to look forward to," said Freddy. He liked the suspense he was creating.

"When tonight?"

"After everyone goes to bed," Freddy replied. "If Nina comes to me then I'll be able to come to you after she goes to sleep."

"In my bedroom?"

"Yes, in your bedroom," Freddy insisted.

"You're crazy. My mom will be asleep right beside me. What if she wakes up?"

"Don't worry. She's a sound sleeper. We'll know she's waking up if she stops snoring. So far, I'm the only one taking chances."

"I don't care. I'm not taking that kind of a chance."

"Fine, forget it. I'm going to go hang out at the mall. See you later."

"But what if she wakes up? What do we tell her?"

"I'll just tell your mom I came to suck your pussy."

"Very funny," said Teresa. "I'll scream if you show up in my room and if you don't tell me right now you can just forget about touching me or my sister or your sister for that matter."

"So what? Thanks to you, I now know how easy it is to fuck girls. In fact, I have a couple of girls picked out already. I don't need you and I don't even need Nina or Josie."

Teresa stamped her foot in frustration and stalked back into the apartment. Freddy smiled back at the retreating figure. He realized what he'd just said was true. Girls were easy to fuck. Freddy knew he should just thank his female relatives for the valuable education he'd received and stop his sexual use of them but the young man was feeling like he could do no wrong. Besides, Teresa still owed him.

Freddy did decide to err on the side of caution for the next couple of nights. If Nina wanted to sleep in his bed he would sleep on the floor. Teresa was sure to mess things up if she could and Freddy didn't want to hand his younger cousin any gift-wrapped opportunities.

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